PC 88-178~ ~~r; g ~ k~.. . . ~ .. ~ ~ ,7 - • R~~=~3 RF,~SQLUTION ,~1Q~88_7.7~ A RESOLiJTl'ON OI' TIiE ANAHEYM CI i'Y PLANI3TNG COMMISSIOI7 1'~TAT PETITION FOR VARIANCF.' N0. 3809~ BE GRANTSD /~ 'J'i, ~' . f~l P7HEREAS, thQ AnahQim City E'lannir.g Commission did rer,eivA a verified Perii:ion £or Variance from Dr. R. S. Minnick and J~.n W, Minnick, 12269 Slcy Lane, Lo~ Angales, CA 90049, property owners, ~f aerta.i.n real property situatod in th~ City of Anaheim, Gaunty uf Orange, Sh,ate of Caliiorniu descrabed as: The West 188.71 Fc~oL of kh~ Nor~h 18t3.00 feet ot the northeasL• quart~r of thQ northwest quarter ot Soction ~, Township 4 South, Range 10 Wast, in thP Rancho ~an Junn Cajc~n de Santa Ana, partly in ~~,;he City of Anah~im, partly in the city of Fullertan, a11 in the c~~unty of Orange, S~ate of C~~lifornia, as per map recorded in book 51 guge 1p a£ Miscellaneous Maps, :in the OfCice of the ~ounty Fecorder of said county. WHFREAS, the City Planning Commis~9.on ilzd hold n public hearing at the Czvic Center ir. the City of Anaheim on July 6. 19$8, at 1:30 p.m., notice ef said public liearir.g having been duly given as roauirod by ].aw and in sccordance with thg provision~ oE the Anuheim Munici~al Code, Cna.pter 1$,03, to hear and consider evidenco for and agains~ said proposecl variance anfl to inve~tigate and mak~ findings and recommendations in conuectior. tnerewith; and WEIGRRAS, said C~rranission, aftor due inspection, investigation and study mado by itself and Sn its behalf, and af.ter ~~ue considQraticn of all evidencR and roports oL•f:ered a~ sai~3 hearzng, doas find and 3etermine ',:he following fac:ts: 1. That th~ pstiti.oner proposes waivQr ot the following under auL•hori~y of. Code 5ection 18.06.080 to cstablish a tntal of 1,973 squarQ feet af fasL food restauriint area in an esist:ir.g retaii cPnter: ~E~1~NS,~,_ 1~LQ§~~5Q~Q2z - ~sinirn~rsNun~l~er Q~~rkina snace~. ~~9~~Q~~.~.~ (~?: reqttired: 2_$ proposod an..~ 1.~~~l,~~02~4 2. Tha~ the above-mentioned waiver is hereby granted for a minimum of twenty-eiyht (26) parking spaces (basad on a maximurn 2,000 sq. ft. of fast food restaurant uses) ~n the b3sis that the F~ar.kin~ waiver w3.11 not cause an incrQaso in t:aff.ic congo~tion in the immecliate vicinity nor adverse-y affect any adjoining land u3es and granting of the ~arkfng waivR~ unc~ez ttie conditions imposcsd, it• any, will not be cletrimental to t•.he pe~ce, health, safPty mnd genernl welfare uE thQ citizans ~f the Cil;y of Anahe.im. 037Ur. PC8$-178 ;~;; . ,'>:'~~~ ~~n; I , . , .. .., :..~..,~ . ._r, .,.~. . ... . . . .. . ~ . . ~ . . _ . ~:'~~~ i~t1 , .. i4;!~o ~ ~ 3. Thst one intorE~stecl pera~n inaicated her presence aG said public hearing; ancl that na correspondence wt~s racQived in opp~sition to suk,jec:t petition. ~ALT~,QRN7.A ~t3VI N. FNTAL t~UALIT'Y AsC,T FIND:[N~: That the Ana'heim C3.ty Planning C~mmiss'.on has re~viewed the propUSal for oraiv~r o~ minim~xm number of parking ~pacc~s to estahlisY, a tot~l of 1,97a square feet of f.as~ food restaurant area i~a an exist.ing retail center on a rectaiiyularly-•shapad parcel of ].and consist~.ng of approximatoly Q.43 acre l~catecl at the ao~.~thoasr, corner ot Orangethorpe Avenue and Lemon Street; and cioos horeby approve the Negativc: Doclaration up~n findi.ng that it h~s eonsiderea the Nega~ive Declaration together wi~h a:~y ~:omments received dur.ing ~he public review process anci further Einding on th~: basis af the initial study and any commenl•s roceivsd ~hat rhere is na ~ubst~~r.tzal e~vYdence that the project wa.ll h;~ve a sign~ficant eEfect oa the onviron~nent. NOW, 'rFI~RET.~'~R~, AE I'Y RESOLVED rhat the An4heim Cir_y I~lanning Commission do~s herebv grant sub:ject. Petition for Variar~ce upan the L•ollow;ng conclitions which are herc~by fov.r~d to be a nocessarTeservee~i he 1 sate y ah` proposed use o~ the subject property in arde~r to n general ~~ac~lfare of the Citzaens of. the City of An~l:eim: 1. T~ at tho ],~gal owner of subject propert~~ shall i.r:evocably offer ~o cl~~dicate to the City o~ An.ahe°_m a stri•p of land six~y (60) feet in width from thc centerline of. the street along ~ranget;horpe Avenue g n~c].~ding ~ 4:w~nty five (25) foot radiiis corner rotur:? Eor street widenin ar ~ses. 2, TYiat the total ~quaro fuotage of t:~e f:as~ food rQSkauranL-(s) shali not exceed two thousanci (2,000) sq~iare fee~. 3. 5hat tr~sh storaRe area:s sha.ll be proviaed and maintained ir, a locatian a~cepta~le to th~ SL•rnet Maintenanco and Sar-itatior.. Division and in aceordance wiL•h approved plans on f.i1Q w.:th sa.id Divisi.or.. h, That all air condil:ionin~3 facilities and othc~r roof arid ground mounl:ed equ.iprr,ent shall be }~roperly shielded Prom view. 5, That the pro~~sal .hall comply wi.th all 3igning requiremants af the CL "Commerr.ia:, Lim'_tod" 2one, ur.les3 a variance allow.i.ng sign wsivers is approved by tho Cit.y Cc~wr.ci:l, Planning ~7mmissinn or Zoning AdministraL•or. rity 6. That the on--siCe lan~9scaping 3ha11 be maintained in comp].iance with standarc7s . 7. That subjPC+c _~roperl•~• ~hell b~ d~veloped substantially in accordance with nl~ns and skecifications on file wie::: thg City of Anahoim rnarked F.xhibit Nos. 'L through 3; provided, however, ti-at the maximum size of rhe fast food rostaurant(~) sh~7.1 be tvo thousan6 (2,OU~~ aq.ft. and Che minimum numbQr of parking spaces shall be twen~y-eight (28). _2,. PC88-178 >';,,$ •.: ~; ~,d4i~,. I,~. . . . .,.._. .. : . . ...,~ _w;~:~~,'~ . <- ~;s ~~;r;: rw..«~;~ ~dv' ~;; . . r.: _ - -- ~~ .~~ ~~~~ . .°:~~if~ ~ ~ g, lhat p.io.r t~ commencemant o~ thQ activi~y au~:hori.zed by t.tiis resoluti~n, or prior to issuance o~~ a builning pc~rmit, or within a period of one yoar Erom thQ date of t•his resolution, whichever occurs fi.rst, Condition No. 1, above-mentianed, shall be complfQd with. Extonsions tor further time ~a complpte said canditions may be granted in accordance with Sectioii 10.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. g, That prior to tha commencemex~t o~ the activity auth~rixod by this resoluti~n, or L-inal building and zoning inspections ;ahiaYiever occurs first, Ccndition No. 3, 4 anr3 7, abov~-nentionsa, shall be complied with. 1Q. That appxnval ot• this applicat.ion constitutes ap~roval of thc~ pz•oposed reques~ nnly ta the o~ztFiit that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code a.nd any other app].icable City ragulakions. Approval do~s not iiiclude any action or iindings as to ccmpliance or appraval of the rcquest regarding any other applicable ~rdinance, regulation or requiremeY.t. BE IT FU!~ZH~R RESOLVED that the A~zaheim City Planning Commissioxx doos hPreby L•ind and clet~rmine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly prpdicattd u~pon applicanr's compliance with each and all of tho coxiditions hRreinabove s~L• for~h. Should any such co.ditions, er any part thereof, be iieclared invalid or unQn£orceable k~y the fixial judgment of ~any court of compeY.ent juriscliction, Chen this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. TH~ FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed ~nd a~proved by me th.:.s 6tb day of July, :L908 • ~r ; ~ ,, ~ .. ~ . iij. 'l~.~.. ..•- ~1~~'~'T:r._,v ' CFiAIRMAPi% ANAHFIM CI'PY PLA21rTING COMMISSION v ~ ~ ATTEST: ~`--~ ' / ,I F ~~;r'C.-f~ ~i1~ ~~ ~. (1~l'Gc-:_...._ ~ -- . SECRETARY., ANAI~IEIM CITY PLANNING COb'A:ISSIOIJ ~ STA~E OF CALIFORrTIA ) '~~ COUNTY OF.' ORANGE ) s s. ~ CITY OF ANAHEJM ) `~ .1.~ I, Edith L. H~.rri„ Secretary of r.he Anahei:n Cil;y Pl~+nning ~'; Commission, do heraby certify that the foregoing resnlution was passed and ; edopt~:d at z meetinq of the Anaheim City Planniny Commission held on July 6t;h, 7.988, by the following vote of the membors therQOf: ' AYES: COt+AMISSIONERS: BUUAS, 130YDSTIIlI, FELDEIAUS, HERFiST, MC HURNEY, M~;SSE ;;;.., NOES: COA4fISSIONERS: NON~ ;~~ AIISENT: CCIMMISSIONERS: CARU5tLL0 ~~ t?.~ IN PIITNESS WHEREUF, I hav~s hereunto set my hand this 6th clay of ",I July, 1988. ' ;;I ~ ._ ~ _ ~ ~, . ~ '~ ,.,•~-~ . 1 ~1::~:,.. ~ ~ ; '~; i SECR TARY, At1AHEIM CT'rY ~P.L NNING COMMISSION -`;;, ~ ~ '.4 ~~ ~ ~• _3_ PC88-]7E1 :,`r~~ <•~ 3~,~1 ~ r?~