PC 87-91~.. .. ... . ... _... . ...,,. , . , .~ .r,.. ,, . ..., . ., . . , . , ~ .,.fr~ ii rai ~ ~ . . , .. ~1~ ~ F .~, RP:SOLU'PION N0. F~C$7-91 F~ CtESOLU7':[ON U1 TFlL ANAHLIM CI'i'X PLANNING COh]MISSION 'PC?A`r PLTTTZ()N FGR VARIANCE N0. ~653 BE GRANTED ;. WFirRF.AS, the An~heim City i~],anni.czy Comnission did receive a veri~ied ;;.Y;, Petition Eor Variance Lrorn YaKUB A. VALI AND LURA L. VALI, 1'l1U Narhn "~- ,7eEfeL•son ;;t-reel•., Suite E'. Analle.im~ Cali.Pocnia 92807, owners of cer~ai.n real ~~"~ propertiy sit~•.ted in l•17~ ri~.~, of Anaheim, County oE Orangc, 5tate of (:aliforni~ described as; LOT 2 QF TRACT NC~. 497, MOTHL'R COLqNY SQURFE~ IN THE CITY OF ~1NAfiEIM, COUN'PY OF ORANGE, STATr OE' CALIL'ORNIA, '[1S P~R MAP TfifRCOe RECORDFD IN I~OOK 17, 1~P.Gti' 3£3 Of MiSCELLANEOUS MAPS, ItGCORUS OE' OkANGE COUNTY~ CALII'ORN]:A. Wti13REAS, t~he City planning Commiss i.on did hold a publi.c hearing at thc Civic Center in the Cihy of Anahei~n on April 13, 19~37, at 1:30 p.n,., notice cF said public heariny having been duly yiven as eequired ~y law and in accar~lance wirh khe provisior~s o.E the Anaheim [~iunicipal Code, Cha~ter 18.U3, ho hear and consider evidF~nce for and .,gainst said ~ro~ased variance ~~nd ~o inve~tigaie and ntak~> findings and recomm2ndations in connection therewith; anci WFIEREAS, sa:id Commiss~~r~, aft-.er duc inspecLian, inve:tigation and study made hy itselP and in iks behalf, and after. due c~onsider~tior~ of all eviderce anc.i re~orts off,eced at said hearing, does find and dekerma.~e the folloti~ir;g fac~s; 1. `rhar. rh~ ~ekition~r pro~ose~ waiver~ oF th? fo11uG!ing t~ constraci~ a 2-story, ~1-unit apartnient building: (~? Scc:'I_zUN - Maximum .,tructural hFic~ht~, ~T (1-story witl~i.n 150 feet o!' ~ sirig].e- tami7.y residential zone permi.tked; 2~stories at 78_ feet Erom single-Farnily r.esidPntial ~ zone tc~ the south ~ncl at 111 feet frcm single-fami.ly zone to the eaGt proposec~) (b) SECTION - Minimum sidevarci yF~tback. ^!5 feet required; 0 tc~ 11 Feet from the east property ].ine propose~) (c) SECTION 18.34.U66,05.2 - Permi.Fted access to ~arking •s aces. (b~acking ont:o put3lic street iiot permitted; 2 spacey backing onto Watex Street pr.oposed) z. '~har. the above-mentioned waiver.s are heceby grantQd on the basis thak there are special ci.rcumskance, a~pli.cable ~:o the propect•y such aa :~ize, shape, topogra~hy, locakion and surroundings wh.i.ch do not a~ply to other identic:al].y zoned ~,roperty in rhe s:~me vicinity; and that strict- applic:ation -~' oi the Zc~niny Code depriv~s +.he ~ro erk oF • E P y privileges enjoyed by okher _• properties in rhe ic~entical zo:te and classificahi~n in the v:tcinity and ~; subjec~. ~~~:± 1104r PC87-yl ~ •w~ ~ { ~ a~~:!B ' 4~ ~J ~ . '...:' i r ~~.: :3. That thcra are except.ian~l or exhraordi.nary r.ircumstanr.es nr cunciitions a~~licable t.o the pro~erty involved or i~o ~he intended u,;e oE the property that do not ap~ly y_enerally to the ~roperGy or class o[ use in the same viain:ity and zone. 4.. That the reques+~e~l variance is necESSary !'or Lhp preservation and enjoyment of a uub;;tanti~~l property riyht pos~e:;sed hy ohhE~r pro~erty in the sarne vicinity and z~ne, and deni.ed t~~ the property in c;u~st.ton. 5. 7.'hat the reRucshed vari~nc.e wi11 not be m~terially detrimental to the public welEare or injurious to l-.hE proP~rty oc improvements in such vicinity and zone i.n which ~hc properi:y is locat~ed. 6. That~ no un~ indicaL•ed L•heir presence at: ~aid ~ublic hearir!g iri opposit.ion; and thzr. ria corre:~ponuence was received in opposikion to subject petiEion. L'NV'LRONMGN~I'AL TMYAC;T FINDIPiG: Thak the Anaheim City Planning Cemmission has reviewed the proposal to cc~nstruct: a Z-story, h-unit apartmeni: building with waiver of. maxirnuin structural heic~ht, minimum sid~yard setoack and permitted access ro parking spaces on a rectangularly-shaped ~arcel of land consisring of approximatel.y 5,730 square Eeet, h~iving a front:age of approximately 51 Feet ~n the north side oE V7ater St-.reel, and being locat~d apprnxirr,~tely al feeh west ot t.he cerit~rl.ine oE Claudi.na Strezt, and f.urther described as 1.19 East. Water Str~et; anc! does hPrsby ap~rove the Neqative Declarat.ion u~on finding that it hzs considered the Negakive DeclGration rogether with any comments ceceived during L-he public revieta proces~ and f.urther Einding on +-he basis af khe initial sY.udy and any comments received tha~ there i.s n~ sub~t~ariFial evidence r.r,ar. rhe project: wa.11 have a significant ecfech on t.l» envir.onment. NOW, THLrF.F012E, aE I'i' RLSOLVLll r.hat. the ~naheim Cicy Planniny Commi:sion does hereby granl stibject Pet.it~on For Variance, upon the following conditions whict~ are herek,}~ found to be a neces;:ary prErequisite to the propose~ use of the subjech r~ropErty in ozder to pres~rve the s~£ety and ,eneral wel£are uE the Ciki.zens oF the City ~f Anahei,m: 1. T~hat prior ko is:~uan~e of a buildiny p~rmit; appropriate park :,n6 recreation in-lieu £ees shall De paid ko lhe Cit~ of Anahe:im in an amour~h. as deter.mined by ktie City C~uncil. 2. That. pciox to ~~suar~ce ~f a buildi.ng permit, ~he appropriate traPEic signal asses~ment fee sha?1 be paid ho the Cic~ of Anaheim in an ~mouni: as det_errrined by the City Council. 3. Thal- khe ownE~r oP subject prupert~y sha11 irrevucably ufter Lo cir~dicate to the City ~f An~l~~im a strip oE land 10 feet in widL•h Prom the cenkErline oE the ~ublic alley f.or alley wi.dening purposes. 9. That drainage oF subject. pr.operty shal.i be disposed of in a manner satisfacr.ory ko the ~ity h~ngineer. 5. ~Pi~at subject pro~erty shall bs served by undergrounG utilities. 6. That trash storage areas shail ae prov~.ded and mainrained in accordance ~u~,th appruved plan~ on file wir.r- lhe Skrec:t Maintenance and Sanita~ion llivision. '2- PCS?-91 ,:~; ;e ~ ',~ ,~%~ r ,. ; , , _ ' ,..,. ,~~~n .~~... ~_ ~~~.... ...r... ~.. ~ ......, `Y11~u.,~~ ..~~~.~...~ '.....'.:.. . ~":~ ..: ~..;... ~.~i,'..~ .....,.:.~.. t ..~,~'.,. .~~.~..i~',~~- .,,~...ri r. . .... ~.. , ...•!?'.rv ..-~f•.'. , ...~, ,. . .. ,..~ ~ . ... .. ,. ~ C i ~ " . . ~ ~1,:F, I 7. Tha~ the owner of subjeck pro}~erty sha11 pay ta the City of Anaheim a ~' f:ee .Eor s~reet. lighking along Water Stre~t in an umoun~: as determined by the Cit.y ~ouncil. ; aa That the owrier of sub jecr. proper~y sha'll pay t~ the City of Anahe~.m a fee f:or t.ree ~lanting purpcses a~onc~ Water St.reet in an amount as ;,; determined by t:he C;ity Cc~uncil. 9. That prior to commencement of structural framing, fire h,ydrants shall be insralled und charged ~s requi.rPd and determined to be necess~ry by ~he Chief of the E'ire De~arhment. lU. That. all air cor,dit.ioning facilit.ies ac:d other rooF and ground mounNed equipment• ~ha,ll be properly ~,hielded frorn view. l.l. That ~ri.or t.o issuance of building permit:,, the applicant shall present evidenc~ catisfactory to Lhe Chiaf Building Tnspector that t.he prupesed proiec~ is in conforma~ce wikh Ccunci.l rolicy Number 5h2 "Sound Attenuat-ion in Residentia]. Projects" and with Noise Insulation StandardJ Specified in r-~~ California A.dmi:iistraL-ive Cnde, Title 25. .12. ~.C;~at a rol.l-up garage uoor sha11 be installed ancl mui~~tained on the two-ce;r. garage facin~ Wakec Stree:t. 13. 'Phah subjec~ property sna11 be developed substantial7.y in acc~rdance with plans aizd s~PCificahions on file with khe City ol` Anaheim mar.ked ~xhi.bit. No. 1. 14. That pri.oc to issuance of a k,ui~~:inc~ pern?il•, or withiii a periud of ~n~ year from the dai:e of r.his resolutiori, whichever occurs firyt, Condikion Nos. J., 2, 3, 7, anr? B, above-me~ztioned, sha:i..l be compl.ied wirh. Ext~~lsions Eor Fucther time to compler_~ said c~noitiorls may be yr.anted ir. accordanc:e with Section 18.03.090 0[ tl~e Anatleim tlunlr.iFa1 CUdE'. 15. That prior to fi:~al buildinr~ cind zoning ins~ections, Conditicn Nos. ?;~ 4, 5, 6, 10, 12 and 13, above-~menti~ned, shall be complied with. ,;, uL IT ~URTIiLh. RGSOLV?D that Ch~ Anaheim C~it:y ~lanning Commissic~n doss hereby ~ir;d and determine that adopti.on af this Re:~olu~ion is ~x~ressJ.y ~,redicated u~on applicant's compliance with ear.t~ and all of the ~^onditions hereinabove set Eorth. Should any such condition, or any part ther.eot, be declared invulic3 or unenforceable by t.he Fina1 judgment ~f ~ny court of. c~mpetent jurisdiction, then this ~'<esclution, ac~d <~ny appruvals her.ei.n conkained, shall be deemecl nu11 and void. THE FOR~GOING RESOLU`rION i.s siened ~nd ~pproved by me this 13th day "'~; oF Ap: i.l ~ 7.98' . ~, ' I ~~ J C / ~~. + ~a~''-r i ~~ ~: Cl•;AIRNf/~Dl~ A!•1 IM CITY P NNING COt4MISSTUN }.i.: AT'P~S`P: ~'~ . _.. ~, .. . ;' !'i ~`~ SECF2FTARY~ ANAHEIM CT'PY F~LANNINv C0~4MISSION ~`~ -3- PC87-91 1; ,- ;i .`, , ;:,, ',w', _ ~,I ,.,, ~p q~ ~ ' ~ . , - . . . . . . . . ..,. ._. I ~ ~irt i .. . . ... . . . . .«~. .~~rt .at,ee.~n ~o ~ r r C~ 1 !`:rtg•7M1 ,.,,. ~;f~•~`i ~ ~ . . ~ . 1 STATE Ob' CALIFORNiA ) COUN'P'1 OF ORANG~ ) S 5 ~ CITY ON ANT,EIEIM ) '`; I, Edith L. Commissi.on, do hereby Harris, ce t i~ Secretary of hhe Anah~im City .Pianning ',; adopked ak a meet~ing oC r ~ y that tl.~e foregoing resolut;on was passed and the Anaheim C:ity piannin C i ~~:e,; 1-987, by the Eallowing vote uf t g omm .ssion helc7 on April 13, he mFmk~ers thete~f : ~" ` AXES: COMN;ISSION~RS: BOUAS, FR'Y~ F1ERI3S`P, LA CLP.IRE, LAI~IICKT, MC AUI2NEY NOE5: CUMM.ISSIONERS: MPSSE NONE , i : P.BSE~IT; COb1MTSSION~,'RS: NONE ., ~f; P ; I'~ WITN~SS WHLItEOF, I April, .1987. have hereuntu set tny hand this 13th day of r, , r; .f _ J r ~ ~ E "~,!; ~ ~ "~~/.7 SL(;kET'ARY, ANAHETM CITY PLANNTNG COMMISSIOP] ~F .(~~ rC87-91 f r;;' : '