PC 87-89RESOLUTION N0. PC8'7-89 A RESOLUTION OC TI~E; ANANF.I14 CITX PLANNTNG ~phiMISSION '1'HAT PE'SITION FUF2 V1U2I~NCE N0. 3651 BE GRANTEQ WIi~FtEAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commicsion did receive a verified Yet.ition for Var.iance trom KWOK BELT. LLE AND SIUMAY LEE, 201 Sauth Hampton Street, Anaheim, Californi.a 92Q04, owners oP c~rtain real property situated in khe C.ity of Attat~eim, Coui~ty of Oran~e, State of California described ~s: LO'C 69 OP TRAGT NU. 6691 AS L~E;R MAP RECORDED IN BO~K 250 PAGES 20 AND 21 OF MISCELI~ANRVUS ~4AP5, IN THE OFEICE UF iHE COUNTY R~CORnER OF SAID CUUtv:Y. WHEREAS, the ~ity Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on April 13, ).987, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sai~.3 public hearing haviny been duly given as rer{uired by law and i.n accutdance wfth the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 16.03, to hear and consider ~V.id~tlrg for and again:~t ~aid proj osed va[iance and ta investigata anc9 :nake f indings and recominendations in connectiot~ therewith; and WHEREAS, :~aid Commi~sion, after. due in~per.tion, investination an~l study made by itsPlf and in it~ beha.lf, and aiter due con~ider.ation of a].1 evidence an~3 ceports offered at said hearing, does fxnd and dekecmin~ the followir~g facts: 1. That the petiti:~ner proposes waiver of tt~e following to construct a family-coom adr3ition to a ~i.ngle-family resideiS;:e: S£CTIO~ - Maximum lok covera~e• ~ ~ (35~ permittedl 509; proposed) 2. That the above-1TIP_RtlOf13~ waiver is hereby qrUnted c,n the basis that th~re ate apecial ~ir~umstances applicable to the propecty such as size, xhape, topography, location and surroundinys which do n~t apply to h~heC identi.cally zoned property in the same vicinihy; and that e:rict ~a~.,plicati.on of the Zoning Co~e deprives the ~roperty af ~civilege3 enjoyed by other nr~perties in the identical zone and classifi.cation i~~ the vicini*_y. 3. 'fhat thece are exceptional o: extcaordinary ci[~umatances~ or conditions applicable to the property invvlved or to the intenaea use ot ene pcoperty that do not apply yenetal~y to the proper~,y or class of use in t•:~e s~me vicinity and 2one. 4. Thit the reque~ted variance iu ne~easary for the presecvAtion and rn joyment oE a s~bstantir~l property right ~osses~aed by other propecty in ctie same vicfnity and zone, ar.d denied ro the prop~rty in queation. 5. That ihe requested varionce will nUl be matarially d~trimental. to thP public wr;lfare ~r in~uri~us to the prop~rty or improv~ments in suct~ viCiniCy and zone in which the property is 2ocated. 1102t YC8')-$9 ,. , .: ~',:~ .~ ~;,~~~ ;+; , ~ _ ..,. ~,,. T;';,j, 15. ~ . . , F.11 ~', ,II..' . .. Ns~ ~'~~ ~~i, .. ;';1.~ 6. oppasition; That no and that ona indicated t:;~P~,r no corresPondence r e o d ~t public heariag in "'~ `1 petition. w<~s cer.eived in Pposition to ~ubject ~NVIRUNMENTAL iM~AGT FINDING; auth~r;.zer) representAtive m ~he Planning Directnr or his '' ~" , within the ~ St ~ de£inition of Ca ego ri al ~he ~'L°Po Exem ti~n sed PCO~e~t f~lls r; ,c ; :: ate EIR '' ~ Guidelines and is, therefor s ~' i ~ t o aP defined in the ~~ " requixement r, to P[epare e, an EIR. ~ ~a ~g r Y xempt fcom the :r. ~' NQW~ THERE;FORE, H~ IT RESOLVED that the Anaheiin C. Commis~ion does hereby grant subject Petiti.an for Variance, upon the following condition~ which are hereby found to be a necessar ,, proposed use of the subject prn t~t Y prerequisite ro the ~r general welfare of the Cztizens ofptheYC ty o~dAnahc~im pKe4erve thP safety and ~ , 1• That fiub;jr.ct prooerty shall be dev~ . with plan~ and ;;nzcxficat:ons on fileuwithsthetCity~o.fyAnaheccordance E;thibit No. 1. ir~ mar.kRd ~- gE T'I' FURTH~R RESOLV~U that the Anaheim City planning Cammissi~n does ~ hereby find and d~te:mine tnat ac'~ption of this R~solutiun is ~xpreRSly predicated upon aP1~Iicant's compliance with each and aIl of the cond.itions hereinabove set focth. Should any . `~"'`~?=~u ~~~vaiia or uneni'orceablP buch eondirinn; nr ar;, ,,:~_•t the:~~~f be co!rpetent Y the final judgment of any co~~xt pf contafned, sha11 abe tdeAmed tnull and vQ aeSO~~'tion, anci any approvals hc~rein ?'t~E POkEGOING R~SOLU~~ION is sign~~d and apprcved by me this l;ith c~ay of Aptil, .1987. ,i=' ~ ~. , / . /l /L~'~l /q~ /' . ~L.~.- •~7s...1 r ' % " ~ I,-l CNI,IRMAN, AN ~EIM CITY ANPJING COMMSSSIJPi ATTEST: ~ . ~ -, SECRF.TA Y ~ , AN,,HEIM CITY P:.ANhING l,UMt~1ISS:ON -2- .. `~'~ PC87-89 ar. 1', ,: r e ;.<.~- , . . _ . . . . 5~~i'IYd'M4+111'~~'•i"4-~. . r.:r x.._. ..,. . ..,.,.. ', , ~ ~ ~_ _, . .. .. .. ~r^ ~ ,~ -~ ..ti. 3 ~ ~ 11~:.~~,,~7p~S~'rvds,~)'~~'~"1;~~"a~a~J~~~;~ii~ '~ t. r+~ 4 . ~R *' :'. STA2'~: OF C_'ALiFOHNIA ) COUNTX UF ORANG~ ) s~~ CITY Ok` At~r~HEIM ) I, Edith I~. Ha;ris, SecceCary pf the Anaheim Ciky Planning Commi.ssion, dn hereby cer.tify that th~ Foregoi.ng resalu~ion was ,passed and '' adopted At a meeting of the Anaheim c:ity Planning Commi.~sion h~ld on April 13, ~ 1997, by the following vote oE the me:nbers thereof: ~ AYES: COMMTSSTONERS: BOUAS~ FkX~ HERBST~ LA CLr\IRE~ LAWICKI~ MC 6URNEY: M~.riSG hOES: COly;d1SSIQNERa: NONE ABS~N7.': CUMMISSION~RS: NONE i; IN WZTNL•'SS WHER~UE', I have hereunto set my ha~d this 13th day of ; A.pril, 1987. i ~ ~ . 'i ~., SECRET. Y~ ANANEtM CITY'Pi,ANNING COMMISBIUN -3 PCA'/-89 '~~l ~~i I .,~