PC 88-186~ RESO~.UTI~N NO PC8$-l~ ~ A R~~OLUTTOIQ OF TH~; ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION l2ECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION pF GSNERAL PLAN AMENI7N,ENT N0. 2~5 - I~AND USE E~,EMENT ~:;t ~;; ...:,: v ; ;:~ `..,i ;:;" WfTEREAS, the City Council oF t.ho City of Anaheim did adopt tl~e anat~eam General Plan by Resolutian No. 69R-644, showing the general description and extenL ~f possible fu~ure develoZ~ment v~ithin the City; and W~fBREAS, pursuant tc a request Pram the prouerty owner £or a General Plan amendmenr study ta consider r~designatian from the existir~g GPneral CommerciaX designation to the Medium Density ResidQntial or Low Mpdium Dens.ity Resiclential designation, Ci.~y staff prepared a General P.lan AmendmenL- for an area consisC.ing o£ approximately four acres having a frontage of `.;; approximately 213 feek on the south sxde of I~i~,coln AvQnue, approximately 1,030 feet wa~t o:E the centerline ~:c.lid Street, and further described as ~ 1780 W~st Lincoln Avenu~; and 6VHEREAS, the Ci.t;y Planning Commzssion did hold a public hearing at the Civic C~ntar. in the City oE An~~he,im on ~Tuly 18, x986 at 1:30 p,m., no~3.ce ;, of said public hoarin7 having been duly given as required by 1aw and in ~'' accordance with thQ provisions oC• the Anaheim hfun.icipal Code. Chapter 18.03, "~ tu hear anQ consider ~vidence Por and agains~ said proposed. general plan `~~' amenc~ment and to investig~~e and make findinys and recommendations in conneci:ion therawitih; and ., ;';: WHEBEAS, said Corsunission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by it5elf and iti its behalt, and aite;c du~ consideration ~f a11 ~ evidence and r.eports ofiered at said hearing, does ~ind and de~ermine the Fallnwing facts: 1. That two (2) porsons indicaCed their prosEnce ~t said public ~ hearinq in oppusitiun; and that no correspnndenco was rece.ived in oppositfoM to subject petition. Z• T1~aL- evidenc~~ was preaent•ad w}xich substant;iates the need £or an amQnciment to the Anaheim General Pl~n, and it .is deemed appropriate that Ex2iibiG A bc~ adopked designating ~ho propFr.ty For Afed.i.um Denszty Residsntial I~arid Uses. If0412r <;; PCF38-186 '; ;.`^ - ~ ,F~ ,,; ~ ' ` ., _ . . . ~ . , , a', if,;':r[ , , ~~ ~..,„~~---~ [ ty r~ ` ` 4+ }r;;, i;~'ti ~~~ t;~y ~~-:;'i;a; _;'~,r; ~ ~a'I ~ ~ ~ 'rt' !11l.~~~!! !~~ ~ r:~k] ~i I CALIF TA ENVI~20NMk~NTAL AI,'tTY ACT FINDING; Th~.t the Anaheim City Plann3.ng Comr,iission has revie~ved tho proposal to amend th~ Anaheim General Plzn - Land Use ~le-nent tu ~:edosignate subject ~roper~y from the oacisting General Commercial designation to the Modium Density Residential or Low MQdxtun Densa.ty Residc~ntial lanrl use d~signation and to r~~las3ify subject ` property from ~he CL (Cairimercial, ~imited) Zone to the RM-12(?0 (F.QSidenL•ial, Multiple Familx) Zone to construct a 3-story, 106-unit apartment compl.dx with waive•r of ma:~imum structural height on an zrregularly-shaped ~arcel of land coz~sistinq of approximal:el~• 4 acres, having a frontac~e of approxamately 2.13 feet on i:hg south side o£ Lincolii Avex~ue, and being locatod approximately 1, 030 feet west of tne centerlinQ of Euclid Strec~t d11C2 i'urther described as 1'100 West Linculn Aven~,~o; and does her~b~• appr.ove the Negativ9 Declaration upon findi.ng th~t it has co::sider~ad the Nega~ive Declaration *.ogether wit;h any ~omments recwz;;ac~ during the pixblic xeview process and furth~r Finding an the t~asi~ of ~he in.itial srudy and any comments .receivad that rhere is no substantial eviden~e thar tYie project wi1.1 have a significant effect on the envir~nment. t NOW, 'rHEREFOR~, S~ IT RESC~LVSD t;h~t Pursuant to tYie foregoing +; fincling5, the Anaheim City Planning Commiss.ion doe~ hereby adopt znd ~j recommond to the City Council of the C:ity oi Analieim adoption of General Plan Amen3ment No. 245 -'Land CJse El~merit, Exhibit A, redesignating subject- area Ior medi.um clensi~y resi.dential land usPS. THE FOR~GOING FESOLUTTUTT is signed and approved k~y me rhi~ 1$th day of Juiy, 1988. _`fL'l~fr:;t_ "%"l ,_ r,'` -.~.j ~ CHAIRWOMA~, At1AHEIP2 CITX PLANNING ~OMI~fIS5I0N ATTES:I'~~~' 1 _ . ~ / ~`:, a ~y ~' - , . -`-r ~ ~ ~..~'c.1~.-~~.~,~_ •i _. .,-~ ~ SFCRETARY', ANAFiEIM CITY PLA2INIIJG CUMNIISSION STATE OF CALZFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGB ) ss. CITX OF ANAHETiQ ) I, Edith L. Harris, SecreCary oE the Anaheim City Planning Commissic~n, do hareby certify that the foreg~ing reso~ution wa~ passed and adAp~ed at a meeking of the Anah~im C.ity Planning Commission held on Ju1y lg, 19t38, b~ the followinq vate of the membcrs r,her~of: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOTJAS, BOYDSTUN, rARUSILLO, FEI,UHAi1S, HERHST, MC 13URNEY, ME;SSE NOES: COMMTSSIOIQERS: NONE Af3SEt7'1': COMi+~ISSIUNERS: NOI3E IN WITNESS WHERCOF, I have hereunto set my hand this .lath day of July. 1988. k~ , ~ -- __ ,1 _._._ L= ~ / - lC'~,.~.,, :~ SECRETA Y~AHEIM CITY PLANNING C0.'~iISSION 2 PCS$-186 ;;:~;i; ;i~ ~~Y _ .. . .'. 1rc~'~