PC 87-74,r,~~ , _ ,. ~ a^s ~':~~1 ,~ ~ P ~ i RCSOLUTION N0. PC87-74 A l2ESOLU'l'TON OF THF, ANAHEIM CITX I~LANNING CUr1M25SI0h ~ THAT NE7'I'PTUN FUR RECLASS:[f ICATION N0. 86-fl7-27 BE GE2AN'rFp, UNCnNDITiotv~Lr~Y WHEREAS, the Ar~aheim i:ity Planning Commission did :eceive a veriiied r, ., petition far Rec:las,ificat.ion frorn DORIS A, THAMES, 12dd S~uth Brookhurst ~ Street, Anaheim, Californ.ia 92~04, owner atid .TEPISON C. C~EN, I7U11 fleach ';~'' Boulevard, Suit.e 600, Huntington [ieach, Calttoc-zia 92G47, agPnt for certain rF.al ~.~roperty situate:d ir, tf~e :.'ity af Anahei.m, County of ~rang~~, 3tate o£ Califor.ni.a, desr.ribed as L'~ll.o~as: PARCEL l: 'PHE EAS'.P 167..76 PEGT GI' TH'L WEST E1AI~F' Or' THE fdU12TH HALF U[' ' THE NOR'CH HALI' UF THE NQF,THWEST (~UAKTER OF TEiE SOU'PfIGVF'ST QUA_T2 .CE;P, Q~ SECTI~)N 14, TOWNSEITP 4 SOUTH, RAN ~E 11 W~ST IN g~H~ .RANCHO LOS COYOTCS, CITY OF ANAHEiM, COUNTY OF ~ ORANGE STATE OE CALIFURNTA, AS SAID ;;GCT.[ON IS SHOWN ON A MAP , FECORDED IN BOOI~ 51 PAGG ? 1 OF' MISCELLANGUGS MX1PS, T~I TH~ OF'FICE OF TH5 COUN'rY RCURDER OF SAIll COUNTY, PARCEL 2: THE; WuST 15.00 FBE'P U[' THE EA~T HALC OF TY.~' NORTH HAC~F OE' TFiF tJORTEI HALI' OF THE CtORTfiWES'r Q(7AI2TFR Gt' THE SOUT.H«EST QUAR'I'~R OF SEC~P.TON .~4, 'TO~ANSEiIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE il W~ST, IN THE RF.NCHO LOS COYpTr;S~ C,~[Ty OF ANAHEIM, ~OUNTY UC' ORANGE, S'i'ATE QC' CF,LTFORI~TA, pg gAIn SGCTIOPI IS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORD@;U IN BUOK 51 PAGE 11 OP MISCL•'LLANGOUS MAPS, IN TH~ OFFICG 0~ Tflr; COUNTY RF~CORDER OE' SAI~ COC~N'I'Y. WH~REAS, thn Ci.ty Planning Commissioil dic hold a~ublic hc~aring at the Civic Center in the CiL-y of Anah;~im on March 3C, 1987 a~ 1:3Q p.~n., notice of saic3 public hearing t:avznq b~~n duly given as requ.ired by law and in accnrdance • wit:h th~ provisions of the Anahezm Muriicipal ~:or3e, Chaoter 18~U3, to hear and consider. evidEncc~ far a~ld aga? nsl- said proposa~d reclassif i.cation ar~d t.o investi.gate and make fa.nding~ and r.ecommendations in connection Eherewith; an~ WEIERE;AS, said Camini~sion, after due iny~ection, i.nvestigation a-td study ma6e by it~elf: and in its beha.lP, and attEr due considerziCion of a.ll evidence and re~orts offered at said t~earing, doe, [ind and dctecmi.ne Ehe L•ol'lowing ~act~: 1. 'Chat r_h~ pet::itionEr Fro~oses reclassi~ic~.ti.on of subject ~ro~erty fr.om RS-A-43,000 (Re~ider-tial, Ac;riculc.~lra1) Zone L-o t.he Ktd-12U0 (Residenfyal, Multinle-Famil,y). 2. Tnat the An~~heim Gpnera.l Plan desiqnates subject properEy ~u~ Mediurri Der~sity Re:;iden~ial land USr?3. 3. Th~t L-he pro~osr~d r~r..l.assiEication af sut~jpct property is necessar,y and/or d~sir.ablP Eor th~ or.der.ly and proper development of the community. ~3. ~hat the nroposed reclassi~icah.ion of sub;~cc ~reperty does ~roperly re:la~e to the zones and their permitted ~~~~s lor.ally established in c.lase proximitl to subject properky anr~ to the zonQs and Lhe.r g~:nera?ly e^t~blistied throughout the coinmunity. '• E~er.mitted uses 7.U87r PCa'1-•74 .;; ;i,' r;':;;; „~~a;; _.., ,... ,...< _ ~ ~'~.; ,~-•~, 6• That r~o one indi.caced ~l•~eir presence at said ~c~~osi~ion; and that no correspondence was rece.ived in p ~Ub11G hearing i.n ~etition. P~osition to subject f ENVIRUNMENTAL Ih1PAC`1' EINDING; , Commission has reviewed ~he ~ ~~h`'t ~h~ ~naheim City Planniny RS-A-~3,000 (Residential, Agrictultucal) Zo ~~$sify subjecC property Erom the Mul~iple-Camily or a.less intense zone) to construct M a1z3~;-~~~eSj•dential, apartment complex with waivers of maximum structural height and maximum site c.ovec•~ge on an irr~gu.larl ory, 33-unit 1.1 acres, having a Fronta eh o~ea,t'arcei of land consisting o.E approyi.mat~ly Orange At~enue, b~ing located a 4p~r~xzm~Lely 178 feet on thP ;;outh side o£ KROt.t Stree+~ anc~ further descr b d as 3416 Wesl: U an east of th~ centerline ~f. g Avenue; arid cioes hereby approve thP Negative Declaration upon finding that iti has consider.eci the Negative Declaration t~gethnr with ar~y comments receiv~d during ~h~ rev:iew E~rocess and furthAr fini]ing on t~e ba~. , camments received th~t ther~ is n~ ~ubstantial ev dent~e Lhat~ ll~study a nd ~any hav~ a signifi.cant eff.ecl on ti~e ~nv ir o n m~n t. ^ proic.ct wi11 NOW, 'CHI:REE0~2c;, Bn^ I'P Rl.SOL'JEU a Commission does hFreb th~..t the Anah~im Ci t Y 9rant .~ubje~t P~tition fcr Rec.lassifi.c.atior~ and, bylso doing, thai: Title 1~-Zoning of the Anah~tm N,unici~al Code be amendeci to exr_.lude the above-described E~rnperty Erom the , Agricu.ilural) Zone and to incorpoeate said describe~ RS-A•-33,000 !Resid~n~.ial, (Residenti.al, Multi~le-1~ami1~) Zone. Pr~Nerty znto the RH!-~1200 'I'HE FORI;GOING RESOi.UTION .iU sign~~ ~n~ ~.~ uE t4arch, 1987. [~~roved by r~e this 3(lth ~;ay _'c'~=2" • ~ ~~ „~' : -+'. ..' ; ._ ~ L ~~~~~ ~ ~HAIRM~IN, A~VAH ~.CM CITy pLANI33 C; CUr1MISSIU[1 A7"PGST ; - ~ /~ ~ }~ .~- . sECfzr~rr~~r?Ax_~~, •-~-- ~.11.~~GG M c.I PY . Ll1NN~p Mh1ISSIUN ~~'~T~ ~~' ::ALIE'ORNIA ) COU'NTY UF ORANGL ) S5, C_T'i'Y GF ApIAFiEIM ) I- Ed.ith L, Harris, Secretary of the Commissipn, do hereby certify khaL the Foregoi.ng resolution W~SY P~anning adopt.ed at a meFt.i.ng of the Anahei.m City Planning Comrr,issi~n he. p~ssed and Z987, by khe Eollowiny vote o~ ~he members there~oE; 1~ ~n ~arch 30, ~YES~ COMMISSIONE~2~: E30UAS, FEtY, FiERF3ST, LAWICKI, MC BURNEY, MESSC NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONF. ABSEN'i'; COMMISSIONERS: LA CLAIRE IN Wt~PNESS W~fEREOe, T have hereunto ;;et m Marrh, ~,gg~, y hand this 30th day of -~~' ~ , ~ ____ ~C.c. SECR~TAR ANAFIF.IM CT~Y F?LANNING COMMISSION ~ -2- PC87-74