PC 87-47-'~`. RE£iOLUTION N0. AC8'i-••Y7 WH~REAa, th~ Anaheim r,ity Planninq Commissioa did r.eceive a verifi.E~d F~etition for Variance irom RICK.L L VAR3LG AND 5[i~RRX L. VARRL~, 375 ~'ia Montaner.a, Anahc~im, Califocnia 9'~807, owners of certain real. propecty situal•e~9 in the City ~~ Anaheim, County of Orange, Skate of Californ.ta describ~d as: A RESOGU'PION Or TH~ ANAHEIM G2T't PLANNING COMMISSTON THA'?' PETiTION EOK VARIANCE t~Co 3637 li~ GRANT.ED LOT 19 UI' TRACT N0. 9217, AS PGl~. MAP RECOI2DGD IN BOOK 395, PAGES 5'.~0 B INCLUSIVE OF ~IISCBLLANEOUS Mr1PS, IN THE 0"r"FICE OF.' THF COUNTY RF.COF.DER OF SATll COUNTY. s~ P~HFR~AS, the GiL-y Planning Commission did hold a publ:i.c hearing a~ the Civic Center in the Ci.ty of Anahtim on Feoruary 1B, 1987, at 1:30 p.m.r notice of said public hearing having been duly given a~ required by law and in acc~rdance with thn provisions o~ L•he Ariaheim Muniripa.l C~de, Chapter ].~3.03, i:o hear and considPr evidenee fnr and against sai.d proposed v?riance and to irivestigate and make Pindi.ngC and r~~c:ommendations in connectic~:~ therewil-.h; and WIiFFtEASr said Con~missior~, after due inspecti~n, inv~stigaki.on and s~urly ma~e by iL-selt and ir~ its behalP, and after. ;aue consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said l~ea!:ing, dces find an~~ d~~ermine the Followiny Pacts: 1. Th~t che pet.itioner propose~ wazvers of the: following Eo constr.~tiaL• a room addit:~.on ti7 an existing :,ingle-tamily residencer SGC'~ION 1~.23.U53.020 - Minimum sid~~~ard. (10-feet reqtiiT:ed; 6.5 feeL• proposed) 2. Th~it tY~e above•-menL•ioned waiver is herek~y yranted on ~he b~sia that un the hasis that there are Upecial circumstar,ces appli:.aU1e t~ the proper~y such ~; s.ize, ~hape, to~ogrci~hy, loc~ation and surruundings which do not apply to ather identically zoned pcope.rt.~ ~n tt~~ same vici.nity; a~~~] ~hat strict ap~lication oL- the 'Loning Code deprivE~ the ~ropQrty ot pr3.vilege~ enj~yed by other. propertips in the ident:ical zone ar~d cla:siEicatian :in the vicinity. ni:- '.S ~`;:, •~YR ~ ~ r.;, 3. `Pli~at. rher.~ are ~xc~ptional or Extraordinary ci~cumstances c,r condiL•ions ~pplicable t~~ thc proptrty involv~d or to the inte:~ded use ot l:he ~roper.ty l-t~at do na* apply 9enerally to Lhe prop~rty or cl~~ss o~ use i.n thP j'~ same vicinity anc~ zone. r„`: '; ,~`.i ,~;~: j ~~,~!:,C 9, That tY,e requ~sL•ed vari~nct~ is nAcess~ry Cor the pceservation and enjoymerit o.f a substantial property right C~ossessed by other property in the sarne vic:in~ity an~3 zone, an~7 denied L-o the prunert1r in question. 5. That ttie requested variance wi11 not he matecially ~lekrimental to the public: welf.are or injurious to tt~e properF,y ar i.mprovemen~s in suci~ vi.cinity and zone ici which the propr ety is loca~ed. 6. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was cec~ived in op~asition tu subject petition. t058r PC87-47 `, %i ~ ~_ a~~ ,~, ~ i ~ ~ ~ i ~4~ .?; i:;~ ,~t ~NVTRONh1ENTAi~ IMPACT FINDING: The Planning Dzrector. nr his authorizeci representa~:ive nas dstermined that the proposed project falls within the definitiun oE Categorical E:xem~~+:ions, C].ass S, as detined in the State f~TR Guidelines and is, therefote, categorically exempt £roir Lhe requirement to prepare an EIR. NOLV, ~'HER~rbRE, AE IT RFSOLVED that the Anahei.m City Planning Commission does her.zby granl• subject Petition Por Variance, upon the fol lowing eonditions which are hereby found to be a n^cessary prerequisite t o l•he proposed use of the subject proper.ty in order to preserve ~he safe ty and ,'f; genera.l wc~lfare of the Citizens oE che City oP Anaheim: ''i; 1. That pr.ior ro issuun~e of a building permit~ ~he appropriate rnajor thorouyhfare and bri.dc;e fee shall bc paicl 'to the City of AnaYiEim in an amount a~ spe~i;~ied in the Major Tt~orouqhPare and Bridge ['ee Pr.oyram f~r the E'oothill/Lastern Transport~~t~c~i~ Corridor, as apnroved by City Council Resulution No. ~5It-423. 2. Tha~ suhject property sha11 be develo~ed substani:ially in accordance witn plans and specifications on file with the Cit,y of Anaheim marked EYt~ibit Nos. .l, '?, and 3. 3. Tr~at pri~r L•o final buildir.g and c~ning inspections, Condi.tion No. 2, above-menkioned, shall be complied svith. BE IT L~UR.THER RESOLVBll lhat th~ Anaheim City ~.lanning Commission do~s her~by ~ind and determine thai: adoption o~ this Resol,uti~~n is expresal.y predicated upon applicant's compliance with ea~h a~icl all of the cond itions hereinabove set Porth. Should ~ny such condition, or any part there o f, be declar~d invalid or unenforcNable by tt~e final judgment af. any co u rt of competent juriscliction, the;~ khis Resoiutio~.; and uny approvals herein contained, sh~.ll he deemed null arid void. ~'FiE FOREGOiNG t?ESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this i8tr day of February, 1967. ~ ...(i:7 ~ - "yr . 'l;, ~~. ~ , .. ~~... CEIAIRMAN, AN F.IM CITY PL TNG CC)MMISSION 1~'PTE ~T: ~ SECRETAR., ANAHGIM CI'PY PLANNING COMMISS.l'ON ~~1,;, ;; t "2' PC87-47 ,~,, ~~.v~,,.:~r..::: r^~. S'i'ATE OF C~LIFO'_~NIA ) COUNTY or ORANGE ) ss. CITY 0[' ANAHEIM ) /n`~'~~ ~ rt t, EdiL•h L. Harris, Secret.azy of the Anaheim City Planning J Commission, do h~reby certify that the Eoregoii~.g r~solution was passed and ,:~,,.~ adapi:ed at a meetir-G o.f the Anaheim City Pl~.nning Commission held on February ';'~;i,; 18, 1987, by the Following vote af the me;noers tnereof: AXES- C4MMISSIONE~RS: E30UAS, PRY, HCP.B~T, LA CLA:IREE, LA~JICi.I, MC SURNEY, I~~~ MESSE ~~I ~ NOES: GC~Mh]ISSIONERS: PlOidE i',. AT35ENT: COMMISSTONERS: NprXE ''''' ,..¢~ ,; ;, iN WITDiFSS WHEREGI', I have hereunko se'~ my hand this 18th day of °< Fpbruary, 1987. ,,~ ~; ' '-'Ja~,~ /! s • "; SEChETARY, ANAHEIM CITY FLANNING COMMISSIQN >,~ , i ~ ~' ~, ~.~~: ;, . ~~~.:~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~;~~~~`~{~~~~~~'~'~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~A'4, ~M:OF4blIM -3-