PC 87-55,,,.~~ RESOI,UT]:ON N0. ^C87-55 A RESOLU`PION OF xHE ANAHETM CITY PLANNING COMMISSI(7N TERMINATT~G ALL PROCEEDTNGS IN CONNGC'PION WTTJ:: VARIANCE NOS. 376 AND '3407 WHERLAS, on December 2, 1°57, Vari~nce No, 876 was granted una~r Resoiur.ion No. PC57-129 hy the Anaheim Planning Com~nissian to construct a lUl-unit, 2-~tory motel; and on ,TUly 23, 1984, Variar~ce N~. 3~}07 was granted under Resoluhion ~ro. PCa4-.149 to expand an existing moEcl ori a recL•ar~gularl,y-shaped par.cel oE land consisting of appro:cimately 2.9 acres having a[rontaqe vf approximately 210 Eeet on the west a^ida ~f Harbor 8ou.levar.~, and being lacated approxim,ztely 250 feet n~rth oE the centerline of Katella Avenue, 1nd further. ~escrihed a~ 1747 Sottth Harb~r Boulcvard. ~~:; ;::, ; :~;'~ °~;; ~ WHFR~AS, Etalph Kazarian, propecty owner, Y~~s submi.tted a].Etter. reque~ting ~ermination of Variance Nos. 876 and 's40i, and has submittecl construrtinn plar~s for a new ~iotel, ~ahich plans a~~~ in conFormance witi~ applicable codes an.d or.dinances f-or. a new motel. t~cl~i~, THLREFORE, BE IT i2ESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Cotnmissi~~n dnes ti~reby terminate ~11 pruce~adings in cocinection with Variance Nos. 876 an~i 3407 on the basis of the Loregoi.ng fir.ciings. 'I'I:E rOREGOING RESc)LU'PIO~I is signed and a~pzovFd by me thi.s 18th dav of February, 1987. `t~~ ? ,~1'=~.•' ~' - ~~ ' . ~,~' ,~r~.- CHAIRMAN, ANI~HLIP1 C2TY PLA ING COMMISuION AT'I'EST : A ~/ ~ f L SFCRETA1tY, ANAHF.IM c:TTY PLANNING COMM:[SSIO[v ST11'.PL•' Oi~ CALTEORNIA ) CQilN'PY UF ORANGF. ) ss. CITY CI' ANAHEIM ) I, E;di.th G. Eiacris, Secreta~y of the Anahei.m City Pianning Commission, do hereby certif.y tnat lh~ foreyoin7 resolution was passed and ado~ted ~~~ a mePting of lhe Anaheim Cit~r P1~nning C~mmissfon held on Febtuary ~8, 7.987, by the Eollowing vote ot khe memb~rs t.her~~~f: AYBS: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, GA CLAIRF', GAWICKI, MC EtU~tNGY, M~SSE NOES; COMMISSIQNERS: NOIVE Aa~~N`P; CQMMtSSIONERS: FRY, HERBS'P .;,,, ,,, ~, : ~; ';, `;, , ..r: IN WT'PNESS ~4HERGOE, I hav~ hNreur.to set rny hand this 18th day of Febr~ary, 1987. ____ . _~, ,~~+~~_Z S~C12E'PA Y, ANAHi:.7.[~l CJTY PL" A~INTNG C(.`MMISSION 1U65r PC87-55 , .~ °;;~ «, ,, i