738 9 10. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . oj: 1 ORDINANOE NO. lli. 2 3 4 5 THE CITY CF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES OFnAIN AS 8 FOLLOWS: 7 8 I I SEOTION 1: I It Sht1l be Unlal'lful for any person e1 ther as principal, agent, etpIOyee or otherwise to keep, conduct or maintain within the City of Anaheim any house, room, apartment i or place used in '~h~le or in pa.rt as a place where any game not I mentioned in or protibited by Sections 330 and 330a of the Penal Code of the State ot C~liforniai8 played, conducted, dealt or o.arried on ~Tith oor~s, d.ice, billia.;rd balls, pool balle, cues or other .devices \fl!i thO?t first ha..,ring applied to and obtained from th.e 01 ty Oouncil of.l the Oi ty of Anaheim a permi t so to do. SECTION 2: 24 21 It sh~ll be unlawful for any person either as principal, agent, e~ployee or otherwise knowingly to permit any house, room, apcwrtnl~nt or place Ol'!n.ed by him or under his oharge or control in the O~ ty of .L-~naheinl to be used in whole or in part for playing, conduc~ing, dealing or carrying on therein of any ga..--ne not mentionecl ~n or ~prohi bi ted by Sections 330 and 330a. of the Penal aode of the StE.te of California, with cards, dice, billiard balls, poo~ b911s, cues .or other device without a permit first having been opta.in~d fronl the Ci ty Council of the 01 ty . ! of Anaheim by such !person, or the person, firm or corporation so using said house, rpom or ~part~ent. 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 SEe TIo~r 3: i ! Upon receiPt of a written application for a permit to conduct any gamel not mentione~ in or prohibited by Sections 330 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 t .. 1 and 330. of the nalwCode of the State of Oalifornia, .the 2 C1ty Oounoil ahal investigate or cause to be investigated .the 3 4 5 person, firm or c. rporati~n seeking such perm1t, and ,the place where such game o. games are to be oonducted,and shall de~erm1ne whether or no~ th~ person or persons seeking such permit are j of good moral chafacter,and shall determine whether of not the location of the htuse, room, apartment or other place for whioh a permit is SOUght to conduct such games is one where the conduct- . 1ng of suoh game ~r games will~be a violation of any of the I provisions of thejoity Zoning Ordinance of the Oity of Anaheim, I and shall determi$e \~ether Or not the granting of such permit will be detrimenttl to the welfare of the oitizensand residents of the Oity of Antheim. The determination of said matters by the City Oouncil ~f the Oity of Anaheim shall be final and con- clusive and in eafh inetanoe the Oity Oouncil shall have sole discretion to gra4t or deny an application for a permit hereunder, and if it shall a*pear from said investigation that the person seeking suoh perm, t is not of good more.l character or that the ] loca.tion of the h4use, room, apartment or place . where .saiQ..game ..or games a.re sought ~o be oonducted is in a.zone not "')ermitted by the, Oity Zoning O~d1nance, or if the granting of ~uch license would be detrimen~al to the welfare of the citizens or residents of the City of An~heim) then such application shall be denied. SEOTION .4: e 7 The jr1ght is hereby reserved in the City Council to cancel and rev~ke any permit granted hereunder for good cause. S~CTION 5: .j AnYlpereon, firm or oorporation violating any of j the provisions of lthie Ordinance Shall be deemed guilty of a ." ! ~isdemeanor and, 1n convicti6n thereof. shall be punished by a fine of not less ~han Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more than Three -2- .-'P-'---.. . _L_ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 'I 1 2 3 i j Hundred Dollars (~300.00), or by imprisonment in the County Jail for not more tha1 three months or by both such fine and imprison- 1 mente .j SEOTION 6: I Th~ all other Ordinanoes or parts of Ordinanoes in confliot with ~hiS Ordinance be and the same are hereby 1 repealed. I :j SEOTION 7: 1 The I Oity Clerk shall certify to the passage of tOLs Ordinance and Sha~l oaUse the same to be printed and published once in the Anahe~1 Bulletin, a newspaper of general oirculation printed, PUblishe~ ,and circulated in the City of Anaheim, Cali- fornia, and thirtr (30) days from and after its final passage, it shall take effectland be in full foroe. THE FOREGOIN ORDINANOE was approved and signed by me this 4 5 8 ~. day of , 1949. {'Z~~ MAYOR, OITY OF ANAHEIM -3- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I . _ 01 . 1 2 3 4 5 STATE or CALIFORN A ~ BS COUN'l'Y OF ORAN CITY or ANAHE 7 I, Charles E. Gr1f!"1th, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify!that the foregoing Ord1nanc' was introduced at . . me~ting of the City Counoil of the Oity of Anaheim, hel Q the J' d1Y Of~, 1949 and that the same 1I'8.S passed and adoPte~_at a r~gular meeting of the Oity Council held on the ol.:.a day Of~, 1949, by the following vote of the members thereof: I ' ~9- AYES: COUNCIIfIEN: {j).~~~, ~ It-", NOES: COtmCI~: ~ ABSENT: OOUNCI~N: ~..-v- A' -;" And I further ~ertify ~the ~yor of the City of Anaheim signed and approv+ said Ordinance on the .z.l. day of ~ I e . 19491. IN WITNESS W~OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said di ty of Anane 1m thi B .;z.z. day of ~ ' 1949 . ~~J' J~~~. ,- --_AAHEIM -4- LECAL NOTICE . ....................::;.:;::~:i;;~:~:::::~::~::~~~~~~::::::::: Subscribed. and swom to before me thls_...1!.':..~.:.~!..daY of ........... -'.. --.. ...~~L..ez:. ::-.1.... .........19 /~..:. , ORDiNAKCE NO. f38 A.N ORDINA.~CB 011' THE CITt' OF 4...~A.HEIM REGL""LA.'I'I~ (; GAXEI NOT MENTIONED IX NOR r~HIBITED B1: lEe- 'rION 330 aad :130a OF '1' HE PENAL CODE ()II' THE ST A. TB 01' CALIFORNIA. THE CIT1: COUSCIL oJt' 'l'HE Cl'l'Y Ob' ASAHEIM DOES ORDAlS ,,\'8 b"OLLOW8; SECTION 1: .It shall b. unlawful for any ner. son .ither. ai. prine!>>al. altent. em- pJo3.e.e or otherwis, to fteeu, conduc't or maIntain wIthin the" City ot Ana- heim any house!. room. apartment or place used in whole or in part as a place where any .ame not mention- ed in 01' prohibited by Sections 330 aud 3.30& ot the Penal Code 01 t.he ~tate ot California is .:pJaYed. con- ducted, dealt or carried on with cards, dice. billiard balls, pool balls. cues or. other' devices without first havinc applied to and obtained from the City Council of thp. Cih- I Q( Anaheim . Der.mit 80 to ero. Sh;CTION 2: . It shall be unlawtul for. .an~. Der. son either.. &1 prlnciual. agent, em.. ploye.. or 'otherwise l{nowing"ly to permit any house~ room .apartment or place.owlled by. him or under .hill l:harKe 'or ,control In the City of Anaheim to be used in whoJe or ill. P8.r.~ 101'. plaYing'. conducting deHJ- ing 'or carryIng. on therein ot any gaine not mentioned in or 'Prohibit. .ed by Section.. 330 and 330a of th4ll Penal Code ot the State of Callfor. nia. with cards. dice. biJIiard. ball!;;:. pOol ballet cues or other devices without & permit 'flrst hav-Inl: been obtained .from the City Council or the City 0/;, Ariaheiln by such ut'r- son, or the :person, firm or t:orpora- tion so 1.Isin~ said house. room or :apal'tlllent. SECTION a: . Vpon receiPt o.{ a \~l'iUen aJJ1>Ii- ca tion tor' a Dermi t tu con a tlet H.ny game not mentioned in or proJlibit. ed by S'!CtiOIlS 330 and 330a of tl1p' I Penal, Code ot the State of CaUto)".. niB., the .Cft~, Council shaH itlVesti. gate or cause to. be investigated th~ person. firm 'or corporation aeekill~ sl,lch permit: and the uJace whel'a such Raine or ~ames are to be con. ducted, 'and @..hall determine .,,"heth. er o.r 'not the 'Perlll'on or perS('lll~ . seeJung-. slu'h .permit are ot ~ood moral characteJ'. and ,.hnIl .deter- mine whether or not the location of the house; room. apartment. Of other pl.ace for .which a -permit. i~ sought to conduct such ~aJl)NI il' one. where tbe condu~t1nJit of. such game or ~ames wlll'be. a v10JatioJ'1 of any ~of th.e 1l1'Ovisiona ot the Cit~. Zoning Ordinance of the City ot Anaheim. and shaH deterlUill8 whether or not the .~ranUng of SUch .permlt Will be detri.mental to the welfare of the citizens. and resi- dents 'Of ~the. City ot Anaheim.:. The determination: ot sitd matters b,. the .City .Coun~U o't th~ .City ot Ana- heim 8h-alI be final and 'conclusive R.nd In each. instance the City, Coun. ell shan have .ole "dJscretion to : grant ,or' "deny- au aPDllcatf:>n for II. : I permIt here~nder. and it. it shall R.ppea~. from latd, inv.stlJtation th.at the per~on seeking such permit he not of good moral eharacter or that _ the l~C4Ltton of. .the . . house. . reom. apart~~n~ .01' DI-.qe. ': . where' . iaid' g~"I':: came.. Are jaoUA'ht .'to' b. .contlu. ~, ,-.i.fe." tu a:. ..;. : ~O~. P~~lt- ted ,b,..'. . ~tY'.on It. ardlnanee. o~ 1ft! .....,tTa~U1t.: 0 ':-011 .lIcenJ~ ~O~h ';. :. e ~'~~"l,. ... :t~j ~~!t.e.re ~Ity. ~ .;: :"~.:'::t ~tJae. ~.~. ..(It. ;th~ . ct." . :~C:~.' ~~::I:ft' th~' '. .... ~Ullcfl ..,.t~ .tn.eef '.114 :~r.- . volt... ., .epmlt..:ft&rjt.. Jiereutlder I tO~I.., '. ~~.. .... ~ . .'...' ',.' . ."i~:f~I'.'" .:.::. ~:;. 'o~~f:te'~:;:r::.tI~, this ... . naace shifu.. .be ,f).oemed guUtY. ~, . '.. . mf'''Il'!4aJ}or' ..4.. ; on co~,,:le... tllereof. ShJ,1l be pQni8h- ed by. . ~n'e of ..Bot leu than Ten Doll...... :(.'10~OO) .. not :' more . than . Th:ree .!lund-red DOn..,.. u'a()o.OO)~ or by ~~~llment I~ tl",County Jail tor Dg>.~r. thaq, .tlll-Ie months or by. botl'a .S1I'Ch fine and .tm.rl-oninent . SECTlO)J e.: . . " p. · .That. al.l-"other Ordf.nan<:es or DartJII .or Ordlli'&Dc.. .in .conflict wlth...t.hi.. Ordlnanc. be and the' ..me _ .are . hereby .r:eDeaJed. SECTIO)t '1: The City Clerk sball certify t~ ,the. p..... of this. Or4lnan.ce and 8~all 9!ru. the ame', to be prhited and pubUahed onee hi th.,"Ahahefm Bulletin. ., new-spap,r o( _ellera] cfrcul.aUoe printed. 1>>UbUlbe"" and cir~ula~ed In the eit;-. of' :':A.n..hei.m, CadfOJ:ftI,.. and thirt:j '. .(10) . (layS "from. and atter; fbl ti.~, -pa..a..e. it shall taJ,te eftect and J.. In full torce THE lrOREGOING :ORDINANCE waa' aUI'OVed. an~ sia-ned by me- thi.' !2nd day .ot March. 1949, ' CRAS, A; PEA.RSON . ..L' .Ma~-or, City ~{A~aheim ATTEST:.., '. :." CHARLEI"E. GRIFFftll 'CJtY.Cle'k... City of Anaheim (Seal)', . . i " . .. . STAT!l!!r CALIFO~'tA..) _ COun....'y - OF. ORA.!G:K l... , CITY 011' ANAH 1M.) I. Char.}... B. Gritfl h. City Clerk of the City ,of .Ailahelm,.' do hereb~. certify' t~t .the tor.&Jl'Qin<< OrdInanc8 wall.n.trod~ced at a riigular meetin~ of the ..:.Clty. Council Gr. the . City.. ot Anah'I~. .. held oil lhe "8th day .or. M;arch~ 1.49 and that the lani.. wall pal.ed' and adopted. 'at. . .reJtlilaJ" . ~eet..I!l"_ of the City C6ult~n 'h~M AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION STA TE O~' CALIFORNIA ) )ss. County of Ol'ange ) .It1... Qh~...!l...c.n.lt....._ .... ........ ... _........................................... of said county being first duly sworn. Bays-that he 18 a male citizen of the United States. and of the State of Ca111- tornia. over the age of elghte en years: that ~e bas no n: terest in. nor is be a party to the matter herem mentioned. tb.t he is the Pr lne lpal clerk . .__....._~..._...._..u..m........__........ of the ... ... ............ ..... .......... -.... .... ....oo... ....... ............ An she 1m Bull e t1 n . __..................._.................................... ..oo "'. .....oo..'" ......oo '" "'. "'.. "'....... .......... "'.. ... ............. .. a_.....~~.~~.~_u. newspaper printed. published aod circulated In the said County Qt Orange that sa.ld Anahe1m Bulletin '. . . .. .......................-...... I~...~..~~:;~;~~.~-~u~.f..;;~;;~l..~j;.~~i~.ii.~.~-..;.ii.h...a. list of paid subscribers and i8 published for the dissemination of both ~ocal and general news and intelligence of a general char-. acter. that it is not devoted to the interests or published fOl the entertainment of a parti cular class, profession. trade. calling race or denomination. 01' of any number thereof: that ft' has been ~~inted and publishe~ in ~he City ot Ana. helm. County of Orange. State of CalIfornIa for mor~ than one year Ilt'xt preceding the (irst day of the publIcation hereto attached: that the Ordinance No. 738 .~t...;h-i~hu.th~..~.~~;;;d..t;u~...;;i.~t;d..~~~;:..;~.~...;~.bii~h;d. -t'~ said newspaper at least._,.~-~A!._u~!.@~.~...._...._....u............. commencing on tben...gSJ~A.day of .....~~.~~..................... 19 49.. and ending on the___.............day of ...._.........._................ Notice 19 .. .... and that said ._............_. ......................................................... was published on the following days: .. "- ~ ~~~. -. -~~..!.. -. . ~_?~?- -.. -. .--.. .-... -...-.. -. ........ ..... ...... ..................... -........ - -.. .. . ... ... ....oooo... .............. ................... .................. .......... .... .......... ........ "'.............._ ... ..... ....--.- .--.. .__..,....._~:::~;.:, ~'~~~.'~~oii~y~\pUbi"ic:.".-"- LEGAL NOTICE AFFIDA VIT OF PUBIJCATION ORDiN.ASCE NO. fas A.N ORDINANcB OF THE CITt' OF 4...~A.HEIM REGL""LA rl'l~ G GAllES NOT ME~iTIONED IX NOR paOHIBITED B1: filEC. 'rION aao aad 330a Oli~ 'r H.E PEXAL CODE Oil' THE STA.TB 01' CALIFORXIA. 'I'HE CITl: COlJ~CIL O}l' '.rHE CITY O}i' A~.AHEIM DOES ORDAl~ AS b"OLLOW8; SECTION 1: It 8hall b. unlawful for any Del.. son either. ai. prineiDal. &ltent. em- plo~.e.e or otherwis, to leep, conduc:'t or maintain wIthin the" City of Ana- heim any house. room. apartment or place used in whole or in part as a place where any .ame not mention- ed in or prohibited by Sections 330 and 3.30a ot the Penal Code ot the ~tah ot Ca.lifornia is .pJayed. con- ducted' dealt 01. carried on Wil h. cards, dice, billiard balls. pool balls. cues or other. devices without first haVing' applied to and obtained from the <.:ity Council of th", Cit~- , Qt Anaheim R Der.nlit 80 to do. Sb;CTION 2: It shall be unlawful for. .an~. Der- SOll either,. a. principal. agent. em. pJoye.e or 'otherwise linowiM~.I.,' to per1l1it any house. room .apartment or place.ownea by him ()r under hi" l:harJite or "control in the City of Anah.eim to be used in whole or in. PIlrt for. plaYing'. conducting deHJ- ing or carryIng on therein of any gain e not men ttoned in or "proh i bit _ ,.ed by Sections' 3S0 and 330a of thiP. Penal Code of the State of Califor- nia. with carda. dice. billiard balJa:::. pool balls. cues or other devices without a permit 'first havinJ;;' beeu obtained from the City Council Qr the City ol. Ariaheiln by .uch lJ('r. son, or the person, firm or t:orDora- tion so l.Isin~ said house, room or .apa rtl11e n t. SECTION 3: , l:'pon recehlt o.f II '~l'itten aJJuli- cation tor a 'permit tu conduct any s.ame not mentioned in or llrohibit- f>.d b~' Sections 330 and 380a of thR . Penal, Code of the State of Califor. I nia.. the Cft~, Council shaH il1vesti- gate or caUlol.e to be investigated thp. perl:ion. firm or corpo,ratioll 8eekin~ such permit: I:lnd t.he ulace where Stich ~aine or A"anu's are to be (;on- ducted. 'and shall determine .wheth- er o.r not t.he DerJll'on or ners,,"::: seelung Sll(" 11 . Dermit are of ~oorf mOJ.aJ characteJ'. and lIIha]) deter. mine "'-hether 01' not the location of the house. room. apartment. or' other pI.ace for .which R .permit ill; SfJught 1-0 cunduct such ~allle~ i~ one where the condur;t!nl{ or such g'':l1l1e or. ~ames will 'be. a YfolatioTI of a.nY,of the P,.o,.isions of the eft'. Zoning Ordinance of the. City 0' A.nahelm. and shall determillf'l '....heUler or not the ~rantlng of such .permlt Will be detrimental to the \\~elfare ot the citiz'ens. and resi.: dents 'Of .'the City of Anaheim... The determination of sltid matters b,. th~ CltY.Council of the City or Ana'. helm shaH be final .and conclusivA a!ld in each JnstanC'e the City. Got'n. clI shan hM'e. 80le dJscretion to : grant ,.or. deny AU: aDDlfcH.tbn for If. I , permit hereunder. and It it shall . appear. from' said. investhtatfon tha t the perll!on seeking i!!Iuch p-ermft ill not ot <<ood moral f!haracter or "that _ the loc~tton ot the house. room. apartmen~ Ol'" Dlac;:e. . where' iaid. . gaJ:De' ~ came. are .:aouJfht. to' b. .conclu~.. f,\..tD .. ..0... Dot permlt- · ted .b;r .... ~Ity Zonltl.. Ordinance. o~ If) ,tl.'i..rantbi.' 0" neb IIcenee wou c!.... aehim.iltal. to the wel~8:re S},t th,' ~.tlzeft, tfr: retl4enti 9t' the ,-,ity AI AD&!a.t_' th., .u-b l' catI09!:-:r. - JI..., b....od...... ':"" . .-. I- .. .SB. . f: .'!.... ~h. '.. lit I. here_ ,'enn:ec!" In th. .cr~ '~,ouDCn "to daneel" aft4 ..re- VfOk...... . . . permit: cra.teet hereuad.er I or 8'9 eau.e..,. .,.. . 8.. ON . ~~ , . . . .Any' ..:"r80.: . tfioJn .P.. eOrDPratlo' .violat~y any of.. the'. DI'A)~f.[C)ns of th-ia ~-4IDallee sh~l. .be .f)oemed gUiltY.. ; :~)t :. a mi..em....nctr aDd.. ...' on cO~vletl9ll thereof. Bh..n be D~ni8h- ed by. . f~n'e ot ..Dot ]e.s tl1an Ten ..:0011.....: :('18.00) '.no," ..'more than . Th~e. .Hund.red Dollars. U300.00). or by bq~~I.OD.lDent f~ tl.. County Jail for n.,t. ,'JD~r. thaq tbt-.e months or by both such tIne and imllrisonment SECTION 8: ..' . .That.. ....I.I.other Ordlnaneea o'r Dart III . 01" Ordlnan~es in .confllct with. 't.hhl Ordinance be and the .ame are hereby r.epealed. SECTIOM 7: The City C'Jerk al1all certify tB . the. pa...... ot this. Ordtnan'ce and l!IQaU 9.u~ the 8,ame.. to b. Drhited and pubUlh.d onee in ther Anaheim Bulletin. . . newSpaDtr at 8'elleral circul,a.tio!l printed. pubUlihed" and clr~ula*ed In the Cit)"' of' 'Anah'eim. CadfOJ;'1lI,.. a.nd. thirty' ..( 30) days .front. and after Its .fi_.,1. pas...... {t. shall take eftect and b.e In ruU forC'e THE P'OREGOING' .ORDINANCE wall a;proved. an.d sla-ned by me this' 22nd dli.y of March. 1949. . CHAS. A. PEARSON -'- . J4aS~or, City Of Anaheim ATTEST:.. ... '. . CHARLES 'E. GRIFFITH .C.ty Clerk. City ot Anaheim (Se8.l) "'. '. STA TE. ~ OF CALIFOItNIA.) . COUNTY. OF .OltANGE ).. . CITY OF .ANAH"tnIM l T. Charle. B. Griffith. City Clerk ot the City .of Anaheim,' do hereb~' certify th~t the for.e..()ln<< OrdlnanctIJ wa. f.ntrod~ced at a rNular meeting of the .Clty. CouncU ot.. the .Clty. of Anaheim. ' held on the' 8th day 0 r. :M;arch.. .1949 and that the lame ..WRR palsed' and adonted 'at. & reJt1ilaJ' " meetin.. of the City COtUlcfJ 'held on the 22nd .da)" ot. Marcil.. 1'949. ''b,. thp- fOllOWing .vote. 1J! tbe. members ,thereof: . , AYES.: COUNCILME~: Pearson. Pace. ~oliey. Van Wa~oner. . NOES: . COUNCTf..MEN: 'ion", . ABSENT: 'C'OUNCTL~fmN: R~YlnJl. And J turther r.fllrtf1'v thAt rhe l\J8.)~or' of' the .eftv of. ^ n.n heiln ~I~n. ed and .apDroved ~aid. Ordinan~e lln the 22nd. d8.,. of Ma~'~l1. 194!). IN WITNESS WH.roFtE:OF. I .havp hereunto ....et. tn~p hand :lnd affixe,l t~E'. seaJ of Raid City' ~l' .\naheiTn 1 M!I' 22nd dRY of. Marr.h. 1949. 'EEJ\Ll ; i .:.. .. . CHARI,,:g:S F:. Gft'fFFITH eft...' Clerk. City of Anaheim . Pub. Mar~h 2,5. 1949. .'. ' STATE O}4' CALIFORNIA ) )ss, County ot Ol'ange ) R1 Chard j' 111 chl e . ........................................ ~.t...~~.id...~~~;i.;:.. b~i~~.. .ii;;t...~i"~i;;..~..;~~n. says-that ~e Ci8U& male citizen of the United States. and of the State 0 ai- fornia. over the age ot eighte en years: that I!e has no n: terest in. nor is he a party to the matter herem mentioned. that he is the Pr 1ne 1 pal e lerlt .........~....................__.............. of the .... .... ..--...... ...... ................... .............. ... .. ......... ............. AnaheIm Bulle t1 n .......................................................... ... .... ......... -...... ...................... ..............-...... ...-....... ..... dally. newspaper printed. published aud circulated rn--'tile'.sai'd"co'unty Qt Orange that said Anahe1m Bulletin '. .......................... i~...~--~.~;:;;~~.~.~...~t..;;~~;~l..~i;.~~i~.ti'~~...;.it.h...~. list of paid subscribers and is published for the dissemination of both ~ocal and general news and intelligence of a general char- acter. that it is not devoted to the Interests or publi.hed tor the entertainment ot a parti cular class. protesslon. trade. calling race or denomination, 01' of any number thereof; that it' has been ~"'inted and published In the City of Ana- heim. County of O"range. State of California for more than one year lIe-xt preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached: that the Ordl nan ce No. 738 . .......................................... .~t...;h.i~h...th~..~.~~;~;d..t;..~...~.;i.~t;d..~~py. was published in said newspaper at least. _:.....~~!_..~~.~~.~............................. commencing on tbe.....gSJ~A.daY of .....~~.~b....................... 194.9. and ending on the................day of ...._............................ Not1ce 19 ...... and that sa.ld .............__. ......................................................... was published on the following days: March 25 J 1949 .......u.__................................................ ... .................. -........ ....... ............. .......................... ........ ....::~:~:~;:::~~~:~:~::?::~.~~;:::; ..mm.m..uum.~:.L.~,..'"-1..........h.1t / ~.. , ..........-...----.. - ..........-~;~..-: - ~..~;;,...~~oiaiy\;ubi.ic:.... -".