PC 88-211~ ~ . . . .,5.'. ~ . ' RESOLUTTON NO~P 88-;;11 A RESOLUTION OF ?:;;~; :~NAH~IM CTTX PLANNING COMMISSION TFIAT PETITION FOR VARIAN~E I30. 3824 BE DENIED I~VHGREAS, the Anaheim Cit,y Plamiing Commission did receive a veriEied Petition for Vari~ncE fram JAhiES R. NEEDFiAM anc~ SIiIRLEY A. NLEpHAhf, 1028 ~• North $tr.eot, Anaheim~ CA 9.~.8Q1, SArIxOS BECEP.RA and I20SA B~CERRA, 1014 E. North Straet, An~Yceim, CA 92a05, DONALD K. SMAGI~EY and. JERI M. , HOLLINGSWORTH, 107.0 E. North Stre~~t, Anaheim, ~,~ y2D01, owner, and MASSOUD ,~ MONSHTZADSEH, 1524 Victorxa ~•Vay, Placent.ia, CA 9Z6~~~, agent, for certain real praperty situated in i:h~ Ci*yo uE Anaheim, Couni:y af Ora;tgE, State of Cali;°ornia described as: BEGINNING AT A POINT IN TH}'s NORTH LINE OF LOT A-1 AS SHOWN QN a DSAP RECOFDED IN B00IC ~#, PAG.ES 6'l9 A,17D 630 ' OF AEEll$, RECORllS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNTA, SAID ~POINT BEING 239 FEET iVESTERLY aF TH~ NORTHEAST ~ CORNGR THEREOF; RLTNPlING THENCE SOUTF3ERLY PARAI~LEL TO TFI~ EASTERLY LIrIE OF SAID LOT, C~~ , 5 FEET; TkIENCC PiORTHEI2LY' PARALLEL TO SAID EAST~RLY LINS 'l25 FEET TU A P07.NT TN ~AID NORTF~ERLX LINE; T.HENCE EASTEi~LY. . ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LING 67.5 FEk;T Tp THE PpIN'P OF BEuINNING, ; B~GIN~TING A'C A PO:INT IN THG NQRTH LINE 0~' VINE`tAFll LOT A-1, AS SHOWP7 ON A MAP R~rORD~~ IN BOOR 4, Pi~GES ' fi29 AND fi30 OI' DE~DS, fiECORDS Or LOS ANC+ELES COUI~TTY, CALIFGRNTA, SAID PUINT BEIN'G 306.5 F'~ET WES~'ERLY Or THE IJOI~TFIEAST CORNEk THEREOF; RUNPlING THENCE SUiTTHERLY PARALLEL TO iHE EA51'ERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, 225 P'EET; THE:QCE WE~TERLY PARALLFL TO THF NORxHSRLY LINF AF SAID L'0'P, 67.5 FEET; THETiCE NORTHERLY FARALLEL TO SAIB EASTERLY LINE, 225 FE~T TO ]~ POINT IN THE SAID PIORTFI~R.LY Z,INE; TFiENCE L`'ASTERLX ALONG SAID NORZ'HCRLY LINE, 67.5 FEET 'r0 THE POINT OF BEGINrII.NG. IiEGINNING AT A P07NT I2v THE p70RTH ~,INE OF V;tNrS~ARD LOT A-Z, AS SH()WN ON A MAP BFCORDED IN BUOK 4, PAGES y G29 AND b30 OF DEEDS, R~CORDS OI' LUS .1~NGELES COUNTY, ~ CALIFOR2dTA, SAID p0I2TT BEJNG 164 k'EET WESTERLY OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEi2E0F; fiUNNING THH;NCF. ; SOUTHERLY PARALLEL TO THE EAST~RLY LINE OF SAIA LOT, ~ 225 FEET; TH~NCE WESTEFLY PARALLEL TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LQT 75 FE~T; ~H.ENC~ NORTH~RLy r•ARALLEL ~ TO SAID FAS7.'FRLY LINE, ~1.5 FEET ~0 A POa?1T ?N THE , SAID NO~2TFIERLY i,TNE; TH:c~. ' EASTERLY AI.ONG SAIU ~ NORTHERLY LYTTE 75 FEE',~ TO THE L ~~ ri~' OF BEGINNING. O~i25r ,~'. ; . - ; .~;;1 ii..~w~ PC88-211 . ~!+ (~ . WHEREI~S, tk~e City Planning Commisszon ~3.d hold a public hearing at the Civic Center ir~ th2 City of An~heim on August 1, 1988, a~ 1:30 p.m., notice of said puba9.c k.earing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with th~ ~~rov.isions of the Axiaheim Municipal Gode, Chapter 18.03, to hea.r and coiisz~lar evidenc~ for and. against said proposed wari.ance and ~a investigate and make findinr~s and recortunendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, saicl Commission, aEter due inspection, investigation and study made by itself anil in its behalf, and after due considera~ion of a17. ~ ~~•idence and zeports offered at said hearing, does find ar.cl c3etermine Lhe followinq facts; 1. That ~he petitioner pro~oses waivers of the followin•~ to construct a 2-sto.rx, :L5-unit condominiurn camplex: ?~ (A) SECTTUNS 10.31~62•C~1? - Maximuin struatural height. ,~ axtd 18._i1~,2 013. il sto_ry permit~ed vrithxn 150 feet of single-family residential zoning; '' 2 storigs. proposed 3.0 Co 95 feet Erom ~. RS-7200 zuni.nc~) ,: '' (B) SECTION 18.31_,6;i.024 -• Minimum land~ca~~d ~P.. back abutti»a `; sin~le-faro.il~_residEntial developmentt,~. a~ fee~ required; 4 to ~2 fge~ proposod) ~C) ~E("_ 10N ].~~1~UG3.0~1 -• Minimtun re ~r ational/. leisurs area. (Daleted) 2. rhat th.e above~-mentioned waivers are hereby denied on 'the basis that ~eneral Plan Amenc3ment No. 246 and Reclassifica.tian Na. 88-89-05 ccnsidered in connectzon with aubjec~ variance were denisd. ,i; 3. Tha~ there are na exczptional or extr~ozclinary `' circumstar.ces or condiL-ions applicable tn the property involved nr to the ' intc~ndeci ~.so of the property tYlz.r do not apply generally to L-he ~roperty or class of use in ~he same vicinity and zon~. ' 4. Tl~at th~ requestod variance is nut necessary for the :., preservation and enjoy-nent of a sub~tan~i~1 property right possessed by other property in the same vicini.ty and zon~, a~:d denied to the pxoperty in gues~ion. 5. That tne requested variance will be materially dP~rimental tn the ~ublic welfare ar injurious to the property r~r irnprovements in such ~ vicinity and zo~~e in vrhiuh ~:he propexL•y is locat~d. 6. That nine (9) persons indicated their presence at said pablic hearing in opposii:i.on; and i;hat a petition contai.ning approximately 69 signatures was received in uppositi~n to siibjec~ petition. i: i -2- F'C88-2.11 ; :~ a ~~Y~1 ~ ~ . ~ . . . . ~ ~;{y. ~ ~ALIFORNI~T~RONMENTAL QTJALTTY ACT FINDIN T ~: hat the Anaheim City Planning Commission has revi~wed the proposal to reclassify subject property from the RS-7200 (Residential, 5ingle-I'amily) zcne tp the RM-3U00 (Residential, Multiple-Fami:ly) zone to construc~ a 2-story, 15-•unit condominium complex with waivers o£ maximum structural hsight, m.inimum landscaped. setback abuttinq single-f.aanily residential develogmen~s ~and minimum recreational/leisure area o.n a rectangularly-shaped parcel ot land consisting o£ approximatel,y 1.08 acres, havi.ng a£rantage of app.raximate].y 210 feet on the snuth side of North Street, being located approximately 190 £eet west ~f the c~nterline of Eas~ 8tireet and f.urthex de5cribed as lUl4, 1020 ar.d 1028 East NorL-h St~est; and does Yiereby approve the Negative Declaration upon finding that it has ^onsidared the Negative Aeclara~tion together wi~h any cornn~ s received dt~ring the public review procegs and further finding on the basi: of the iniL-ia1 study azid any comments r.eceived tha~ there is no substantial evidence tlzat tl:e project will have a significant eff~ct o:. Che er,vironment. N0~4, THEF2EFOR~, BE IT RESQLVEA Y.hat~ the Anaheim City Pianning Commission does hereby deny subject Petition foz• Variance on thP basis of the a£orementioned findings. THE FOhFGOSNG R~SOLTJTION is signed and ap~,ravec3 bv rn~ t~is lst of August, 1988. ~l ~~l/,.' ,~ / .•;. , .-~ ~. ' ! ~ •~% CEiAIRMAN,/'AN,AHEIM C.T.TY PLANNING COMMISSION % ATIEST: ~ S~:CR~TARY,y ANAHSIM CTTY pLAN:1ING COh~Il+dTSSION STATE OF CAL7FOP.NIA ? COUNTY nF ORANGE ) ss, CITY ~1F A:lAHETM ) I. Eclith L. Harris, ~ecretary of the Anaheim City Planning Corrunission, do hereby certify that the for~goir,g r.esolutaon was pass~d an~ `~ adoptea at a meeting of the Anak~e,im City Planning Commission held on August 1, '<, 1588~ by thc follo~~ing vote uf the members t.hereof: 1. `! AYES: COMMIS~IONERB: BOUAS, FFLDHAUS `:1 NOES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CARUSILI,O, HERBST, ~ MRSSE, MC BURNFY ~~? ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHFREOx, I have hereunto sQt my hand thi~ ].~t day of Auyust, 19$8. ~i SECRH:TAR`l, ANAF;EIM PLANNZNG COMMISSIOrf ;u , :, ,. . l ' i~ ~ +3- PCBA-211 ~ . , • ~n,;~{ r~uv.~tiM,~:. '