PC 87-97~~:1 a1 ' RL•SOLUTiON N0. PC 87-97 A Rk:SOLUTION Ui' THE ANAHEIM CI~'Y ~~LAt1NING CQyMIS8I0N AMI.NDING CONDI'I'IONS OF Al?PRQVAL Ob' R~SOLqTION N0. PC79-216 AND APAP.AVAL. OE AN EXTh'NSION OF TIME IN CONNF;CTIU~I WSTH ,, CONDITIONAL USC PERM]:T N0. 2029 ?`~'~~, ~ ~1EiE12RAS, Conc3itional Use Pe~:mit No. 2029 to permi.k ~n automob:tle $~~~~ agency on a rectangularl y-shaped parr.el oE land consisting oE approximately 0.6 acr~ located ak th e southwast corner oE Wilhelmina Stteel ` and Anaheim Boulevard was gran~ed by tt~e Plannin C i ; g omm ssion un November 5, ~9i9- by Resolution No. PC79-218; ana + ~" ~ WEiEREAS, on OctobPC 27, 193G, the Planning Comm.is~ion granted a six-month nxtenaion of time i , n cannection with ~his use :3ubject ro seventeer, ti7) conditions; and WHEREAS, the petitionc~ ha:, requesr_c~~ del~ti.on and modi~'ication nf cert~in condition.;; and WFIEREAS, the Anaheim City P.lanning <;ommission did hold a~ublic hearing at the Civic C~nt i ; er n Lhe City of Anaheim an April 27, 1987, at 1:30 P~~i~•, notice oE said nu~alic heari.ng havi ny bee d l . n u y given as required by J.aw ir~ accurdancp w? th thE provisions of ~he Anaheiri Munici al C c~ i i d p ns o c e, to hear and er evidence fo: and against said proposal to am~nd, modify and d cond?tions ot• a l l pprova e ete of Conditional Use Permit No. 2092, and to investigat•e anr~ make .findings and reco~nmc~nd;;,t ions i . n connec~ion therewith; and `~1tt~REAS, said Cummissi~n, after due inspeation, irtvestiga~ion and stuuy inade by itself and i . n its behalf, and after due considerakion of all evidence and reports offered ak said hearing DOES ' , HL• RI:BY E'IND: 1• That there t~ave been r~o ~;omp).aint~ fi.led with tlie Code CnEorcement O~fice since th~ Oc~ob et 27, 19a6~ pla~~ning Comanission mc~eting. , z• 'ihat oile person spoke al: the A~ril 27, 1987 + £avar of the peoposal, indicating the u }' ~; oPeratior. n~ the busin ss is an as~et to the neignborhood. currNntly T~ 3. That the petitiorier has complied with a substantial n~mbe~ of previaus conditions and stipulations . M warranted. and thati ~~n extension ~F ttme would be ~ ~OW, 'J~HERk:PORE, B~ TT .RLSOLVED, that the Anaheim c;i t Com;nission does t~er.cby extend Condition pl~nning l a Use permit Nc>. 2029 for ~ five (5 ,years) to ~x~ire on A~ril 27 1972 b ~ , , s~i conc;itions: g ject to the followin 1. 'Phat rrash storage t~reas ~hrill be a~provcad plr,~ns on fi ) ~ with ~ V a r i -- . the O[fice ot the Gxecutive Public Wo~fs. pirer.tc~r. ~F .: •,! z. ~ 2. ~Phat subj~~ct ~coperty ah,~1.1 be servn~ by un~ergr~und utilitles. 1115r ; PC87~97 ~~,; .. - . ~ ,~ ,.~~..',i _ . ;.;~ t ~ . , ; 3. That. a 6-foat h9.gh masonry wall with solid wooden yate, shall be rnainkai.ned along Ehe weUL• peoperty line. ~ 4. That dr~inage o.f subjec~ prcperty sha11 be disposed of in a manner ~ satisfactory to the Ci~y Gngineer, 5. That the prop~~sed autom~~bi.l~ sales agency sh<~11 comply with all sign:ing r.eyuiremc~nts ~P the CG (Comrnercial, General) Zone. 6. That all parking are~ lighting sha11 be down-lighring having a maximum height oF 12 fcet, which lightinq shal.l be directed away fr~m t:~e pruperty lines to protect ttie residenkial uses in L•he area. 7. That suhject property shall be decreloped subs~a~iti~ily in accocdance wiL-h plans and s~ecific~ltions on fiie with the City oi Anaheim marked Exhibit I~os. ?. ancl 2; provided, however, that a revised plaii 3ha11 be submitted showinq the ccnfigurati.on of the pai ki,ng ;;paces c.learly designated ior employees, custom~aXS and diaplay vehicles, in conEormance w:.t-t~ Code, Said ~lan shall be sunject to the app~:oval oF the Ci ty 7~rat-fic Bngineer. . 8. That Condition Nos. 1r 'r ~, 4, 5, 6 anc9 7, above--menh_ioned, shall bEr complied ~~ith contina~isly. 9. That there sh~ll be na test. driving of vehicle~ on nearby residantial streets ~nd that a.ll employees shal]. be so i.nformed. 10. Tnat ttiere shall be no parking o~ display vehicles in front af private reaidenc~s, on put~l~c sl-.reet; or si~ewalks, ar in any of tk~e requi.red un-site CllatCt~TIE?C ~nd employee parking s~aces. 11. Thal there shall be no automobile rer~air or. bocly worlc on tt~e site, and che only activi'ty perrni.tted would be limit•ed to l.he changing oF tires or natteries. .12. That there sh~ll bE no outdoor. sound system fur paging employeea or customers or. tor braadcasting mu:~ic. 13. That the busine~s hours shal]. be no later than 9:U0 n'clock p.m. i 14. That tt~e use is approv~d For a peciod of five (5) years, to terminate on Apri]. 27, 1997., at which ~ime the applicant m~~st apply for a new ~ condition~31 use a permi.t , THE r^ORF:GOiNC; P.ESOLU~.CIOI4 is signed and approved ~y me ~his 2;th day or ~~rii, 1987. /= '' ~" .-.,/ ~`~( f,~~'l~! , i ~ ,., CHATRMAN, AN •,Ik1 (:ITY PLA ING COMMISSTON ~~r~~: s~c: - ~~~ ~- r , ~i S~CRF.TA Y~ AN~FIEIM CITY PLA~ININC COMMISSIO[d ~ •-2- PC87-97 ` _'';i ;~~ ~~ : ~ . STATG OF CALIrORN2A ) COUNTY OF OI2ANGE ) ss. ; CITY OP ANAHBIM ) ... . . :,e~voiWh,ro f.~ . ~ . . ~ `~~'v: z, Fdith T~. Harris, Secretary of Che Ana;~eim Ci*y Planniny C~mmis~ion, do hereby c:ertify that khP Forpgoitiq xzsolution was ~as~ea and adopted a~ a maeting of khe Anaheim City Plannirtp r.ominission he1rJ on A~ril 27, 1937, by khe following vot,e aE the members thereof; AYES: COMMISSTONEI2S: BOUAS, FRX, kIETtgS`P, LA CLAIRE, LAWIi,iCl, ~q~ BURNEy, MESSE NO~~: CCMD9ISSIONERS: ~p~~ ADSEN:: COMMISSIONGRS: NONt: IN ~~12TNf:SS i~HGRFOF, I have hezeunto set my hanci this 27th clay of April, 19f37. -----~,fj , .~/ . ~ - ~~_•~" ~~~-~t--~._.___. SGCRI;`PARSf, ANAHEIt4 CtTy gGANNING CQMMISSION ... 3. - PC87-S7 !`*a-~,.~r. ,,,