PC 87-69~~ f2EtiQLU'PSO______ N_~~~_,_~'_C~7-69 A Ri~SOLU'PIUN l~~ THG ANAHFIM CI`PY PLF.NNING COMMISSTON 7'HF1T pL`PT'I'ION FUR VART.ANC[; N0. 363A BE ULNIEU WH1:RI:AS, the Anaheim C.Lky Planning ~Cnmmi ~sion ~ji~ 123~ vDaLe `,SL• reeta Petit:ion Lor Variance Erom JOSEPti C.LARK A~I) LOIS CLARK, Anah~im, C~liforni~ 92809, owners and MAGt~Y HANNA, 4Q00 MacArthur t3ou.levard, {~680, hewport B~ach, Californi~~ ~z6~d~ ayent f:or certain real pcopert~~ sir.ualed i.ri the Ciky af An;~heim, County of Or.ange, S~ate of C1l.if~tnia, described as fo1].ow::: T?ARCEL i : F UE' 'L'ElE `1'HA'P PORTIGN Ol~ TFI~ WES'P 5.].3 ACRI?S OF `PEIL NORT:~I HA.T~ NOR'.CHPILST r 2 cpU'Pti RANGG ~ 11[,OWGy~AoTS.B~g~'PE& M F DFSCK29ED yAS TpWNSt1IP ~ , f'OLLOSaS : BGGTNfi7NG AT A!'OINT IN THE WGST LIP]F ~J~ THE NOT'c`PHEAST ~UAR7.'E:R pg~ Splp gEC'PION 2A , BL'.ING 494 . 31 FL•'ET SOUTFt 0:~' 'rFiE t~ORTHWEST ~URNGR 'PtlE~21?0~; 'PHENCF. COC~TINUT.NG SOU'iH ALONC THF ~9E:S`r LINE OE' CORNGl2 OF SAID NQR'PHE.`.ST QUARTL•"R ].65 . 11 h LG'I' `i0 2'IiF SOU ~'t1V~,'E~T TfiL LAND C~NVEYED TO EMM~R L. B~ESON ANI) WI['E H~ DEEll EtECORllL'A IN dqOK 163a PAGE 150 U~' OFf :ICaAL RE:CURUS; TI~IEN:.E 5v~3~13 89° 59' ~1" EAST ALONG 'PHC 50U`PH LINE OE' SAID LAND CONVEYCp TO FMM~R L. BEESON AiVD WIE'E, 338.71 ~ CL;'P TO THE~ SOU'L'F1CA~T CO?2NCR THEREUE ; 'i'NLNCE NORTH Q° 12' 35" EA.S`" AuCNU TH~ EAS'T LINE 'PHGRGO"' 165,46 F'~LT; 'PHENC:i: iJORTC~ +39° 5u~ 1:" WGS`P 338.77. ~ECi `PO THL, POINT OT' 3[;GIIvN?NG. ~rJHE12I:i1s, th~ City Planr~iny Commi~ssi.on did hald a~>uk~l{c hear.ing at tt~e Ci.vic Center: in the CiCy of Arahr_im on E'ebruary 2, l94'~ at 1:30 ~.m., notice of said i~ublic h~aring h~.vin~ beeiz duly yiven as r.equired by law and in ChaF~ter 18.03, ~ccordance ~dith thn provision:~ c~E ~lie Anaheim ~iunicipal Code. ~o hAar. :~n~3 consider_ evid~n<:e Cor ar~d aq,7in ~t said pro~osed vacianr,e and to investiy~te and make L'indir.gs ~nd recommendaL•ions in conn?ction therewiL•h; said nublic hearing liavin~) been coniinued to the l~lannin~7 Co~r.m:i~~~ion ~neeting ot Macch 3U , 19~37 ; ,~nd ;~HEREAS, said :.ommi5~ian, atter due insr~ection, investlgation and study rnade by its~~lf and in its Cehalf, and ~1f~o ~a zina nand~cietp mine the c~vidence and r.e~orts of.t~red at airl h?aC't~1~r Eollowing ta~r~: 1. '1'hat the ~~wtiti~ner. pr,~po~es waivers ~3f: the Cullowing to constr.uct a 3-~tory, 40-unit ap~rtmen~ co~nplex: (a} St:C'P"~ I0~ N]•a~()'~•G~~1U1• - Maximum wall nei.yhL. (6 f.eet prrmitt.ed; lU ~eet: prop~sed) (b) ;;~CTI~N 18.3,~.J61.UlU - Minimum ~ite area et ~lwelli~ ~nit• IT ::; =, ioazr ]~C87-69 ,~ ~ ~a . ~~.~~~ ;~' ~~, (c) SGC'PION 1a.34.p62.012 - Maximum steuctural hPiQht. ~~ ~ (1 st•or~~ permitted withi.n 150 ft. of single- family residential; 3;atories propo~ed at 100 £t. and 2-stories, pro~osed at. 17 fee~) . . -'. ~~.1 ~": . 1~~ .~,.,( I" (d) SGC'PIJN 18.3~.Q62.020 - Maximum site coveraqe„ r (55~ permitked; 692 pr~~poseci) (e) SGCTIONS 18.34.G63,011 - Miriimum striictur.al sttbac~. ~ ANn 18.34.G63,022 w ~ ^; 2. Thah. t.}~e above-m~~nt:ioned waiver:; ~~re hereby denied on the basia that there are no special circumstances applicable tc t.he property such as size, shape, tapo~rapP,y, 7.ocati.on ?nd sur:-ound.ings wt~ich do nol: apply to other ideni:ically zor~ed ~roperty in the same vicinitl; and that strict aC>plication of the Zoning Code does not de~riv~ the propert.~,~ of pri.vilegej cn.j~y~d by ott~~r properties in ttie identical z~~ne and cl~s~iti~w~.ion in the v.ici.n.itv. 3. Ti~at the pr.evious pro~~sal (a 49-unit af£ordabl.e apartment comple~c) was revisec3 tn a 40-tinit c~mplex wit:.h waivers (b) and !e) haviny be~ri deleter~ by the pEtitioner. 4. Tnat thcre ;are no exce~ational or extraordinary circumstances or cnnditions ar~lic~able to the nropert:y i.nvolv~d or to the .i.~t~en~'ed use of the pr.~pcrty tnat do noh. appiy gener~il.ly to t.he prapert~~ or class oE ~a~~ in the same vicinity anc9 7.OIlE. 5. T.hat the requested variance is not n~ y for L•he preservation and en;ayment c~f ~:~ subs±~.ant.ial pro~erty right nossessed :; uthe~r pr.UpEr.ty in tne same ~~icinitl and zone, and denied to L•he ~,coperty i.n question. G. 'Chat the r.eq~es~f~d var.iance will be m~ter.ial.l~v detrimer~tal to the E~ublic we.ifar e o~ injuriott,s to the prop~rty or improvements in such vicinity and zone .i.n wh:~ch, th~ nrop~rty is loc.rytryd. 7. That 15 persun:: indicate~.3 ~heir E~resence at said public hearing in o~positton; an~3 thar. no corc~spondei;c.n was ceceivnd in op~os:tion to subject petiLion. ENVIROLVMcN~I'AL IM?AC~1' EINllIP~G: Thai~ 4he Anah~im Cily plannf.ng Commi~ ~ion has revi.ewed thry prop~s•al t~ reclassify suk~ject proper.ty froni l:he R9-A-~}3,000 (Residential/Agrir..ultura! ) 'I.~ne to rhe RM-1200 (Resident.ial, Multip'lE~-E'amily) ?.one ;i to construct a 3 st~r,y, 40-~nit (pr~viously 49-unit af£ordable) apartmer.t com~.lex ' ~'~; wikh waiver~ of a) maximum wall heiyht, b) mir.imum site are~ per dwelling unit (dPleted], c) rnaxi.mt~m str~actural. :~eiyPil•., d) maximum site c.overage and e) mi.nimum struc~ural ~etback [deleted) on a r.ectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisCing of. ' a~pcoxitnahely X.12 acres, Piaving a trontay~ oE ap~roxim~tely 1.~i6 f.eet on the e4r~t ~~ side ~.E Dale AvEnue, approximately !'iU0 L•eet 30Uti1 of ~he cen~erli.ne oE eall Road and ~urtber described as 1239 Sou~h Da2c Avenue; and does hereby approve the Negal•i.v~ DE~C1aCation upon finding that iL• has r~on~iciered the Negative Declarai:ian toyether wilh any commrnts received during che publi4 review process and Eurther. finding on the basis oL th~ initia.l study and an!~ comments ceceived ktia~ thEre is ' n~ substantial evi~ence that the ~~ro~er.t wi.ll have a signiLicant efEe~t on the e~lvironmenh. ~1- PC87-69 ~9 ; ;;~ „ , _.;~:~~ ,. ,.,-. ,. ... ., . . , ~. ~~ . _ ~ ~~ ~~~~. t`1 y~ Jti .,~e~ .~'.::~~.t ,r~ ;~ ~~~ .:.. .i.'i~ NOW, THEftCFORI;, BE I'P RrSOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Comml.ssion does hereh,y deny subject PeL-iti.on Fc~r Variance on the basis oE the aEorementfaaed findings. 'PHE FOFZL'GOING R.GSUi,U2'IQN is :~igned and a~proved by me Ehis 3pth day U£ `~$ March, 19fl7. , ~/ ./' '~ ~./•'/ ~ / . . . i'. .....:~" ^-~ . ~ / CHAIl2MnN, AN EIM CITY ~ ING COMP1iSSIpN ':'~;I ,J ~T~r~sT: `i:, . ~ ' '; J ~ECRETAl2Y, ANAHEIM CITY FLAI~NTNG COMMZSSION >':'.?~` ',i STATE ~F t:AL7i'ORNIA ) :u CUUNTY OF ORANGi; ) ss, '~~'~' CITY QF ?.[vAHEIM ) ' < T, [:dil-h L',. H~rris, Secretary ef the Anatie.im City Flanning Commission, do -`~ hereby certify thak the Eoregoing re~o.lution was p4ssed ~nd adopted at a meeting of ~'`~ the Anaheim City Plan;~zng i:omrnission held on Mar.ch 30, 1°87, by tl:e fol:lowing vote :~ of Ehe m~mber~ thereof : ~~',t; `i i;, AYGS: COt4M2SSI0NERS: BOiJAS, f RY,. HEf2.BST~ LAWIi:KI~ MC f3:JRNEY~ MESSE ~;' NOES: COMMIS~IONERS: NONE ABSFNT: CC)MMISSIOIVCF,S: LA CLAIRG ;;i; ,. 2N ~9ITNES;~ WEiEREOE, I have h~r~u~ito s~t my hand this 3Uth day of MaCCh, l;i 1987. ~ ,-C" r ` ~,'. ~~L~__~ ~___'~'i,~,~ ~~. SLCRETAR~AIJAHEIM CITY PI ~ ~ ~ANNING COMMI,,SION ~;~ ~. :`~ ';1 "`;', Y', ;+) ~; ;;i °i ,r ~ ?.~ I~~C (1'.~,_ ~ ~ 4 k l~~r~ Y~V. I ... ~~~~:~w~~r~r ~ ~ ~ a ~ ' ! ~ ~ ~~~~:~ ~; ! ~ ., ~ iJnJs >k+~k S'•:, -3- y} PC67-69 ~`~'j ~. r~ i ~~'~ t ~ . - ,.. ~. !1 ~Yt~