737 : 7 1\ h J , 6 ORDINANCE NO.~ AN ORDINAN OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDI!~G SECTlON 4 OF ORDINAN I NO. 609 E~TITLED "AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANOE O. 511 AND PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION IN THE CITY 0_; ANAH!CIM OF SIX (6) ZONES, COI\TSISTING OF VARIOUS DI~ ,TRICTS AND PRESCRIBING FOR THE SEVERAL ZONES, THE CLASSE' OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND IMPROVE1aNTS: THE USE OF 'SUCH BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, Ila>ROVE1!E}TTS AND PR!MISE8; ~HE HEIGHTS AND LOCATIONS OF BUILDINGS A1~ THE AREA OF LO~ CO'~R~D THEREBY; DEFINI~G OERTlIN TERMS USED HEREIN A1~ !PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PRCV!~~ON9 HE~EOF", BY ADDING THERETO A SUBSEOTION : TO BE KNOWN AS SUBSECTION (f) I I I I I ..~.. FOLLO"!'TSI: I 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 ~iE CITY aCU~CIL OF THE CITY OF AN~~EIM DOES ORDAIN AS Secti':>n 1. That Section 4 of Ordina.noe No. 609 entitled, "An ! .... 12 Ordinance reneal~ng Ordinance No. 511 and providing for the creat- 13 ion in the City ~f Anaheim of six (6) zones, consisting of various 14 . districts, and ~J~eSCribing for the several zones,the classes of 15 buildings, struc~ures and imprbvemente; the use of such buildings, 18 structures, imprqvements and premises; the heights and locations ; 17 of buildings and ithe area o.f lot covered ther~by; defining certain 18 terms used herei~ an~ 9reBc~ibing the penalty for the violation of 19 the :9rovisions h~reoftl, be and the SB..me is hereby amended by .'" 20 adding thereto a. :subsec.tion to be known a,s Subseotion (f) reading 21 as follows: 22 Seotion 4. 23 (r) ~All persons, firms and corporations making 24 application for a conditional variance to or from any of the 25 restrictions or Qonditions in any zone as established by this 26 Orc-:'inance she.ll pay a filing fee of $10.00 to the Oi ty of Anaheim 27 at t~e time ~f t~e filing of said petition. 28 Section 2. that City Ordinance No. 713 be and the same 1s 29 hereby repealed. 30 31 The City Cletk shall ce~tify to the passage of this O~dinance 32 and shall cause the Sc.Ine to be ~~rinted a.nd "'Oublished once in t~he ;,l\ \\~'\ -- -.. .,..,-.... ..~-,.._._..,_.._. ..~..........., -,-~._,.............."-,_--..-~-_. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 Anaheim Bulletin.! a newspaper of general oiroulation, printed, 2 published and Cir~ulated in saidCity of Anaheim. California, and 3 thirty days from ~nd after its final passage it shall take effect ! 4 and be in full fo~.c.e. 5 The foregoingl Ordinance Wb.S approved and signed by me this 8 1.1th:. day of -L--t';., 194'. ~~fh~M~-- STAci~u~~O~~I~~;~ ~ ss CITY OF ANAHEflt: ) I, Oharles E. : Griffith, City Clerk of theCity of Anaheim, 00 hereby certity: ths,t the foregoing Ordinance was introduced BIt & regular meeting'of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 28th 4ay of December, 1948, and that the same was passed and. a,d.o:.Jted at a, reg'ular meeting of the C1 ty Counoil held on the '11* dCi,y of J.....,...... I lS4~', by the following vote of the members tl1ereof: 21 AYES: COUUCI~M.ii:!~: P.r...., ,.. Waco..1' aU. 10"7_ 22 HOES: COUNCIij~EN: .0... ! 23 ABSENT: GOUNCI~MEN: ~ aa4 hee. 24 Ana. I furt:her joertify th'at the l!ayor of the Oity of Anaheim 25 signed and appr'ov~d sB,id Ordinance on the 1ftJil day of 11 L';~:r, 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1949. IN WITNESS 'iiH~EOF_!_. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said dity of f -.........1....--..- ~.__ '-2- "'I -............ _.":.....:,_.~-:~~...~............,..~ LEGAL NOTICE . i ' I ........ u...... .....~; ....;"...j~::.;....4.................19 - :....- \ ORDINA NeE ~o. '73:'1 AN ORDIN,AN(a~; OF THE CITY OF AXAHEIlI A}1ENDING s.EfJ'1'JON .. OF OIlDINANeE NO. 808 E.N- TITLE'D "AN ORDINANCE RE- PEALING ORDINANCE NO. 611 AND PROVIDING FOR THE CRI!~..\.TION . IN THE CITY OF ..~N.~HEIM OF SIX (8) ZONES, (:ONSJITI'~G OF v ARlOlJ I DII- TR.leTS AND PRESCRIBING FOR THE IEV'ER.AL ZONES, THB CLAISES OF BUILDINGS STRl;CTtrREI .A1Q) IMPRO''E- MEiNTS. THE 'USE OF SUCH BUILDING', ITR1.."CTUBEI, IM- PROYEMENTS A.ND PRE:lU:IIES; THE HEIGHTS AND LOCATIONS OF BUILDIN'GI A.,N.O THE AREA OF LOT COVE,REO THEREBY; DEP'INING CERTAIN TERMS UIED HERBIN AND PRESCRIB- ING THE PE'NA..LTY FOR THB' VIOLATI'ON OF THE PROVIS- IONS HEREOF", BY ..\.DDING THERETO A. IUBSECTION TO BE KNO'VN AI SUBSECTION (I) THE CITY CQUNcrL OF THE CITY OF AS.A.HEIM DOES ORDAIN ..\.S FOLLOWS: Section 1. That SectioR 4: of Ordin&Dee Ho, 609 entitled, "An Ordinance repeal- in~ OttJlnanr.e No. 511 and providing for th~ erealion in the City of Ana.- heim of six (6) zo.nes. consisting of various districts" and prescri.bing for t.he several zon.e8, the cla8ses of butldin gs, structures and impI:'ove.. mente; th~ use ot such build.. in,gs. IItr'Iletllre8, improvements and. premi-ses: the heig,hts and locations of bUildi.ngl!l and the area of lot cover,ed thereby; defining certain terms used herein and prescribing the pe.naltv for the violation of the p.1'oYiaion. here- of". be and th~ same'is hereb3-' am- ended by adding t.hereto a. I'ubsee- tton. to be known as Subsection (f) readi,ng as follows. Section 4. ,(~) All persons, firms and eorpor- ation8 making application for a r.on- dltional ,'ariance to or from any ot the restrictions or co,nditions in anv ,zone as. established' by this ordf- I nance l'lhall pa~' R. filing fee of ,'io.oo I to the City of Anaheim at the time of the fi.ling of said petition. Section 2. That Cit~. Ordinace No. 713 be and the sa.me is hereby re. pealed. . The City Clerk shall r;ertlfy to the pas8age of thiF. Ordinance and sbalt cause the ~ame to oe printed B.nd published once in the Anaheim Bul.. letin a newspaper of general drcu- la,tt.on print.ed, pubJishoed and circu- : late~ i.!! said Cit~- of Anaheim. Cali- . tornla, and thirty days from and a.fter itR final pa,l!lFlllge it shall take effp.ct Rnd he in full force. The for~going Ordina.nce W88 lip- proved a.nd eigned by me tht. 11th da)" of .Ta.,nuary. 1949. CHAS. A. PEARSON AT Mayor. Ci ty ot Anaheim TERT: CHARl..ltJS E. GRIFl.<'"'!tTH I City Clerk. City of .Anaheim STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE)s. .CITY OF ANAHEIM) I Cnar~eJl!: E. Griffith. Cit~. ('Jerk of t~e CIty of Anaheim. do hereby cerbfy that the foregoing 01 dinance was,introduced at a; regular Dlpetlng of. t~e City C~Ul!lcl1 of the City of A~..hefm. held on tbe :oath Ga'l. of Dec;ember, 19.4-8. and that the ame w.. .passed an.d adopted at a regu- I la~, mee~lnlr of! the -City Cotlncil h~bl' on ,the 11 tll dILY of J an uary 19ft by the. follbwll1." yote of the me~ber8 thereo.:e . .t;l'ES: Councilmen: Peli;rt'o1l. - Bo..y R~,d V&n JW...on.er. ~Q:fJS: C01Jnehmell: None. .....mNT: ~ou.llm.n: P.,ce, Iley- Ia.., ",' ~~d. I furthe; c..rUty that the -~or of.the City of An.helm sign.. et!- a.nd approvedi said' Ordinance on &.fW. . 11th day of UaDual Y. 194'. IN WITNESS lVHEJf.EOJ', I "have h~,re\lllt'~, . .s,e.t, ,my ,han~ -.nd affixed , , . ..al,. of ,aairC!-tJ.! of Ana.helm. . . 11th da~ of, auarv 1.49 (SEAL) ;:' . u, . CHARI... ~ ': p{ 'GR.I~FITH' iI' ,::", City Cler~ ,~t~ ~f :Anab.elm AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION ST A TE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. Coun ty ot Orange ) .R i. c h ~l~~...rl.fJ.~l~l..e........... .u........ ........ .............. ..................... of ~aid county, being first duly sworn saY8-that he is a malf'! citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over tl'!e age of eighteen years; that he has no in- t(~rest In: nor IS he a party to the matter herein mentioned; th.at he IS the Princioal clerk ...... ___..n..... ........................................... ,_ _. n__ ..........__.......................n. of the _ f'i. nab.e.1m.. ..8.lLl.le.ti.n.,._. ......n .... ........ ........ ...n.. ........u........... a...dai~:'i..n_... neWHpaper printed, published and circulated in the saill County of Orange that said ,A 11 ar.l.e.lm. ..~.111le.tln............ ...... ............................... ............ is a newspaper of general circulation with a list ot paid subscribers, and is published for the dis8emination of both local and general neW8 and intelligence of a general char- acter: that it Is not devoted to the interests or published tor the entertainment of a partt cular class. profe8slon, trade, call1ug', race or denomination, or of any number thereof; t.hat it ha~ been printed and published In the City ot Ana- heim, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next prAceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the ,0. r. {:.i nan c.e....l\. .:)..... ..1.;"1....... ....... ....... ..................................... of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in sal d news pa per at least...........~. ~.~..m ~.~J?.~.~....uu..................._ commencing on the..ml.~:th.day of .....Janu.B.I!~...._...._- 19 49., and ending on the................day of ....-.........-...-..--... 19 m... and that said ........N.Q.~J.Q.~...m......................................- was publtshed on the tollowing days: .~. ~~ .~, ~~'.~~:_. ..~.~.1. _. .1.9 .~9..... .............. ........................................... .. .:_::...:~:::;_:~::~::=~:~:~:~~~;.;~;~:~~:=::::: Subscribed and sworn to before me thI8.-'........u~.?...day of '~ >-$,;- ....... ... ......... -. ................... ......... ...n.........Noti.r.y..Pubi"ic:..--....