PC 88-208, ~, I2E$OLUTI~PI ~0, PCHB_208 ~,~f '3' A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAI~EIM CITX PLANNING COMMISuION THAT PETITION FOR VAP.IAIIC~ Dip. 3F322 BE GRAtITED, IN PART WHER~AS, the Anaheim Ci~cy Planning Commission did receive a veriEied Qetition £or Varianc~ from 5PIROS GIANN'OUTSOS and CATHERIN'E GIANNOUTSbS, 1469 7~7.abama Lano, Piti~.sburgh, P~ ~521.6, own~rs and MASSOUD MANSHIZAL`EH, 1~2~ Victory Way, Flacentia, CA 92670, agen~, of certain real prup~rty situated in the City of Analieim, Caunty of Orange, State of Califor.nia dascribsd as: BE~INNING AT A POINT 80 FEE;T SOUTTiERLY FROt4 THS NQRTHEbST COFN~R OF' ~INFYARD LOT A-r, GITY (1F ANAHBIM, COUNTY. OF OR1aNGE, ~TATE OF CALIFORNTA, AS PER MAP RECORDFA IN BOOK 4, PAGE 629, LOS ANG~LES COUNTY, RUNNING TH'ENCE WESTERLY PARI#LL~L WITH THE I30RTHERLY LTNE OF SAIA LO`.~ 164 FEET, THENCE , SOUTHERL,'S[ P~RALL~L WITH THE ~ASTERL:i LINE OF SAID LOT 75 FEET, THENGE k;A5TERLY PARALLF?~ WI^'.i THE NORTcI~RLY L:[NE OF SAID LOT 1~4 F$E'P, THENCE NORTHERLY TO TH~: POINT OF II~GIZ]NING. WHEREAS, the CiL•y Planning Ca:nmission did hold a public henring at the Civic Cdr.ter in the City of Anaheim ~n August 1, 1988, at 1:30 p.m. , no'~ice oP said public hearinq havirig been duly qiven as rp~uire~ by i.aw and in accordaxice wiY.h Che p~rovisions of thQ Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter ~8.03, ta hear and consider. evidence for anu against said propoged va.riance and to inves~igate and make findinqs and recommendations in connection thexewith; and WFiEREA6, said Commissian, after due inspection, investigation anc~ study made by itself and in i~s behalf, and ~fter due consideration o~ all evidence and reports otfeied at said hes.ring, doss fiad aiid determine the following facrs: 1. Tk~at tha peL•itioner proposes waivers of the followi.iig to construct a 2-story, 14-unit apartmont comp~ex: ti (A) E TI N 1g~~T..0~1,,,Q1.0_ - Minimum buil~i_ng_,~i~e~r_~ ner dwellins ~nit. a; (2400 s,qpare foQt reguired; 1$}1 svuarQ - fgg~ proposed) ~; (g) ,~C~T Ott 1.~i,~2.OG...Q1? - M~rimum struc*ural heaqt~~. (1-~turv permitted within. 150 feet oE ~ single-fami:ly resic~c~n~izl zoning; 2-s~ories proposed 25 Co 52 feet trom r. RS-7200 zonix-g) 0423r R.' ' r:<~ ~ PC88-208 :i r ,, ~ ' ;,~,': .~:; ;~ 15.1 ~ ~r, r.~ ;i rT?';.y. ~ _ ,.'{„~~ .. . . .. ~,. _., ..,~. .~~ )~ F r1+.~!d'+,?':~ v1 1 ie~~~~~~~ .iit~.~~r!~.. . ~ ~~'~~'•~ . . , ~~.lh `. . ,.. ~iaA.~ ~ (C) SECTIv.J 18 32 063,Q11 - in3,~tt,~rQ froz~t setba~, {~.a_foot minimum wit 2~_Poq~ avert~ge permitteci al.ong East St. ; '~,5_f..4ot minimtun wiL•h l~foot averaa~ proposed) 2. T.hat the abave-mentxoned waiver (A) is hereby Clenied on tne '-~ basis thaC thero are no specia~ circumstances applicahle to tlzc~ pr.operty such r'' as size, snape, topograp2iy, locaL•ion and surroundings which do not apply to ~~w„ otk~ar identically zoned nroperty in the same vicinity; t2~at stri.ct applicat~.on of the Zoning Gode doos not deprive the property oE privileges enjoyed .oy other properties in the identlcal a.one ~r.~ alassi.fication in the vicinity; ari8 that the requestEd waiver is not nscessary for the prssarvation and enjoyment oE a~ubs~antial prarerty righr, possessed by ot`~r property zn the samA vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in questi~n. Y'; 3. That tha above-mentionPd waivers (Fi) and {C1 ar~ here"s~y ;; grante3 on the ~asis that L-here are special czrcumstances applicable to thrs property such as size, shape, topography, lcca~ioxi and surrcundings :vhich ao not r~pply to other ident.ically zoned pz~operty in the same vici;iity; tYiat s~rict ap~l5.cation ~f the Zoning C~de deprives L-hQ propart~ o;: privi:teges ':~`i enjoyed by other properties izi 1;he identzcal zane and classification in the vicinity. 4. That t~here are excepL-ional or extraordinary circumst3nces or conditions app:licable to Chc pro~erty involved or to the intand~d use o£ the property i:hat do not apply gen.erally to the property or clas~ of use in the s1m~: vicinity and ~one. - 5. T.hat the r.equest;~sd waivors (B) and (C} are necassary for the preservation and ~njoyment of a substancial property right; possessed by othor property in the same v~cinih.y and zone, and denied ~o the pr.operty in question. 6. Tha4 th~ re~Ruested variance, as granted, will not be materia].ly detrimental to Lhe pt,blic welfare or injurious to the propwrty or im~roverrents in stich vicir.ity and z~ne in which the property is located. 7. That or~e (1) persoti i~xdi.cater] his presence at said public hearing in opposit~ion; that no correspandex~ce was received i~a oppositiion to su;~j~:et petition; and that two (2j per~ons indicated their presencN in support of subj~ct petitia.n. ~ALIFORNI~. EPIL':IROr7MFNTT,L UALITY A~T ~'IN~SN~': That t~e A~aheim ,:; Ciry Planuing Commission has reviev~ed L•he propusal ta reclassif~ s•xbjact '~ property from L•he ~t5-72p0 (Resideritial, Sinqln_~~iYy) to the RM-2400 ~ I~!!~ (Residential, Multiple-Family) zona to coiistruct a 2-stor~~, ld--unit epartment ~ com~l~x with waivers of minimum }~uild3.ng site area per d~a~li.ing ~.~n.it, maximum structura]. hezght and minimum front setback on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting oE app~oximately 0.76 ncre, h~s~ing a frontage of ' approximately 235 .leet on the ~est side of East Street, b~ing loaated ~pproximately 100 L'Qet south of Y.ho cent~sxline o.E North Street anQ further described as %41-'/47 ii. East Street; aua doe~ h.ereby approve the tlegative ~ ~~ -2- P~38•-208 • .' '~'~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~>t -- _ _ _ . ' . ~ . . . ., . . ~ . . ~ . . ,. I ~~i~L±'+ jtN,~y ,i Y r ~~ I l.'~7.11ti:h't ~~:t;'~frlNt~i:- Y~{~1,m,l~v ip. ~~w~, t r.°._i~;.,~ .~0,•.5 X ti.Yq . .. rri , - .At7''"~ E~. ~. _ t ~+,w,. .c_t i , y~ti~n;. r~,,,rt~:;,.., c :_,~~ it~ ;<, ~ ..1 :~ r ',q~:~ ~ . .. . ~ .. . , . . '.' _ . _ r~ :j; ~li 7e -d~ti~r r~~i~ jpry~~ ~~'fiir`~C~J P ~ ~~ . . }~~: V . . . ~ .~i.~~ , Declara~ion upon finding that it has considered the Neqative Declaration h, S; ~~~ to~ather with an~ commor~ts roceived c~uring Lhe public review ~roce:;s and ~urtlier findin on th b i g e as s of the initi~l study and any c~mm~nts received t1~at there i J s no substantial evid3nce ~hat the pro~ect wzll have a significant ~f£ t oc on the ez~vironment. NOW, TFIL•'RE.FORE, B~ IT ~tESOLVSD tha't the An;~heim City Planning Commission does hereb rant b y g su ject Petition for Var.°.anc~3, in part, for a maxzmum of 10 aparY.mont- units u o th ~~ p n e following conc3it.ions which axe ht~rQby ~oun~ to be a ~' necessary prPrequisite ta the propost~d t~se of the subjecC property in order ta preserve the safety and general w~~lFarp of the Citizens of the Cit of A h i ~ ~ y na e m: 1• That prior ~a issuance of a bui.lding parmit, the appropri.ate ` `~ tra:E. .ic signal asse::sment fee ;,hall be paid t-~ ~hQ City of .~nah~im i ~ n an 3mount as determined by Ci~~y Council resolution, '' 1 2• That subject proposal authorized bl, L-his resolutioaz she311 be served ~ by undergr.ound !~tilities. i 3. That a cash naym~nt sY~a1]. be made ~•o the City of Ana:aeim £o r the ~ . cost of. the removal of existinq streQt a.mprovement~ a1~r:g East ~ Street and roconstr.uction/cc~nstruction of fu]1 si:reet in~p•r.ovemen~~ at ihe ultimate loca~~ion. ~aid payme:lt shall be made pric~r to i ~ ssuance of a bui.ldina permit. g '~. That the existing drivev:ays on East Street sha11 be removed and -~ replaced wit;a stand~ard curb and guttez-, side:,valk anc3 landscapizi~, ~ 5• That t11~~ dri.vc~way sh.ll ~i~ cor.structed with *~n (10) ;:uot radius ~ curb retuxns aa requirc~d hy the Ci~y En~3neer, -;~ ~• That ga±~Q:.~ s~iall not be installed across the driveway in a man ~ ner which may ~adversoly afE~ct vehicular traffic in t;ze adjacent publi~ `~ str.aet(~). Insts~i.lation of an~• gates shall couform ta the Cngineerinr~ T.~ivision's 5tandard P1an No. 402 and shall be sul~jecL ~ to t:he revaew anii approval of t'r:e City Traf~ic Exiyineer. ~ ~• That a parking 1~].an zt~clicati~ng compliance with City parkiric~ desiqn ~ s:andarc~s shall ;~e submii;ted ~o and ap~~roved by th~ City Tr~f£ic ~~ Engine~r. 8• Thati prior *_o issuancg of a building perm..t, appropriate park and recreation in-lieu L•eQS shall be paid ta th~ City of Anaheim in an amour~t as determined by *he City Council. 9• That d:aiuage of subject property shall be disposed of in a mannc~r satisfactory ta the City ~ngineer. ?.0. That in ~he event a parcet mc~p is noC zecorded cornbining tY~e thre6 (3) exi.stinq 1ots, the legal prope=ty owner sha~l furnish the ;.. ,;1: ~ ~~~,?~: ~ -'- PC88-208 ~:!~! , ~~~. . . . . ~ . . ~?,rK ;'i ~ Zan.:ng Division with a copy of a recorded cavenant and agreemen~ in a form approved by the City Attorney agreein~ tin hola subject propar~y as one parcel. Z~•• Thai: pri~r to commencem~nt of structural framing, fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as r~quirad and approvod by the City Fire Department. 12. That if required by the ~'ire and Police Depnrtment, all lockable pecle~stz•ian ~nd vehicular access gates ~hall be equipped with a "knox box" dEVice t.o the satisfaction of the City Fire Department and the City Police Dapartment. 1~. That trash storage areas she.lt be provided ar,d maintained in a locakion accepta}~le L•o th~ Stxeet Maincenance and Sanitat,i.on Division and in accordance with approved plans un fite with said IIivi.sio;z ox• as is. 1~• That aX1 air conditioning Paci].iti~s and other roof and ground mounted equipment sha11 be properl~ shielded :[rom v:i.ew, and the sound bufferod from adjacent residential properties. .15. That prior to issuance oE a buiiding permit, ecidence shall be presentecl satzsfac~ory to the Building Div~.sion that the proposed project is in conformance ~vith Council Polic,y Number 542 "Sound Attenuation in Residontial Pxojects'' and with Noise Insulation Standards specified in the CaJ.ifornia Administrativs Code, Titl.e 25. ].6. That a six (G)-foc•r h;gh masonry block wall sha11 be constructed and maintained aloMg the sou~h anfl wesC property li.nES excepting the f:ont setbac.k ~rher~ th~ wall h~ight sha~l be three (3) foet and turther except:ing tkaaC portion of ~.he west rronertx lin,e adjacent to the prope.rty b~ing considered under Rec~;~si£ica~ion No. 88-$9-~J5, ,in the eve•nt said Reclassificat3on is approved and becomes effective. ~7 ~7• That the ou-site ~andscap.iny ~hall be maintained in compliancP with City ctandards. 18• That tkiis Variance is granted sub~ect ~o the adoption of the 'Loning Ordixiar.ce in connection with Reclassification lYo. R8-g9_p7, now ~~ending. ~9• That subjoct rroperty sha11 be developetl subsrar.tially ia acco.rdance with nlans and specirr.ica~ions nn fxle wi.th the City of Anaheim maz~keu Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2 provided, hcwever, that m~aximum apartment units shall not excee~ +:en (1G1 and that the traeh encl.osure shall bE• relocated t~ ~he satisfact.ion of. the Stroet Mai.ntenanc~ ~nd Sa~.itation Division. 20. That prior to issuance of .~ bu.i.lding permit, or wittiin a peri.ocl of one ~rear from th~ d~te ~f th.is resolr.~tion, whichever occurs first, "4' PC88-?,OS ,~;"; ;';~: `~.; ,' ";; '''j; `s ,~~ ; ,: ;;: ~ ~# ; ' :4~~ r ^,i ~i . . , . . . . . . . . I~i"`~~ ., . . . . . . . , . ~~r:t~ . Condi~ion NoQ 1, 3, 6. 7. 4~ 1~. 15~ 16 and 18, above-m~i1~idlAto shall be comQlied with•rantojE~in bacccrd~ncerwith So t~ono 14Q0 •090 said cond~tions may be ~ of the Anahc3.m tdunicipal Cod~. 2~,, TY-at prior t.o fin:-1 building 2~nd zoning inspections, ~oncliCi~n Nos. 2~ ~~ ,~ g, 12 thr~ugh 19, and 19~ above-mQntioned, shall be c:omplioci with. ~roval of r_his app.lica~ion con~tir~ates a~proval of the ? 2 , That a~~~, proposad requc~st only to the oxtent thaz it comp~ilic~bleh CitY Anahei.m Manicipal Zoning Code and any othar a}~p regul~tions. Approval does not inc:lude any uCtion or Lindings as ti~ compliance or appr~val of the request regarding any other apoli~at~le ordinance, regulation or requirement.. n~ I'C FURTIiF.R RESOT.VED t'.'lat the Anaheim City Plar~ning Commis~ion does hereby fiiid and der_~xmine t~at aduption of this Resoluti~n is expressly ni•edicated upo~. applicant's compliance with eacti and all of tihe co~~c~iti.ons h~rc~.inabove seL Lorth. SY,~~uld any suc~~ep fd~2i° ~u~~Q~~nofpany tliereuf, he declared invalid or unenf''~rceable by C~url; oE competent j~.~risdict.i~n, then Chis Fesol~tL'ioti, and any approvals Yierein c;antainocl, :~Yiall be cloemrd 'iull and void. TF?E r'OREC~OING RESOLUTTON is s:igned and appravsd by me this lst day of Auqust, 198'~. ` ,, ~ ! ,•)r, .. ,,, ._~._,~___. ~_-------"__ CIiAI12MAN,. NAHEIM CI~Y PGANtlING COMMt5SLON . , j~ ~ ~ ATTEST: ~. ~, ~ . ~ ~~~~,,,~ ~~ ~~ ,f~~),~1 1 ~--~:';~tI5SI0N .: _w ~C.C---- ~ 5~GRETARY, 1.NAHEIM CIT'f PC.ANNl'NG CO STATE OF CALJFORNIA ) COLINTY OF ORI~NGE ) 5~ • CITY OF ~~;~IM 1 I, t;ditli L. H~rris, Socretary of tho Anah~im City Pl.anning Commis°ion, do herPby certir.y that the for~goin9 resolu~ion was passed and aa~prQd ~r a mQetinq of th~ Anaheim Ctty Pl~nning C~mmission held on August i, 7.98a, by the foll.owing v~tP of: tha mombQrs ~horeof: AYES: COMMZS5tONET:S: DnUAS, BOYDSTUN, CARUSILLO, FEL~DHAUS, EiFR35T, Mr BURt3EY. MESSE NOES: COFIIytIS5I0NERS: 2IUi1~: ABSENT: ~'OMMISSIOt1~RS: NONE i tN WITNCSS WH~K~~QF~ 1 h~Ve her~unto set my h• ri/thi3 lst day of ~ ~ ; ~ 1988. , /,, % f, ~ _ Au3ust. ~ ~ ..f ~ ~~ ,/~ , ~% ..y' ' ; I', ... /, ~~ : • C~~ra.._._.. SECRETARY, ANAHEiM CITY~PLANNING C()MMISSION !' -5- PC83-2A6 .;~~;~~ ~;; ~ ,t.: ~..~~: