PC 88-11r~s, !is,~ d5 ', ; }~ A~A,m,p . ~' ~ , ~ RE~SQLTZTICIN 270, . PC8$,~11 A RESOLUTInN OF THE: ANAd~iE1M CITY T~LANI3ING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCF 110. 3734 F3E GRANTED wHERE~,S, thE~ Anah~im City pl~nning Commission did receive r~ ,: t~oxiFied Petition .[or Variance i:rom DALE A. DrVITT AND MARGARET J. UEVITT, '""' %178 M~ntclii.f Avrtiu~, Las Veq~t;;, Nevada, 89117, owner, and FUlURE ESTATES, IiiC., 7711 CQnter Avenue, ~f52,, Fi~.~ntington Be~ch, CA ~::fi47, aqent, af, cortain reaJ. property situated in. the ~~ity ot Anaheim, County of Orangc~, Sta~e oP Californi~ c]escribed as: THOSR POP,TIONS OF' LOTS 13 TO 1$ INCLUSIVE QF TRACT N0. 1721, irr TFiE L'ITY OF ANAHEIM, COUPiT;' Ok' ORANCL, ^aTATE OF CALII nRDiIA, AS YER N~~P RE~pRpED zFT B~~OR 50, PAGES 37, 38, I~ATD 39 OF 2~fISCELI~AtdEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF TFiE COUN:CY :ECORDER OF SaID COUI~TY T,,~L,UUED W2THIN THE I'OLLUWTNG D~SCRiBED LINF5: ~ BLc;ItdNING AT A pOINT I.N THE ?tORTIIBASl'ERLY I.INE OF SAID L'QT ~3 DT.S'CAN'r TFI~:kF,UN N 46 DEG. 26' 17" W, 24.33 FEET FkAM TFiE 6SOST EASTE;RLY CORNER OF SAID LOT , 13 , SAIU I~OTNT 1lEING ON A CUR'J~ COZICII,VE NORTIY~ASTERLY , AN'b HAVING A RAllIUS OF 1, 000. f)0 E'RET; TFiENCE FROM A TANGENT BEARING S 21 DEG. 08' OG" E, SOUTITEASTFF.LY '- ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH ,~.N ANGLE OF Y'1 DEG. 16' 1.9", AN ARC DISTANC~ pF 301.45 FEET TO A POINT IN THE : SOUTHEASTERLY LTr1E OF SAID OT ].8 P.ISTA:IT T2i:~.REON S 43 DEG. 31' 43" N, 91. SJ FEE.T FROM Tf1E MQST EASTERLY CORNER OE' SAID LOT 18; ~HEtdCE ALONC; THE NORTHEASTERLY LtPtES nF 5AID LO~~S ln, 17, 16, 15, 14 AND 13, N 46 DCG• 2a~ 17" N. 3'L4.3.^, FF.ET TU 1'HE PJIN'T QF IIEGINNING. EXCEPT THERGFP.UM J1LL UIL, CAS, MINEI2ALS AND OTHER HYllI20CAkHON SUF?STANCES [,X;NG BEI~OW THC SUR~'ACE OF : AID FItOP1:RTY, AUT W7TH NO RTG[{T U:' SURFACE ENTRX AS PROVIDEU IN DEED OF RF.CGRD. W1~EkGT.S, the City Planning Commissiun clicl hold a public hearing at thQ Civfc Center in rhe Ciry of ~naheim un January 4, 1988, at ].;~0 p.m., no~ice of said public hoar.ing havinq been c1uJ.y gxven a~ required by law and in accordance with ~1io provisions of the Anaheim ld~lnicipal Code, Chapter 1B.03, L-o h~sar anQ consider ovid~nce for ~nd aqair~st saict pr.op~secl vari.aiice and to investigate and rr.ake findinqs anii recommendations in Connectioii Charewith; nnd W~IEREAS, said Commiss.ion, ~ifter ciue inspectic~n, i.nvestiyation and study madQ by i.tsalf. ,~nd in iL.~ b~half, and .~Fter dun c.nnsiderati.on of all ov.idencct and rQpurts otE~red at sa.id 'nwari.ny, do~s find anc7 ~ntazmir~e the followtng tacts; ~. i~iiat the p~tftioner pi•oposes waivPrs ~; L~e following ~p esr.abli;;h a 3-lnt s;~bdivi.s.ir.,n ar~d to construc:. 3 sin.rylo-family r~sidonccs: 0160r PG88-11 - -- - ;; ',;; ,.' ~c C"'~~ ~A) S_E~TIQN_S_18.26,06:1,0~.0, 1~, 26 , Q6:1~011, AND ~ ~ 2~L~11S) 2 X ~~) i~~T~..9N 1~l.26~~:~Q (C) ,~~_ TION 1f3.2G.Of>3.O1Q. ~'' i' ; ~,,~. ~~' - Minim..4~!~~4~.x:~• (?.1.?~1Q_ square Fe~~ required; 5.450 .~2_.~.4_Q~ >qu~,~~fee~ proposed) . - M.~n?~~m 1Q~_~15~h• (7Q f.e~ rc~qui.red: ¢.~Pet~t Propnsed). - i~ini~am fr~pt var.d ~back. (l~f.eet rsquired; 1Q~,gg~ proposed). (D) ~F~T_~Q_N '_a.2G:OG3_,030 - M'nimim r~.~Y~rci~~.~.,b~~k. ( lo Ee~ required; 7 L•o 18 fp,g~ proposed). i i' l. That ~he above-mentianed waivnr~ are herQby granted on ttxe basis that ~hera ares s~acial circurrstaiir.~~ applicabl.e to the pron~rty such as .i.ze, s2;ap~, topography, locatiaii or surroundings, which d~ not apply ro other idantically zoned propertios in tho vicinity; and that stricr app].ication of the Zoning Code cleprive; ~hQ property of privilegc~ enjcyoci by other properties i~i idor.tir,al xoning classiFication in the vicinity. 3. 1'hc~i; l:l~~ro are ~~:ceptional or extrar~rdinary circumstances or c.onditions applic~ble to the property invulved or to the intended usa ~f the progc~rty that dn not apply generally to L-he proPerty or c;lass of use zn ~' t:he same vicinity anc'. zone. 4. Tha~ ~he rE:que;ted variancQ is necessacy for the oxesQrvation and enjoymant of a sttbsranl:ial proporty right pos3essed by oth~r property zn the sart~e vicin.ity and zone, and dPnied to Y.ha prop~rrty in ~~uestion. 5. That tYie r~quested varianco will ii~t be materiall,y dotrim~ntal to the public welfare or injuri~us to the ~roperty oz• improrements in suc2i vicinity arid r.one in which th~a property is lacated. r ~~t, ~~~',~ U160r ,~` ~~, , ~,~"`~'r V. ~~ ~' .s'~,ir . .~'. 6. That no o~~e indicatec~ their pre.sen~;e at safd public hearing in oppos.itior~; and that no corrospondencp was rQC~ived in opkosition to subject petition. ~AI,I~'QF~NIp _ENVIRQNMENT.~L~ QIJALI~Y ~T~FiNllIN~: That thQ Anaheim City Plann.ing Commission has roviewed tha propos~l l•o establish a 3-1oC sub~iivission and Co r.onstruct 3 singlo-Iamiiy rQSidcncQS with wa.ivers of minimum loC arQts, minimum lot wi.drh, minimum fr~nt y~rd setback, and minimum rear y~rd setback on an irregularly-shap~d parcel of laiid coii.iatir.g of approximately 0.41 acre loca~c~d south of the zntersection of Catalpa Avenua and Fir Avenue and northe~st oE the Sarita Ana (5) Freeway, havinc~ a fron~age of approximately 325 feet on tho southwest s.icta of Catalpa Ave;iu~ 3nd b9ing locaCod appr~ximately 550 feet south of the .;enterline of Loqwood Avenue and furthor described as 2130 West Catalpa Avenue; and doQS hereby approve t.he Negative Declaration upon findin~ that it has con~idered the NQgative Decl~rat3on togetihex with uny camments roceived cluriag r.he public review procesa and Eurtha: finding an the basis oF the initial st~idy and any commen*_s receivad thut there .{s na sub3tnntial evidence t•hat the projQCt will have a sfgniiir.ant gfLgct on thQ environrnent. -2- ~C80-11 ;~ ; .'~. ie^ ~' i ~ ~ K r j ;~'yr ~ ~~ ~,. ?.1~ ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE I7' FESOLVED tY,a~ ~he Anaheim City P1ann:tng Commission does hereby grant ~ubject Petition for V~rianco, upon the Eo11o~~~ing conclitions which are~ horeby founcl to be a nQCassary prerequis:tto to the proposed use af ~he ~ub=ect property in ord~r to preserve the saf~~y and general welfare of thQ CiCizans of the City of AnahQim: ~'~~! 1. That the existing drivc~ways on Cata'lp~ Avenu~ shall be removed 1TICa replaced w,ith a stand~rd curb, gu~ter, sidewrzlk and land~capinqo 2. That sidewal.ks shaJ.1 bc~ remaved and/or reconstructed a].or..y Catalpa Av~,nue as reguirQd by the Ci~y Exiginoer and in accordancs with str~ridard plans and specifications on file in f.he Office or the City Engineer. 3. That drainage ot subject proper'ty s~~ll be dispased uf in a manner satisfactory to the City Engi.rl~er. ~. That a parcel m~~~ or Lot Line Adjustment, as requirod by thc~ Cit•y Enginecr, ~hall be submitted to and approved by the City nf An3heim ancl h_2-en ba recorded in ~.he OFfice of thR 0+-ange County Recorder. 5. Tha.t prior to is~uance of a huildinq permit., ~he appropriate ~raffia siqnal assessment fee shail. be paid to the Citj of Ana2iei~~~ ir~ an amaunt as detexminecl by tho City Council. 6. That prior to issuar~cc of a bui.lding permitr ap~ropriatg park ancl recrea~ion in-lieu fees shall be naid to the City of Anaheim in an amount as dQtermin~d by the Cit~ Counci~. 7. T2iat stib~~ct groperty ~ha11 be servar~ by ur.dc~rqround utilities. S. That prior to commc~ncenier.t of structural f.raming, fire hydrants shall be insta].1e3 and ~:-arged as requir.ed anci da'cermined to be n~cessary by the C:hioF oF the Fire Departmonk. ~. That a.11 air condi.t3.oning f~cilities and othar roof anci gr~und mounted equipment ~hall be properly shielaed from view, '~~ 10. rhat prior to issuance oP a bu.i.iding pQrmit, the applicant ~ st~all present evidence satisfactory to the L~uilding Divisiun '~ that th~ pxoposed prnject is ir, conformance with Council Policy "~ Number 592 "Sound Attenuati~n in Rssidenhial Projeat~" and wfth Noise Insul~ition Standards specified in the t'alifornia Administrative Cade, Tftle 25. 21. That the ~wnQr uf subject pr~perty sliall pay to tha City ot AnahQ.im a fee tor street lighting along Cfltalpa Avenue in an amounk t~s c~Qtermined by tht~ City Council. 0160r `3' Y~88-,t~ ~ , ' .;~`~ '''x: ~.:i ~ ,~:~~~ ~: _ _ ~ , .._. .. , . ,,.,~.., w ~~~ ~~ ~ 12. Th~t the o~vner. of subjec~ praparhy shall pay Anuheim a fee for txee planLing purposes alor~g in an amount as detormined by the City Counci.l. . ~ e f ~J lih,~~"'~)vr Ci;' ~ 7~ i ~' ?~{~A r~~ rn . . ~' ~ ~;~;. ~ ~' to tho City ~f Catalpa Avenue 13. That subject property shal:l be developed subs~antially in accordance wi~h plans ancl ~pecif.ications on File with the City of Analieim marked Exhibi~ Vos. 1 Lhrough 6. 14. 'Phat prior ~o issuance of a building permit, or wiCh.in a poriod of one yQar from the date of this resalu~ian, whichever oc:curs first, Condztion Nos, ~i, 5, 6, 10, 11, an1 l~, above•-mentioned, shall be ::omplied with. Extension~ for further time to complete said canditi~ns may be granted in accardance with Section 18.03.090 of r.hQ Anaheim Municzpal C~de. 15. That pr. ior to fir.a]. buildi.rig anci zoninq invZ~ect;ious, cor~axtion N'os. 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, and 13, above-mentioned, snall be complied with. 16. That apuroval of ~his apglicat:i.on constitutes approval of the proposed request on.ly to th;e ex~ent that it compli.es with the Anaheim Municipal Zonir.g Code and any o~her applicable Cit~ regulations. Approval d~os not .inalude any action or findings as to compli~nce or approval of the reqixest regardzng any ather applicable ordinance, regulation or r.equir~ment. .' , ; s,, - ,~~: ~i~~ ~ ~~,~.n HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tnat tk~e Anaheim City Plannz;~q ~ommission does hereby find a;~d determine that adopY.ion of this Reso2ution is expressly predicated upon applicar-t's eomplzance wi.th each and all oE the conditi.ons hereiziabove sot .~orLh. Should ~sny such conditions, or ~ny rart thorocf, be declared invalid or uxienfarceable by thQ Einal judgment o~ any court of competenY. jurisdiction, then this itesolut•ion, ancl aYiy approvals herein contained, sh:ill be deemed n~ ll ancl void. THE k'~R~;GAING F.~BULUTIOTi is signed and app~oved by mo this 4th day af Jaiiaury, 1908. r~ /" __.~-•-~ - _- 7,._ -•- CHATRMAN, ANAHEIM CI Y PI~At7AtING COh4fiSSION ATT~5T: ,~ . ~ ~ . , ' ~ _ . ' ~ G.~~..~_..~.1 ~ ~ _ SECRETAicY, ANAHEIM CITY PC,ANNING COMMISSIq:l 0160r -A- PC88-11 ',:,i '',v;; i;'itl~ t, . ~ .. .. . . . . ..._ . . . i r , _',~~. ~l~ ~b 1 . - f 'I' ~~. b ! , ?:r qtl., )~ ~ ~ i : ~ ~.t r•,~~ it~~~a ~~7r :~ STA'~E OF CALIFORNTA ) COUNTY OF ORANG~ ) ss. CxTY OF ANAHGIhI ) ~, Edith L. ~iarris, S~cretary of the Anaheam City E~lanning ~ommission, do kiereby certify that the foregoinq resolu~ion was passed and ~'~doptecl at a meeting oF the ~lnaheim Citi~ Planning Canmission Yie.lc~ on Ja~nuary `~~ 1gA8. by the Eallowing voCe of the nembers th~r.aof: ~'Y~S~ COI~fISSIONiFS: BOUAS, BOYDSZ'UN, CARUSILGO, Fr^,LDHAUS, HcRBST, idC BURN~Y, MESS~ ~~~5~ COMMISSIONrRS: NUiv~ AHSEIIT: COMMTSSION~RS: NA2JE Ii1 WITNESS N1HER~OF, "t havQ hercunto set my hand this 4t;h day of J'anuary. ~,g88. ~ " iJ ,(~/ / ~~l -- ~? G~(~~~L~L ~~`~'l.-1_~_-, S~CRETAFty, ANAFiEIM C7.TY PL,I~NNI2~G rp1~A~fzSSION F` . '`c1 OI60r A.i . ..1 ~.~,,.'. I..1 . ~yttl ~„'*+:. ' ujc.-,: :r .~' ~ ~ ~; : ::, , ~1. ', ~.~ . ~~`w~4-..~~`' ~ ~ .. -5-• PC88-11 Y!T ~~~~ 1F~ . r