0831Y ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM A1f.Ej1D- ING ARTIOLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNIC I PAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISH w M EENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TEWIS USED THEREIN; PROVID- ING FORDJUSTWIENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCE- MENT; P CRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THZIMNI TH THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIE, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLO«JS : VVH EREAS , the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did heretofore duly pass and adopt a resolution declaring its inten- tion to change the boundaries of the zone or zones hereinafter mentioned and described and did fix a time and place for the holding of public hearings thereon in the manner and as prescribed in Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim Municipal Code and did duly 1101d and conduct two public hearings to consider such proposed change of zone or zones and did receive evidence and reports from -per sons interested therein and did recommend a change or changes of zoij.e s as set forth in Re solutions) . No (s) . Z - Series 1952-J3 of the City Planning Commission; and IREREAS, upon receipt of the report and recommendation of the City Planning; Commission, the City Council did fix the 26th d,ati. of Aij,•u t , 19.5a, as the time, and the Council Csiambers in the City Ilal 1 of the City of Anaheim as the place, for a public hearing upon said proposed change or changes of zone and did ;ive notice thereof in the manner and as provided in said Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim Municipal Code; and VdiEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public hearing Whe City Council did hold and conduct such public hearing and did �.ve all persons interested therein an opportunity to be heard i:nd did receive evidence and reports and did thereupon consider 5111E; rec orrnenda tions of the City Planning Commission and did there - Upon adopt Resolutions) . No (s) . __2015 finding and determining that a change or changes of zone should be made as set forth in said resolution(s), NO rti.. THER :LFO RE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH' CITY of ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1. That Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim Municipal Code "(:stablishing zones in the City of Anaheim and therein regulating the use of land, height of buildings and yard spaces; adopting a inap showing the boundaries of said zone; defining the terms used in said Article and Chapter; providing for amendment and enforcement thereof; prescribing penalties for violation and repealing all sections or parts of section in conflict therewith" be, and the same is hereby, amended by changing the boundaries of the Zones set forth 1.n said Article IX, Chapter 2 by adopting a sectional Zoning Map or filliaps showing; such change or changes as follows: 1. That all of the area situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows, to wit% 1jc1t s 5 to 1.6, inG1.usive, Block E. and Lots 1 to 13, inclusive, Flo clsT, of the Lorelei Tract _2"D now is .gone _R--2 'co cha• s --,ed to, and incorporated in, the R-3, Multiple Family residential Zone. S"C•TIOx 43 a The City Zoning i:ap shall be, a.nc? the sa-uie i s hereby, amended t"le. property above described s a.11 be excluded from the zone in it is 11.014 situated, and incorporated in and made a. part of the s c) E', or zones as above set forth, and said City Zoning Flap as &-', a tided i y �Ae:-? yr adopted and t"he Citi- Enginecar is hereby directed to prepare a r% v �.�.c:►��.1 `'�Oi1i;1Q :nna) to tie added to t ,e City Zoning ILap and insert- ir_ c:_e Anaheim iiunicipal Cone sI -.-owing the cha��ges hereby approved e --ad adopt eco . SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify the passage of this ordinance cause the sar�.e to be printed once within fifteen (15) days ater its a�:o-)tion, in tine Anedleim Bulletin , a newspaper circul4ation ;printed, published and circulated in said city, a.nd.-: thin' t - (3^v ) days from and. after its final passage it shall take e- ect t, -'f; Ce in full force. Tti E a GR�"'74GING rRDEJAIT10E is approved and signed by me this Z7t�_ �r oy105. fff f '. y•� A- •- -r_..'- 1 -is + � rs. uiT ARK .' IE.E o '017 AIT3I —ijIId i; i �1 �F if I! STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM 21 1 I, CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing � � �' �';~ ` �� g g Ordinance was introduced at a ---....k �.c ;_ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 at meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the n th _-day of._..+ha.nuary .........1 19-543., and that the same was passed and adopted at a _ B- -IDGM.------_meeting of said City Council held on the '. 1'. __._day of_._s. ry %�............................ _ 19 :2----, by the following vote of the members thereof • 7.i i 811 F AYES: COUNCILMEN: ' « r• ;.� i , -.. v e r , B c; ney and Van Waggo ne r 9 I� 10 j NOES: COUNCILMEN: Y 11 � 12 i 131 14! 15 16{ ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: r'� `=; • AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Ordinance on the ... day of ... A.'° =--------------------- 19-'' ---- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City 17 Of Anaheim this :: ... day of ----- sliam;j ry--------------------- 19--- 18 1; , 19 20 M� it 22 ; ( SEAL) 23 24 25 j' ,26 27 28 2.9 ii 30 31 32 CITY OF ANAHEIM 202 6. CENTER ST. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA :i City Clerk o f th . y Of Anaheim. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) es. County of Orange ) ..Richaxd...Fi chle............................................................... of said county, being first duly sworn, says—that he is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- terest in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that he is the Principal blerk - ---.---•--•-----•--••-----•------------•---------------------------------••------ Of the Anaheim Bulletin .-----......._•---------------------------------------------------------------------------•. ...._......_. a.... ai.... newspaper printed, published and circulated In the said County of Orange that said Anaheim_..BuIJ.e.t ­-­ Is a newspaper of general circulation with a list ofpaid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence of a . general char- acter;- that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a particular class, profession, trade. calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it has been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the ...Qr.d,i.n=c e.._Va..a.....BZ3----------------------------------------------•-----•---- of which the annexed to a printed copy, was published in said ne-:irspaper at least One i S sue commencing on the. 2nd..... ds of February - y ------------- ..... ............... 19 53. and ending on the ................ day of ................ -................ 19 ...... and that said......._..Notice was published on the following day_ -s: February 2, 1953 ......................................................... ._......... ------ .....r.-•; - --•- _ ------ -._!. f .�„r- -- --- --------------------- r- _..._,r :may.: - •- .......... r .... •x ............................................. Subscri and sworn to before nie this.aAd...... day of .................... .. ...................... �__.__._ ter.. .. �.. .L... .. . [_. I ........ . t, >�ot.�llblic. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. Cnuntti- of Orange ) ►ichard Fischle of said county, being first duly sworn, says—that he in a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- terest in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that lie is the Princi palklerk ........... .................................... ..... .......................... of the x%ncaheim Bulletin a-••. newspaper printed, published and circulated in the salCounty of Orange that said Anaaheim Buiietln _ . - ------------------ •............ .........--.--....................------•----....------... Is a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence of a general char- acter; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a Particular class, profession, trade. calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it has been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim. County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; t1lat thf- Ur.c.�..a_:.i_c_e . o.�..-_831...-----.............................................. ni' Whig h tltr xnrarxe4 ;a a Printed copy, was published in so(i at ic.,,t .... __ OY] P, i s sue coatruac�nc•in�; on ttic. 2nd .... ct�tiy of...........................F ebrua.�~ .....------. , ............. 19 � 3. and ending: on the ... 19 ...... and that said ...._.. Notice was Imblished on the following daN•s: Feb. ..........rur_,n�r f , 1955 .................. .......... ...... ............... ......... .... ... j...-•- - - - -- Subscribed and s%ti•or•n to Before tree this.p,tr...__........ day of . ... ... ........... .. .. ..... 77 -- ........ ....... :r............................ ..• 1; otgrr Pubile. LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. all AN ORDINANCE OF THE. CITY OF ANAHEIM AMI6NDINGF AR- TICLE IX, CHAPTII;i(, 3 or THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO*A THE ESTABLISHMENT OF . -X*W>EL8 IN THE CITY OF A EIAd1 AND THEREIN E(1 R;I NG THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGSAND RD SPACES; ADOPTING �iAP n N ���GgSHOWING THE BOT—iObSAID $ON�i TIfE TERMS U81;D THERE- IN; PROVIDING FOR ADJUST- MENT, AMENDMENT ANAA,, EN- I<'ORCEMENT; PRESCH ING PANALTIES FOR VIOLATION ANDREPEALING ALL 88C - TIONS - OR N CONFLICT T�- `l'VITH. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHMIM DO19S OR- DAIN AS FOLLOWS: WH%:REAS, the City Planning commission of the City Of. Ana- heim did heretofore duly pips and adopt a resolution declaring its in- tention to change the boundaries of the sone or sones boreinafter mentioned and dedcribed ithd did fix a time and place for the libld- inxg of public hzarings thereon in the manner and as prescribed in •ILrticle IX, Chapter 2 of the Ana- heim Municipal Code and did duly hold and conduct two publio hear- ings. to consider such proposed change of sone or stones and did receive evidence and reports from Persons interested therein and did recommend a change or changes of zones as set forth in Rffolution No. 2 --Series 1962-58 oft City Pla.nninRCommission; r an WHE EAS. upon lAnj*-6f the report and recommendation of the j City Planning Commission a City Council did fix the 26th d of Au. ;ust, 1962, as the time, and the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Anaheim as the Place, for a public hearing upon said proposed change or Chances Of zone and did give. notice thereof in the mu.nner and as provided In: -said Article IX, Chapter 2 of the' 1 Anaheim Municipal Code: and WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public hearing the City Council did hold and Gorr- ` duct Such public hearing. and did give all persons .interests herein an opportunity to be he . did receive evidence andrep# . and did thereupon conside, . recom- mendations of the C"$nning Commission and did thereupon ad- opt Resolution hl o, 2(33$: finding and determining that a chan$e or changes of zone should be m de as set forth In said rasoluti NOW, THEREFORE E CIT1 COUNQOF THE C% -ep ANA- 1IEIM`r"-'1PO;ES ORDAIN AS FOL- LOWM: SECTION 1 That Orticle IX, Chapter 3 of the Anaheim Municipal Code "estab- lishing zones in the City of Ana - helm and therein re ul'ating the use of land, height bf buildings and yard spaces; adopting a map 1 showing. the boundaries. of said I zone; defining the terms used in said Article and Chapter; Provid- ing for amendment and enforce- ment thereof; prescribing penal - ti -se for violation and repealing all sections or parte ,of section in con- flict therewith"' be, and the same is hereby, a =411ded by changing the boundaries of. the sones not forth in *aid Article IX, Chapter 2- by ado tin; a sectional Zoning Map or aps showing such change or chalices as follows: 1. That all of the area situated in the City o2 Amheim. County, of Orange, state 'of California, • de- scribed as follows, to wit: oto S. to 16; inclusive, Block and Lot 1 "• 14 inclusive# B�.ock r. of t e Lorelei Tract now is sone $- be okan8ed to and !Incorporated `1n; thi R-, Multiple Family residential Son*. eECTION The City tonin Map shall be . and the 'cam Is -hereby.. amended and the pro "ty above described shall be excluded from the sone in which it is now situated, and in- ' corporated I* and trade a part of the sone or aoRes as above not forth, and said,.- City Zoning Map as amended is herelo adopted and the City gniiater is hereby di- rected to ptepare a sectional zon- ing map-. to be added to the City Zoning Map and inserted in the Anaheim Municipal Code showing the changes hereby approved and adopted. SECT3ON 3. The City Cle -k , shall certify# the Passage --of this Ordnance and shall cause tike. same to be printed once within -fifteen (15) days. after its adoption, in -the •Anaheim Bul- letin, -a newsDapelr , of general cir- culation printed, publielfed and cir- culated in said city, and thirty (80) + days fropn and after. its final pass- . age tt shall take effect and bs in I full force. THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE is approved and v lgned by me, this 27th day of January. 1958. CHAS. A. PEARSON Mayor of ' the City of Anaheim (SEAA TIWT: CHARLES E. GRIFFITIE City Clerk of the Cit of AnAholm i STATE OF CAL.IB'IOA ) COUNTY OF �10NGLr CITY OF AN " IM I, CHARLES E. GR,IPPITH. City Clerk . of the Ci'tt� of Anaheim, da hereby certify that the foregoing Odiranc Was introduced at a RMULA eating of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the lath day of January, 1958, and that the same was __ppass- ed and adopted. at a REGULAR meeting of maid City Council held on the. 87th !ay of January, 1658, by . the following vote of the mem- bers thereof: AYES: COtMOILMEN' Pearson. Wisser Bone and Van Wagoner ABSENT O�C1EN: N o H in AND I S'Ul%+i'� C RTIFY that the Mayor of the Cit of Anaheim approved and 'signed said Ordi- nance on- the 27th day of January, 1858. IN WITNE88 WMR3101P, _ have hereunto not Iny and, and affixed the real of the tiny of Anaheim this 97th day- of Jahtlarp 1868.CrkoCoICit f h* �t Anaheim (SEAI� (Pub. ob. 21 1858)