PC 88-1761P. F. ~ - . . . . . . . . . . . , .. ~:•i ~ .,ly' S 1J5 1l~`V'~ , . . . . ~ ~ . ~ ' ~. r p.l ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ . '. .,-:~'~ RESQLf~,TION NQ_.P~~-:l'l6 !; A RF:SOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG COMh:I5ST0~~ '; 1'HAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. $$-t39-0"l BG GR~TTED WHEREA;i, LhQ Ar~ak-o3m City Planning Commission clid 'f~C@1V@ a verif•ied patitian for R~aclassi£ication Erom CLINTON H. FLYNN AND RUTH R. t'i,YNN, 60;i-607 'Aost Aroadway, Anahoim, CA 92~305, owners, and S& M Developmeiit Company, Attn: Mohammad Mehdi Ebrahimz~daP:, P.O. Box 3868, Misszon Viejo, CA 92640, aqenti, of cartain roal property situatad in tn~ City of Ana}~eim, Coun~y of Urange, Stato of California, described as £o'llows: Lot I2 in Y31ock 2 of the "Enterprise Tract", a suk,d..vision oi a part of Vineyard Lot "E6", Aiiaheim, as shown on a Map re:cvrded in Book ~, page 39 Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, CaliPorni&. Lot 13 ir,. Block 2 of "Enterprise Tract", a subclivision of a pazt af Vinoyard Lot "E6" Anaheim, as SYIOWTl an a map recorded in Book 4, pago 89 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orango CounY.y, CaZif~rnia. WH~REAS, the Cit} Planning Commisszon did hold a publxc hearing a*_ Che Civic Center in t21Q City o£ Anaheim on July 6, 1983, aY. 1:30 p.m „ notice of said public hearing having beon duly gi•ven as required by law and in accorclance with L•he provisior.s of the Anahoim Munici~al ~ade, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evide:ice for anJ against said proposed r~classi.f.ical:ion and to i.nvestigate and make i•indings and recommendations in connectiun therewith; and WFiEREAS, s3id Corr~mission, after due insy~ection, investigatian ancl study made by itselt ancl in its behalf,~ and af~er ciu~ cansideration of a11 evidencc and re~~or.L-s oPfered at said hear.in~7, does find and detormine the following tacts: 1. That the peCitioner proposos reclassiEication ot subject propQity from the KM-24U0 (Residen~ial, Multiple-Fami'ly) Zc~ne to the RM-1200 (Residential, M~altiple-F'amily) Zcne, 2. Tbat the Aii~heim Genera~ Pl an de~ig~iates subjeat pz~operty for medium density residential land uses. 3. That tho proposed reclass.ificatiun of setbject properky is necessary and/or dQSirable for the orderly and proper developmenh. of Ct~e com:nunity. 4. That the propos~d rr.cla3sificati.on oE subjccL pr.nporty doas properly rolate to r.he zones ar.d their pQrmxtte6 usos loca~ly established in -; close proximi~y t~ subject pr~perL•y and to the zonas and their permitted uses '' gQn~rall.y estal~:lfshed throughout thg community. ~ 0368r PC88-17~~ ';~~fi A~~ ~ ~~.`.- ~ ~ '~ ' ~ ~~i ~ 5. That tk:e proposed r.~clasaific~3tion of subjact property requiros the declicati~n of. ak+uttinq streets and alleys 3.n accordance with the Cir.culahion rlemont of: hhc General PJ.an, due to the an~ic:ipated iriare~se in tratfic which wi11 be generated by th~ intei:sif.i~ation af land u~Q. 6. That five poo~~la indic~ted L•heir prosence at said public hearing in opposition; and t.hat no corres~ondence was received in op~osition '~ to subjoch petition. ' CALIFORr1IA ~NVIR~rTMEN7'AL~~ALT'PY ACT F~NUIN : Th~t the A,naheim City Plann:i.ng Commission has revzewed the proposal to reclassify subject proparty from the f:M-2400 (Residential, MulCiple-Fami:ty) Y.o the RM-1200 (Rcside~itial, Multiple-Family) Zone ~nd h.o eonstruct ~t 10-uni~ apartment ~ complex with waivers of maximwr site coverage, minirnum floor area oi dwe113ng ;' units (de'leted} and. minimum recroat.i~n/leisure area (deletQd) on a ~; rectarigularly-shaped parcel of, land consist•ing ot approximately C.3 acre, {.~ having a frontage of appro~~ir~ately 88 feet on the nortPi side ~f Broadway, and being located approximately 760 fest west of the center].ine of Harbor Boi:levard; and does hereby approve the Nega~ive Declaration upon finding that it haa conszdered the Negative llQC].aration together with any comments re~aived ; durinc~ 1:he publ:ic review prc~cess and further finding pn tha basis of the ~~r initial sCudy ancl any comments rPCeived that there .is no substantial evidence that the projecL- will have a significant effert on t;he environmenL•. NOY~1, THEREFORE, B~ I: RGSOLVED thal. khe Anaheim City Planning Commission dee~ hereby grant su.bject 1?etition Eor Rc~classification anci, by so doing, that Title 10•-Zoning of the Anahaim Municipal Cndo be amended to exclude the above-de~cri.;~ed property ~rom the RM-2400 (Residentiial, Multip:le-Family) Zone and to inr,orporate saic~ dc~scribed property into the Rtd-~].2dQ (Residentia7., rsultiple-Famil.y) 7one upon the following conditions which are hereby fuund to be a necessary prerequisite tu th~ proposod use of subjec~ propert.y in order to pres~rve the saPerv and gen~eral w~lfa.re of the Citizens oE the City of Anaheim: l. ThaL• n fee sha11 be paid to the C3.ty oi Ar«heim far street lighting along Broadway in an amount as daterminQd by ~ity Council resolution. 2. TYiat tho legal owr-er ~f subject pronerty shal? i.rrevncably offer to dedicate to L-he City of Anahei.m a ~L•rip oP land sixi:y threa and onE quarter. (63.1.5) f~;et in width from ttie centerlin~ oE the street along Broadway L•or ~treet widPning purposes. • 3. Thac the ownar of s~xbject property shall irrevocabl~~ off~r tp dedicate to thQ City a£ Anaheim sixfficient right-of-way to 2roviU~ for the widenir.g o~ the public ral.ley to twenty (20) foet. 4. Th:it a foe shali he pai.d to thQ ~ity of AnahQim for t~±-e~ planting a2ong Broadwa;~ in an amount aF determined b~ City Counc.il resolution. ,f ~. »2- ~CSR-17~i ,; ~ .:A.,~ ' r '~'~~i?;?s~)!1 5. Tl~at prior ~o introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, the l~gal pr.operty owner shall pr~pare and recorcl an unsubordxnated covenant 1imi~ing occupancy of each a~artment unit to no more ~han two ~z) per.sons (other thnn children under thP aqe of two (2) pears) per bodroom. Said ].imitation ~hall be include;'t in each leaselrental agreement. A copy of the cov~nant sha11 be submitte~ to and approved b,y the City Attorn~y prior to recordation. A copy oE the recorded covenanC sha11 be ~urnished to the Zoning Divi~ion. ti. That a.^.ovenant sha11 Le r.ocoxded agreeing ~o provide the renter of eact~ dwcalling unit with written iufoxmation obtained from the School L~istrict(s) pertaining to possible ov~rcrowded conditions and bixsing status of thQ school(s) serving the dwellxng unxt. 7. That prior to t•hr~ introduction of aix -~rdinance r.ezoning subject pron~rty, Conditiun Nas. 1, 2, 3, ~1, 5 and 6, above-mentionQd, shall be compl~tad. The provisioris ~r rights gr.ar_ted by this r~solution shall bec~me null aii3 void by action of the Planriincr Commission ur,less said conditions are complied with within onf ~ear from the date of this resolution, or sucY: f•urther time as the P1ann.ing C~mmission may grant. ~• mhat ap~roval of this app].ication. conSL-il:u~PS approval of the proposed req~xest only to ~he eactent that it complies wzL•h the Anaheim Munacipal Zoniner Cod~ arid any ot:~er app~iaable City r~gulations. Approval does not .'~nclude nny action or ~indin5s as to comF],S.ance or appr~val of. the r~quest regar•ding any other app7.icable orciinar,ce, requlation ~r requir~ment. BE TT FURZ~FiER RESOI'.VGD that the Anaheim City Planning Commission doos her~by find Znd dotermino ~hat udopL-ion ot this Re;,olution is e,xpre3sly pr.edicatod upor~ applicant's complian~e with each ancl a11 of the condi~ions hereinabove set forth. Shoizld any suah condit.ions, or any pzrt therea£, be d~clared invalid or unen~orceable by the final judqmPnt of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any apprava~s horein contained, shall be deemed nuil an~ void. THE FORF:GOTPIG RESOf JTION i;, signed and appr~ved by me thi~ 6th day oP July. 19a8. ~,. ' • /~ , ' __.~ ~ ~~ ,' f. ~/ ` ~ G /f~~~._,.f~'C....~ CHAIRMArJ, !A.NA}IE:M/ CITY PLANNING C,Q gMM SI IpN ATx~ST:, ~'~ ~ / /~ ;~~ ~/. ~ u.~~. ~.-l'C.~ .i__.L__.~~.~U ~' L-`- ~iCRET~Y, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNLNG COMMISSION ~;'~. I, . ~ ~ -3- ~C88-:176 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~ COUNTY OF URANGE ) Ss• C]:TY OF I~NAHF.IM ) I, Edith L. Harri„ Secretary oP the Anaheim City Planning °; Con~miysion, do herQby cerL-ify that tY:e ioregozng resolution was passed and ~dnpted at a meeting of th~ Anaheim City Planning Commzsaion held nn Ju1y fith, ,; 1988, by tlie following v~~Y,e of the members thereof : ; AYES: CQMM7SSIONERS: ~30UAS, FELDHAUS, HERBST, MC BURNEY, MESSE NO~S: COMMISSIONERS: NONF ABS~NT: COMMISSxOTIERS: D~YDSTUN, CARUSILLp IN W'iTNESS WHGnEOF, I have her.eunt~ set mx haiid ~his 6th day, af ,;';I Jul~. 198£3. I~ ~ ~, ~~ __ ~~- ~r--~ '-'~-~~^_ SE~RETA Y, ANI~HEIM CITY FLANN NG CON4riISSIOTi .,,,, 4i~ vT:._ 4p ~,' ~~ 7;7. ' _,~_ PC88-176 %ri'{'