PC 87-82,~,, ~ _ .. - , , ~:,:, ,,,. w;.~t,, ~ :,~; ,,:.~,, ~, ~ `~ ,: x~soLUTIO[v Np~ pc87-82 A RGSOLUx'ION 0I' THF ANAHrIM CTTY PI,ANNiNG COMMISSIC)N TH?'>T PETI'I'ION FOR CONDIT.IONAL USE PGkh1:fT N0. 2A91 f3~ (;~:AN'PED wHEk~AS, t•he Anaheim City Planni.ny Commiss.ion did receive a verified Petition for Canditional Use Peraii.t frorn PARR-BOFiN BONIES LTD., 7e1 Santa I. Monica Boulevard, Santa Nionica California ~ "! • 1324 S~uth .4llec Stre~t ~ ~~~01, owner ~nd WEST CUAST Pp,~F~~ ' , Anaheim, Ca.lifur.n.ia 928D1, agent for cerfain real ~Ii '' pr~P~xty situateci in the City of Anaheim, CounFy oF Orange, Stake o£ Californi.a, described a ;; `:~ PARCEL A: '~~ PAKCEL 6, iN THk: CITY UI' ANf1H~;IM, COC;17'y OC O.P,F,pIGF;,, STATF' Or^ CALI~'012NIA, 11S SHOWN ON A pARCFL MAP FIf.,Ell .LN DOOIC 17.5, PAGES ly ANll 20 OF PARCEL M~P~r I~I '.CHE OEFICE OF THE COUIdTY RL•'COkI:ER OP SATD CUUN`PY. PARCGL B; AN ~ASGMCNT FOR INGRESS AND EGRFSS OVGI2 'PHE t.AS'I'ERL~Y 14 F~;ET C~N PARC~L ~, iN 'PHE CITY OA' ANAHEIM, COU~ITY OF OR~,NGE, STATG Of~' CAI,iGORD1IA, AS SH~WI~1 UN A PARCEL t4AP FILED IN BOOK 115, PAGES 19 ANll 20 Ot~ PARCEL MAPS, IN Tl;E OFE'ICP OF '!'HF; i'.OUNTY RiCORDFR UP uAID COUNTY, W;-IER~AS, khe Citl p.iar~ning Commission di~ h~~ld a public hearing u~, th~ Civic C~nter in Lh~ ~i.Gy af Anaheim on ~4arch 2, 19i37, ak 1•30 P.m., notice of said ~ublic hearing haviny been dul ' accordanc~ with the ~, Y yiven as r.equired by 1aw and in provision~ o[ ttie Anaheim Mun.icipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cunsider ev.ideqce .Eor and ~g~ins~ ,a~~ pr~~~,ed conditional use ~t~mit and to .investigate and m~.ke Lindinys anci r<~commendations .in conneat.i.~n therewith; said pubtic h~~ar.ing naving been cunta.nur•.~l to ~he planning C~mmissior. meek.ing of A~7r.i1 .13, i~g'7; ~n~ WHElt~AS~ ac11C~ Comn;ission, a[ter du~ in~pe~~z4-l~ ir~v~sticfakion and stu~y rn~dQ by itself =;nd in its Uehalf, and aftel: due considetation of all evidence and repr~rts o.E'fr.r~~ ~t sa.id hearing, does find and determine th~ fc~;.lowing F.acts; >, ~ 1, Thal- ~he pro~~oscd use i3 properly one for which a condikioi~,,il use ; permit is authorized b,~ An~heim Municipal Code Section 1a.6I,050.070 to w~t; to petmir ~~ ~ire equipinent repa.ir tacilit_y wiLh waiv~r. of.: ~ t~ECTIUNS 18.Q~.050.U222 -- Mi~ii.mu~ number oE parkin,~~ spaces. ' 18•Q6.0~0 AND (78 required; 31 oroposedy ~~ ~ .1Q.61.066~yp50 2. Tha4 ~n~ ~bove-mentionFd waivec is hereby granted on thF hasis Lhat the ~axking wai.ver ~vil? not cause an increase in trazEic conqescio~l in the immediate vic:ini~.y nor adversely aEEecL• an,y adjoining lancl uses an~ grantinq oE the Nark9.ng waiver unr3Fr tiie condit.iuns .impos~a, if any, wi11 not be detrim~nkal to tl~e p~~c;e, healtli, safety and gener«1 w~).ta~e r~~ the ctkizens oE the City of Anaheim. 1095r .~CF~7-al - - -- ~ ;; ~ ~. ~ ~_d. . " . . . . ~r;r~!.;} . . ~~ 3. 'That use permit sha11 b the use o~ subject prop e resrrict d - ~rty as approved by tt;is condikional e L o a repair facility f.or fire equipment only. 4. 'Phat land us~as and ~he th~ propos~d use will grcwth ~! not ~dversely affecr, th e acljcining ~o be ].ocated. an d~velopment af hhe area in which it is pr~~~osed ~~ 5. That ;~;;;; ad~quate to all ow t.he si.ze and sh~ipe of the Fuil d the site proposed for the use is . detrirnental ~o th ~ evelopme;it of the rUp~,sed use in a e E~azti~ular a manner not ~ genpr~il welfar.e of rea noz thE Citizens oF th h~ tt1e peace, healkh, safe~y and e Ci.ty oE Anahe~m. 6. condi.tions That kh~ g.r.ant~ng imposed if a oE l.he Cond.i n~~l Use Permit under the safet}~ and , .ny, gener~-~1 welfare of wa.ll the nok be Ci tiz de~rimenta,l to the ~eac~, health, .. . ens oE the City o E Anaheim. 7. undue Li~~rde TP~at l-.he tr~~fEi~~ n upon the skrc t generated by tiie proposed usa wi.l.l rtot ic,pose an Lraffic in e s i~he arE~a. and hiyh~a3ys desi.gned and impros.~e~ k~ carry ~he 9. That no one indir.ated their pi-~sen^e ak saiG public hearing in or~~.~ociL-ior.; and that no correspondence was received in o~~osit.ion L-o khe subjecL pet~kion. ENVIROM~Ii3NTAL IMPACT FIN1)ILJG: That t~l~e Anaheim City Planning ~:omm:'.:ssioii has r~viewecl l•he proposal ~o ~ermi~ a fire equipm~nt repair [acilit.y with waive': oE minimum n, .nber of parking spar,~s ~n an irreyular.ly--shap•~d parcel of 1a~d consisting of approximate.ly 0.76 acre, having a frontage of aporoxi.mate.ly 94 f:eet on th~ northcaUterly sic~e oE A:llec Skreet, and fut~t:her clcscribed as 13?.4 South Allec Street; and does hereby appr~ve t:he Neg~lt.ive Dec.laration upon kindi.ng t.hat ic has considere~{ the ;,. Negative D~clr~r~~tion t~ogetlier w.ith any cammei~l-.s received duriny the publ.ic ~ r. iew ~rocess and .further findiriq on Fhe ba~is uf t~he ~.nikia] skudy and ~ny (' comments received thal: ther.e is no .;ubstant.ial ev.idence thak tY~e have a significant etJ:er_~, on the e Project will nvironment, ~ ~., NOW, THE}tt:r^~JRG, BE IT RLSOLVE~ khat the A~i~heim Ciky Planning Commi.~siori does her~by gr~?r.t subjeck Petition f.or Condikiona.t [Ise Permit, upon the Eollawin~ condi.tion:: which are hereby fo~ind to be a necessary ~rerequisite to t.he pro~osed us~ oF l;he subjP~~ r,roperty in order h.u pr2serve the safety and gcnerul welfare ot +:.he Ciki.zens oL• the City of' ~naheim: .l. 'i'hdt t.he di~iveways ,hal:l be reconstr.ucfed to accommodate ten (10) foot rac'ius curb rc-~t~lrns as requir.e~ b~ the City TrafFic E~igineer. ?. That th~~ ar>pcopriate traEfic sign~l ~ssessment Eee shall be paid Lo ~he City nf Anaheim zn an amounL- as determ.ined by the Ciky Council. 3. 7'hat fire :;prinkl~rs sha11 be in~talled as requiced by tr,e City Fire rra~ shall . 4. That L-ra~r, storage areas shall be provi~~ed and maintained in accor~ar~c~ w.ith approved p:tcl(la^ cn f.iJ.E ~~ui~h ~he Street Maintenane.e and Sal~itat:io;~ Divlsion. ~:'. _2_ PC87-82 9, ~ ~ ~s . x~~ ~,- ' ~ - . , ,~ .. ;;;:'. r~~\ F~. 5. moanted~Equipment shlill b~n9 fari) ' xt.ies and other coof and ground pr°APrly shxelded from view. 6• That th~ p~oposal sl~a;.l r.omply with ML Zone, unless a variance dl.l siyn.ing requirements of the P.l~~nt~ing Commission ~r ~~~ aZluwing sign waicers Y Council. 1S ~PAroved by ~~~ 7~ That: no ot.itdoor storaye oE or work on veh.icles or vehicul si~all bc~ permit~.~a, ar paz~~ F, Th~t- prior to t he ~ommenc~menr uf the activi`..y author.ized resolukion, ~r ,rior to the time khat a H~ithin a buildin under khis perior ~f ninety (90) da C g Aermit is iss-1ed, or whichever occurs firsk, the y'' from hhe dake or this reyolution, er,ecut~~ an~ record a ~«ner{s) o.g subject Ahtorne ~S covenank ~,n properY.y shall Y OFfice wherE.in s~~ch owner(s)~~amreepprov~d by the City formation of anv ~eG~ssment c~istr.ictis) wt-,irh ma not to cantesh thE pursuant ta t'.~e }>rovisions aE Develo rn~ ~ y hE~'ezfter be the r_it P n_ Agreement formed .Y of ~.naheim ana Anah~~i.m Stadium r N~'• 83-01 betw~en could includa such owner's A~sociates, whic:h distriGt(S~ conditi.~n wit-h~n t-ht „p~citiedC~~lni~t Shalla.render FhzS~~anditi nal ~ permit null and vo.id. his use 9• That ririor co r•esolution, o~ co~mnencement of ti~e activity autt~ori.zed under t(~iG prior ko ~ s;,uanr~F oF d~uildin Period of n.i.n~~cy (y0 ) da.ys *rom the ~ g ~ermit, or wikhir, a whirhPVer. occurs k~,rst~ r~e owner ~f ~ub•dat~ oF this resolution, and record a cov~nant 7~ct pr.op~rr~,, sYidll exectlL•e UFfitie r~srricting the usa ~ form aPproved Dy th~ Cit , candiL-ion~J, use oE .;u~je~t Y Att~rn~y s perrnik ko a rep~ir facil pr~per~y aS ~pprOVed by Ehis 10. That subj~~ct 4 .Y for Fire ~quipme~t only. with plans and specigjc tions~~ Geveloped substantia~l Fxhibik Nos. Q~~ File with rho ~ Y in a~u~rdance 1 ancJ 2, C_t.y of Anaheim marked 11. That p~.i.uc to t.he resolutzon, Qr commence:r.ent o~ r.ne activi`y authurized un~~r this prlOx' r~ is;;uance of a build.i.n~ p~rm~~ periad ok one year fr.om L•h~ d~tp oF ~his re~o~u~xQn f:irst, Condition ~ °i '~+ithin a EYtensions ~~' 2' ~bOV~-~entio7ed - whichever cccurs rO~' ri~rkher t:ime t~ ~ ~ Shal~ be comI~liec; with. grant~c? 1~ ac~:ordarice wih.h Sect.ion 18m03~09p of1ahe ~n~l~1Ons Inay ~e Code. Anaheim Municip,~l lz• That pz1O~ t.o ~he cornmencP resoluti.~:,~ ~r rnent op the acti.viky authori,Zed under ~his whichever ~'~1Or t° fin<~1 building ar,~~ conin~ ~ occurs first~ Conditzoi: :los. ~ inspections, above-mentioned, shal:! be complzecl wikii. ~' 3' `~~ ~~ and lp~ ~~ IT t~UR`l~HEk kESOI~VLL) t~hat the An.~neim C,.i.t hereb.y Eind and determine ~ Y Plannin pre~icated upan a ~ hat adopt-.ion of. this ~. 9 Com~r,ission does hereinabove set Eor~th,carshould~ anilance with c~ach ~e„°lukior. i~ expreysly ' . dlld c~1~, decl~red Y such conditions ~~ the r.ond.itions invalid ar unenforceable by the L•i.nal ~°~ any ~ar~ ~rerzof, be competent juxisdicrion, then t-hi,s 7udc~mFnt ~~ contained, ~ha11 be deemed nu11 and vo a Sclution, and any court oF any aPP~oval, hereirt a~ -3- k~ r',~r ti~vti ;; ~C87-82 -,~ ~ a °~"P t ~ - , _ _ . . ~ ',;~ THE FOR~GOING kESOLUTION ia signed and a~proved 5y me this 13~h day of Agri.l, 1987. ~i- ~.~ C , ~~ -~~~..1 [C.3A~ N, AN HEIM CITY P ANNING CO[4MISS'lON 'J RT'!'EST: / i SECRETARY, ANAH~IM C:[TY FLANNING COt4rlISSION 1 STAT~ OL' GALIFORN:IA ) >.v ~ CUUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. " CI7'Y OF ANAH~IM ) .l', T'dith L. Harris, Secretary of. khe P.naheim City Planning '' Commissi y on, do he:reb q g passeol and cerkiFy that the [ure oin r~solution was `•'~. adopted at a meel-iz~g of thc Ananeim Ciky r^lanning Commission held on April 13, `~{ 198', by the follow.ing vote of L-he membPrs tl7ereoF: ~;, '~~ A.YLS: CUMMISSION~RS: BUUAS, fftY, i~ERE3ST, LAWICKI, MC BURNEY, ~IEaSE NOES: COMMISSIGrdF12S: [dONE ABS~NT: COMMISSIONERS: LA CI,1~I.RE IN W.LTN~SS 6VI-IE32EOi , I haV~ hereuntn ser my hand this 13tY- day ~~ Apri.l, ].987. _ r~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~-tJ S'GCP.FTARY, ANAH~IM CT.TY PLANNING COMMISSION `.:i _ . .:._..i ~~ - :i;~( !'ri -4- PC87-82 ;;~: ,~ ri,, i ;; . . . ... :' ,'~~ ~ ;~s1 '.i~~ .. . . . ~ ~ . . . . ~.. . ~. . . .. . . ~ .. ";'iSi . . .. <.~~'f? "i]iA~.~+ai~