PC 88-143r . , ; "~'1 ~ ~ ~ ,, PF5QL•iJTTON N0. PC£la-~.~ A RGSOLU'TTOTi OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMtdTSSI~N REPGACTNG RESOI,t1TTOPi td~. PCBQ-131 WHI(:H WAS RESCZNDFD TfiA'C PE:CTTT~N FOR VAF;iAN(:E T70. 3782, LtE GRA:vT~U T.N PART WHER~AS, the I.nahr.im City Planning Commi~~ion did receive 1 verified I~etiLion ~or ~,lariance fran MUFiAh4fAD KTAFAR AND PARVIN RIArAP., 300 N. TUS'tIN AVENU~, 13201, SAldT.A, ANA , CA 92705, or~2zer, oF certain real property situated in tric~ C~.ty c~f An~ih~iin, C.~unty oE Orarige, 5L•a'te of California d~scribed ~is ; That. porL•i.an of ~uC 3 c~t' Analieim C~Lension, in the Cit;~ oL• Ana}:eirn, County of Orangr, Srate c~t Californi~, ~s showu on a map thereoF. nade by William Harnei ancl ~.i1ed Eor recorci in th~ off ~.ce of ;che Coi~nty Recnrder c~f L~~s A2~getes Count,y, descr.ibed as to11ow5; F3cginning ~1~ a pninL in ~ha Northerly .line oL• ,aid Lo~ 3, distan~ Che:eot: South 89°51'30" LasC 307.81 feet from Che PT~~rL-hweste.-ly corner there~iP, ~ai.c~ poin~ beinr.~ ~.l:;o t:h~~ Northeasterly corner ot the land descrzbcd iii Cerk.if:icaL•e of Tit1c No. 10,435, and ranning thence South 16°28'30" EasY. along L•he Ea~terly l:ine oL• said ).anci de~cribed in yaid Cert;if.icate oE Titlc~ No. 10,435, a distance of 7.OU feet; thence West:c:rly a~ ric~ht angles ~o said lsst-mentioned r_oursQ 1~0 feet~ thence North 16U?.~3'30" F7est t~~ the PTorth lirie of• said Lot 3; thence 5.~~;tti ~9°~1' 30" East t-long said Nort;h line to the }~ai.n~ oi: ttie Uegintiing. EXCEPT THERCF'ItObi the t3or~lierly ~0 feet • thereof. incluGlc~d withi.n L~i Pa1ma ;;~reet, WF[EREAS, tli~ i:iCy F~]t~t~ning Comrni.ssion did }told a ptxblic hear.ing at th~ Civic Center in the C.ily of Anatic~im an Apri1 25, 1988, at 1:30 p.m., nat::ice of said public hearilig hlv:ng bern duly given as r~squired by law and in accardance with the provi,.ioi~s of Lhe Anaheim Miuiicipal Cpde. Chapter 18.03, to tiear and considc:~ F;videncc~ ~nr ~~nd agains~ said proposed reclassiE.ic~tio~i ~c1d tr~ investigaC.e t~r.c3 mz~ke Lind.i.ngs and recommendations in connecti.on t}ierewi~h; arid 5~~bjerF_ p~t:it:ioii 1Jt3S continued to Clie meeti~ig~ oE May 9 and May ?3, 19t~8; zn~ ~, . ~`~~ Z3, 1~88, graz t~'; been properlX ~' 196a, mebt:ing: K: , ~. ~' PiFiCRF'AS, £c~low.in<~ tt~e act.ion oE khe .Plantting Commission or~ May it.i.ng :~~a.i.r.l vz:iance, iY, wa~ dotermined that the r,rojeck had nof; adverti~e:d, anr.l :;~id petiY.i.on w~~s readverCised far tl~e ~Tiine 6, and ~, ~l0321r. PC i39-143 ~; , ,c AA~. s ~~ ' 1f ' \~~ !4~ y~ '~~ , ;~ ~S .' ~~'. ; e~}l ~~:~ i;~ ',.''a ';i;~~q :'.~~ ~ii ;~ - ,r ~ ,~~ ;.t~ , ~~ ;~'s 1. ~;1 +i ~ 1 E~ ~'3';,~ t .* ,% ~ l ~\ ~{ WHERLAS, said Commissiori, after due inspection, inve,tigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, ancl aftor, due consic~eration af dll • evidencQ and reports af£ered at said hoaring, c~oe~ ~ind and determinP the fo]lowing facLS: 1, That the }~etitioner proposes waivers oE tho ~~7.lowing to c~nstruc~ a 3-story, 7.~-unit, "aEforclable" apartmenl: com~lex under authority of i.ali.fornia G~vernmenL- Coc1e Section 65915; (A.) SEGTTON 1.f3~34_OE7~0~1 - (D) SFCT~N 18.34.i162_Ql.l -- (C) SF~('7'TON li?_.,34_~b2,_Q2(1, - (n~ s~~mt4rr~ i~34~c~4LQ2g - ana 18 . 0~1 04~ . QS,~ Minim~.un b~ildinq sile~rea r 1~wel.lincl,_unit. (12,~(Q square feet required; 1Q2t} square feet proposed} Maxzmum shr~.icY.ur~l hgic,~,h~. (2 sL-orzes permit:~,ed; 3 proposed; Laximum site cov_c~r,.3c~F. (~~ pormitted; 6~~ propseed) Permi~~e~ encroachln~n~. 2. TlYat ~he 3~~ove-menLi.onod oraivQr (A) is hereby gran'~ed under aut~iority ot California ~lovei:nme~it Code Section o5915. 3. '?'iiaL t:hc above-mentioned wai.vexs (I3) ancl (C} arQ hereby granted ori L-he basis that there are special circumstances apnlicable to tkie property such as si.ze, shape, topography, locata.on and surroundings which do not apply to oL•her identically zonad praperty in the sams vicinityt and rhaL• str•icL• applicat.ion oE the Zoning ~ocie deprives the property oF pr~vileges en'ioyed l~y othor pro~ertics in tne idontical zone ancl classificaLion in the vic:inity. 4. Th~t r_he abr~ve-mentioned waiv~r (D) is hereby clenied oci r.he basis r.haC ravised plans were suh-n3ttAd a;Eter public notification, dele~in~ tkie need for said w~~iver. 5. That there are exceptior2al or exLraordinar.y circumsts~nces or ccndir.ions applicable to the pr~perCy invo.lved or to rhe in~pnr~ed use o~ rhe groperty that do not apply generally to tlie propQrty ar cla~s of use in tlte same vicinity anc] zane. 6. Tha~ rhe requesled ~~~riance, as g*-anted, is necessary for the ~re~rrvation ancl enjoyment o£ a substantial propert.y ric~h~ possessed b.y other properLX in th~ same vicinity and zone, and denied ~o the properfy iix ques~ian. ~~ 7. Tha!: Lhe r~guestecl v~riance, as granL~d, wi11 not bo :;''~s ~~ mater3.ally detriment:al to the public wcalfare or injur~ous to the property or `~;; }~ imp•rovementa in such vicinity and zone in wriich thc~ proper*y is lc,cated. ` ~' 8. That no one indic~tod t-hair pre3ence at said public hearin~J ,~~; in opposit~ion; and thar. no correspondenco wAS r~caived in opposition to -"~ i ', subject pc~tition. 'G. •? ;`~ ' f -2- ~'C88-143 ,:s~? 1.~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ c , . . . _ ~F~~'.~7~;1 . a, i. . . ~ ~ ~ . . ~ ~ - . , . . .. ' , { 1 ~ . ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~- (`~`~'"~ ~ ALTrORNIA ENVTRONMrNTAG~i~AC~IZ'Y AC:C FINDTN~; T.har the Anaheim City Planning Comm3.ssion has raviewed the pro~osal to reclassify subject proporty from the CL (Commercial, Limiled) 2one Lo the RM-].200 (Resiclential, Multiple-T'amily) 'Lone to construc~ a 3-si:ory, 7.~1-unit, "affordable" ~partmenl• complex under authority of State Gov:~rrunont Code Section 65915 with waivers oi minimum bu3,lding site zr~a ~er dwolliny unit, maximum struatu:al height, maxi.mum si.te coverage and p~rmitted encroachments (deleted) on an irregularl~-sYiaped ~arcel of land consisting of ap~roximately 0,33 acbe 1oca~:ed at the sout}iaa~t corner of La Palma Avenue and Anna Dri.ve; and does here}~y ap~rove the NQgative Dec~.aration upon finding that it has considered thc~ t:E~gative Declaration together with any comm~nts received during the public review process and £ur.ther finding on the basis of the initial study and any comments r~;ceived that L-liere is no subst:antial ev.idence that the prr~aect wi11 have a significant eLfect on tlze environment. TlQF1, THFT~ET'ORE, AR IT RLSOLVED tha~ the Anahe:im City Plannang Commission cloes her~k~y grant suLiect Petirion for Variaiice, upon the following cond.itions w.~ich are hereby fotiiid to be a necessary prerequisite ho the proposed use of L•hc subjecti pro~~erty in order ro preserve the safel-y and genQral welEare oL• the Ci~izens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That this Variance is c~ranL•ed subjecL• to the aclopl-ien of h.he '?oninq Ordinance in conn~ction ~vith Reclassification No- 87-88-52, now penaincJ. 2, .Chat L>rior Co i.ssuance of a building ~,~ermi~, Lhe apprapriate ~rafL•ic sign~~i assessmen~: fee sha11 be paid to tha Ci~y of nnaheim in an amaunL as determined by City Council resolution. 3. That khe e~:isL• i.ng driveways on La Palma Avenue and Anna Drive shall be :-emoved and rep~,aced with a slanCiard curb, r~utter, sidewalk and l~ndscaping, 4. That. r.he driveway shal:l be constructed with ten (10) toot radius curb returns as required by the City ~'ngineer. Exiskiny broken or cracked clriveways shall be removed and replaced as req~ai•recl by tlle City Engineer, 5, Th~tt ttie proposed parkin~~ stxucture design shall cor.form to EnginQQring SC~ndard P,an No. A02-I3 ~ertaining to sh.~ndarci detai.ls for parking structures. 6. T'~at subject ~roPerty tihall be served by unde.rground uLilit:ies. 7. Tha~. prior to issuance of a buildzng permit, the legal property ownes sha11 en~er into ~ recorded agreement w5.th L•he City oE Anaheim pursuant to Covernment Code SecL-ian 65915 to provide that ten percent (10`~) of the ~erm_i~.~g~l numLer. oP resitient.ial ~xnihs sha11 be rcnted as very low .zncome housing a.^, def.ined ?n Government Code Secti.or~ 65915 anc~ with apPropriate renral controls as approved by L-he City ~L Anaheim for a period of not less Lhan ttaenty f20) year~ f:om the ddte of issaance oE occupancy permits. _ ,_~.. ~. ~:; 8. That prior lo .i.ssuance ~S: a buildfr.g perm.it;, appropriate park and ww recreacion in-lieu £~es shall be paid ~o the rity o.f Analieim in an ''`'~ amount as determined by the City Council. ';i~ -~. '3- PC88-1~19 ,~ ~ ;q .! ` ., . ~~ ~ ~ ~-` ~.; 9. That gates sha11 noL- be instal:tEd ~ciosu any driveway in a manner which may adversely af.~ect vehicular trafEic in the adjacent public street:(s). Installatiun of any gates shall conform to Engineering SLandard Plan h'n. 402 ~nd s}1a11 be subjPCt to the review and approval of the C3.ty Traffic F.'ngineer. .1~. T.tiat drainage oi: subjeat proper~y shal'1 be disposed a£• in t~ manne: sa~is[actory to the City Engineer, 11. That prior to commencement of structural traming, tire hydranL•s shall be insL•al]ed and charged ~s rec~uired and approved by the Chie.f uf the Fire nepartment. 12. That it required by the ~'ire Department or Po3ice Department, a].l , lockable g~:destrian and vehic;ular access ge~tes shall be equi.p~nci with ~ "kno~; box" devicE to r.he satisfactiun ot• ~he L'it:y Fir~ rlarsha~.1 or ~he Chi.ei of P~lice. 13. That l:rash storage areas shaLl. be Z~r.ovided and maintained in a location accf:p~able to the SCre~Y. Main"_er.ance and SanS~at~nn C~ivision, and in acr.ordance ~~rith ~pprnved plans o~ fi.le s~icl division. 14. That all air conditioni.ng Cacilities and ol:her roo~ an~ ground mountec~ equipment shall be properly sh:i.elcled from •~iew. 15. That prior to issuance of a builcling permit, the applicant sha11 pr.esent evidence sa~i:~iaetory to the Building Division that Lhe proposed project is in conf~i•mr~nce: wil:h Counc:l Policy Number 542 "Sound Attenuation in Resid~nt.:i~l Prc, jFCt:;" and wih.li Noise Insula~ion Standards speciEied in the Ca1i!`orni~.~ Aciminislra~ive Co~ie, Tit:~e 2~. 16. ThaL ~ si~: (G)-£aot high m~sonrv block wa11 sha11 be cor~stcucted and maintained eloiu~ L•lie ea5t proY~erty lino cxcept~nq the front setbZClc where the w~ll hc~iqhY. sha~.I ner exceed three (3) feet. 1.7. ~'hat prior. to issuance af builr.ling pr:rmit:;, ~~ landsc:ape plan shall be submitted to and anproved by ~iie Ylannii;g Deparl:m~nt. Said landscape plan sha'll inc:luclr materials pronos~Z for ~hA cleck com:non open spane area. 18, Ttiat the le~t~l prnperty ownez• sha11 record a covenant agreeinc~ to ~rovide the rentor of cach dwe:lling unit wi~h wri~~en inE~rmation obtained from the appropri~-te school clistrict(51 ~urtaining to overcrowdinc~ condir_iuns ani9 the businc~ status of t}ie schoo? (s) serving the dwe7.ling unit. 19. That subjert proZ~arty sha11 be developed substantially in accordance wi~h plans an~ specifications on file with *he CiL•y of Anaheirn marked Revision No. 1 of ~xhibi.c Nos. 1 through 5. ti ;wsty~,~~ ~ i,~~~yi~ -, i ~ ~~~ k;. ,~;: ~~~;~ ~:';t ~';; ~.+: €;:~ ~'f~~ ,, ~~y. ~' [~~~ l`: i ,, : . ;;;i ~ ~;; ' {;;~ , ` :,, ; i:i ,,;. , +, ~; 1~ ' ~' i: ~4~i .j I:`t. ~ ~~ ~~ ,•.,, ,{ ;; f _ 'r : '-,I _.:. ,:~,;k_ ;g ~, 20. That prior to issuance ot a buildi.ng permiL•, or within a perind ot one year ~rom Y,he date ot this resolution, whichever occurs first, Condztion Nos. 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, r5, '17, and 3.a, abave-mentioned, sha1Z bo c~m~~lied witti. Extensions for fur~her L-ime ~o complete saitl cond3.tions may be granted in accordan~e with Sc~.:Y.ion 18.03.090 of L•he Anaheim Munir.ipat Coc~e. • _q_ PC0;3-143 ~:'K .~ ~~ ,~,.,;~ . ~.}r ~"'!~u ~~;;~`: • . `~~ • . i r: i ;, Y ", 21. '? ,; 22. ir> , 1~~ :'h~ .IF1..,t.1... . ._.. . ~. . .. . . ., i . . , v \~I. ~"~ As`'. _ :,~; , `''~ ,~,.~ ~i~~ ., =n: +':`:?~ T' ~; ' L; That pri.or. to finaJ. building anfl zaning inspections, Condition Nos. 3, - `~. ~. 10, 13, 1~1, Z6 and 7.9, ahove-mentioned, shalY be compliecl with. ''`' ;~ ; That approval ~f this application constitutes approval uf the propnsea request only ~n ~h~ ~xtenl: ~hat it compli~s with ~he AnahFim Muns.cipal Zoning Code and Any other applicable City regulations. A ndt ii~clucie any action or tiridings ~s to corc~pliance or a~provalao£~the rP~ilES~ regarding any oL•hex applicable ordinance, i~~gtilation or requirement. BE Ia FUkTHER RLSOLVED t:hat the Ar~aheim City Planning Commission d~e~s liereby find and determine L-hat adoFtion of tt~i~ pr.edicated uporz ap~licant's cornpliance with each andRa.l11 of othesconditions hereinabove set forL-li. Should anly such conditions, or an ~ declared ir.valid or cinenforceable h Y part there~f, be ~ competent jurisdicCion, then this Re oluti~n~l nd ~~n~ ~F any court of ' co.ntai~ie~.9, shall be deemed iiull. and ~void, Y approvals hereii~ TFI~ t'OFtP.GU71~G RL;SC)LI!'.1IC?tv* .is si~n~d ~n~l upprovcd by me this oth ciay uE June, :l.9gH, dt1~~~l~l'h.l~ ~~7/ /J~/~' f ~ -~.~~~.~ ~.. ~.-C..~.-~.~~~-~~~~~'.~~ ~~~~ CHA1RTiAtT, ANAFfEIM CTT~C pL11NNIN(; COMMISSION ~.ZxFS~r: ~ .~ ~ ,,~'~ . SECRL'CARY, A2~~AFI~IM CIT1` pLANNTNG CODf;•S.LSSION STATE; UI' CALIC'URNIA ) COUNTY OF QRANGE } ~s, CITY OF ANAIiE~:ld 1 r. ~ciit:h L. 1';arris, Secretar Comrnission, ~o r.91eh,1 c;~rt:£y thaL• Che forego ng hresolu~ion was~ passednand adopted a~ a meeL•irig c~f. L'he Anaheim City Planning Comrr~issio~i ti~;1d on ~7une 6, 1988, by l•he fullowi~ig vote of the members th~reof: AYES: COtdMIaSION~RS: ApUAS, F3q~tpSTUN, CARUSIL•L0, H~RBS'.l', NOLS: CO.;hfISSIONFRS: NON~URNEY, MESSL e\BSEDTT: COidMISSTONCRS: EEI~UHAU~ rN WIT23CSS WIT131:r0i', I hzive boret~.7to ~;~C mx hand this 6rh day o~' June, 19a8. ;~ ;: ~ C~l~ ,~ ~ .'f~ x : ;~.t , :~ ;>.,,~ ~ ~;;; ;~ }r; '~ ~ i~;r ~ ' ;~ '~~`;~ 1~',,K 'n _~r 'F ~G~ iii , <>::a ~.;>G '~ ,, ~ ~ ~'-,~i ~ ~ ~~~;si . . .. ..'..14'. ;i 'i ; !