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PC 87-62
;'i;~~" j+,' . , - . .. . - ,~ . , , ~ t r!,d1~~4~:~'~1 i , ,;; _, ~ ~. RE:SOI.,IJ'P10N NU. L~CS i -Cs'l 1~. RGSULU'1'IUN C)E' 'CFi~, ANAFiEIM C:['CY Pf P,NNIPJG COhiMISSIcji~ '.CHAT Pi~`1 , CI~~N I~OR Ri:CLAS~,Ii'IC~\'1'ION NO. n~-g7-25 LiE (;I~AR`.PCp, UNCONpI'PIdNAI,i,Y ~~.I:RF',~5, thc~ Anah~;m City E~lanniny Commi.>sion did cecel.ve a vc:riEi~a ;.. n~'~ition CoC Re~v1a3.~lEi.C~itio'i fCr~;n NOf<MA WU~ 1'AINA~ GROUP~ 6?G5 E1.EIg0,1 CiCClE:~ ~ ~'~ ;. Duena Park, Ce~I iEornia 9062G, c~wn~~r and YF.W-KF,I HUiI[•1G, 1414 Oxfoed Road, San tlizino, CaliL~~~rnia 9.1.10a, r~g,~nt Eor cert:~in real. pronFrty si.~uated in the City of Anaheim, County c~E ()rc1[lc~._r Skatc~ oE Calit-'or.n~a, cies~C~b~~9 U,, Eollows: , 'PHE SC~U'I'if 125.UU FF.L•"P Ol' 'i'EiG N012'CH 346.p0 I'FET UI' THE F~AST 270.U0 F'f,~'C OE '~F iF. SOUTHGAST QU/1R'PER OF SLCTION 12~ TOWNSHLP 4 SOUTfi, itAV;L•; 11 1dEST, ZN 'CHE RANCrIO LOS CUYUTE:S CT' PY OF ANAHFalt4, C(i;iNTY ~)[' Ul2ACJGE, , . STi:'PE OP' CALiFORNI~1, AS PEF: MAP R}:t.ORDi:D TN F300K ' ' 5.1 pAGE; :ll ~t' MISCEGLAP7EGUS MAF~S I~1 TElE OFFIC~ 0 r `CI1G CO[)N:!'Y RNCORDI;R , 0'r' SA'CJ COUN'CY. WHEFtLnS, th~ City P.1~in»ing Co;n:nis;sion rjid l~old a public hearing at t1~e c;iric r_ent.er in tti~~ Ci.r.y ~F ~nahei.m u~+. '4arch 1G, 1987 at 1;3Q C>•m•~ n~~tice of. saic! ~~ui~l.ic h~~~zcin~ havin~ t»en duly giv~n a~ ~equired by law and in accord~nc~ with tne provisio ~:~ :~E rhe Anahe.im Municipa.l Cud~, Chapr.e: ].8.~3, ~o hear and c<~n:;id~r ~~vid~:nce Ec~r and a;rain:~l ;aid E~re~os~d reclassi~'icatiun ~~nd t~ isivesl i~atc~ anc3 ma'ce f ~nd in~ s , ~:h~cewith; and 1 ~~~-d r~conimendc~ti<~ns in ~or,nF.cL•i.on ~,J}1F.REr\;7, ~;a.id ~:onmi.ssic~n, dE:~C ~U(? LflSpectiori, znUestlg.~_ion an~ study m~d~ by ii:s~l[ ,.nd in i.ts ',eh-!C, and ~,er.er due rr~1lsideCition oE a.ll evi.denr~ and r~~~~ort:~ ofLer_ed at :,:,i.,l hearinq, does finn and detF~rmine the following facr;: 7-. Th:~t: the petitiot~er pCOpo:,ns recl~~s<~iE'c4tion oE subj~ct ~ropeCty Eratn th~ RS--~._q3,pOp (Rc:;i,.ienti%~L, ~yricultural) 7,one ta the RM-1200 (ite:>id~~ntiaJ., ;4ultinle-C'arnily) 7,on~. 2. Th,lt: th~ Ariaheirt C;enera). E~lan ~l~:;i~nar::;s .~ub ~~ • .: rneciium d~~nsity r~sid~ntial .lanrz i~~~,. ~ ~t r~roperty ~oc ~. ~i'har_ tti~ propa:>~~ rc~cla,.if.ice,rion of; :~us,~~:~r,l pr.operty ir~ necessary ,ind/or d~:sir.ai~l~~ r'c~r. r_i~e orcierly and prc~p~~ de~•P:opsn:~n~ oE the conmuni r.y. -i• 1''r.;-,` thr: pr.~,}~o:;e:l cecl.assificr~rtan ~~E su~3ecl- pr.opE>rly rc~late to thr ~ ~roperty does r~ .~~~~;:; ;,i~r.l ~h~ir. ~er.mit.r.~;d u,er, f local.ly ; c1o5e ~Sroxira~tv ~o :,<<bject -' e~tabli~hed in 3 pr~pnrL ~ ~~n;i r.o ..h~;r ~ona~s an;i th~,i_• generally e,r3'~Ii~hed ~hrr~u~~;,,~uc th permittec~ u~es e cor~munilv. a. Tt~at ttt~ oroposed recla:s.;i~ic~~~.tun of. sub,tnct pronn~ty reyUiYes ~-h~ dedicat icn ~~nd im rovern ; P ~n oF ~~t~utttrig ,tr. F~etN ;~nd al l.ey~ ~ wiCti ;:he Circulr~r i on r1emF~nt ~ in a,;cnr~JdI1C@ _ . ., , ~f th~ r .,cnc ral F lan, duc~ ~:o ~ increase in rr.aEf.ic wh ich wil l t~e r he anticipated . . ~ener.ate d b~ 1:ne intensfficatt~n ~C land u~e. ` 6. Th:tit; tun „erson:, i.ndiratr~d 'ch~~{r p:n:;n~CF` t,r. :3atd .~ Ln ~E~po:3ir_i~m; vnr! tha;: o ~~ublic hp~,ctnq n corr.es~,onu~, n~'~~ '+~"~j:~ receivn.d tr~ ^ub}ect ~~titi~n. ~E•position to :~ 1075r. " °~ FCA7-ti2 ~ :~ 3;(P _ ~ ~ . . ~ ~. ~,. .. . ": i .. , ?..:: ~ ; ,_ . ~~ , ~ E:NVi~tONME;N;AG IMPACT~ ~~INUiN~: That. t:h~ Anaheim C:Lt:y Planning C'ommis;sion has reviewed the pranos~,.1 to rf~classif-y sub jer:t: property From the itS-A•••43,00~7 (Rc~sidenti~~l, Agric~altural) Zone to the RM~1'l00 (Itesidenti~l, Mult.i}~le-[~amily) ~Qn~ ~n cunsL-rur.t: a 2-s•tory, ?.l-tmit apa~"_m~nt ccmp.l~x with waiver of m~,ximum :~iL•e coverag~ on a rectaTir~ular..ly-shaped ~arr,el of land con~~isting of a~~proxim~tely Q.G2 acre, havin~x a Eronta~e oF appr~r.imately 125 Eeet vn the w!~st ~ide of tdagnol.ia Avenu~_, and f.~.irthec~ dc.~cribed as 527 North Mtiqt~oli~ Aven~~~; and does k~creby ~npruve the Nec~aL•ive Der.larat.ion u~on findinq th~;: it !-~as con,idered the Negative Declara.tion toger.he: with any comment~ rer~lved ;jur.in~~ the publir revi.ew process anr9 turther Einding on hne basis of. r..he ,r~IY.ial study rand any ,:omments received that thsr~ is no suhstantial evicience th~it tht~ projecr will h.~'Je? a significant eftecL on the environment. ~._. NOW, TFi;'RF;FORF;, r3E !T RGaOLVG~ ~ :.ommise;lon do~s hereb, yran~ ~ub jtcl . unconcii.tioi;all.y, and, b_y ,o dG~].tl!7~ L•hat ; I~Iunicip~l Cocin be amended to ~~x~:lude t:he : [tS-A-43,000 (F,~~sidc~ntial, ~~yricnikura.l) ?,~ • Mu1tiF~1F-Camily) 'LOne. thar the Anaheim City Planning Pe::.ition for Reclassification Title 18-Zonxng uE the Anahea.m abovn_~escri.bed r~roperty f~ocn tlie ~ne to tne RM-1?.00 (Hesidentia'l, TF11; c'I~RF:GO?NC, I21i:S0;~U'I':~)i~ is sinn~~ii ancl ap~roved by Ri~ this 16th ddy ot tda::ch, 14$?. ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~"~~f ;;-~ __~~'f _..~.~:~., ~ . CIIAiR~41'~i~, ANAFIGIt CI'CY PLANNIN COMMISSTOi~ A`1"PEST: J I ~~ ~F'i:RE'.C'11i Y, A:1hf;F.IM Cl',:Y ?LANNING COt4tdISSCOtd `! STA1'P•. Q[' CALI1~0:?N1A j COUNTY OF OR~+NGE ) ;,, ; ~ITY OF' ANAHEIM } ,' I, ecii.r.i~ L. Jiacri>, ~;.,c~ret~zcy of L•he Anaha_im Ci.tv P.lar.ning C~~tnr~~is~ion, do h~rceE~y r_ezrr i[y L-I~at t,he toce~c~ing resalu~i~~n W3S pr.r,sed ~nd '' ad~~pr_c~d at a rr,~-~~~c:inq «E rhe :lnaheim Cit~ Planning t;ommis.:ion i~eld on March 16, ,' 1987, t~y ~!~~ Eallo~~rinq ~;~~te ot the mc~rr~L,ers ther<~r~f: 1~Yt5: CUhiMISSIO[~1~RS: F,uJr1S, ~~12Y, Hc::2:fS'I', f.A CG~IR.E~ LAIvlCKI, F7C BCRNEY~ ~ ~d-,5SE: I~O~S: CUM[4CSSIOPJ:i[2S: rlO~L• Af3SE;E~'P: CUt1:4;:iSI0NER5: NQt7F. Ttd WITNF,S:, WII~;E2L•'c?F~, ~~ have i,F~r.eunLc> sr~~ my hand thi:i lEth ciay of ~tarch, 19a7. - ~fGa~d~G!~------o'" ' 11.~.. ~~rCEt~;'P~1Kf, AN1lEir^.iM C['1'Y YLANN[ J(; C.;~y,qt4ZSSIQN ,- -2- PC87-62 f,