PC 87-52' ~ V 1 I r kESO[~U'PZON N0. YCE37-52 A EtGSULU'.CION OF THG ANAFiEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THA'T PI:'I'TTION FQR CUNpT`PIONAL USF PE(tMIT NO, i990 I3E GRANTF.D, IN PAR'P WHERGAS, i:he Anaheim CiL-y Planning C~mmis,~ion did recei~~e ~~ verified Petition Lor Conditional tJse Permit ~rom MAHMUUp R. ELKANAWY, P. Q. gpx 2509, Mission Viejo, CaliEornia 97.G90, owner and TAC.AT RAi)WAN, P. 0. Hox 2GJ9, Mission Vie~U, Calif~r.~tia ~26~)U, ager.t F'c~r CerL-aiil rea:L property si~uated i,n the CiL•y ~f Anah~aim, Couii~y of Orange, S~at;e of Cali[ornia, c~escribed as: PARCLI, 1: THF SOUTH 1F0 ~ QU ['ELT U[' 'PHF.' EAST 115 , 00 EEFT OF LOT 67 OE TRACT NU. 2773, IN 'PliE CzTY OF ANASE;IM, AS SHO'v1H ON A MAP R(.CURDED 3N BQOK 11G, PAvE(g) 4, 5 AND 6, OL~ MISCE:~LANEQUS MA.PS, IN THi: OEEIC'E OF 'i't1E: COUN`PY RECORUGR Ob' SAIU CO~JNTY. WHEI2EAS, ~he City planninc~ Commis5ion did hold a Publ.ic heacing at the Civic Csnter in the City oF. An~aheim on February 1~, 1a87, at 1:30 p.m., n~tice o£ said ~ublic heari.nq t~aviny beer~ duly given ;is requir~d by law and in accordance with the provisions af the Anaheim Municipa.l Code, Chapter 18.03, Lo hear and considF~r ~vicience tor an~3 against said nropUSed condttional use ~er.mit and to LfIVQBliyar.~ and rrake findi.ngs arid recommendations in connection th~rew;tti; and WEIEREIIS, said Commis:~ion, af.ter due i~s~ection, inv~stigation and study r~~ade by itself ar.d in its bchalf, and aEter d;.~e consideration oE a1.r ~vidE~nc~~ and re~or.ts ocEered at saic~ h~aring~ does Lind and determfn~ l•he Lollowing Lact~: 1, Tha~ the ~;co~o:;ed u~~a is pcnpP~ly one EoK which a cond.itior-al use p~rrn.it is autnori~~d by A:~aheirn t~SUnicipal Code Sect.ten 1a.87.023.010 to wit: to permit truck displ.sy ar~d cental~ in conjuncl•.ion ai.tf: an exisY.ing gas station and conveniencc: market wiCh waiver oE: S,'C'I'IONS 1.8,On,050.022. - M7.I11!~~t31(1 numb~r. of p,~z.king ;;pa~e3. ~18.OG.050.U33 -' '- -" ANp 18.06.UQ0 2. 'Phat th~ reguested waiver i~ hPr~~~y denied ~n the b«~i~ that it war deleted in conn~~ctior~ with revised p:ians :~u.~rr.it~~d subsec~uent to ~ul~lic noti£ica~ion and sl~owin~ ~arking in conformance ;~i~:h Code requiremen~s. 3. That the ~roposed u3e, as grant~~d, will n~t ~~dv~~rse2y aftect thP u~3joinin~ iand uses an~] Che yro:vth ar~d develnprnF:nt of the ~~rea in wt,.ich It is proposed t:o be loc«ted. ~~. ~Chat the :iize anc~ sha~:n ~~E the si.te NCO()G3~c1 for the use~ A~ yranr.ed, i3 ad~quate ~o all.~w the Eu.I.L develr~~~ment o[ ~he prnpor,ec7 use ~n ~ manner nat deEcLmeni.al t~ the [~drt'triai,~; :~~~~ nor tv the ~,eace, health, sA£ety ~nr,9 general wel.fare ~~E the Cit ~zF~n.s of. t,he City oE Ar.ah~:im. 5 . Thar_ r.he yrant ing :~[ ~tie ConcIf t t~na1 U~e pv_rmii• under the cond.ition~ jITiPC~'y!;(]~ 1E ~ny, wi.l.l not be detr.im~nlzl to r_h~ peac.e, health .^,~fnty an~ generai, weifar~ oE the Citizens of thF~ ~ity of Anahnim. ~ 1063t PC87-52 6. ~'hat ttie L•raEfic yenerated by the proposed us~ will no~ impose an undue burden u~on the s~reeh~ and hiyhways designed and ~m~rov~d L•a carry the trafEic in ~he area. 7. `I'hat no on~ indicated their Y~ra.r:nce at sazd pub.lic h~a~ing in oppcsiti.on; and that no corres~nnder-ce w~s received in opposition to +~h~ subjnct petition. ENVIF<ONMEN'1'I~I~ IMl?ACT FINUIr]G: T~iat rhe Anaheim City P.lanning Commission has reviewed the proposal to pezmit t[uck d.is~,lay and rpneals in conjunction wikh an exis~ing gac station and convenience rnArket on a r~ctangular'ly-sha~ed parcel oF lanci consisl.fng af approximately 0.42 acre, having Erontage oE aPproxi.matE~l;~ 16u feet ~n the west side: of Bro~khurst Street, and further described as 1725 South Brookhurst StreeL•; and does hereby ~C~pr.ove the NegaL•?va ueclaration upon finding that i.t nas considered the t~cr3ative Declaration t:ogetl~cr with aiiy co;nments r~~ceived durir~g the public revic~w process an,~3 EurtYier finding on the basi.s of the in:;.tial scudy and any comments ceceived that tnec~ is no ~ubstantial evidence that the ~zo;ject will have a sic~nlficant erEect on ti~e E~nvironment. NOW, 'P;tCREEOP.E, BE IT RESOLVF:'~ that i:he A~ahei~n Cit~~ Ylanning Cominission doE~; her.ehy gr subj~~~-t: r~:.~.!tio~~ :.. :.andiLional Use 1?r~rmit, upon the Eollowing r_ondit•.;.ons which are hr,r.eby f:ound ta h~ -~ neces~ary ptereq~aiait~ L-o hhe nropo:;ed u:;c~ uE the yuk~j~.ct pco~erl.y in order te ~reseev~ the safety and ge~er.al wclr:aee of l•he C.i.tizens oE the City of Anut•~eim: 1. 1'hat th~ owner oF su~ jrcr. property sha]..1 pay t~ l-h~ City of. Ananei~n ~ Eee foc tree planr.i.i~g ~ur.p~ses along Br~~okhur~t Sl•r~et in an amount as detrrmined hy ~he City C~~unci.l. ?.. `I'hat sidewalks ahall be reoair~d alor,g Br.ookhurst Street as required hy th^ CiCy GncJineer. <~nd in accordance wi~h srandarci plan~ and sE~eciEic~tions on file in Che Of.Eice of the CiL-y Engineer. 3. That a.ll dr.ivcwa~s shall be cc~nstructed r,r reconstructed Eo arcornmodate ten (10' Loot rad.ius curb returns as requirFd by the Ci.ry TL'ZfCiC Gnqin~er. 4. That ~rior. ta thc commencement oE thr aci~iv~ty authorizec7 under this re:olution, or prior to issuance aE :a I~uilding ~~ermit, or within a ~eriocl of nr~e year from +:h~~ datn of thi~ re~olution, ~,rhichCVe~ occurs Eirst, Con~:ition No. 1, above~mentioneii, chal? h~ c,omr,lied with. ~xtensions Eor furtt~er r ime to comp.lek~ ~aid r.ondiliona may t~e gcanted in LtCCOCtjdI7C~? with Section 18.03.090 ~E ~h~ ~riaheim Mu~icipal Cude. 5. `I'hat subject properry sha11 be dcv~loped ,uCs~~nttal~y in accordancP w±th p.lana and s~erifi~.ations ~n Eile with the City af P.naheim markec~ L•';chib.it tdos. 1 and ?_. 6. That ~C1UL' to f.inal bui].riinq and zon,ng inspecY.iens or pr.ior to comcnencernent of th~ acrivir.y herQin approved, whichevec occurs firsF, Cor-dition Nos. 2, 3~nd 5, aCove-menFioned, shall he com~lie~1 with. -2- PC87•-52 i :x ~ .~-~, B~ iT FURTHBR RE50:,VL;D that the Anaheim CiL•y Planni.ng Commission do~s hereby find and determinc ~hat ado~tion of ~his Resoluti~~n is expressly ~redicated upon applicant's compliance with ea~h and zll of the condit:tons hereinabove set ~orth. Should ~ny ~uch conditions, ar any nart i:hereof, b~ declared invulid or unenPorceable by the final judqment of any court ot com~etEnt jurisdic~ion, t:hen r,his Resa].ution, anc] any appr.ova.ls herein conta.ined, sha.il be deemed nuil and void. 'rHE FQ~EGOING R~'SOI,UTION i~ si.gned and approved by me this 18th day o.f I'ebr~.~ary, ].987. ~!- -./ ~' ;,~ r~°~„~~, i ~~ ~" % ,;~~. CH~IIRMAN, A~EIETM CTTY PL N7NG COMMISSION AT'rL•'ST : .~'~~~-~.~ . SECR~TARX, ANAHEIM CITY PGANNING COMMISS.IUN STA'1'G OF CA(,II~ORNIA ) CUIiN'PY OF qR~NGC ) sS. CTTY OF ANAFiEIM ) I, Edith I.. Harris, Secre~ary oF. the Anaheim City Planning l'.c~mmi:~sion, do hereh1 certify that the for.~yoina resolution was passe:l and adopt~d at a meeti.ng of the Anahe;m City Planning Commis.;ion helc9 on Ccbruary 18, 1987, by the fol.lowi.ng vote of the rnembers ther~of: AYES: COMMlSSIONERS: Ci0UJ1S~ LA CLAIT2G, LAWICKT, MC EIURP]~Y~ MESSE NOES: COMM7S~IONl:nS: NGNE ABS~;N'i': COMMISSIONCRS: c^!?Y, HERBS'i IN WI'I'NF;SS W'rff REOr, I hdve herPUr~to set my hanc~ this lOth da;~ ~f G•abr.uar~i, 1987. /~ ---__-____-,~~G`-'~~-~-f'~- ~ S~ CRFTARY, ANAiIEIM CI'PY PLANNING COMMTSSYO[~ s ~ ' '3` 2C97~52 ,,,,,~;,,. _ ,;r., ~,~ ~,;- •ri: ,;; ' , ~,. ' , r; ;, J ';~ I _. _, ,~ _ i i!~ .;.:u.