PC 87-95.. ,, ': ~f~ . , .~'~ ~ ~4 Ezrso[,u~r~oN tap. pca7~•95 A RP:S~I,U'P.(O.d C)i :PFiI3 ANAH~'iM CITY ~I~~N~ING CUMMISSION I:L'COMMLNI}ING THA7' 'I'FiG ANAHCSM CI'.PY CUUNCII. AUOF%7' AN URDINANCE APPROV.ING IONING ANU 1)l~YLI,UE'M1:NT STANbARI)S E'UR S.PECIFIC PL',AN N0. 87-1 WHF'1?EAS, on April ?.9, 19ab, the City Cour~cii ui the City oC Anar~eit~ ado~ted Ordinance No, q7p9 to est~blisn unifurm procedures .Eoc th~ adoption 3nd impl~ment:ation ot ;;pc~~.{~~~ p~ans £or Ghe roordination oE future de~elo~menr. ti~ithin hhe Ciky, and "Zr~ning and Development Stanr~arc}s" where the SpeciEic P1an incluaes •r,oning reyu:ations and de~~e.lonment ~kandards to ~- substituCed Eor existing ~.;on.ing under the ?on:ng Code w-:ich shall be adopt~ed by ordi.nance indep~ncl~nt of t.he r.est. ot khe 5peci£ir. Plan; and WHLRrA5, the 1lnahei.~n Ciky F.lanning Commissicn ~id receive a Ce~3uesr f.ror~, SOU'tN~RN PAC YROPEK~TI3S, INC,, 2 Nort.h Lake Avanue, Suite 800, f~a,^adena, California 91101~ AT'PN; JUfilv .iAMESON~ ownc~r, anC! FLH'~NA ANn ASa(?(:IATES, :INC.~ 1151 Dove Str~,~t~ Sni.te 130, Newnort Beach, California 92660, AZ•q~t1; FRANh GLFEh1D, agerit, fc~r appro~al oE a sp~ciEi.c pl~n, including a Public Facilikies ~lan ;,•action and a coordinaCr_(] iiscal impact analysis, and 7.oning and nevelr.pmec~t Standards, to pr.ovi.~e fc~r th~ development oE the 816-acre t~i~h.lands at Ana~ n tii:ll.: to include i~p r~~ Z,147 residencial units, p acres oE commr~rcial uses, a minimum 5-acre ~a:•k site, a.15.3-acce e.lemer~tary schoo.l ~~LP, 1nd approxiir,akely 285 Ucres c~ apen sp.:~ce. The ~iroperty is locaked north o.f Canyon Rim Itoad arid easr o~ SPrran~ Av~nue, anc3 bounded o~ the noxth by Gask Eii1L:+ Planned Coramuniky ;Lauer kanch), on the east by "rJallace Ranch ancl oal: [iil?.s Rar,~h, on the sc~ut;~rast by Trvine Company property, and the 1ega.1 descri~kion oE su~ajec-_ propecty is coiitainad in Planning Conmi.ssion Resulution C~o. PC87-94, recemmendiny City Council a~proval oE 5peci£zc Plan No. 87-1, .inc.luding ~unditians; ,and WHFEZEAS, r_he Planning D~part.ment deemed i~ aE~pronriate, pursuan~ t.o the pcovision:; oE hhe Califcrnia Envi.ro~;menLaL (~uality Act, to prepare EnvironmcnGal Iinpack tt~~act No. 273 i-, connecri.on wirh Specx~i~~ t~lr~n plo. 87-1 for thc: prr~posed dev~~lorm~nt. of thc pro~ect~y r~ferred to as rhe [i.ighlands at Anah~im Hi.ll.s; and t~he P.lanr.in~ C~~r.~miysinn recommen~]~d Cit ce~tif.~catx~n oE L•'nviroiim~~ntal Im~act. Reporl- No. 2%3 and St~temC t nrog Overridiny Consideralion:~ in their recommend~7tior~ [or appKOV~l oE Specific Plan No. 87-1 (Pl.~nn.tng Commission Re~olu~i.on N~. p~g7_94); and WEii,RrAS, c:h«~ City f~iann.in~ Commi.:sion did hold a ~tiblic hearing at the Civic Center. in the Cit,y of An~~h~i.m o~~ ~9arch .lF, 19F37, at 1:30 p.m., ~~~~~"ir~ oE said ~,uhlie t~earing -zaviny be~n d~.~ly given as requir.ed by law and in accordanc.~ with thr> f~rovi~ions oE khe .~nahe~m Munic:ipal Code, Chapt~c 16.U3, tu hear and ~;.~nstder evid~nc~, for and aga;n:i<- said prnoosed specific alan includin~_~ ~oninc~ and develupm~~nt standard;;, f,ublic Eaci2ities p].an ser,tion and Eiscal im~act- analysis and t~o inve:~igate ~and make findin and CttCqi~;n~fld~t~lo113 i» connection rher~~wit:t;; ;~~~1~ `~" co.-it fnue~~ t~~ ren~~lar me~t.i7ys r~f March 30, ],q37 ~u~~ ~~~ ~~C a; i:ig having been tipeci~~l :neF•tirig ~~~ Apr.il 1.0, 19~7; and ~ 13, 1987 and ~ N1.! 14r PC87-9ti ~~ i~- _. , ,.-~, : WHE1tCAS, said ~ommissian, afl.er ~~iue in~pect.ion, invest~igation and ~t.udy made hy ihsF..lE aild in i.ts bthalf., and atter due r.ons.id~ration ~f: all eviclence • and reC~a~~s offe~F~d al said riearing, DOL''S Eif;RL~3Y h'IND: 1. That as authorized in r_hapter 18.~3 0~ Tit1e 18 oE the Anahei.m Municipal Code, a Specific Plan may provide for zz diE.tezent set o£• zuninc~ and develop:nent st~:ndards as part of the Specific Plan kex~ in 'lieu o.E exisl:ing zr~ning and c3evelopment stand~rds. 'Phn;;~ standard~ sha11 k~e oatt~rned atter ~ t:he zon!-: distrir.ts Eound in Chapr.ers 18.'L'1 through 18.53 n~ ths City o.£ a.. Anahei.m 'Lc~ning Code ~nd contain the same cat.eyories of st3r.caar,c?s and ,,. regul.a~..ions as i-h~ ao-v~ districts either by incorporztion by reFFrenca of exisri.ng sections, or by whole text.. Unless othcrwise pravide~a ir, ttie Specific P.lan, a S~t~cific Flan zone sh~.ll be; suti~jecl t.o existing overlay zones. `1`he SpeciEic ~lan ::oning and Develo~ment. al•andards shu.ll, upon ;:daption by or~iinancF~, supercede the coniny previ~~usly established Eor th~~t ; are~. 3. 'I'hat r.he ~etitionAr has provided a Zaning and llevelopment 5tandards ~ t~xr. ro sc.~k torhh miiiirnum standar.ds and procedur _s Ecr the d~vsloE~r~ent of residi:nt ia1, cemmer.ci.a1, and open space uses with i.n l-he Specif ic P~.an ~r.ca. i1-ty land use 1~r.~NOSd1 nat spec.it i.cally covAred by the pr.ovisiotls cQnt~ina:i `' her~in sha.l.l be subject to t 1~~: regulatioris of the C.ity ~f Anah2.im Zoninc~ Code ~; for the unc3erlyi~ig zo~te. ['ollowing is the co~nparison by zone of the pro~~sei± Spec,iEic Plan Develo~ment Stand~~rds and the st.anr]ards i:ucrent].y idEnt.ified in Title 18 of tt~e Anaheim Murii.cipal Code: (A) DPVELOPMI~VT ARF'A 1 ~ R5-72UU(SC) LOW i)~fJSITY SINGLE-hAMILY !~E'CACHED ~ HOUSING L•'X.T57.'ING RS-7200 ( SC ) S'rANDARD SUL•'C:IFIC PC.,AN STAN~ARDS ZUN:[.IG STANDAFtUS I. Requir.ed si.te }~r.ovision for open ciecorative no ~~rov.ision in 5creen.iny ty~e w~ill ko allow & pceaer.ve t2S-72~0(:3C) 'LOne view whPre a ~rac3e separati.4n between any acter.ial highwai or : pro~erty line c~ccur.s at a m.inimum o[ 6 Er.. anc3 a minimwn 12 Ft. :;El~back exis s br r,ween the s::;~gle- fa~ni.ly developrt~ent anc! condieions . ~~s sta~.ed above (B) DGVELUPMEN'P ARF.AS "l, 5 ~~rtr.1 ~~ I?S-50UQlSC) uE'PACIiGD S1NGLf:~-~AMILY. ~ HOUSIIdG ~ S':ANDA~2D SPECI.~ IC PLl~N STAiJpARU5 1. Mi.n. buildin~,~ sit-e & min. 5 l, )00 sf blcig sitc ~uilc-iny ~ac3 aK~~a min. a,oOU sf. nldy ~ad 2. Min. lo~ widr.h an:3 min. 4.5 ft lot width fruntage E?iz~'PLNG 1tS-5U00 i :iC ) 'l.UNiN~ STAN~I,ftDS min. S,OOU sf blclg lot ~ E~ad rnin. 50 ft lot w.idth ~...~~ , :,~ ;~~ ~^~ , (~'.; ~h -Z- P;.87-95 ~: ~i ;. ~ ; ~: ~ f. ; 4' w.~ ~-~-. 3. Min. 1ot wi~il.h for m.in. 40 ft wi~ith measured mi~l. 45 ft width cul-de-~~ac & knuckl~ at. the buildiny setback ~ lots 4. M.in. lot frontac{c: min. 20 Et wi~l4h at no nrovi.sion i~ widCf~ oC £lagiot~ right-of way 1tS-5000tSC) zone; hnw- 5. Front~c~n gatages u, Mii~imum d:imensions c~L- parking ~pac~s mfn. 20 Ek sel-k~ack .Eor Front-on gar~~~e with a ro.ll-up garag~ dr~or, with majoritv cF yarage.s on th~ same block not less thar. 25 ft: open space drivewa~~ dimensi~;~ of 16 f:t. wic7e 20 f. t long ~ cver, S~eci~ic Pl~r- comPlies wih.h startd- ards set L'orth in tt~-HS-10,000(SC?zone min. 25 ft; howevex, mi.n G ft if yarage equipped with an aur,omati.c yarage door opener provi.cled that no gar.age be aet back bet-~~~en 10 to 25 ft Ezom Eront peuperty line an~9 noL less than 20 Ft avg. for all garage~ on sarne block min. 16 f.t wide and 25 ft long (standard set forth in parkiny section of r_pde) 7. Re~uired site provision Eor open dc:cora~ive no prov.isio« in ~c_eening t.Y~e wall to allow & pr~serve RS-•~000(SC) lone view where a grade se~arati~n between any dCt.P.C1~11 hiyhway or property 1inE~ occurs at a min. ~`' 6 LL• and a min. 12 ft set- hack exisks b2tween the sinc~lc- Eami.ly d~vel.opment and cunditions a, stated above (C) DF.VFLOPMF.N'P AltLAS 3, 4, 10 - R~~-50Q0(aC) Dr"..'~1CEil:U ZERV LO'~ LINL SINGL,E ~~ ~ ~ l'AMTLY FIOUSING ~r EXI;~TING R5--5QOU(SC) S';'ANUAl2D SPECl'['IC P.LAN STANDARUS 'LONING SZ'AND~~E2DS 1. Mi.n. bldg sit.n ,~nr] min. 3~500 ~L 'a2dg sit:e rnin. 5UQ0 s.f blc3y lot bldg ~ad ar~•~ min. 3~OU0 sE bldy ~,a~ ~.iid pad ~ 2. Min. lot widti~ and min. 35 Et J.ot width ° min. 5~J Et 1ot width Ezontage -" 3. Min. .lot width Eor min. :i0 fr.. wir3th meas~red m;n. 45 f.ta cu.l--de--;;ac and at h.he builr.~ing 3^kb:~ck i knuckle .lots , -3- ~',; pce~-~s , ~~~5'S~.~~ r.,,1. a ,:. ~ ; P; ii, ,,;r,~ :';:;, ,:. s~ , , f :~; , ~ . , ti sr";: ., ~: :I~ 3. Min. lo~ width Eor m:tn. 40 ft. wi.dth measured min. 45 fk width ;.i~' cul-de-sac & knuckle at the bu.ilding setback ~ ~ lal-s ~'. 4. Min. lot~ ~t•ontage mi.n. 20 ft wicit.h at width of Elag~ol•.s riqht-oF way 5. f'r~nt.-c~n garages 6. Mir,i~num d:imensions oF parkirig spac:es min. 20 ft setbaclc far fr.ont-or~ garage wi.th a rall-up garage dour, with ma;ority oE garag~s on the sa.me blo~k n~t less t.han 25 ~t open spar.e driveway !aimensian of 16 ft wide 2U ft long ~ ~~ no pr~vision '.n RS-5000(SC) zone; huw- ev~r, S~ee;ific Plan com~sl:ies with stand- ards set Eorth in RS-~HS-i0,000(SC)zone min. 25 fit; however, min 6 Lt if• garage cguippe~3 with an automatic ~arage door oper.er provided that no garage be se~ back between 10 to 25 £t Erorn Eront property line Gnd not les~ than 20 ft avg. for all garaa~s on same blor.k min. 16 ft wide and 25 f t lung ( ~t;andard s~t f~rth in parking section at code) 7. Itequired site provis.ion ~or c~pen decorati.ve no provi.5icn i.ri screenin.~ type w~1.1 to al.low & preUer~e 1t5~50Q~J(SC) zane view whec? a grac~e separation between ar~y arl.erial highway or property~ iin~ occiirs at a min. of .5 ft and a:nin. 12 fl set- back e;cists bF:tween~the sing,le- Fami.ly develapment and conditions as atatr.~d abc~ve (C) DEVFLO^MF.N'1' AREAS 3, 4, 10 - RS-5~OQ(Sf') p~TACHED ZERU LOT LING STNCLE E'AMII,Y HOUSING ~ ST!'~tiUAf2D 1. Min. bldg site t~nd bl.dg pad area 2. Min. lo~ wic~th and f.,: ontage 3. Min. loE width £or cul-de-sar and krtuckJ.e lots SPrCIFIC PLAPI S'PANUARDS min. 3,50U sE bld~7 :~ite rnin. 3~OQ() sf. blcig pad min. :i5 ft lot width min. 30 f~ width measured at the bui.idi.ng SE~kbdCk -3- EXISTIN~y RS-SOOQ ( ~C ) Z(;NING S'PAPICARDS min. 5000 sf b.l.~y lot and paci rnin. 5(1 f:t lot width min. <~ ~:t. PC87-95 ~I ,~ ~ t., ~J ~.: '~" ~, , ;., , ,; ~; ;.:, ,: . , <~<< ..,.. _. ., . . . , .., ..+,~ ~ :, ;~ ; ~; ~i i k: ~:~a ~- =f : ,,,,` ~, . ~~ , , 4 ~ ~~~. .. f ~ I i~', ~ ~ /~'~' 17 1 ~A-.~1 l ix~ f' ~ .. ~~<.'~~}~. " A: 4. Min. lot fron4age m9.n. 20 £k ~~idth at right- no provision in 3tS-50U0(SC; width of. Plaglots of-way zone; how~:ver, Speci£ic ;~ nlan cotnplies wikh stan~]ard~ ~et forth in t:~e `' l.?S-HS-10,000(SC) 7one ~ 5. Coverage and oper~ max. 45~, coverage T max. 35'~ ~:overage for ~~ space re~uirements c~welling units of 3 bedroums ~~t;; or less w/?, garage pkg spaces 6. Min. tloor area min. 1125 sf livab.le fl~~or min. 1,z•l5 sf ~' per dwelling area 7. lront-on garages min. 2Q ft setback ~or min. 25 ft however, min. Eront-on garage wi.th a 6 ft if. gararn eyuipp~ed ro11-up garage door, wi.th wikh an autom<<t.~c ga:.age ;~ majority of garaqes on L-he c?oor opener provided s~~me b].ock nok less than that no garage bp setback 25 ft. between 10 to 'l5 Et o~ front prapertx line and ~ s; not less than 2I) £t average far all garages on same bloc': 8. M.in. di~r,c~;sions af open spac~ driveway min. 16 ft wide & 25 "~; pkg ~paces d3.mension nf 16 ft wide, ~~ ft long (s~andard sec 20 f. t lan:~ Eor th in pkq code ) ;% 9. Rec~uired site pc~ovision far open decor- no p:~visi.on. in RS-50U0 screenin~ ative L~e wa11 to allow (SC) zone `~°, and pre~erve view wher~ a gra~e :.:eparation between any arteria.l hwy or pro~ert.y line occurs at ~ min. of 6 ft anc3 ~~ min. 12 ft setback ~axists between the single-•f~,;nily development and condiLioris as :;taked above (D) DEVEGOPMENT AREA E- Rt9-3U00(SZ) MEDIUM DGNSTTY AT.TACIiED S.[NGLE FA:~1'II,Y ~r CL~US'P.ER HOUSSNG r ~~~~NnAr~~ 1, Ftequired site Ncreening S1~ECIeIC PLAN STANDARD, ~rovisio~i for o~nen decor.- aki~~e type wall ko a1lQw and ~ces~erve view opnor- *unitie~ wt~ere a grade separ- at.ion bet:wecn any arterial hwy or properLy line OCCUCB at a min. of 6 ft and a min. setbaek of I2 ft ex~s.`-s betw~en thc multi.p.lc-family develo~inent & conditions as star.~d above ~~- EXISTING RM-3000(5C) ZONING STANDARD~ no provision in Ith1-3000 i SC i zone FC87-95 -: ;, j ~j .M~~ '; ~, `',1 s' ;.v ( E) DEV~LOb'MENT AfiI;A 7 - !?M_120 JLTTPLE~E' Y HOUSTNG ___..~„____S:i'f1NDARD SPECTE'IC F> ~xZ~~'ING RM-1200(SC) --.._~__LAN STf1NbARDS `-------~---..r_ Zf):7~ INC Sq'AN))A~..._ 1• Minimum floar area 13act~elor un.its: min. 500 sE min. ~~0 per dwe:l.ling unit - s£ '~~ ~; _ ,'.:.t( ,,t~, ,!a; ~~ ;; 2. Rec3Ulrnd elte screen:ing Provision f.or open de~^ ative t~ wa.il to aJ.~ow and preserve vi~w oppor- ~unities wl~iere a grade SnParation lietween any arter- ial hwy or proper.ty ].ine ~ccurs at a minimum oF 6 ft and ~ min. setback oF 12 f.t exists between khe mulkip1e- ~~~~~~ily develupmen*_ and ~onditions as staL-eci abo no proviUion in HM-1200(SC) ~ zone `; ve ~ F) DE---V~ .pMZ:N~' AREA 11 - MULTIPLI;-F , --_._.__,__ A[diL~ y SF,NZUEt CITIZGN The SpeciL-ic HOUSTNG P1an proposes ko Urdinance No. 45fi7 ~ incorpo,:ate t~he standards set projects) tor the development of~d;nulti~ e~ £amil t far~h in with the followin~ excepticn.~; £O~ Senior Git.izen's apaxtm~nt ~' ype seni~r cikizen hous.ing ~T~ ' ~. """' S~'_ 6'CIl~IC PLA~ STANUARDS EXISTING SENIOR CITIZEN ~ 5' 1. Min. bi~ilding site --------____._, Min APT. STAPIDAf2DS O~r~~~5~7 ~ arca . 1,ODU sf a^1fE' ~re~ ~er clwellii7g un.it. rnir~. 1, ~ 200 sf or as ze q• ~' ~; h.'r khe underlying , RS-A-93,000(SC), R19-3000(SC) (' 2. Buildin~ ~ 3•~ and or RM--2400 c, . (.,C) 7anes ~ structura.l hei,nt max. 50 ft hei~hk !:; limitariuns inc.lu;,ive oE roof max. hai ht ~ `~ ~hwl7, be str~ic~ur~ ' provided aN authorized by ~ rhal W /in 15U tt of a conditi~nal use p~rmit `r / singie-family zone ~'rovided that within 150 ft ~ ;~ , height sh~~.11 bF li,nlted ~o j ~~ a"''~ng~e-~amily zone, hex ht h , 5 rt s 4 a11 not exceed one-r,alf. the pistance ~ ~'`~ , from ~he strurture to ? ~'° `~ the sin le•• ' 5 ~amil y zone ~' ; ':1 , boundary. ; :'.: ' ; y; ';Y+: i •,': ; ,~. , l;;; ~ '~ 1 ^!: ~ ~ ,~ -5 ~~ ) `;' ~~ ;~-;~F~:•hv«;,R::.~~ , PC87-95 F `;~; ~ ~ (G) D~VLLC)PMENT AREA 12 - RM-2400(SC) I~OW Mfi:llT[IM llGt1SITY 1?T'rACF' FAMILX HOUSING ~ S'.CANDARD~ SPCCIFTC PLAN STANDARDS 1. Required site provisian for o en decor- screening aL-iv~ t.ypa wal). to allow and preser. ve view o~porl-~u~- a.ties wh~re a grade separati.on betwePn any arteeial hwy ~r pro{~erty line occurs ak a m:in. oL 6 Pt & a min. setback oF 12 ft exisls bet:w~en t;he mu.Itiple-family dpveloprnen~. and conclitions as stated a:~ove ~:X1:$'l'ING i-2400 ( SC ) ZONING :'ANDARDS ~ ;'r no provi: ~n in RM-2~O0(SC) '~,~ ~,.1i zone ;.:i (H) DEVELUPMENT AREA Q- C:T,(SC) NGCGHBORHOUD CONVI?NTFPI~E SHUPPING CENT~R 7'he S~eci'r.ic Plnn does not. pr.o~ose any changes t:o ~he standards of tha Cit,y's "Cf,(SC)" ~ornrnurc:ial, IndustriaJ. (Scenic Corridor Overlay) zone ~or devel~pment-. in lhis pla~ning area. (I) OPEN SPAC~ REGULATTO~S - OS(SC) `Phe SpeciLic Plan doe~ not ~roposc any c}ianges to the standards of the City's "OS(SC)" Open S~ace (Sc:enic Corridor Ovryrlay) zone. (J) S'tGN RLGULATI~JNS `.:'he Spa~~£ic Plan E~roposes t~he follo~ving sign regulakions, in addikion ~Q "~~ iiicorpor.ating the sz.yn ~tandards as set iorth in Title 18 of r,r,e Anaheim '~~ Municipal Code, in crder. to eskabli_sh standarcls for the unifo:mity and ~~` hierarchy o£ si~nage, a~ i.lZusrr~ted in the Cc~mmunity Monumenk~tion CanrepG ~lan ; Exh~bi t: 23 ), ar d to reinfor~~e the c~~aracter and irnage Qf the SpFcific Pian cornmunily. Signs whicti could hotenkia.lly aFf.ec~. vehicu.l.~r or ped~strian views ~vi11 be subject to review by the Ci.ty ~ 'rraCf.ic Engineer. `'; l. TCN,PORARY SIGNS ; Ternporary signs dnnoting the ~rchitect, engineer or r.onr.ractor 1, laced t- p on k fe premises where cr,r,struction is in progress. Such ~~ ~: signa sha11 not ~~xceed a v~rtical height oi eight-. (8) Feet nor a `~ , toti.~zl area of t;~enty-teur (24 ) square Eeet. ~ ~;. 2. CUMPIUNI'!'1' EN'PI<Y N:ONUt9Li~TATION " ~;' 'Phe following set.~ forth standar.ds ~or the imulemenhatxon ~ f the . Comnunity f9nniamentation Concept as disr.uss•:d in Paragraph 25(B) above ( re[er tn ~f;hibit. 23, Community ~tontimentat.ion Concept ). ~ntry ~~. , mor-um~~ntation wi11 be prov.ided at. three levels con:~;istent with the :,.; provisi.~ns aelnw; (a) Comr,uni.ty Entry signs, (b) Pr.oducr ~nkry i ~; s gns; ani! (c) Cc~;nmercial EnL-ry signs. ~ ,~f ,' ;i :~ ~ -~- Pca7-9s ~~ y~s~ Y ~ . .,. , ,.. ; `,_ , .. .. . , .. , :. ~ ~ ~ „r~, ~_ r~ ,-' ; r; f~) Communil•y ~ntr.y Signs ~ti~. Large scal~ monurn~ntation siJnage iden~ifying majo,:- entries to the High.tands Comrnunity. 1. Numbcr and Locatioi~ moriumentation si n ~ A maximum uf four (4) entcy Eo'l.lo~ving major enrr~euCa~'ion~ ~vill be pruvide~9 at khe - Inkersection o~ Canyon Risn Road ar~d Serrano Avenue. - Intersecti~~n o` Cany~n Rirn F.oad a~ZCI ki?e backbone "colleckar" road. -• Int.ersection of Sc~rano Avenue and eastern boundary. ' Enk~ance ~t the rierth u~undary. 2. Maximum f~eigt~t and A~°ea as an elemenk oE ktie req~,;.~e~c5]it„~nagP sha.il be provided .~hall not ex~eed a vertical h~ight Sof~ t en d(10 ) Feet from grade, nor a total acea oE two hundred fiEty (250) square feek. 3• Max.i___ _mum_SigR ~opy Area - Twenky five (,25? square fool. sign ~=oPY area to ii;clude cor~municy ilame ancl/o: logU. (b) Product Lntrv Si«~,ns Medium sc;~.1e rnor~umF=ntati.on signage provicling idenl,i.fication of entry inta individual prpjer_t area.,. 1. • IJUmbrr ~~tld L' ocation monu~ m~~ntatiun signage locationsashall be~~,rov ded2~or~each indiv.idual projecl- area. ~• Maxi.mum Hei;,,~t arir.? Area - If provided a~ requ.ired site screen wall, such Ui nace shall~po~nt r~~ t~~ vez~tical height oC-' ei.qht_ (g) gP~r ~rom xceed a area o~ one hundred-fort , 9r.ade~ nor a tc~ral y Piv~, (145j square feet. I£ such signage is provided as treec>tanding, such y.ign shal.l not exc~ed a vect.ical height o.f L•our ( 4) ~eet From grade, nor. a t.ota:', area oL- seventy_five ~7y1 squar.e .feet. 3• Maxitnum Sigr~ C~ Area ~ ~~. ~~PY are~z to inc:lude ''i`~reen (i6) sq;~are fook sign pruject. name and/or logo. fc) Cr,mmercial Cncr~Si ~ n ------_..______ „_. ~°W N~ale monument ,i.gn to identi~y entry into communi.ty commercial area, L• Number ano Locat~.on - One (1) such entry sign area ~ha11 pp permitted ak t.t~e ,na 'or entr to ,~tven~ae. ~ y P=~7~~t from Sertano e :: ~~ _~~ I~C87-95 ~ 'l . 3. Maximurn Heiyl~t" and t~rea - IE provided as an element of a ~~ wa11, such signac~e shall not exceed a vertical height of six (61 Feet frorn grade, nor a toka~ area of one ~'' hundred-twer~ty (120) square feek. ~f such signage is ,'~~'I provided a.s freestar~ciing, such ~~yn ~ha]1 not exceed a ~;'~~ ver.~iral height of four (~?) feet frc~m y;:~~e, nc~r a total `~: area or'. tinlity (80) square Feet. Maximum Sign Cop,y Area -~~en (10 ) square foot sign copy ='`~'~ area to inc.lude project na-ne andjur l.ogo. (d~ r"ut.ure Developmen~ 8iqns Temporary signs advising of f~ikure development us.ing genPral terrns "x•esidential" ac• "commercial" in the descri~kic~n of the futur.e la.nd usc on tt-e sit~e upon which the sign shall be locaked. Buch siyns shall not exceed a verL-ical height of twelve (].2 ) feet., a hu;. i zontai length of eight ( 8) feet, nor a tokal area of tFiirty-two (32) squaLe f.eet. Signs shall be consist~nl in size, coler, makeri.al and c:~sig~7 a.s approved by the Ciky, and shall provi~~e an idenkifiab3.e elenent to the community. 4. That t~he SpeciEic Plan Zoniny a*~d 1)eveloPntent Standards sha11 supercec9e thE~ zoning previuuuly Pstablished Ear that area and violaki.ons of those standards sha11 cnrzy f:he same pen«l~.ies and sha11 be enforceable in the sam~: manner ac other v:iola~..ioris of L•he Zoning Code~ 5, Thai ~~nless c~thc:rwise provided, adoFtion of a SpeciF:ic Plan sha11. l;ave na effect, upon orh~'t requir.erner-ts under State law cr the ~tunicipal Co~ie for deve.lopmFnt approval including, buk nok limited l-.o, subdivision maps, yrading, and desi.gn, e7g.i~ieering arid location u.f puolic improvement.s~ Any provisions fur local-.ion or design cf utilites, se~acr or storm drains in the SpECific Plan shalJ. be approved by t.he CiLy Enyineer and the Publi.c Utilities General Manager or khe d~signat~d represantatives. ~^ .: ~1~~ 6. That t:he ~~~cr.~ific Flan Zoninq and Developmerit Scar-dards includes a set o.t design guidelin~s cti::i.ch arc int~ndec'l to ser~ie as site planniny and archikectural design critecia ttiu; will provide high quality cieveloprnecit and an aesth~~tical.ly p.leasing livino envirotzir,e~t within the 5pecific Plan area. The guidelines express "ir~tent" r~tkaer than "absoluk~s" in order ko a11ow tlexi~:~lity ;n thp fina.! res.idential, commerc~.al and street d~sign. q'tle Illusr.r.ative Product an~ 5ike Dpsign Concept.ual ~xhibits For each planning axea iFxha.bit 27 through 35) reFlect, buk are nok speci£ic examples of, th~se desinn ~uicielines. The .list• includes, but is not limited to, criteria relatin~ to b+.iildi.ng arr~ngement~, str~~et sysl-.em design, building mater:.als, and kreatmen~ of hu~~dinc~ £acad~s. 7. Th~t tYi~ tiic~i-,.lands Specific ~lan srould be implemented th*.ough the processinq o.f tr~et ma~~, ~a~cel maps and site plans. Ti» im~iementai:~on process provi.des thQ mechanism ~or reviewing precise plans anci ensuring deveiapment c~nsistency with tt~e S~eciFic Plan objectives, ~evelnpment P1an, De,irn G~iidelines an~ Developmenk 5L-andards. '~- c~ce~-~5 , ~,. . , ,.V,~ `~, : ':, ,; ~: a ~,: ~-, ~; ~,., ~,~„~,.f~ . . . . . .. .. / ,~ [ 'T~~ ~~,I IAaA\ . ~~ .!~ ~ ' . ~ '•'~d~ i"t 'i 8. Thak tentative t•.rack maps ar~d site plan~. f~r clevelopment withan t.he ? SptaCiEiC Plan area would be submitLed to ttce Planning I!epartment for review and proc~ssing. Te~zkative ~a_cel mans wuuld be submit:tec; ~o the Engineering Department far review and pr~cessing. 1;;~ tentative maps a~-~d .;ite plans wouJ.d be pre~ared and submittPd in accordance with C:i~-.y requiremeni:s. The tentative maps and site plans would be reviewed by the ;:itv f~r cons~isrenr.y~ wi~h the ~' Development Plan map and DeveJopme-at sr.anaards ti~at are seL- ~orth in the t Specif:ic P1an. 9, T}?at the maximum nu~~ber of dwelliny uni~,~ ;~roposed by the ~Ii7h lands . S~ecific Plan is 7_,147. The approximate number o1: dwe]_ling !tnits with~ a n ach `~ ~ . . . residential ~evelcpme• `. area is established an tt~e l~ighltinds Developnient. Plan ; `~~;' Map, The densi~y, ~~roduct tyve and devr~lopnenr. st,~n~ards of a:esident ia l ,, , . . development area~ as spe~ifi~d in ~.l:e S~,Peific Plan,, raay be transEerred Lo ~ ~ another developrnent area, subject to the ~z~pcoval of tnE D.irec.tor of ~.ommunity `'~' DevelopnenC and Plannir~g or his desi.gnated repcA;;entatice and f urther ";t: . environment.al reviFw, iE necessary, pr.ovided the transfe~r does not ex ceed 1C~ '-` ~ , and is consist~;~t with th~ overal.l design objer~tivPS of +_t~is Specific Plan. !' a ` 1Q. That th~ buundari~s oP incli.vidual devalopment azeas and acreayes are approx imat . e and not precise. ~recisian is limited by the scale ak whieh the ~;i± Development P7.an Map is dr.a~~un. Pr~cise planning 3Lc^3 boundaries an~ acreag~s wi 11 b -~~~'• . z establi.shed in con~junct.i.on with the submiktal and r~view of ' subdivi.sion plansr Minor boundary anc. acreage ,;a;i,t;,~r,s would be permitt~d, subject t t ,`'-; o he r~pproval of t;~e Com.nunity D~velopment and Piar.nin; I)irecl or or ":a . his designated repr~~sentative, without an amendm~nt~ ~.o ths Speci.Eic F~1an. ;:,~~; , ~ 11. 'i'hat the Zoning Gnd 1)evelo~~rn~nt St.anc9ards either in~c~,duce new . J ~ zoning standards or. modiLy r-~xisti.ng sLandards as set f~~rth i.n Title 18 oi the Anaheim Municxpal Code. Addit.iona.l standards inclur.~e tne ~rovisic.~n for 3 500- ~','~`' , sqaare foat lot~, wt~i~h woul~~ he a~~proximake.ly 35 percenl srnall,~r ttian the - minimum S,Of)0 ~quare :oot lots allowed by the City of Anahezm'~ most d~ns~ (RS-~UUO ) single-fami l y zone " ';.'~~; . , ; open decorative kype w•all" fencing designed to a11ow and ~~reserve view opport.unit.:~es foc hillsicie residential ae~eiopm~rita , and pr.ov.iss~ons f~i~ t•.h~ follo~ving types ot si~nage: temp.~rary si gns on ~~; . consrr~~cr.~on sites, communiky entry monurnenL-~tion t-.c+ establish ~ hicrarchy of t ~' en rance signagz and project entr.yways throughouL- ~:he !-lighlands deve7 oament; 1 ~; ? . and future developm~:nL- siynage tc~ ~.dentif~• Euture comme:rcial or residential "' ;?~ projecc: sitcs. Modifications to exi~tin~~ z~filing standards range £rom 10 to 3U :• "' percenk and include variati~ns in Iot. size , parkir~a C~11!1P.f1S1GAa^~ cov~~rage ~~: , buiJ.ding E1oor ar~a, and height standards. The property owner and con~u.ltant have consistenkly re res t d ,~` p en e that all develo~me .t i.mplemenl~iny ; uch stanc;ards wi.~.1 display ~a hi h 1eve1 f - ''~~~'4 .q a qualiL y in design and consGruction. As a result, the Ciky :~hould expect that all implementin d l ''~'r ~~'' g ev~ oPment wi11 c~emonstrate qua:li~x a~ a"tra~e-or'f° inr th~ modifi.ed d~:velopment stanc9ards identified in (r khe Specific Ulan~ ;:;;; - :; -~' ~C67-95 .+~+-. . ro 'r;~ ~,1 . ~, ;, ~~ i ~~ ~ NOW, ~rHS~t~:roxc~ [3E I'P ttESOLVGD, rhat the Anaheim City Plan~~ing ~ Cummis~lon does hereby rc~commen~i that the Cit.y Council, by ordinance, adopt ~; the Zoninc~ and Develo~menr Standa;:ds i.n c~ ecLion with Specific Flan Nu. 87-1. ! ~nHt; 1?OFtEGOING RF~SOL'JT.[ON is signed a~c9 aPproved by me this 20th ciay of April, 1987. ,~ ~~. , ~ ~ ,. ~~i' . CFIATI~MA~, ANAFIEIh1 CITY PL NIN~3 COMMTSSION ~T'iF.'ST: > w i SECRkTARXo ANAF(~TM CI'PY E'G PINTNG COMMISSION STA'PF. OE~ CALIFOI2NIA ) COUNTY O~' ORANGE j ss. CTTY ~JF AP~AHEIM ) [, Edith i,. Harris, Secret.ary oE t_hP l~naheim City Planning Commissicn, c~o hereu.y certif.y that the f~~regcing resolution wa:~ passed anci adopted at a special meeting of t:he Anaheim C?t-.y Planning Commission he~~l on 1~nri1 20, 19N7~ by tt~e Eol.lowirtg vote c,E the memaers khe:eUP: AYi:S; ~:OMPiISSIONERS: f30UAS, ~CtY, GA~RICKI~ MC' BURNEY, MESSE: tdnES: COMMISSIONrRS: HGRBST ABSEN'T: COMMISSIOI~E:RS: NOtJE AHSTAIN: CQt9MISSIOPiER: LA C~AIRF, IN ~~1LTNLSS WHERGOI, I hav~ hFSreuntu set my han~ this 20th day o~ April, 1°0'i. --~~~ -- G~---°- • - :ECRP•,'CARY, A:~AHL•'IM CIT'i Pi,Ai3NINC COMMtSSTt~N '? t t n , -lU- PC87-95 ~ , • "