PC 87-46M~~ RESOT~U'!':CON Np. F'C87-46 ~~ A RESOLUTIOtd OF THE ANAH~IM CITY PLANNING COMMJSS:[pN TEiAT PG'PI`PICN ~OR VARTANCE N0. 3b38 13E GRANTFD ~ WEiER~AS~ L•he Anaheim City Planning Commission did receiv~ a vErifie~d , 1~etition Eor Variance f_com HUGQ VAZQGEZ, 22~U W. Linco'ln e~tr~nue, Anaheim, Ca].iEornia 92805, owner oE certain real property situated in L•he Cih.y of Anahei~n, County oF Orange, StatP uf: California d~.scribed as: PARC~L, 1: LOT 1 IN ~LOCK L OE THE CENTER TRAC`P, I~ THE CTTY OE' ANAEIETM, COUNTY UF' ORANCE, 5TA7.'G OF CAL,IEORNIA, AS ~~iOWN ON A t1AP RECORUED !N Ii00K 14, PAGE 13 Or MISCELLnN~OUS RECORDS OF LOS ANGEtaES COUNTY, CAI.,IFOR~]IA. PARGEL 2: LU'.P I ANp 'PHF WE,STGRI~Y 2~ r EE?' OE' LOT 3 TN BI~OCK L UF THE C'r',NT~~R TRACT, ,T.N 'PHE CLZ'Y OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANG:~, STA'1'E OF CALIFORNIA, AS SEIOWN QN A MAP R~CORDGD IN HOOK 14, PAGE 13 OI' MISCrLl'~AL~iEOUS RECpRDS Or^ LOS ANGELES CGUNTY~ CALI~"QRN3A. S~HEREAS, t~ie Ci~y ~lanning Gomrnission did t~old a public hearing at the CiT~ic Center in the City of Anahei.m ~~n February ].8, 1987 at 1:30 p.m~, n~tir.e of said publi.c hear:~ny lZavi.ng been duly given ~s required by law and in accord~nce with the provi.sians oE tne Anaheim Municigal C~de. Chapter 16.03, to hear and conside~ evidence Foc and againsl•. said propoaed variance and tc inve~tigata_ and make Cindings and recommendations in cunne:;tion therewith; and v, WFIEREAS, said Commission, aPter due inspeci:ion, investig~tion ancl study made by itself. and iu its behalf, and aft er d ae consic9ec~ition uf a.ll evidence and reports oP[ered at said hNacing, does f..~~a ,d determ:i.ne Lhe Eollowing Fac:ts: 1. Ti]~i` th~ petitic~nc~r proposes w~ ~.vers oF the fullowing to r•onstruct ~~ 14-uniZ "aFfordable" apartment complex un~er authority of California State Gov~rriment Cod~ S~ction tda. G5915: , (a) SECTTUN 1£i.34.061.U1U - Minimum buildi.no site area per dwelliny ~ ^' ~ unit. (1200 sc,u~-r? feet per dwplling '' unir required; 1U62 s uare Eeet ~er dwAlling unit proposed) (b) SEC:TIOH 18,3~4oR62.011 - 61ax.imum stru~:tural height. Mr~ (2 stori~s at 30 f?et in hei.5ht permitted; 3 sturies at 35.~ E~et in heigt~t proposed) (c) ~r• '[~ION 1f1.34.06'1.020 - Maximum sike r_~verage~ ` (55$ permit~ed; 59.1~ pro~osed) 2. .,,~L- the above-mentioned w~ivers are h~raby yranted on che basis that ~here are special circumstances ~-spplicable to the property suct~ as size, shape, to~ography, locatio-~ and surcoundings whic:h do not apply to other identically zoned rro~erty in the same vicinit,y; and L•h~t strict ~p~li,cation of the 'Loning Code deprives the pro~~erty uf pr.ivileges enjoyed by c,L•her properties in the identical aone and classiEication in the vicinity. 1057r ~Cg7-46 ~~' ~. ~,cc r.~ ,s_,°_` i;.; .~ - -'..~..wM~Fv.-.~uo.wr~..n..,."...,.~.~,-,.. _. . .~,_.~ , ..:... ,. ...... . ~. ,.. ~ ~~ ~ ~-, ~, , ~ ~ ~ h.: '~ .~»~ _ ,,;,~, ~ ~ r,:;,;,:~~ i;,, ,,,; 3. That there are exceptional or ~ aPnlicable Lo the pruperty involvec, or tc theaintended usecofsthPC~' or conditions nOt ~PPl.Y g~nerally to Eh~ propert,i or class oE use in the same vicpniter~y that do y nd zcne. •. Tha.t L-he r~questec~ variance is necassary ~or the preservation e11joyment of a substantial pr~perty ri ht vicinity and zone, and denied i:o Eh~ ~rog~rtyS1nJ'e~ b' and ~ othec ~rop~rly in the sams question. ,~, ; ~~^;I 5. That the ~equested variance wi11 nat be materially detrimental to the public: wel~are or injurious to the pruperty or ,imp~:ovements in such vir.:in' ~ `' zone in ~vhich the ~roperty is located. lt~ and 6. Thai: no one indi.cated their opposition; and that no correspondence w~ ~ereceiveat ir~ o ~ublir_ heari.ng in p~titian. ~• ppos.ition r_a subject ~~ ENVIRONMENTAi, I~9YACT FINDING; That the Anah~im City P.lannin ~ has reviewed the ~ i~~ propo~al to reclassigy ~he wester-1 GO [,~ g Commission from l•he CG (Commercial, LimiEP:7) y er °£ Subject pro erl• Mu.itiple-Family) Zone oc a les5 inl~nse z~ne ~to ~onst ~Ct aM ~4 ~0 ~ y `~~' (Residential, ;,, apartment complex on subjert 0.3~ acre nlt "affotdable" ;; Government Code Section 6591'i with waivers PoFp m nimum abu~.ldinhora.t ~,: dwelling unit y Qf State - mar.xmum struci_ural yFi~~ht and maximum sitc g covera zCea per rectanyular.ly-sha~ad parcel of land ~:onsi~tin ~~' ~ a~ the southeask cornrr n' g PP~oximately 0 34 3 ~n a ~ ~ Broaclway and PhilGdel~ahia Scr~et ~nd fur.therrdescraped as 30'l ~ast Broadway; and does hereb Y aPP~ove the ~7egative Declaration upon finding that it has conside;:ed l•he p~eg~~eive Declaration to eth 11 received dur:ing the pub.lic review 9 er wit:i an < initi~.l sr_udy and ~~ny commenFs rec piv d Sthat dtl~ere tlis no nsubsk nt.iale ~~a ~S oEethe the project will have a signi£ir.ant eEEect on th~ idence ktyat ~ envir~n,nen-: , ~ PIOW, TH1;RE.FORE, f3G TT ~ doeG hereb ` RESOI~VGD that the Anah~im r,it;y Planning Commission y grant subjFC,. F~e~ition Eor Vaciance, upon ,:t~e Loll~winq c~ndltions whi.ch are hereby i'ound Lo be subject p y a necessary pcFr~~quxUite to L-he Proposec us~ o.E the pru er.t in order to preserve fhe s~:~feLy and general welEace of C'i.tizens c~f the City of Anaheim: the l. That prior to i:,su~nce of a bu.ildin ~ tecreation in-lieu f.ees sha.l'1 he `~ ~'~~rmit, ~ppropriate park and as d~termined b~ , ~ai~a ~'o ~he City oL• Ariah~.im in an amount 1 lhf_ City Cauncil. 2. That prior to issuanc~ of a bui.idin ass~ssm~nt EeF , 9 pcrmit, the apprapriate traffic signal ha.ll. be paid to the Cl.ty o~ Anaheim in an amounL• a:; deL•ermined by ~h~.~ C1~~~, Council. 3. That all existing str.eet improvemenLs a.lon Street sha11 be removrd to cer~+:er .line „`~ ~roadway and Phila~~lphia ultimate .location, i.ncludin of ~treet and reconstruct~d at the b~ kh~ Cil,y Lnqi.neer. an~ in ccordaR~~on of• improvemenh plans, as r.eqUirQd OF.fice oE tl~e Cit ~~ with ~pecificati.cns on ~ile zn the Y gineer; ar.d that s~curit Y in khe Form of a bond, certificate oE deposit, le~t;er uF credit, or rash, fn ~n amount and Eorm saCisfactor}r to L•ht ~itY og Anaheim guarantc~~ r a G ,.. , shall be posted with Ehe Ciky ho _ h ati~Car,tory Co;~Pletion of s„id improvements. sha~l be pOa!'PG with the City prior to a Said secut~ty~ guarankee the inst~llation oE the aboveprequiredf im~rovements p rior ~~ occupancy. ! lo -2- YC.87-96 i `i' ~,. i`; ~~ ,,, , , ... ~,i.st _. _ _.._ . . . . . . ~~f. +~"* ~1, That a11 driveways shall be construrted or reconstruc~ed to accommodate Len (.10) fQOt radiu:. curb returns as requi.red by L•he City TzaFEic Gngineer. 5. 'Phat dratnage ot subject pcoperty shal.l ~e disposed of in a manner ~ati°Factory to L•he Citv Engineer. G. That subject pro~erty sha11 b~ ser~°ed by undecground utilities. 7. T'hat prior l•o commencement, oL s~ructural Eraming, fi.re hydrant~ shal.l be ins~alled and charged as required and determi.ned to be necessary by the Chief of the E'ire nepartment. 8. That trasti stora,ye areas shall be provided and maintained in accorda~tce c~ith a~proved ~lans en file with the S~reet Maintenance and Sanitatioil Di~~ision. 9. 'I'hat gates sh~ll nok be insta.lled across any driveway or private street in a mariner which may advetsely aEf:ect vei~icular trafEic in the adjacent public s"reet(s). Insta.l.la~ion o~ any gates shall con£orm to L•'ngineering Standard Plan Dlo. 402 and subject to the re~~iew and ap~roval cf. the City TrafEic Gngineer. ].0. Tt~at street ligtiti.ng Eacilities along Philaclelphia Street shall bP instal.led as r.equired by L-he Utiliti.es General Manager in accord~nce with s~ecificaL•ions on fil.e ir~ the Uffir,e oE L'tilities General Manager, and that security in the F~rm o= a bond, certif.icate o£ dnPpsit~ leL-ter of cre3it, or cash, in an amount and form satist-actory to the rity of. An~h~ini~ sshall be posted with the City to guarantee the satisfactory compl.etion of the above-m~ntioned improvements. Said securi.~y sha11 be posted w:ith the Gity of Anaheim prior cu ap~roval of im~rovement ~J.ans. 'Che above-required impr.ovements sha11 be insta.lled prior, to accupancy. 'l.l. That subjecl- ~rop~rty shal.l be devclc,~ed subscantially in accor'daneA with plans and specifications osi file wii:h the City o£ Anat~eiin marked Gxhibit Nos. 1 t.hcough A. 12. ihat prior ~'.J '4:~EiU1f1CL oE a bui'lding permi~, L•he c:eveloper shal.l. enter into a rtcorded agre~menh. w;.4i~ the City ~E Anaheim pursuant tc~ Government Code 52ction 65915 l:o provi.de (a) !:hAt twenty~five petcent ('l5~) of khe ~~ermitred numbe: of resid~ntiu.l units shal.l be renl:ed as l.ow or mo~'r~r.ate income ho~asing or ( b) that ten ~ercen'~ (10~ ) of the permitted number. of units sha.11 be renteci as very low income tiou3ing, as deEined in Government Code Section 65315 and wi.::h appro~ri.at~ rent.al conY.rols a~ ap~r~~ved by ~l~e Cit,y oF Anaheim for a period af no~ J.ess than twenty (20) years fr.om the dat~ of issuanae of occupancy permits. li. That prior to tnP r.ommencement of the activity authQrized under this r«~sol~ati.on, or prior to issu~3ncn of ~ b~!i.ldir.g permit, or within a r~eriod nf one year from the date of this raso'lution, whichever occ~ars ' firs~, Condition Nos. 1, 2, :3, 10 and 12, ab~ve-mentioned, shall be { comp~ied wi.th. Extensions f~r [ucther time to complett said ~ conditions may be granted in accordance with Section 16.03.490 oE the ~ Anaheim Mu~~i~ipal ~:ode. pC87-46 ; -3- ~: xu ~ -~ ,-~, 1~, Th,t ptior to f .~uildinq an~ zoning ~nspections, Condirion Nos. 3, `~+ ~ 6r $, 9 , above-men~.ioned, shall oe comp:lisd with. R~' xT 1'UE~THER ' ,)I,VGD ~hat the A~aheim City Plar.nfng Comrnission does hereby :in9 -na det~ ~nc that a~~option o~ ~his Resolu;.ion is expressly predicatc:a pon a~pl nt's comp.lianc~ with each and all of the conditions hereinab,,,~ set fort 5hould any such condition, or any part thrr~p~~ be cleclared invali~l c~ un~nfor.ceable by tkle final judgment o£ an,y ,;~urt of competPnl ~urisdiction, chen this Resolution, and any approvals herei.n con~ained, sha11 be deemed nul.l ar~ci voi~. THF. E'OR~GOTNG ftESOLUTION is sign~_~d and apgrov~d by mc~ this 18tti day of rebruary, i967. j/"% ~)/ f „ .l J '~''' , ,~/ ~ ~ , ~~ ~~ l~~ ~•~ ~ ' ~ ~~~~~ ~~~ CHAIRMAN, A AHEIht C:7~rY,1~i,ANNINr, COMMISSTON A'PTEST : / S~CF.ETAR`t, ~NAHETM CI'PY PLA N NG COMM~~ UN S'.PATC UF CALIF'ORNSA ) CJUNTY OP URhNGE ) ~;;, CITY OF ANAHGIM ) I., Gdith L. Harris, Secre~tary oC the Anaheim City ~lanning Commissiou, do he;.eby r.erliEy khat the Eoregoing resolution ~aas passed and aclopted ~it a meeti.ng oC the Anaheim City YZann:ing Commission !iel~] on l~eUruary 18, 19f37, by the followir~g vote of the members thereoC: AYES: c:OMMISSTQNEFtS: c~Y, LA cLAI~P, LAWTCKI, Mc; DUI2NLY, MESSE NOCS: COMMISSIONERS: FsOUI!S, H~R6ST ABSBN'C: COMt4ISSTONTskS: N~N~: IN WT'PNESa 4JHEREOF, I have hereur~to set rnl fi~,nd this 18L-h clay of rebruary, 1987. . ~ SECF2ETA '~'Z , ANP.HEIM C7'PY PT,ANNING COM!'ISSTON -4- PC$7-45 ~..;_...... , ..