PC 88-155I~~. 1''# /~ s , F~,t;~ ` :f~~ : :~9 • . ~~.~.:,~ RESO.~vrxoN N.~,...,PC84-15~ A I2ESOLUTIQN OF THE ANAH~IM CITY PLANNING COIy4rtYSSION 'SFtAx t~ETITION CAR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3006 BE G12ANTED WHEItEAS, th~ Anaheim City Planning ~ Petita~n for Conditional Ua~ Permit from ~ MARASCC, 2'y5 N. V3a Puerta, Y.aSuna Hills, - SHAH, 13144 Caraval. Street, Cerritos, CA properCy situated in thc~ City oE Anahei Cali~oriiia, described as: Comm:.ssion did r~ceive a veriffA~t PAUL J. MARA5C0 AND PANNIE J. CA 42653, owner and DHIREtJDRA 9~701, ager~t for certafn rQal m, Counry oE Or~nge, State of' BEGINNIVG AT TFiE SOUTHEAST COt~NER OF SAID SGUTH 5 ; ±• ACR~S; 2:HENCE NOFTH 334.76 FEET ALONG TI;E EAST L~NE ,' THEREOP; THENCE WEST 325.29 FBF.T TO THE WEST LINE Q~ :CHE NORTH4IEST QUARTER OI' SAIA SECTION 13 j TNE1v~E ~ SOUTH 334.b5 FEET ALONG SATD WES'1 LINE TO T~1E ~ SUUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTH 5 ACRES; THENCE EAS1' ' 325.24 FEET 1'U TFiE POINT UI' BEGINNING. •~ j '.CctE SOUTH 5 ACRES OF THE WES~ 10 ACRF;S OF THB < 2r"ORTHWEST QUARTER UF TIfE NORTHhtEST QUARTER OF SECTTON ' 13, TGWNSHTP 4 SOt1TEI, RANGE 1] IN TH~ RAT?CAO LOS ~ COYOTES, AS SHO'rJN O21 A MI~P RECORD~D IN BOOK 51, PAGE ~~ 11 OF Ml'SCELL'ANEOUS MAPS, RECOP.DS UF QRANGE COUNTY, j CI~L,IFORNIA. ;: ~ EXC~PT TF.AT PORTInN THF:R; OF DC.~iCRIIIEI? AS FOLLOWS: i". ' IIEGINNT2iG AT THE .~',OUTHE~ST CORNER UF SAID SOUTH 5 '~ ACRES; THf:NCE NORTH 334.76 FEET ALUNG THE EAST I.INE 7 ~ THERGOF; THENCE WEST 325.29 ;EET TO THF WEST L~INE 0? ~ THE NORTNWEST ~,~UARTER OF SAIU SECTION 13; THEtdCE + SQUTH 334.85 F~~:T 1,LONG 3AID FTEST I.SNE 'PO T.HB ? SOUTfiWEST CflR:IF.,ft OF SAID SOIITH 5 A~ItES; THENCE EA5T ' 325.24 FEET i0 THB POINT OF REGINNING. ; i ~ AL~O EX~~P2 THAx PORT'[ON THEREUF CQNVEY~D HY MERNA G. ~ CRANUAI,L AlJD HUSIIAl~1U TO TH~ STATE GF CAI,TFORl~IA BY ~ DEED REtORAE:D APRZL 19, I951 IN BOOK 2178, PAGG 80 OF "~ ~ OFFICYAL YECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY. ~` ~ ~ ~ W: REAS, the City Planning Corr~~n.ission r~i~ hold a public hearinq e-t ~ the Civia Center in the City of Anaheim on May .9, 1988, at 1:30 p.m., notice S of said public t:~nring havinc~ bsen duly qivon as requi.rocl by law and fc, ~ accr,rdance with tt~e ~rovi.si~nx of Anaheim Muaicipal Code Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidonc4 for and against said proposed con9itional use ~ permit and to fnvgr~tiybte and ma~e tindings an~t recos~nen8a~ione in conneetiore theroWfths and ~uhject petition was r,c,ntfaued tu the meeting aR June 20, 1988; , and 0335r -1- PC88-155 ~ ~ '~,k`~~ ~ ~~' •~ .~~5 i :! WFiE:tEAS, said Commission, a.`rer due inspection, inves".igation and :~tud,y made by itself and irl its be2ialf, and aftar du~ consideration of all evidence ar,d reports offQred at s~id heari~ig, do~s find and determine th~ following facts: 1. That the prupaseil uso ia properly c~na for which a conditional u~e '' porrtiit is authoriz~d by Anatieim Municipal Cude Sect~on 18.4~i.050.160 to sf' construct a 3-story, 196-r~om mokel and accessory uses with waiver o£ the following, to wit: SECTXOrTS 18,OG.050,0247. .. t~~,pimum number of,~arki~~paces~ ~ and 16•49.Q6~.054 (~~ rAquiresd; ?.~,Q proposed) }~ 2. That the requested wa.iver is hereby Srt~nted on tho basis thaC the parking waiver i~ minimal (less than a 3~ deviance frorn the code rPq~xirement), ~~ that a certain percnatago of guest4 arrive by transpc~rtation modes o121~r th~n private vehiclos, arid that the pazking waiver will aot cacse aii increase in traffic r.ongestio~ in the immeclia~e vicinity ~or adver~ely affect any acljoining land uses and grant•inq of the parkinq waiver under th~ conditions ~y impo3ed, if any, will not be dotrimental to thc~ ~,eace, heaith, sa£ety and qenernl welfarc~ of the citizens of the C~Cy of Anaheim. '~ ~ 3. T.l~at the propos~d use will not adversely affect thQ adjoining land t uses and the growth and deve'lopment of the area in which it is p:oposed to b~ located. 4. That the size and shape of the sita proposed for the us~ is adequate to allow tho fu11 development of the proposQd use in ~ manner not detrimental to tho particular area nor to the peace, healtti, safety and genoral wc~l~,Earc of the Citizens of thQ City of Anaheim. 5. That th~ granting oi the ConciiCional Use PermiL• under the cpnditions im~osod, if ~ny, will not be detrimer,tal to the~ peace, healtli, safety and general welfara of tho Citizen~ nf the City of Anaheim. 6. ~hat the trafffr. genor.ated by the propo~tcd use wi].I not impose an unduR burden upoa thcs g~reets and highways desiqnr~d and improvo8 to carry the traffic in the aroa. 7. That no one indicated thefr presence at said publi~ h~aring in oppositionJ and that ao correspondence was received in opposition to the subject pek3tion. ~~C~.F-~l.~A..-F~.Y.~.Q~.~$kYQUALITY ACT FIttD~jt~: That the Anaheim City Plaaning Commission has rovic~wad the pcoposal to rec~assify subject property from the RS-A-43,000 (Resfdential, Aaricultvrt-~y Zone to the CL (Commercfal, Limi.te~, Zone an8 to construct a 3»utury, 196--room motel an8 accessory uses wiL•!i wuiver of miaimum numbor of parking spacES An a reatangularly-ahaped parcel of lanG r,onsistinq of npproximt-,tely I.g acros, h~sviny a fzantag~ of approximately 339 feet o7 the eas~ aide of Heach Boulevard, having a max3.mum depth of approxfmntely 260 feQt and beiny located 0335r -2- PC88-155 ~ ~. , ~:'; ., ~~ ~ ~X~(: ~Yta~~,. .'c..~- __' '_-__ _.. - , yt:( . . _ . .. ... . . . . . ~ ~. i vi~ri ~~.I~`lr,~i. ~ ~ ~~..,~. ~ ~.~., ~..~ , , _ ..... ~~. ...~ . .,, ..,. . . ,. ,. . ,~,;~.:.. . .... . : ,.1.;~... . . . . .. . .. . . .t ...- . , ,. . ~ , ~. _ ,. .. . ._. . , . . .~: , , ~~,,,,, ', apgroximate:ty 900 feet south of the centerline of Lincoln Avez~ue, and further describad as 212 S. Baach IIoulevarci; and doos hereby approve the Negstive Declaration upon finding that it has consi(iered the Negat3ve Declaration tiogetl:er with any comment~ receivod during the public revfew pror.ess and £urthsr findine~ on ttie basi~ of the initial ctudy and any comments r~ceived that there i~ no subsi:antial ~videncR that khe project wil~ have a significant effect ~n the environmont. NOW, THEREFORE, T3E IT RESOLVED that the Anuheim City Planning Commissinn does hereby gr~nt subject Pe~ition £~r Cond3taanal Use Permit, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of th~ subject prup~rty 3a order ~o preserve t,he safety and ~eneral welfare oP the CiL•iz~n~ o£ the City ~f An~heim: 1. That pri.or to issuance uf a bui7ding permit, th~ appropriate traf~ic ~.ignal assessment feo shall ba paid to the Ci.ty of Anaheim i.ri an amcunt as c;eterminecl by the City Council. 2. That sidowalks shall be rem~ved and/or reconstructed along Beach Soulovard as requirRd by the City Engineer ~nd In accordanca with standarCl plans and speci.~ications on fila in the Office of th~s City E~igineer. 3. That tho existing dr~ve,~ay ehall be removed and replace8 witti a s~r_and~r.d rurb and ~r.tter ~nd sidewalk. 4. That a11 drivawa~•s shall be cunstructed with tQn (10) foot radius curb reCurns as requfre~i by ttie Citv Engineer. Ex.istinc~ broken or cracked driveways shall ba removed and replaced as required by t!ie Ci~y Engineer. 5. Th~t grior to commencemenr_ of structura'. framing, on-site fire hydrants a}~all be installQC1 and charged as required and determined to bR nocessary by t4~e Ch1af of the Fire Departm~nt. 6. That sahjec.t propQrty shall be sArved by undergrounci utilities. 7. Th~C det~ilod ciesign plans for hoth the parkinq structur.e aad t.h~ porte-cochere shall bo revier+ed and approved bt the City Traffic Eng~noer. ~. That thcs proposed parking structure ~lesign sh~ll conform to Engiiiearing St•un(lard P.L~n No. 402-8 pertairiing to Etandard details fnr parking structurt~~ anQ ramps requirements. 9. That drainage of subject property shall be disposed of i~n a manner satfsfactory to the City Erigineer. 10. Thak fire sprinklers shall 'ne insta119a as xequiret! by the City Fire Marshall. ;,. . ,, ;;'r,;"~ 11. That trash ~torago areas shall bo provided and rnaintained in ;; r t:. '~~'" accordence aith approved plans on ffle wiCn ttie Stre~t Maintgnance and ,-~:=i-- __ .. ... ~;.,;, 5mnftntion Division. i` ~ ~;:~ _. :, ;.a 0335r -3- PC88-155 ~r ~r^' ~ , ~ f ~ dl~~ I ~ ~ ~~r ~': .: ^!,y ;:~ ;:. ' .~i v~l r: ~ ~a ~ ,r-"~ ;~ 12. That e11 aix conditi.oi~ing facilities and other rdof and ground :naunted vquipment sh~11 be properly sh3olded from view, and the sound buffered Ernm adjacen~ residential pxop~rtf~s. 13. 'rhat thc~ proposal shal'1 comply w.ith a.l'1 ~ ~gning requirements af the CL "Commerci~l, Limited" zone, unless ~ variarice allowing aign waivers ia appr~ved by tho City Council, Planning C~mmission or .Zoning Admini5trator. x~l . That a si~c ( f~ )-foot high mnsonry block wa11 shall be maintaiaed along the east and south propex•ty lines excepting tl~e ;Eront setbac~ alo.ng Beach ~SOUl.evard where the wall height shall be threa (3) feet. 15. That any proposed parking area lighting faxh.urea AdjacRnt to any resici~ntial property shall be down~lighted wtth s max:tmum height of twelve (12) fee~. Saxd lighting fixtures sh~11 be directed away from adjac.ant resiciex~tial prnperCy lines to ~,rotect the residential intsqrity of th~ area. 16. That subject praperty ~shall b~ developod substanC,ially in accordance with tk~Q plans and spe~ifications on ~i1e with the ~ity of Anaheim ~^Zrked Exhibit Nas. 1 through 4. 17. That this CondiCionrsl Uso Fermit is grunteii subject ko the adoptxon of the zoning ordinance in c.onjunctiou with rQClassifica~ion No. 87-•88-57 18. That priox ~o issuanco of a bui]ding permi~, ar within a period of one year from the date of th.is resolu~ion, whichever occurs fixst, ~or.dition ~1os. 1, 7, 8, and 17 above-mentioned, shall be complied with. Extens.ions for further t3me to comp~Fte Qaid condit.i~ns may be qranted ir, ac~ordanc:e with Sec;tion 18,03.090 of the Anaheim M+~~icipal Code. 19. That prior to final building and zoni~ig inspeCtions, Conditi~n Nos• 2. 3, 4, 6, 9, ].0, 11, 12, 14, 15 and 16 above-men~ioned, shala bo c~mplied with. 20. Thaf: approval of this applicativn consti~utes approval of the propo~ed requQSt only to the extent that it comp].ies with the Ant~heirts Municipal Z~ning Cede and any other appli.cable City requlations. 3pproval do3s r~~t include any ackion Ar findinqs as L•o complfance or approval of th~ request regar.r~ing any other applfcable ordinanGe, regulation or raquirement. aE YT FURTHER RESOLVED ~hat tho Anaheim City Planninq Commission do~s hereby~ find and determine t;hat a8option of this Resolution is expressly predica~A~9 upon applicant's complia~ace with each ~nd all of the aonditions hoze:~n~~bovQ seL• forth. Should any sucki conditions, or any part thereof., bt~ decl~recl invalfd or un~nfr~rce, cour~ of competent ~urfsdictfon, Chen th rse esoluti nln~and ua~e e df any horein conkained, ghall be deemod n~u~l and void. y PPravals °,~~,~ ,,`,,,';',r{ . _ ~ I,:~rir: .''J~ S-',1 0335r ~a~ PC88-155 'c'~ TH~ Pf~REGOING RE~ULUTION is s3gnRd a oL• June, ].988. ~~~~e ~ CHAYRMAN, ANATiEIM CI ATTEST: , SECR~TARX, ANAHEIM CI Y PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFCkNxA ) CQiJ~ITY OF OR1-NGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) . . ~ . ~', ,. .. . . . , j^ 1 ~ t„~s~'"!f } k 1 /~~~ ~ ~ .. . ' .. ~.;V > °~ ~ . . _'~:~.~I !;i nd a~proved by me this 20rh dAy ,;y ~. _ . .~~~ TY PLANNING COMMxSSYON ;:;j :''~ .~ . ';> . . , ~:.'.pi~ •% ~.Y ~ tl ; ~y. r, i, ii• I, Edith L. Ht~rris, Socratary of rhe Anahgim Citx Planning Commissian, do hereb~- cer~ify that the foregoing resolution was pa~sed and adopLed at 1 meetix-g of tr.e Anaheim City Planning Commission held on June 20th, 1988, by the fo.llowing vote of the members thereof: AY~S: COMMISSIONERS: ~lOIJAS, EiOYDSTUN, CA~2USILLO, FELDHAUS, HERF3ST, MC BURNEX, MESSE NOk:St CGMNSISSIONERS: NOT7E ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREpF', i have hereunto set my hand this lOth day of June, 19A8. C)C,i(~'i'(N ~ („~C..~tj SECRETARY, I~NAHE2M CITY PLANNING COtr4rSISSION ,i _' ;!;~ s; ~. 5; ';t~ :'~. >,: ~i ~t,, r. :-. ; .~:~. ;I s. '~, ;ij' ~z , ,;~~ =~r . ,,, ,, a , ; ~: .; .,t ;; 033Sr -5- P~88-3.55 ... . -~ ~T ti~.~ ;`;~i i~~ _.,.....__ _i__.~~ ~'