PC 88-15/~ RE~T.UTI~N N~., PC$~t_l~ ~ A R~SULUTION OF THE ANJ~ii~,ItQ CITX I~~,i~.l1NING COt~tIS~ION ~HAT PFIIT:UN FOR RECLASSTFICATION N0. 87•-8S-3U RE GRANTED WHEREAS,• the Anaheim City P1aTining Commission did receive a verif:ied petition f:or Reclassificati<~n Ltorn KIYOSHI 5FiIGF.KAS~A AND WTLLIAht SHJ(.~EI~AWA, 725 S. E].d~~r Street, Anah~im, CA 92805, owner, ana SUMMFRHILL DEVELOPMFNT CO., 112T. ~. Lincoln Avenue, Ste. 1:43, Oranye, CA 9?.665, Attn: FOBEP.T WFLLS, agQn~:, of certain r.eal praperry situatc~d in the City of Anaheim, C~unL•y of Orange, Staee ~~f: Californi.a, d::scribo~ as follc~ws: THE LAND REFER~2Ell TO iN TEixS REI~OR7.' IS SZTUATED IN THL; S'LATE OF CAI~I^ORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGr~, CITY OF A~]AHETM, AND I5 DESCRIBEll AS FOLLOWS: TH~ WEST 4 ACRE; 0} 'TF?E ~AST 2.9 ACRI:S OF THE SOUrH HALF OF THE SOUTH HA~,F OF THF. SOUTHWEST QUART.ER OF SECTION l, TOWNSEIIP ~# SOU1'H, RAi~GE 10 WEST, IN TFiE RANCHO SI~N JUAt3 l;AJOt~ DE SANTA ANA, AS SHOWN UN A Ml~P RECORDED IN BOOK 5)., PAGE 10 ~~' MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECOF:D~ OI' ORANGF; COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. f-~'i ' '' - WH~REAS, the Citv Nlanniny Commzssion did hold a public hearing at thQ Civic Canter in th~3 City of Anaheim on 3anuary 4, 19A8 aC 1:30 p.m., notice o~ said pu;~lic he~ ri ng having been dtily giv~n as required by law and in accordance witb, the prov~.sions oE the AnahQZm Municipal Cude. Chapter 18.03, to kiear and consider evidcnce for and ~gainst said proposed reclassi.fica:.ion and to investigate a:id ~n.tko findings and recummendatio:ts ~n connection therewith; anii WEiEREA5, said Commis~ion, after due ir~spection, inveshigation and study made by itself a~ad in its behalf, and aiter due consider~tion of all evidence and reports oFf~:rod at said hearing, docs find and determine the following !`acts: 1. Tha~ t~e petitionar p=oposes reclas~ificfltion a~ subject L~roperty txom t}ie RS-A-~l3,000 (RQSiciential/AgriculLural) zonQ to tl~e RM-1200 (Resiclential, Nult.iple-Pum:~ly) or a less intense zone. 2. That the Anaheim Gonoral Plan designates subjact property for ~eneral Commercial and Medium Density Resid~ntial land uses. ,~. T.hak the pruposed reclassification of suLject propQZty is r~ecessary and/~r iiESir~ble for the ordetly and proper dave2opment uf the communi.ty. 4. Thal the pruposQd reclassi.fication of 3ubject proporty does pr~perly ral3t.e to the zonos and tt~eir pezmittoQ usNS locallX astablishod in ciose pr~ximiCy to suL•ject propprry and to the zenes arid their permitted uses qenerally e~tablistied throughout the c~rnmuiiity. PC88~7.5 0164r ~:I:+~t 1~ - . ~~''('..r ~ ~, .t , ;r ~: ~~~~, ~ ,rw~:. u~?1 ~ , ~ ~; 5. 'rhat the pr.oposed r~cla~siEication of subje~t property requires ~2i~ dedication und improvement of abui:ting s~r.eets anr] alley~ in accoxdar,ce with the Circulation Element of L•he Gc~ne•ral Plan, due ta tb.c~ ant:cipated incxease in traffic which wi11 be g~:nerated by the intensificatiion of land use. 6. That no one indicateci their presencP at said public hearing i.n opgosi~ion; and t1~aL• no correspondenre was received in npposi~ion to Subject peti.tion. CALIFORPIIA ENt/IRUNMCNTAL, Q~ALITY A,~'P ~INDINC: That tk~e Anaheim City Planning Comrr:zssion has reviewe~i the proposal to reclassify subjecL- property From tb.e RS-A-93,000 (Rasidential/Agricultural) zone to the RM-1200 tResidential, Multiple-I'ami'ly) zone on a rectangularly $haped parcel of land consisting of approxxmately 3.7 acre~, having a frontage oE approximately 2'l~ feet on the north side ~. La. Pa2ma Avenue, having a maximum a~~tr. oz a~proxim~telx ti09 fe~t v;nd beir~g located approximately 750 fee~ east of the centerline of State College Fio~ilevar~9; ancl does hereby approve the Plegative DQClaration up~n finding L-hat it has con~iclered the Negative Decla:°ation together with ariy comments received during the public review pracess and furLh~r finding on L•he basis of. the i.nitial s~udy and ~ny cornments received t:haL there is no substantial evidence tkiat the project will ha~~e a signifi.cant cffe~t on the eiivironment. NOW, THF.REFORE, BE IT RES~LVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission cloes h~reby gran~ subject PFtition for l~eclassificatS.on ar,d, by so doine~, ttiaL- Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheirn M-inicipal Code be dmended to exr.l~zde ~he above-described pruperty £ram thc RS-•A-43,000 (Residential/ Agri~ulturall zone an~. t~ 3.ncor~orate ~aid c3escribed property ir.to the RM-1200 (Reside~ntial, Multi~le-Family) zone u~+on the foliowing conditions which are heraby found to be a n.ecQSSary prerequisit~ to the proposed uso uf subjecY. pr.o~~er~y in ordar to preserve the satety and gener.al welfare of the (.'itizans of Yr~: City of Anahei-n: l. That Straek li.7hting facilities alang La F~alma Avenue sha1Z k,e ir.stalled as zequir~d by~ the Ut:i'lities Genoral Manager in aacordance with specificatioris or- filQ in L•he OPfice of '; Utilities General Manager, and that security iii the L•orm of ~ ? boiid, certificate of depo:,it, lettpr of credi.t, or cash, in an ~ amount ancl form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim, shall be posted with the City to quarantee che ~atisfactorj complet.ion of ~hs ak~ove-mentioned improvemen~s. Said socurity shall be posted wi~h the C.ity o£ Anah~im pcior co the introduction o£ an ?,j ordinar.ce rezc~ning suhject pr.operty. The abave-required i:n rovemente sha11 be installed ~? p priQr to occupanc:y, 2. ThAt prior L•o introduction of an ord5.nance rezoninq subject properCy, tha property owner c;ha.il prepare a~~d record an unsubordinaLed covenanL limiting occupancy of ~a,;:~ ap~rL•mant unit to no more l•han two (2) persona (othur than children undRr Che age of two (i) y~ar.s) per bcdroom. Sa::d limitation shall . ~~ incluc7eQ ir. each lease/rent~ii a~reoment. A copy of thQ covan~nt ~hall bo submitted to and approved by the C3.ty Atkorney prior tu recordation. A copy of ~he recorAed covenant stiall be furnishPd to tho Zoning Division. Olb4r -2- PCB$-15 ,.. .- . _.. , , . _ _ . ;, ., A~u~, r ~.,r ;~~; 3. That prior ro the introduction oF an ordinanrQ rQZO:~ing subjec~ propsrty, Conditiun Nos. 1 and 2, above-menCioned, shall be complered. The provisions ~r righi;~ yr~n~ed by this re;solution sha11 become raull a21C7 voici by ~ctxon of the Planning Commi~s3on unless said conditions are com~lieei c~ith witYiin one year trom h.he date of this resolution, or such further ~ime as the Planrxing Commission may gran~. ~. That approval of thzs applict~tion constitutes approval of the proposed requo~t only to the extent tha~ it complies witli the Anaheirn Municipal 'L~ning Code anc~ any other applicable City ragulations. Approval does not include any action or. findi.ngs as to compliance or approval of the r:quest regarding any o~her ~pplic~.ble ordinance, regulat;ion or requirQment. DE IT FURTHEP. RESOLVED that the Anaheim City P],a~an.ing Commission does herQby find and deCQrmine l-.hat adoption of this Resolution i.s expressly pr.ed3.r,atacl upon applican~'s compliar_cc~ with each and a?.1 of th~s conditions hexeinabove seY. forth. Should any such cond.itions, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent juzisdiction, ~hen thi~ Resolution, and any ap~rovals he~ein contai.ned, shall be deemed nu~l and void. THE FOR~GOING fiESOLUTICN i.s signed and ap~roved hy me this 4th day af January, 1988. ~ _.__.__.__.~._ ~G~ / ` . L-',r~_„Q CHATRM~M1, AN~xTE.T.M CITY i,ANNING COMMISSION AT1'EST: ~ t„~ -~ _ • ______---r___'!'7 ~.'~:~~:L.'~_~._, ~~` ~-C~1,(,,1~,~, __.. SECRETARY, ANF,HEI't~I CITY PLANN"ING COMMISSION STATE Oi CALIk'~RNIA ) COUNTY ~F ORANGE ) ss. (:IT'Y OF ANAFiEIM ) ~ I, Edith L. Harris, SQCre~ary of the Anaheim ~i.ty Planning Commission, do h~reb,y certiEy tha~ the foregoing r~soluti~n was passed and ~~ adopted at a meeting oF tho Anaheim City Planning Commission helci on Janu j `~~ 19~~. by the f~llowing vote of the members thereoP; ary ~ ~ ' AYGS: COi~1ISSIQNERS: BO[TAS, 80YDSTUN, CARUSILLO, FELUHAUS, H~RF3ST, ~ MC BURNEY, MESSE i NOES: COMMISSi~NER•u^: NONE ! ABSENT: CO:rRrfI~SIONERS: NONE '~: .. IN WITtJESS WHEREOF, I havo hereuntio set my hand rh.is ~th day ~~ January, 19pp. 016~3r F.~ . . , . ... . ~.. . ~f,n - / / '~ :~ /~ ., ~/ ~ '~ .!~ w .! ~ f / S~CRETARX, ANAHEYM CITY PLANNING~~ SSZON -3- PC8 f3-'.. 5 ,'. '!,1 ..ii i.~~Il~' :j