PC 87-6•,: ~ ~ ~ - ~~~: ,:;; '~ ` ~..~,., ::ti , .:i: RESOL~UTION N0. pr37-06 A RFSOLUT.ION UF THF: ANAHETM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - ThAT PGTI'PIdN FC~R CONDI`.~IONAL USE PERMTT N0. 2872 BE GRAPITE;D ~ WHEREAS, h~he Anah~im ~~ii:y Planning Commission did recei.ve a v~rifzed P~~f.ition for Conditional Use Permit f:rom CROCKER NAT]:ONAL t3ANK, SUCCESSOR •,,;, L'ORPORATE CO-TRUS'PG~ UNDER THE WTi,L OF GRAYCG C. WALK~R, DECEASFB, c/Q WEf~L'S .~= CARGO BANK TIG-RGAL ES'1'ATE INVESTMEN~P SERVICES, 333 Sout~h Grand Avenue~ Lqs Angeles, California gU071, owners, and KEITH COMPANIES, 200 Baker Srree~, Costa h1Ga^d~ C~lifornia 92626, agen~:_, of cc:rtai.n real property sitnated in khe Ciryo uf Anaheim, Counr.y ~1 Oranye, Sr_ate of Ca'_ifornia, described as: THAT. :~ORTInN OF LO'P 6 C1E SOUTH PLACGNrIA `1'RACT 2, IN TI~~ C:.T1Y OF ANA'.iG:[M, AS SHOWP7 ON A MAP THER~QF RECORDGD IN BOOK, 5, pAGE 42~ M:.SCELLANLO~iS M7,P5, RECOi2DS OF SAZD QRANGE COUN`1'Y, DESCRI6ED AS FOLLOWS: FARCEL .l AS SHOWN ON A MAP R~CQRDF,n IN BOOK 3, PAGE 15 ~ OF ~A~tCEL !nAP5, Rr•,~ORDS 0! SAIU C~UN7"l. ~: THG WES'r 317.00 FE~`P OF TEiG SOUTt~ 283.DU FE~;i ON THE SOUTFiWES'I' ~UARTER Ur TH~ SO[iTH'WGST i~i)AR'PGR OL' SCCTTON 5, TOWNSHIP 4 SpUTE1, RANGE 1fl WEST, IN `1'HE RANCH LOS COYOTFS YN THE CI'PY O~' ANAHGIM, COUNTX OE ORANGE, S'rATE Oh i,AL.IFORNIA, AS SEiC1Wp~ ON A MAP RECORDGD IN C~OOK 51 PAGG 10 OE MISCELGAN~,OUS MAPS, R~COR1)S OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY. EXCEPT THAT P~R~.PTOt3 THGRLOr ;)ESCP..Lf1ED A8 E~OI~L047S : ~. BGG.[NNTNG }1`P `PHE IN'I'CRS~CTIAiV UF THE KOR'.PH LINE OF 'PHE aOUi'H ~3.00 FEET WI~Ii THE EAS'P LINE OF' TE'E WES'.l'ERLY 190.00 ~EET OF SAID SECTION; :'EifNCF NORTH 0° 19' 44" W~~T ALUNG SAill LAST L'f.NE 107.00 ~'EET '1'0 A POIN'?' 49.00 E'EET. SOUTHERLY UF' THE NORTtiEP,LY LINE OF THE ;OUTH~~LY. 20Q.U0 E~ET; 7'FIENCL NOR'PH 45° 26' 1~1" WE,r,'P 56.Ei3 ['EErn TU A 10YNT .r.N TH}? NORTHk~RLY LINE OF SATD SOUTHF'RLY 200.00 k~~LT, SAT~ POINT BEING 40.00 FEE2' WESTERLY Q[ S11TG EAS'P LIhE OE' SAID WFS'PERLX 19C.Q0 FEET; THENCF SOU'i'EI b9° 46' 2G" WES'P ALONG LAST MENTIONGD PJORT6ERLY LINF 90.00 ['EET TO A POINT IN THE L•'A~TERLX LIN~ 0~ rHG WESTCRT.,Y 60.OU FEG'P OF SAID S3C`rION; THPNCE SOUTH 0° ~9' 41° EAST ALONG LAST MGPITIONPU GASTERLY GINE 122,00 E`GET 'SO }~ PGiN'.C 25.OU EEET NCtZTHERLY OF SAID NORTEI LINE ~)l~ THG SOU'PH S3.Ofi FEET. OF Sf1ID SECTI(iiV; THENCE SOU'Z'H h6° 26' S0" LA.S`i 36.10 rEET 'Pn A POTNT IN SA~D N~t2TH T,INE Ck' SAID SOUTH S3.OC ri.E',^ OF SATD SEC''.CION. $AID PUTNT BE:NG 2b.00 EE~:T EAS'I'LRLY 0~ SAifJ EA:j~1~ERLY Ll:[~r Ot' 'I'NB WESTERLY 50.J0 FEET OF SAIA SECT?ON; TEICNCL NOP.TE: 89° 4b' Zh" EA;T F:L~JNG LA~~P ~•tEN'PIONEP NOR.TH 'LIVC 104.U0 ~'EET T~ `PFiI; POINT UP BEGINNING. ALa^() EXCGF'T. TEiA'T POR'rIOiV THEREUE UESCRII3ED riJ A UEED TO THF STaTE 0? (:AL~Ir^URNJ:A RF;CGRDEA MAI2CFI 5, 1974 IN' BOOK. 110~38 P:~GE 1871, QFFICIA*., R.Ei.ORDS . ~~ ~k 7.`HA'P PORTION OF LUT 6 OF' SQUTH Pi,i~C~,NTiA TRACT 2~ I`I THE CITY OF ANAHE~t4, A~ SfiOWN ON A ~IAP 'rHF:tEOE' EtECORD~;D IN BOOK 5, PAGG 42, MISCELJ,ANLOU5 MAPS, RECORI~S Or' SAID OP.ANGE COUNTY'~ DESCF~IBED AS ['OLGOWS : 1014c PC87-06 ,. ; ~ ... . . ... . .. . . ... _, , . ' z ~_ ' ~`~-- ::~~ ..~.~I.o.p !.'{WNn.~t,..i~.. .~ :~'; r~r~y_ . . ~ 1 ~i ~ ~.1 PP..RCf.L 1 AS S~IOh'N QN A MAP RECORDSD I*I DOUK 3, PAGF 15, OF ~AR4~L MI~PS, RECORUS UE SAID COUNTY. AL[~ 7'HAT CER`PAIN LhND SITUATED IN SECTION 1f3, TOW[vSiiTP ~k SOUTH, RANGE 10 WES`.P, ?I~ THE RAtdCHO LQS COYOTES, AS ~HOWN nN A MAP RECO1tAED IN BOOK 51 PAG~ 10 OF M.l'SCEI,LAI~~OUS MAPS, RECORDS OR ORANGE COUNTY, CALIIORNTA, DESCRIBLU AS FOLLOWS; BEGINN]:NG A`P A POINT ON TH~ SnUTH LINF OE' THE NORTHWI~ST QUARTER OF THr NORTHEAST QU?1R'PGR OF SEC'.CION i8, TOWNSHTP 4 S0t~7'H, RANGE 10 4VES'P, S.S.B. & N,. NORTH 88° 1S" EAST 8G5.95 I~EET F~OM TH~; SGUTHWE;S'P CORNEE2 OF THE NQRTHWGS'P QUAI~'PrR 0~ SAIJ NORTEiEAS7' (~UAi2TEk AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH 0° 21' UO" WES'P 666.~}9 FEET TO A POINT 02~ THE NORTH LINL OF TEiF. SOUTH EiA~F OL' THE NOR7'H[aEST QUAk2T.GR OF SAIA ~lORTIiEAST QUARTER; TIiENGE P70'2TF; $8° 58' 07" EAaT 225.70 FE~T RLONG THE SAIL~ NOP,TH LINE 'T~ A PQINT ~OUTH 8$° 58' 07" WEST 23U.6Q FEFT FRQP1 TEIE NOR'rHEAST CCRNEH OI` `rHE SOUTH HALF OF 'FkIE NCJRTHWEST QUARTEk OL' SATU NORTHCAST QUAI2TER; TH~;NCE SOUTH 0° 18' 10" EAST 6G5.50 FEET 'I'0 A POTN'i• ON TH~ SOUTIi LINf~ OE THE NOI2TH~VGST QUARTER (3E' SAID NURTHGA5T QUARTCR WHSCH SAID POIN'P IS SOUTH 88° 58' 15" WEST 1548.Sa L'~'ET F.ROM TEiE SOUTEI~AST CORNEk. UF THG NOR'PH HAL~` OF SAID NOi2THEAST QUARx'~R; TH~NCE SOU'i'H 8$° 58' 1.5" FEE'.P TO THC POINT OF BEGTNNINV. AGT., 'I'HA7.' C'r'.RTAIN LA[~iD SITUATEll IN SF'C'P2nN 18, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUrH, RANGE 10 WE~T, IN TH~ .RANCHO L'OS C~lYOTrS, AS SEiOWN ON A MAP RFGOROED ZN SOUK 51 PAGL•' .l0 0[' MISCEL'LANHOUS M't1PS, RECORDS OF ORANGE CO~JNTY~ CALTCORNIA, DESCRIDLD AS FOLL~OWS: BEGi:~iNING AT A POINT OI~ THE SOUTH LItdr UC THF. NOR'PHWEST ~IUAFtTER OE THE NORTiiFAST UE~' SEC'PIUN 1Fi~ TOWNSfiIP 9 50U'1'H, 1RANG.F 10 WEST, S.B.H. & M. NORTH ii8° 58' 15" EAST 1091.].0 FEET FRQM TI~E SOU'PHWEST QUAI2TER OF :iATD NOR'.PHEAST QUAR.TER AND RUN~I:ING TEiENCE NORTii O° 18 ` 10" WFST G66.5G FGE`P T.0 A}?~)INT ON TH~ NORTf1 L'!NH OF THE SOU7.'H HALI' pF THG ~~~ NOI;THWF;ST QUARTER Or' SAID NORTkiEAST QUARTLR; T[I1.;I3CG NOR'PH 8a° 58 ° 07" EAS'~.` 23(J.60 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNEF OF THE 50U'~H .tAi~F QF a 'PEiE NORTHWEST QUARTER UF SAID NOR'.PHLAST ~UA.RTL:R; THGNCE SOUTH 0° 08' 25" EP,ST fi5ti .51 Ei?F'P. TO ~HG SOUTHEAST COI?NER OC TNE SOUTEI HALF OF ~. ; THE NORTHWI;ST Qf)ARTER OF SAID NORTHE~ST QUARTLR; THEbIC~ SOUTH 83° , 58' 15" WES'.C 1.'L8.70 I'GFT TO `PHB POINT OF 9FGItdNING. i E3EGT.NNlNG A`P THE ~IORTHEAST CURNER OF THG WEST 1/2 OE' 1'H~ NG QUF~RTFR OF '?'HE NORTH~AS`1' QUA~2TER OF THL IdqR'?'H~AST QUARTEFZ OF SECTION 1$ TOWN:;HIP 4S R J.0 Wk:S`P IN `PEIF RANCEIO LOS C~YO'.~ES, IN TH~ CITX OF ANAH~If4, COUN'~`' qk' 4RAIVC;R, STATL OF CALIFORNIA, PER MAP TN BOOK 51 pAG~; 10 OF' M.M.; THENC~ SOCT4i 0° 07' 36" L',AST 6C.01 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88° 58' OU" 356.00 E~~;T TO `PHE TRCJE POT.NT OE BEGINNZN~; THFNCE so~rmx 0° 07' 36" EAST $8.OG FEFT; THGNCE NC~hTEi 88° 58' 00" FAST 16.00 ['c:~T; TI~CNCE; SOUTH 0° 07' 36" ~AST 190.00 EL'FT; THENCE SOU'1'H 86° 58' 00" wesr 116.00 cEEZ~; THENGF. NoR~r[~ U° U7 ~ 36" wES~r 278.00; THP;NCE NORTFI $b° 58' 00" TO 'PHE TRUE POINT. OE' BEGINNING. SAID f~A.RCL'G c:ONTAINTNG 3U,84U FG'r'.'P C)R 0.70 ACItL. :Y ~ -2•- PC8'1-06 ~ ; '::.. ;,~~ ~ , ~t ~ :~ ~~ i:• ~i ,ERFAS, r_he Cii.s Planr-ii~g Commission did hold a the C :cnter in t;~e Cir ~ublic hearing at Y af. Anar,eim on January 5,, 1987, at 1:30 p.m,~ noh.i~ ;~i~ public hearing haviiig hFen duly giaen as required by law and in accora a wi.th hhe provi.sions of the Anaheim hlt~nici al C ;: ko he: and consider e~idence Eor and a ainst said ~ ~de, Chapcer 18„03, permi and to investi, at `~ Pr~UO~ed conditiona.l use ! 9 e and malce tin~ii.ngs ,~nd recommendati.ons in r.onnectiori ther ~.r.h: an~ ;; k~„ LJ[IERCAS, said Commission, af~er due inspechi,on, investxgah,i,on and ~,. 5~u~y made by :itself and in its aehal~, and afr_er. due considerakion of a7,1 evider~ce and repurts ef.l°ered ar. said hearinc~, does find ~nd determine t~he E'ollowing facts: 1• ~rh~~ ~he pr.oposed ~i„e ~s properly ~ne for which a conpitlonal use permit is aukhorized by ~naheirn Municipa.l Co~~ Ser.tion 18.61.05U.070 t;o wiF fio p~rmik an automoFive ].ubricat-.i.~~g servir_e cen~;er i-~ the ML (Industrial, Limite~) Zone; ?• .Chat the peop~sed use will not advcrsely affecN khe adjoininy land uses and r_h~ grcwr_h and develor~ment of hhe ;~r~~a in w.hich it is proposed to be locak.ed. 3• Thzr. rhF, ~iz~ and snape ot khe sir.e , adequate r_o al.low r_;ie full develo ~nF, •r Propos~d ior che use is det.rimenkal ro i.he particular area `norOf t:o h`ther~~aye~i use in a manner not gen.er.a1 wel.fare oE khe Citizeens pF ~h~, Pe3ce, he~ltt~, safeky and ~irY of Anaheim. ~• That the granr_ing of r_hr Condihlpnal U;;e Permik under the condir_ians imp~sFd, if any, wi1? nor_ be detximeni.al to ~h~ saL-er.y and general w~lFare of hhe t:itizen~ of r_he Cit ~~ace, h~alr,h, y of Anaheim. ' 5• That rl;e traF.fic gener.~ked b the "' an ~lndue burden upon t}ac sr.re~ts and highways des gn d eand~simproved ~to impase ; khe tra.fFic in khe ar~aa. carry 6• •rhar_ no one indicai:ed k.heic prr_sence at said puUlic hearing zn ;" opposir_ion; ~~nd r_har_ no eorres ,. '' ~ubject peNit:ion. F.ndence wa;, received i.n opposi~ion to hhe ,~ Et~V~RONt9ENT1~I, :[MPACT ['INDING: That the A-~aheim City planning Commissio~~ has rcvlewFd fh~ Proposal t.o p~rmit an automohive lubricaring secvir_E cenr.er (Mir.it-t,itbe) i~ r_he ML (I~dustrial, Limit;ed) Zone an a cectangulZr].y-shape,~ parcel of land consisting oi ~i ~rox.imakely U.Sp acxe locar.~a ar.. ~,hc sour.h~3~h carner of Vi;~ B~irr_on g~K~~r and sr_ar.e Co17.egP 8oulevarc, and fc:rther described as 1~90 North Stzte C~llege Dc•ilevard; and c~oes her.eby ar~;~rove the Negakive Uec7.arat.ion upon £incling r_hah A~ hae considerad the Negar.ive ~eclar~r_ion ~ogether wikh an~~ commenks received during the public review process ar~d Eurr.h~r .Einding on khe ba~is of. thF ir~iti~:i si:udY and ar.y commen+:s c~r_eiv~d r_har. khere is no ~ubsi:antial evidence that the proJect. wi11 have a sic~niPicanr. eftec~ on i.he environment. -~~ PC~7-06 ~°~'~<'1 ~ ;r,~, r.4' i,ti' ~~} ~ ~ ~, .. ~•~ i~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tha+: the AnahEim City Planni.ng Commis~ion does hereby grar~L subjecr. Pet:ir.ion for Condi~:ional Ose P°rrni.t~ upon t:he followi,-~g conditions whict~ ace hereby found to be a nec:essar.y prerequisite to the propose~ use oE the subject: property in order to preserve ~he safety and genecaJ. welfare of +~he Citizens ot the City of Anah~im: 1. That a11. driveways shall k~e consr_rucr..ed or reconstcuct.ed i:o ar.commodar.e r_eri (10 ) Eoo-: radius cUrb rc:turns as requir~~' l~y the Cii~~y Traff:ic BnyinEer. 2. That no outdoor sr..orage of or work or. vehicles or vehir.ular parts sha11 be permitted. 3. '~'ha+~ subjec-, properr_y including r.4~ portion labelled, "n~~t a parr" , shall be develo~ed substantially in arc~rdanc~ »ith plans and speciFicakions ~n file with the City of Anaheim macked E;xhibit Nos. 1, 2 an~i 3. 4. That. prior r_o final buildiny and zaning f.nspections, CondLL•ior. Nos. 1 and 3, above-mPntioned, shall be complied with. 5. ihar pr.ior to issuance of c~ building ~ermir_ or wir.hin a period of one (1) year f:~~l `he date 1?erEin, cahichever occurs Eir:;t, the owner of sub;ec~•. properr.y shall submit a ler_r_er to the Plaaning Department requesting tccminar,ion of Variance No. 2A12. BE tT PUR'.CtiL•'R RESOLVED ~:hat ~-hP Anaheim Ciky rl~^ning Cummission r~oc~ heceby fi.nd and i?etermine that adopr.ion of tha.s Resolution is expressly predicah.ed upon applicant's compliance with each and a].1 of rhe cond3.tions l~ereinabove ~er_ f~rth. Siiou.ld ~ciy such c~nd:itions, or any par` thereoL, be declated invalid or unenforc.~~abl~ by the fin~l judyment af any court: o£ compet~er~~ jurisdiction, khen thi..~ Rcsolution, anc any appr.~vais hereiii contained, sha11 l-,e deemed nu11 and ~eid. TfiE FORL',GOIPJG RLSOLUT.IUN la siyned oi January, a987. ~ f ~! CHAIRtdAN, A'.CTEST : / ~ ' / /~ . ,-,~ `~ e~it~.~ ;~;CRG7.'AR , ANAH ~ ii~'1 CTTY PLAP3NIN(i COMMISSION and approved by me r.his 5ti1 day '~~ ' ~¢;/ ~., ... _-'~-~-7 ~ , _ ._.. ANAHL• ~Nf C TY PLANNINr COMMISSION ~ ,.,., ,y i ~; ,; . ; -~ _~_ F~87-06 "fi;' +~ I `> i ; :~ ~ z. ~. : , .; i p` ~ . r ,.. . .. . _ _ , . ~.~ , . s,;6;i;i .,i ,`!, ~(~ Itl N a ~ , , ,~ ..-.., •., .. .,,~t: ,. ~'~a -;;:; ;~,a STRTG OF CALTb'ORNI1# ) COUNTY OF' ORANGE ) ss, CITY OF' ANAHE7M ) 7, 4dirk~ ~, Harris Commission de + Secretary of the ~natiei.n~ Cit~ , hereby certify that r_he Eoreqoing ~esolution W~?S y ptanniny adopted ar a meei:ing of h:he Anaheim Cit • 1 Planning Cammission held onss aa~uary ~, 1987, by r_he £r,ilowina, vor.e oF t~he members r_herc:of: AYES: COMMI~SICNERS; 30UAS F NO~S; COMI•1ISSIONEFtS: ~ RY~ HERBST, LA CLAIRE, E1C BUR~EY, M~SS~ Al35ENT: N~N1~ COMMISSIOt~ERS: LAWICI<I TN WzTN~SS WHEREOF, I havF hereunE:p ser. January, 19~7, my hand this 5th day of v~~r~~ ~j~~~~ ' SL•'C'RC7'ARX~i~ NI,HGZM ~ ,~ -- ~ ._._~~~!~!.-Ga Ir~' PLANNINC, COMMISSION ;° ,~ ;` ~ ~; -5- PC87-06 °~? ,~~ ~~~r.~ -. . ' . .. .... .~ .. , . ~. ~ ' ,~ ~~~`:~r~i I'~ _.. 1 f, . ~if~r;b~:M