PC 88-167. - _ (ryr~.~ , ~ ~ . . . . ~ . ... ~ I kt t ~Y~~II .- . ~~. ~~ . ~ ~ ' ' t~. I` +~ :~1r ~ ~~ l~ `~ ' t' R~5QLUTIpN N0. PC88~167 y A RESO~.UTT.ON OF THE ANAH.EIM CITY PtANNING CO!~fMT.SSION F bFNYING GEN~:RAL ~L'~N hM~NDN.LNT N0. 229 '. LAND USE ELFMENT WHERFAS, the City Counc3.1 of tha City Uf Anaheim did aclopt the Anaheim Goneral Plan by ResoluLion No. ~9R-644, ~h~wing tlle goneral description and ~xtont o[ possibl~ ~ut:ure dovo7.opment within tlio Citys and WHF,F2EAS, pursuant to a request Erom ~he proQerty owner f.ar a GEneral Flan Amendment Study, City staEf pre~,ared a GPneral P1an Arnendmant for an art~a consisting of appraximate~.y 2.5 acrc~s having a irontaqe ot approximately 133 feet un tho easL side of Dalo Avenue, having a maximum depth of approxim~tely 1019 feet, baing ?.ocated approximately 6~,0 Foet south of the conterline of Lincaln Avenue and incl~icling a porti~n of th~ Carbon Cret~k F1ood Control Channe~.; and WHERBAS, th~ City Plarininq Commission did hold a public hearing nt the Civic Center. in ttie City of: Anahnim on A~rz]. 25, 1988, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having bQen duly givQn as required by law and in accordance with the nrovisions oE tl~e Anaheim Municipal Coc'te, Chapter I8.03, to h~ar and cons.id~r evidence for and against said proposed varianc~ and ta invesl•igato and make findings and rQCOmrnendations i:~ cannec~ion i:herewitti; and whereas subjcict b.earing ~vas conrinued to the meetings of May 21 and June 20, 1988; WFIEREAS, said Commission, after riue in3pection, investigation and ~tudy made by itself• and iu its beha7.f~ and after clue consiclc~:r~tiaii of• all evidenco and reports offered at said hearing, doea finti and determine tt-e Eollowing fact3i ;, 1. That aufficient avidence -~as 2eoL• preser.te<: to substanti.atQ ; t:~Q need for an ame~drnenY. to the AnahQim General Plan at th:.:~ time to ;;hangt~ the 1anCl use dos.ignarion from Gen~rat Commercial with a Flood Control Channel to Mecl.ium Den,ity Resiftontial. 2. That tho closost ac]jacent land u:;e deslgnation to *he north, east and south are genernl commer.ci~l and 1ow density r.osiden~ial. 3. That t~Ernty-five (25) per3ons inQicate~ ti-eir presence in opposition ko subjece rer,u~st nnc~ that no corresponder~ce was submztted i.n uppos~.tion. CALI~t~II~ ~_~ tLQK~E~T~L OUALITY ACT Ft~il~: Thal: t:~a Anaheim City Planninq Commission haz re~~iewed the proposal to amend the land use c~~signation of kho Anahaim ~gneral Plan from Genar:al, C,ommercial with a~lood Control Channel, to reclassify subject properzy from the 12S-A-43,000 (RQSidanLial, Agriculkural) Zr~r.e to t2-.g RM-1200 (RQSidentl~l, Multiplo-Famfly) Z~ne and Co construct a 1-stocy, 48-unit (formerly 2-story, 84-unit) apartment complox on a rQCt~ngularly-shapecl ggrrQl of land cansisting of approsfmate7.y -~~ PC86-167 ;: , ~. s~ !,r5t'. ,q.. . '~~9~t~'~.1{i 'r ~ih~llt ~`: ~y ~ t 1, 2.5 acres, having a frontaga of approximatelp 133 Eeot on the east sido of Dale Avenue, having a maximum <lepth o: ~pproximatoly 1019 feeti a~id being locaked approximately 550 feet south of the center~ino of Lincoln Avenue and furtl~er dQSCribed as 150 Dale Avenu~ and including a portion of the Carbnn Creek P'lnod Control Channelj and does hereby approve th~ N~gativa Declarati.on upon finda.nc~ thaL 3t has considered the Negative Doclt~ration together with any commQnts roaeived c~uring the public review ~rocess and further ffnding an tlie basas oE thc~ initial study and any comments received that there is no substan~:ial eviderice that the preject will have ta significant effect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to amenr~ the General Plan and redesignate :' subject property from Genoral, Commerc3al land uses with a Flood Con~ro2 ~ Channel to Residential Modium Density lar~d itse3 and rhat pursuant to Che above findings, tho Anahaim City Planning Commission does hereby deny General Plan ~ AmBndment No. 229. THE i'OREGUItTG RESOLUTiON i~ signed and agproved by me rhis 20th day of June, 1988. -~~~ -----~`L•%c"~~ ~~ _~,'-")`"~ .t~~ ~_~ ~ CHr\IR2~1AN~'~ A1tAHEIM ClTY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: _ ~~L~.~~~. __~___ SGCRE ARY, ANAHEIM CITX PGANt7ING C02~4~iIS5I0N STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUN:Y OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHGTM ) I, Edith i,. Harris, SecreL•ary of the Ana2~eim City P].anninq Commi~sion, do hereby carti€y that the forc~goinq rosolution was passod and a~~~pted at a meetxng of the Ari~,heim Ci.cy Planning Cemmission he13 on Jun~ 20, 198f1, Ly the fullowing vote of thR momb~rs thereof: AYES: COt~SISSiONEFS: BOUA5, BOYD5T.UN, r.,~KU5ILL0, FELDH,~U~, EiBRBST MfC B~RNBX, MESSE NUES: COMMISSTON~RS: NONG ABSENT: COt~1ISSI0NERS: NONE IN bJITNESS WHCREOF, I huve hvrQUnto se~ my hand this 20th day of ,7une, 1988. ..._.-._. __ '^ /~~--w~ SECRETA Y, ANAFIEItd CITY PLANNING C02~1ISSION -3 - PC88-lti? '~~ ::t , ;~ ; ^~ i ;; •~~:~ ~c, ~ ~4~.'. . ~.. , .~. , .. . . ..., .