PC 87-71J'~t RESOLUTION r~0,~ PCf37-71 ~~ A}2E;i0LUTI0N OF THE ANAH~IM C'ITY PLA~IN.ING COMMISSION '.PHAT PG'i'TTION FOR VARIANCE N0. 3650 BE GRA~ITEU WHEREAS, khe nnahein~ Cit-y Planniriy Commi~sion did receive a vFrified PetiEi~n for Variance from WALTCR W, TIM0,3HUK AND :,HRISTTNE M. TIMGSHU. , 7077 East Sho[ecrest Urive, ~naheim, Califorr.i::~ 92807, owners and SHULDA-McCLOSKEX ARCHZTEG'I'S, 34113 Coast Eiighv~ay, Dana Point, California 92629, ATTN: JOHN P. `~' McCLOSKEY, aner.t for certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, ~ounty af Orange, State nf C~liEornia described as: LGT 8 OF TRAr,~P 10998, AS SHCWN ON ~ MAP R[,~CORDED IN 6U01( 532 ~ PAG~S 20 TO 25 IDICLUSIVE OI' MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, REC~RUS OF ,:.`.:'~ ORANCF~ CQUN2'Y, CALIFnRtQIA. ,, WNET:C,:!S, the Ci.ty Planning Comre' ~sion did Yio1d a public hearinq at t; the Civic Center in the City nt Anaheir,i ~n tiaz~ch 30, 19£~7, Gt J.:30 p.m. j ,; notice of. sai~:, public heari~g having b~e~~ duly , given as re~uir~d by law and in ;:~' ;J ~ccordance with the provi:~;iuns of tne Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03t ; to hear and :.onsider evi.dencc: for and against said proposed v~riar.ce and to `~~: i invsstigate and makp finding~ and recommendations in connection therewi.th; and `;'~ ~ WHERFASr sazd Cormnission, aft~r due inspection, investiga.tion and '~ ~ ~ study made by itself and in iL•s behalf, and afher du~ consideration oE a11 evidence and re~orts oEPFred ut said hear.ing , does find and determine the ; { ~'ollowing tacts: ; _ 1. That the petitioner proposes waivec uF the foll.owing to consL-ruct a two-story, 29-toot hiyh, single-fami.ly residence: ~%:.;; ' :1s; SEC`PiON 1g,g4,042,U1.1 - Maxirnum s~:ructuzal heiqht. ~_ ~~''~. :: (25 teat in Scenic Corridor r~ermi.tked; ,. ;~; 29 f.eet proposed) `»~ . ~,;: ?. That the above-m~ntioned waiver is hereby qranted on tk:e basis ; that there are special cir.cums~ances applicable t~~ th~ Proper~y such as ,~ize, .~~- shape, to~oyra~hy, Iocation and surrou,~dings which do not ap~ly Co other ``'~•' >,; identically zon~d properGy in the sam~ vici.nity; an~] Ehak Utric~ application r~ :i; of the Zoning Coc]e deprives the proper~y oP privileges enjoy~d by othex ~a y~ ., prop~rties in th~ identical zane a~d classiEication in i:he vicinity. ~r ; '~. 3. That there are ex~eptional or extraardinary circumstanr.es or i( ; '~; conditions applicable to the pro~erty involv~d or to the int.ended use oP thP ;, ,,~ .r pr.opr_rty tt-at: do not apply ~enera].7.y to th~ property or cla,s o~ uc~~ in the ~ 'r Sd(il@ V1C1fl1C~ dt1Cj 'LOCle, , y ~s, 'j ~;v '~ 4, That the r~quested varianr:e is necessary for the ~r.eser.vation and ,Y ~ enjoyment of a substanti._~.l ~roper.L-y right possessed bX othcr property in the ' sarne vicinity and z~ne, ~na denied to th~ property in questi.on. ';,4~ 5. That the requcsted varianc~ will not be materially detrimental Cc ~r~ "-' tne ~ublic welfnre ~r injurious to the property or i.mprove-r~r.ts in such `~.~ viciniry and zone in which the property is lacated. ; r? i , : `{ ' ; 1084r PC87-71 ,:~ s , ~,r i. i ,,; ~ 1 y ~r _ ''~SM1..l,Irl.. ~, .~~ ,. ., . . . _ . _ .. , ..,. . . ._ _ . ...... . . ... . _ .. ,. .. . ,, :,. . .. ...' . . ... .~:. . :. ' .. ~.... ... ~. . . .. ~ . ' . ' ~ .. ~ ~ '.,: . ..~.. .. ~r.b~ ~r ~~,~F ~."~~4 T.tf11MM1~,:~.~4~}.~ ~r.;.r. ,.,,.. . ~ a , i _ , .~~ t a'~~~:', ,',. i b. 'I'hat no one indi~t~ted their f~rn,^y(?I~C~C at ~aid publir, heaK.tng ln ~~PF~asiti,~n; and t.hat no corr.eapundc•~nce wa:~ re.^.eive~] in ~~p~osition t.o ~ubject petition. f~NV1RONMENTAL TM~~Ar~l t~~tNL~ING: ~Chat t-he Anahetm City Planning ~~rr~ni ~sinn has ruviewed th~~ uror,r~s~~1 t.o co,-~~c•uc~ a twc~-story, 29-~foot high, t~ingle-Famliy xesidence with wa.iv~r of m~xi.mum struct:ura.l he:ight on ,in ir.regulurly-shaped E,arcc~l af l~nd consisting of appr.oximately 1.64 ac~e~ tocated at th~ soucl;w~.:st corn~~r. of. Overl~ok 'I`Grr~sce c,nc~ Tuckaway Circle and f.ur~`ier descr.i:~ecl <~s G925 L?ast. Overlo~~k T ~ Negative lleclarac.ion upon Eiridiny that~tit,~Ph~~ar~~C n~ id red`k~~he~~PNegattva D~cl.ar~~tion together with any comments received dur.tng the ~ublic xeview pr~~ces:~ an~~ fur~her. Ein:3ing on t:he ba„i, oE the init:al study and any comments -'~ce'~ved thaz thc~ee .i~ no subst~ntial evidence !.haC the pr.o~e:,L will have a ~i.gniEicanL efEect. o~~ the ~,nvironment . NOW, ~:H1;RFEURE, E31•: iT RESULVf:D L•hat the Anaheim City Plann.tnr~ Commis:sion doc~s nereb~~ g~~~nt subject Peti.tion for Variance, unon the fol.lowing ~~nraition:; wi~ich are h.~rc~•~y ~~u,~~ t.c> t~c~ a nec~~:•- pr.opose~' ~,,~ oE ~hr subjecF p•uE~e,:~ ':'ary prerer,uis.ite to the ~ yenecal. w~~l far. e of khe Ci t i.ze~,s of c~„Y in ~rc3er to prescrve thA ~~fAty ~n~j _ ~:ity oE Anahei~r,: ~ l. Thak suk~jer,t ~~r.ol~ercy shail be c•l~velo;~F~-3 sur~stant.ially i.n acc.o~da;ic~ wit'~ plans and specificaCion:; on file with Ch~ City oE Anaheim marked Gxhit;it i~os. ]. throagh ). 2. 'Phat ~riur to i,;suanr.e oP ~~ builoi.n~J P~rmiC~ t;;e ~~ thoroughfazc~ and briclge fe~~ ;h~all be o PPcopriate major an amount. as ;.~ p~''~ CO Lf'~ C~ty n~ nnaheim in :~pe. if ied in the Major 'PhnrouyhEare and Bridge Fee Proyram for ~he Foor;~il.l/r;astern Trar.:,portation C~r4idor, a~ ~3~'i~COVP.d by Ci'.y rauncil Re.^olution t3o. ~5R-423. ?. Tha~ ~ri~.~r t<~ issiianc~ ,~f a buildiny per.mit, or within a period of ~"E` Y"~r Crori thr r.~ate uE this resol~.tion, wnichever r,;;C;~rs L-irst, Condikzcn 1tc~. 'l, ~i(~pyn-~~ntxqilp~~ <;~7~,1 hP comnli~d with. ExZenstons for f~r.tl:er time t.r~ comE~ler.r. ;;~i~3 c~ondition~: ~ acc~ordar~c~~~ with S~~ct.io~ 1~.~~~.O~i~ of t.hP Anriheim Murr ici~al Cadetca •n ~• `:'ha~ Z~rior co [in~l bail~linq anri ronin, ~~:~ove-menti~n~ci, :,hal.l be rnmE,l i,,rj N~`h in ;F~nrtjp~~~~ Conditicn No. 1, }lE: I~i 'r'l1RiH:R RESOLVE:U that th~~ Ana~h,~im Cf.~y Pla~ning c:~mmission c:oes hereby tind anrJ ;ieterminF -h.~[ a~lo~~ i.nn ot thi~ ~C.r.d~C~3t:^d u on a ~ ~;• ~~,s~.2ut.c~r. is cxpr•a~az~y P ~p-ic~~n: ~ complian,:.~ with r_ari~ ~~nr~ ~ill. vE ~)~c, c~nditions hcreirtabnve sPL CurCh. 5'~ould any >ur,h ,.on~3t~i~~~, or .an ~E?Cl~Cf?~) :nvali.ri or 11~1nf1tOCr4~dhln ~~, Y parL thc:reof., be com~~c~t~~nt f ~h" fin~~.l jurlgmeni. oE any court o£ ` ~urisdiction, th~,n tni:z Itc::aolution, and an; ~p~rovals herein cont~~i7e~i, sha.i i t~-~ r)~~.m.,rl r.;il l~nd void. - 2- Pc87-71 ~. ,. .. .,.;; ~,~~ir;.r, ,...~., , 'l'HF L~UIt~GO'tNG ItESbLUrc~ara is slyri~:.~d an~,-3 z~~,E~roved by tne f:his 3Qth day of Mt~rch, ].9F37 , ~~~~,,?~ ,~ "/~ r '> ,o' -1:-.:~:.~.._. ~' .~ ` .., CHAIRMAN, ANA h M~CITY PL NIN~; COMMTSSZQN " / ~,'; AT'i' F~ S'C : `~G~1.e~. ~ . SEC:.FtETA12Y, AN11Ht:It~~ly PI,ANNING C:OMMISSIUN STATr OP C11I,IEORNIA ) CUUNTY (.)F QRANGN: 1 ;;s . CI1'Y UF ANAHE7M ) I, E:dith t.. f~iacr~ 5, Secretary of. the Anaheim ~.ity Plan:~ing ~ommis~ion, du l~ereby cer~ify ~ha~. l•he ;oregring r~solution w~s passe~i and adopfeu at a rneeting c[ the rlnarieim City E~?.~~nn~ng Cnmmi,si.~n held on Marcti 30~ 1987, by tha Eollowing vote o[ t.hr-_ inembers thpre~~E: AYES: COMt4ISST0~lls'RS: 7UU~S, ['T.t~', HERBS:t', LA6vTL'KI, MC E3JRNEY, MCSSE NUES: CnhiMISSIONERS: NONE AF3SENT: C~Mh1TSSi0NL•'f23: [,A CLAIRG zN WITNESa t-7FIF.EtE;OF, t hav~ i~~reuntG s?k my han~ t:his 30th day o~f t4arch, 1987. ~ "n,c~"~ ~j~~~ SECl2E`.CAR , ANAEfEiM CI~~~~~'~!~~.."-' iY PLA.INING COMMISo1~JN s - 3 ~- :; PC87-71 ,.~{;;. ,: j ,~~ , ;::;:~