PC 88-165~~ ! ~.~~~.~ ~ ~ r . . . ~ ~~' 1 f ~ Y .~~)i ~ i":`y . I,r_I 1 ~~~.t r~ f ~:' .~7 1 `~~''i~' t uF~~,r;11'~~~Rv~a r~ ~ R~SOL J~TION _I?Q^PCAB-16~ A RESULUTION OF THE ANAFIET.M CITY PLANNTTIG COI~IhiISSION THAT PETITIOAT FOk CONDITIONAL USE F~~RMIT N0. 3Q22 B~ DENI~D W:IEREAS, tha Anatieim City Planning Commissi.qn did receive a veriFiFd l~etition for Condit.i.onal Use P~rmit from ARNT G. QUIST, '~737 Birch Street, Stiite 200, Newport Beach, CA 92660, owner and ANAHhIM k'OqD PARK INC., ATTN: MAtIMETT NIWAR AND KULJL•'ET NIWAR, :,437 E. Ridgeway Drive, Orange, CA 92667, agent ior certain real property situated in the Cit,~ ot' Ana'~eim, C~uni~ oP Orange, State of CaliFornia, descri:-,ed as: ~' That portion of Lots 1 and 2 of Block N of the Center ;i Tracl, as shown on a Map reco• ~]ecl in Ba~k 1 ~~ 4, page 13 oF Misce).lanzous Records in 1:he OEfice oi the Caunty Recorder of Los Ar.geles Caunty, ; Cr~liPornia, described as foll~ws: Beginning at the centerline intersections oF An~heim Blvti. and F3roadway; ~her~ce rTOrth 7~°25' ..a" Bast Alorig s3id centerline ot II:oadway 102.19 feet; thence South 15~34' 29" Gast 2~.75 feet ~o the beginning of a non-tangent curve concuve Southeasterly having a radius oE 25.UU Eeet, a radial line of said curve ~iassing thxough said poinr. bears Nortn 15°3~' 29" Fast, saici point being the Trixe Point of Eieginning; thence 4de;~terly and SoutYierly along ~aic~ cur.ve L-htough a central ang:1~ of 89°55' 38" ~n ~rc distance ot• 39.24 f:~et to tk~e beginning ot- a revers~ curve concav~ Westerly and having a r~dius oF 749.00 feet; th~nce SouL-herly along said curve throuqh a c,entral a:~gle of ~°27' 11" an area distance oF 110.50 feet t~ a gaint in the Southerly lizie of said LoL 1; thence along ;;aid Southerly li.ne and the Eastc~rly prolong~tion ~hnreaf Nor~h 7~°31' 38" East S~J:.64 Peet to the SoutheastexJ.y corner oi said Lot 2; tYlQnce along Che East~rly line oE said Lot 2 Nor~h i5°30' 07" j4est 135.00 feet ~~ th~ Plorthoasterly corner of said Lo~ 2: thence along ttie North.erly line o£- said Lot 2 South 7A°25' 31" Wc~st 21.53 Eee~ to the True 1'oin~ ot Beairining WFiER~AS, thQ City Planning Commission did h~ld a publac hearing at tha Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on June 20th, 1988 at 1:30 p.m., notice of 3a.id public liearinq having be~n ~luly g.iven as reruired br law ~nd in ac^ordance witn the provi.sions of the Anaheim Municipnl Code, CYiaptez 18.03, to h~ar dnd consider evidenae for and ag~inst said proposed conclitional use aarrrit and to inv~~t~gate and make findings anQ rECOmmeridations in connection therPwitti; and 03S5r -1- PC88-165 `r': , s: . 4~ 'f . . , , . . ,. „ .. . . . . ~ ~ ,. ,i. ~ ~ WHERrA5, said Commisszon, after due inspec~ion, investigation and stucly made by itself and in its behalE, and a.fter due con~iderat.ion o£ all evidence and roports offerecl at said hearing, does ~'ind and determine the fol.lowing £acts: 1. That the pr.oposed use is ~.rcnQrly one L•~r which a condi~.ional use permit is authorized 'by Anahoim Muriicipal Code ~ection 18.45.950.to wit: to construct ~°. 3584.-sauare ~Foot convcanience market with waiver o~ the Eollowing: Sections 18.06.~4Q.020 - Minimum climPnsion of small car s.,p,~es ar_d ~.8.45.066.ozo__ 2. ThaL- the requcsted wa.i.ver is her.eby clenied on the basa.s that r•ev.ised p.l~ns deleted ~he need for said waiver suhsaquent to advertisemont. 3. That the proposed use is here;by denied on the basis that a conveniencP m~rket use wou13 not b~ compatible with the surrounding neighbarhood and wo•uld adversely aPfect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in whiah it is proposed to be located. 4. ThaL• thF size and shape of ~he site proposed for the use is not adeqiiate to allow i:he fu11 devela~menL- of the prop~sed u.~e in a manner nat deLrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety and gQneral welEare of the Citixens of t;~e City of Anaheim. 5. Ttiat the grunting oP the Condi,tional Use Permit imposed wil'1 ~ae ~j detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general welfare ~f the Citizens af the C.ity of AnahEim. 6. That the trafric genE;rated by tYic prnposecl use will ampose an undue burden upon the stre~~l-s ancl nighways designed and improved to carry the traffic in the area; and that parking would overflow flnto adjacent~ pro~,••::rties. 7. TY-at Eive (5) pc~rsons inclicated thei•r prQSence at said pub).ic k~earing in oppo~iti~n; and th~t no correspondence was received in opposition :; to th~ subjcct. pe~ition. `;' ~AT~. TF( RNIA ENVIRUNMEPITAT~ ALITX ACT FINnTtv'G: ~hat th~ Anah9im City Planning Commissxon kias reviewed the proposal ta construct a 3589-square foot conven.ience market w3.th w;iiver of minimum dimension of small car spaces (deleted) on an irregularly-shapac~ parcel of land cons:isting o.E appprnximatel}~• U.3 acr~ lacated at the southeast corner of Broadway aad Anaheim Boul~vard, and furthor described as 300 South Anaheim HoulQVard; anrl dnes t~ereby approvP the Negative Declaratior. upon findir.g that it has cons~.dered the Neqative Declaration together with any conun~nts receivecl during the public reviow ~rocess and furt2ier finding on the basis of tY:e ini ~ia1 study and any comrents received that t'here i.s no subs~antial evidenc.e that th~ project wi11 have a ~ignificant eEf.c:ct on the environment. ;~ rrow. THERRFORE, B~ TT RFSOLV~D t;h~t the Anahaim City Planniilg . ;~' -:.:. Comm.ission does hereby deny subject F~eti~ion for Conditional Use Permit on - =---~-=~. tlie foregoing finclings. ~~':~+ 0355r -2- PC88-165 `."~~ ''TI ~!.k ',i'r 4 y;~. ,, ' '(j!~~ ~~. ~1 y dk ~ , _~r. ~ 1"'"`` ~ THF FOREGOING RESOT.UTION as signed and of June, 1988. ~ Cf-?AIRMAN, ~.NA~IEIM CITY P ~ ATTEST: , ~ • ,4.a/ SECR~TARY, ANA.FiEIM C:IT3r: PLANNING COh1MISSTUN STATE OF CAf.,zFOFN7A ) COUNTY OF ORAI~'GF: } ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ~~;~'~~: - ~ G'~ }t~~~xytC:altr~!''~j . ~(~ ~t 11~,. ~ . ~ . , , . , . . . . .. ~..l•~y. ~, ~~~ ';~i ;~ ~ i;''! :,i I, P:dith L. ETarris, Secre~ary of tYle Anaheim City Plannin~ Comrniss:ion, dc~ hereby certify that the f~regoing xesolution was passed and ~~dopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on June 20th, 1988, b}• the following vute of. tYie members thereof: AYES: COMMISSTONERS: AOUAS, BOYDSTUN, CARLi$ILLO, HERI~ST, MC IiURNEY, MESSF NC~S: COMMISSIUNL•'RS: NONE kBSF.NT: COMidISSIONERu: NO11E ABSTAIN: COMMTSSIONERS: FEI,DH~,US IN WITNESS WHER~OF, I iiave hereunto set my hand thzs 20th day of ,';I June, 1988. ~~ . ;,.) ~i//~ ~. SECRETA. , ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COt~IMISSIOI~ ,"~:;' '; i. ;;, ,; r ,;',~~ !;~I ;~.,~~ 0355r -3- :~ %z~ ; y, `;~~ < =x .`_ ; ,:a ,:~ ~; , '{'t . . . . ... .. . .. . _ ~•!k. ~ PC83-165 : `- ~~ti `. ;' ,,,~; ~7~ ~ ~, ' ± ~ , . _ .. ~~~ M