PC 88-13k.~.£ . . . . . , . .. . . .r ~. .. . . . . , .. ~. . .. .. ..:.,.~... . ... . . .......:... . ..... . . . ..... ~ ,r{ , ~ . ~ ,. . . ,: u~, r t • :~:ivx bac~rl , ~ ~ay;~,. ,:F ~~w~Y~1 .r~ ;1 Rr or~vriorr rro ~c~_~~~. A RESOLUTTON ~F '~I;I; ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING cor~zssiorr THAT PETIT.T.ON FOR FECLASSYL'.iCA'rTOPT N0. 07-88-29 BE GfiANTEU 'r]FIEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning CommYSSion did recnive a '~`~ verified petition for F.ecla,sification from V~,7.QUEZ & DE LEON 12, 22~0 W. , Lincoln Avenue, Anahe.im, CA 92E01., owner, and F3UG0 A. VAZQCII:Z, 22q.p W. i,incoln Avenue, Ar.aheim~ rA g2g01, agent, of certain r~a1 pro~~erty situated in L•he City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as fullows: ~ LOTS 23 AND 2~! GF TRACT 2d0, ?.55, IN THE CI.T.Y OF ?, ~" ANAf:ETM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF C1LIF'ORNiA, AS ' uHOWN CN A MAP OF THE rAST ANAHEIM SUBJIVISION, '~ RECORllED IN 130t~h 14 PAGE 25 MiSrEGLAP1LOLiS MAPS, IN THE OFFiCE OF THE COUNTY RECUFtDF.R OF SAID COUNTI. EXCF,PTING THFRGFROM THE EA5'.CERLY FIVE (5) FE:FT FROM ,,'• SAIQ LUTS 23 AND 24 AS CpNVEYED TO THE CTTY OF ANAHE.IM BY DOCTJMENT RECORDED DECEDSRER 2, 1.953 IN BOUI: 2625 1'AGE 323 OFFICIAL RCCOFDS OF SAID COUNTX. WHEREi;S, the City Planning Commission c9id hold a public hearing ak the Ciuic Cent.er in the Ciky of Anaheim on January n, 198t3 at 1:30 g.m., notic~ of said publzc hearzn~ having beon duly given as required by 1aw and in ~ accordance with the provisic+ns ot the Ana2xeim Muriic:ipal Code. Chapter 18.03, to hear and censider evidenc~ for and against said ~roposed reclxssitication and ta .investigate aYid makQ findings and recommendations in corineation tiherewith; and WHEREAS, said Com,ni~sion, after due inspect.ioxi, iziveatiga~ion and study made by itse:lE and iri its behc~lf, an~ after. due considsration ~f all Qvidence and reports c~fferc~d at said I~ear.in;, claes find and dotQrmine the follow~ng facts: , ,: ~ ; ; ~ 1. That t'~e pet.it:.Orir_I• proposes re~iass~fi,^,ation o£ subject prop~:rty From the RS-7~00 (Residential, Single-I'amilv) :one to the RM-3000 (Ftesidentinl, Mu2ti~~le-F~mily) or a 1QSS intense 2one. Z. '.':~at the An~he3m GQr.era? Plan designates subject prpperty fuc Low-Mndi.um Density res.i.denrial, 3. That tne prop~sod r~classiticati.on of subject pro~er~g is nQCessary and/or d~sirablo for tlie orderly t~.nd praper dave.l~~pment of the cornmuni ty, 4. That in~ pronosEd reclassification of subjeck property doe~ properly xel~te to the zone~ and the~r permitted uses locally establishtsd in C~.Q,riF? pro:cimih,v to subject property and to the zones ana the.~r permitted use~ generally establi~hed throughout the community, 0162r PC88-13 ,. :~~~ ^;~~ .,.~ ~ ~~:~ ~~ ~?r l ~. Thak ~he pruposecl reclassification of subjec~ Property roc~txil'@S t;~e dedica~ion and irnprovement ~f abutting streets and a1le,ys iri ar..cord~tnce wiY.h the Circulation Element of the General .Plan, due to the ai}ticipc~ted increase in traL•fi~ which wi11 be ger_erated by the intensi.fication OL' land uS~. 6. T;zat two interested persoiis indicated ~heir gr~s~nce at s~id public hearing; and ~hat no corresnondence was receiv~d in oppusit:.on to subject petition, ~ j .ALIF RNIA ~NVIROt1MENTAL QUALITY AYT FINt~IN,~; That the Anaheim Cit,y Plan.ning Commission has reviewed the proposal to reclassify subject property frnm the: RS-7200 (kesit3ential, Single-k'amily) zone to thQ RM-3000 (Resi.der~tial, Mul*iple-Family) zcne to construct a 2-story, $-unit condominim r.ompl~a with waiv~rs of maximum structural height and maximum fnnr,~ hQig}it on ~ rectangular.l.y-shaped parcel or. land consiati.ng uf appruximately 0.55 acra, h~+ving a frontage of approximately 122 fee~ on the west side of Coifman StreQL-, having a m~ximum depth of approximately 201 feet and beisig located approximate].y ~190 feet north af the ceitterlin~ of CenCer SLreet and f• :her described as 20'7 and 211 North Coffman Strer~t; and doss hereby approve khe Negat:ive Declaration upon finding tha~ it has considered the Negative DeclaraY.ion toge:.her with any comments rcc;eived during the publir_ review p~-ocess and further Einding on the bas.is of tkiQ initial study and arsy comments received that r_here is no subst:ant~al evidence thaE the project will have a significant e[fech: an the environ:nent, 2lOW, THERGFOR~, BE; IT RESOLV~B l•.h~t the AnaliAim City Planning Commission daes hereby grznt suhject Petition for Rec].assification and, by so duing, that Title 18-Zor.ing of L-he Anaheim Municipal C~de be amended to exclude the ~b~ve-clescribecl property from L•he RS-77.00 (Residential, Single-Family) zone and to incorperate said c?escribed propex~ty in~o the RM-30(~ (kesidontial, Multiple-Family Zone expon the f.oll,ow~ng cond,iL•ions whicti ~re hereb~ faund to b~ a necossary prerequisite to the proposed usa of subject property in order L•o pr~serve t;hc~ safety ~1r,d g~~:leral welf•are of tha ~itizens oE the CiY,y of Anahoim: 1. That the owner of subj~ct pror~erty sha.l]. irrovucably ofEQx to dodicat~ to the Cil•y ar Anatieim a ytrin of land 32 feo~ in width £rom tho centerline of ~he st.reet along CofFinan Street tor streeL- wideninq purpose~. 2. Tnat the owner/developer of s~:bject property shall po~t a faith£ul performanr_~ h~nd in an amount a~pruvod by the City Enginosr with ttie Cit-y oE Anaheim Pri~r to th~s introduction of an ord.in~nc~ r~zoning subject propert,y to guarantee L•he removai of exi,ting sLree; improvement~ alonc~ Cof:fman ~tree~ an~i rec~nstrucLiori/con4tiruction of fuli sL-reQh imprcvRmants at the ultimatQ lacaL•ion when required bv th~ City EnginRer. O:162r -2 - P ~80-13 '~~ ,'i:', "'!' 3. That street liahting f:acilities ~lo:~~ Goffman Street shall be instai].ed as rac~uired by the IIhilil:ies General M~nager in accordance with specifications on fi1e~ in the UFfi.ce af Utilities Gener.a.2 Manager, an8 that securit~ in the form of a bond, certificaCe oE dej~~osit, le~tRr oF crei~il, c~r caah, in an amount ~nd iorm sati.sfactory to rhe (:ity oL• Anaheim, shall be posted with the City to gu~rant~~e the satisL•actory completian o£ the above-ment,ionpd improvoments. Said security shall. be posted wi~h the City of AnahQim prior to th~ introduction of an ordina~~ce rezor.ing subject property. The abave-raquired im-~rovement~ sha11 be in ,~.alled prior to occupar.cy. 4. That the awner of subjer.t property sha7.l pay to the City ot Anaheim a fee for tree planting purposes ~l~ng Coffman Street in an amounL as determined by the Cit,y Counc.il. 5. That ~Y'10?" to the inhroduction of an ordinanca rexoning subject property, Condition Noe. I, 2, 3, anci 4, above-mentionad, sha11 be c~mpleted. The prov.i.5ions or rights granted b~~ ~.his rosolution sha11 become niill and v~id by action of tho Planning Commission unless said conditions arQ camplied wii:h within one year from the date oF this resolut.iori, ar yuch further time as the Planning Commission may grant. 6. Tnat approval oi: this ~pplicati~n constitute~ approval of the proposed request only Y.o Che extent tlta~ it cemplies with the Anaheim Munir.~pal 2on3ng Code and any other applicable City regulations. Approval rloes not inc:lude any action or PinBing,; ~s Lo comn3.iancs or approval of th~ request rec~arding any other appla.cable ordir.ance, regulation or reqGirement. BE I'.~ F'URTHER P.ESOLVED that the Anahei.m Cit~• Planxiing Commissian does tiereby find ~nd dnt.erm_~ne t,~at adoptioi~ of• ~his Rc~~olution is exrr.essly predi.cated upoil applic~3nt's complianc:e witl: each and all af• tho canc'itions hereinabove se~ forth. Should any such cunditions, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or ur~enforceable by the fina2 judc~ment of any court uf compe~snt j ~sdi.r,L•i.on, then thi.s Resolution, ancl anx approvals herein contained, shall be deemod null and void. THE r^OREG03:~TG RESOL'UTIO`~ i.s signed and a~proved b~~ me this 4th day of Januar~y, 1088. ~~.~.~ `~Z~ ~..~_ CHAIRMAN, AI3AHEI?4 Ci Y E'LANN~.'" C~JMMISSIqN A:CTEST: ~~ ~ ~:.c-~:/ `' ~, ~` )/~ ~~~~~ •~ J L:.~~_.L~L~.~~•_~~S.Gc/J ~ S~CI2ETI~RY, ANAHFIM CITY PLANNINC COA4fIS5I0Pi ;'. f +~~y~' ;~t ~ 0162r -3- PC88-13 ~"°~' ~ '`"~3 ~, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ARANG.~ ) S5, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ~. Edith L. IIarris, Secrekary of ~he Anaheim Cii:y Planning Comm.ission, do hereby r.ertify that the fore oin x~ adopi;ed at a mee~inq og LY~e Anaheim CiCy E~lanning Commissa.or held on January ~• 1988. by the lollowing vote of the members thereof; AYFS; f'OhR~tISSTONERS: BOUAS, BOIDSTT7N, CAItUSII~LO, FELDHAqS, HERBST, MC $URNEX, MESSF, NOES: COIrAiISSIGNERS: NONE AB~EN'r: C02~SISStONER~: NOidE ZN WITNESS WFIEItEOF, I havQ hereu~ito set my hand this 4th day oE January, ~ggg, ---_._ ~~~=c"_~. ~.~ ~~-~.~~~ SECR~TARY', ANAHgIM CITY PLANNING C02~1I SION 0162r -4- PCBFS-13