PC 87-98~p . , . , . , . ~ , , ~ ~+,,: r rw ~ 7 '^j , . ~ - ~ ~-~~~f~ ' ~ ~~n~ RESOLUTION t~0. PC07-38 '~ A RESOLU'.rION OF I'EiC AtdAHEIM CTTY i?LANNING C()P1MIu3I0N THAT PETTI'ION POR CONDI'~IONAL U5E PFRMIT N0. 2906 SE UBNIED WHEREAS, khe Anaheim Ciky Planning Commis~ion did receiv~ a verif.'ted Petition for Conditional Use Fermit fr.om hILDR~LI B, YELLIS A(3D T. E. YELLIS, 13G80 Cloverdale, Corona, Ca.liEornia 91720p owners an~] W. F. F;.EYNOLDS, 7.4758 La Grirr,a, Mission Viejo, California 92692, agent for certain re~l proper.ty situated in the c`ity of Anaheim, County of Oranye, State ~L- Calif.orrtia, described as: PARCEI, 4, IN THF CITY Or ANAHEIM~ AS SHOWN ON A MAP REC.ORQ~D IN y BOOK F35, PAGE(S) 4 ~1ND 5, pF PARCEL MP,PS, JN THE OFE'ZC3:' OE' THE ~i COUN'PY RECURDER OI' SAID COUN2'X. ~~ ~; . WHERGAS, the Ctty Plannirig C~mmiss:ion did hald a publir_ hearing at the Civic Center, in the City of Anaheim on April 27, 1987 at 1;30 p.m., notice ;;, oF said public hear.ing having been clul Y given as required b,y law and in ~,s accoraance wikh L-he provisions of L-he Anaheim Municipai Code, Chapter 18.U3, .r, L-o h~ar and consider evidance for and agajnst said pro~osed conditional use ~ Permit and to investigate and make [indinys and recor~mendations in connecti~n 'r' '~ therewi.th; and ~:` WHEREAS, saS.d Commission, after clue insp~ctic,n, invesi:igation atyd ,;. study made by itself and in its behalf, and aPL•er due considera~ion eF all ~:, evidenr,e and reports of.fered at said heariny, does find aad determine th~ r folJ.ow.ing facts: O ` 1. That the proposed use i.:; properiy one for which a conditi~nal ;'.~ use permit is authorized by Anaheirn Municipal Code Snctions and '` 18.a7.02~.02f to wit.: to permit a convenience market with gasolir~e sal~s ~nd ; off.-sale beer and wine. ~ ~. That the pruposed use .is tiereby denied on the basis that the t retaii sales wuuld i,~iclude oEf-sa.le beer and winE ~n a convenience market with ~ ~ gasoline sales, that the accessibility o~ beer in conjunctian with the sale of ' gasoline to ;:ueJ. vehicles driven on Cit;y stre~ts cauld crcate a dangerous ~ situatia~ by making it l:no convenient for persons to drink and drive; and that ~ subjert property is across ~he street [rom Brookhurst ,7unior. High School. ~, ~ 3. That thn propas~d use will adversely af~ect the adjoining land ~ ~s~., and the growth and developm~nt oF the arc3 i.n ;,,,ich it is proposed to be ~ lacated. ' 4. ^hat ~he size and shape of the site pco~osed for the usr ia not ~ ad-r_quate ~o a11ow the full development of the proposec] use in a manner not detri.men~al c~ the particuiar area nor to t.he peracP, health, safety and gPnerai welfare of the Citizcns of the City of A~;aheim. 5. 'Phat ~he granl-.ing of the ~onc~itioriai Use Permit undcr the cond.itions i.mpoced, if. any, will be detrimental to the peace, he~lth, saFety anc3 general welfare ot the ritizens oE the City of Anaheim. 6. That the traffic generahed by the propo~ed use will impose an undue burden upon tt~e streets and hignways designed and improved ko carry the tra.Efic in the area. 1108r PC87-98 ,,~ ~ ,,•~ ~r :,. j '~ ~ ~ •~.. ' ~., ~'! ~ Y~ ~ ~ ~~ / 7. That no one indi.cated their { presence at said public hearing in ~~' opposition; and that nu r.orres~ondence was r.ecei~~F:a in oppasit;.on `~ th~ ~:?I SUbjert pe~ikion. ENVIRO[~MGN'PAL TM~AC~r F'INDTNG: Tt~at the Anaheim Cit r Commi~sion has reviewed the ~ Y Plann~,ng " propo..aJ. to permit a convenience macket with gasoline sales and wit-h oft-sale beer and wine on a rectangul.arly-shaped '' parcel of 1«nd consisting of aparoximately 0.51 acre located at the southeast ~'~' corner of Cr?scent Avenue and iirookhurst S~reet, ac~d furkher described as 530 North Brookhurst Street (Arco Ser.vica Station); ~nd does her~by appro~re the `,!''D N~gative Declaration upon finding that it has considerad the Negative 1 Dec.laration kogeth~r with any aomments receiv~d durin the 1~.~ pr~~cess and Eurther finding on the basis of the initial st~dy and anyccomrnents '~ received thak there is no subst~nti~l evidence that r_t~e '? significan~ effecL- on the er.vironnent. Project will have a NUW, THEREFORr, BE IT RI;SOL'VED ;.hat the Anaheim City Plann.ing C~mmi.ssion dops hereby deny subject Yetitiun for Conditianal Use Pertnit, an ; the basis of the aforementi.oned [indings. ~ '~ THE ~'ORCGOING RESOLUTION is signed and aPProved by me ~hi.s 27Lh da ~" April, 1987. y of , ~ 'J .`~ f ?C.'~ /l ,'` ~? ~ y /i ,"' ~-v CHAII2MAN, ANAfiE M G TY PLANN G COMh17SSI0N ATTEST: l - 4 / t SECR~'.i'Ah'Y, ANA[?EIM CIi PLANNiNG COMMISSION S'rATE OI' CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OE ORAPIGE ) ss, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, gecret~ry oE l-.he Anaheim City Planning Commission, do he.reay cer~ify that ~he foregoing ti~solutiun was passed and ada~ted at a maeting c~E the Anahe9.m Cit,y planning C~mmissi.or- h~td on Apr.il ~'1, 1987, by the following vote of the mernbers thereaE: AYES: COMMISSTONERS: BUUA~, Ff?Y, HEF2BS'r, LAWTCKI, MG BiJRNEY, ~fESSE NOES: COMM,ISSIONERS: NONE A13SENT: CQMMISSIONERS: GA CLAIRE IN WI'rNESS wx~RCOr, r have hereunto set rny hand this 2'Ith day oP Apr.il, 1987. ~ SECi2E7'ARY ~~~~ ~+ - ~ -- ~ ANAHGTI~I CITY PLANI+IIL;v^ C,OMI4ISSION