PC 88-213'"l
~ _ '~~
WHEREAS, the Anaheim Cit.y Planning Commission ~id xeceivP a werified
Petition for Conditional Use PermiC from GILIIERT MEDSCA~ PARTNERSHIP, 925 S.
Gilbert StreeY., Ar..aheim, CA 92804, owner and S& M DEVEL(1PMENT CORPORATION,
P.O. Box 3868, Mission Viejo, CA 92690, agent foz• certaii~ real property
sit;ixated in the Ci~y of Anaheim, County oi Orange, State of Calif~rnia,
desc:ribEd as:
WHEREAS, t~ie City Planning Commission did l:c~ld a public hearing at
the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on Ju~y 6, 15~da at 1:3Q p.m., notice
of ~aid public hearir.g havir.g been ciuly given as ~-equired by law and in
accordance wi.tli the provisions of the Anaheirn Municipal Code, Chapter ].8.03,
to hear. and coTisider evidence for aild aqa?nst saicl proposed ecnditional use
permit and tn investagate and make fin3ings and recommendations in connection
therewith, and where~s said pt~blia heaririy was cor,tinued to the August 15,
1988, Ylaiining Commission meeting; and
. ~-J~~
WE3EFEAS, said Cornmission, atter due inspec~ion, investigation and
study made by ztsPlf and in its behalf~ and af'ter due consideration of a11
evidence and reports oF~ered at said 'nearing, uoes f.ind and de'cermine the
followiilg facts: ,
1. That tre proposed use is pro~erly one fo•r which a conditional
use permit is authorized by 7~naheim Municipal Code SP,L'tlOI1S 18.A4.050.305 and
18~y4.020, and California Government Code Section 65915 to pex•mit a 3-story,
28-u.nit "affardable" seniar citizen's apartment comF].er. with wai.ver of the
(a} ,~CTTONS?E~s 34.061. Q10 - Minimum Builciin~c _Site Area per
and 1l3.94.031.020 Dwelli~llnit.
r,' (1200
sq,uare feet_required; 712 ;i
±; s~uarg fe~ proposed).
2. That the requested waiver (A) is hereby granted in performance ;';~;
,>.i with the density bonus incenti~~e pr~~visiori a£ California G.vernment Code
Sec'tion 65915.
3. T~at t.he requested waivers (B), (C} ~nd (L~) are hereby 8enied ~~~~I
on the basis thaC revised p.lans were submitted elimin;~~ing t:ie need £or said ~-'I
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,';~ 0432r PC88-213 ~
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4• rhat the proposed use w.ill not adversc~ly affoct the adjoininq
lancl uses and the growth rand devRlopment of t}ie area in w?~ich iC is proposed
to bc ]oc:ateci.
5. 'Chat the size and shape of; tlie site proposed f.or the use is
aciEquaLe to aJ1ow th^ full devAlopmNnt of the propossd u~~ in a mann~r not
detrimeuta:. to ttiQ ~~articular area n~r to the pear:s, health, safety and
general weiEare of tr.e Citizen.s of the L'ity of AnahQim.
6. Thak L-ho c~raiiting ot th~ Conditional U:;e Perinit under the
cor~dikivns imposed, if any, will nut be detrimenkal to the peace, hQalth,
saf~ty anci yeneral welfare ot the Citizens of the City oF Anah~zm,
7. That the traffic qenerated by the proposec3 use w111 not impose
an unc9ue burden upon the streets and hi.yhways desigtie<3 and improved to carry
the L•raffic in the area.
8. Ttiat six (5) per,uns indi~~ated their pres~nce at said public
hearing in oppo~ition; arid that no correspondence was receive~3 in oppositi.nn
to thc subject petition.
, ~ALTF'ORNI~ Ft1VIR~PIMF•.C].TI~G QUI~LITY A~T FIP~DIt~„~; That the T.naheim City
Planning CO~RRISJJIOII has xe~i.ewed the proposal to permit a 3-story, 28-unit
(~~eviously 31) "affordable" sen.ior. ci.t;izen's apartmer.t complex witr~ wai~~er of
minzr.ium build.ing site aret~ per dwe.lling unit on a re:ntangularly-shaped parcel
, of ianr.l consisti.ng oC appror.i~.iarely 0.57 eicre maximum structural heiqht
(denied), mSnimt~m fr~nt setback (deniec9) and mir~imum recrcational/leisure aiea
(denied), kiavir~q approxirr~ate frcntages o£ 120 feet on the west ,ide of Gilbart
Street and 120 f.eet on the east side o~ F3ruce Street, beinq ]qcated
ap~~roximate:y 30U feet north of the c~nter;ine ot Ba11 Road and further
described as 925 Soutt! Gilbert Street; and doe:; `iereby a~~prove the Neyative
Declaration upoi~ findi:~g t}iar_ it has considered ~l~e Negative Declaratior.
togethnr w;i:h any cortunants receivud during the puh'.ic review process and
f~.tirther finding o~~ the bas.is of the initial stud
y anci any comment•s receivc~d
that ttiere i~ r,a su'~staritial ~vidence that the project w:ll have a signific~nt
r~ffect on the environment.
l+OW, TFIEREFOhE, BE IT RCSJLVE[~ that the Anahe.iT Ciky Planning
Cortunission does hereby granr_ ~il~j~.ct F~etitio~i fnr ~Canditional lise PFrmit, in
part, upon the following conditions which are }~ereby found ta bt a necessary
preraquisite to t2-e propo .eii use of the subjeck property in order to preserve
the safeky and general welfare ~f the ,^itizens of the City of An~tioim:
1• That priur ru issutlnce oE a buildinq pe;mzt, the appropriate tra~fic
siynal assessmerit I~ee shall. Le X,~id to khe City of Anaheim in vn
amo~inl• as dehermi:-ccl by C.ity Co~~.7cil r.e~qlution.
Z• 1'hat th~ leg~l owner pf subject ~~ropes~ty :~h,~l l irrevorabl~ offc.r to
dedicate to thn City of An~t-eim ~, sCr.ip oE lar.d thirty-two (32) feet
in width frr~m th~ centerl.ine of ~ha ,treet alar.q Gilb~rt Skreet for
streQt widri~inq purp~~ .es,
"2` ~'C8~ -213
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~ ?. That the oxisLinc, drivEway:, az~ Gilbert StreeL and Aruca Sr.reet sha;~l
be removed and repl~~ced wii.h a standard c:urb ~+zid gutter, sidewalk
and landscapiriy.
4. That thQ driveway on Gilbe~rt Stz'E`P.~ 5ha11 be canstructied ~~ith ten
;10) foot radius curb returns as required by thQ City En~~iriear.
Ex.i,ting broken or cracked driveways sha11 be remcved ~:ic1 rek~laced
as required by the City Engineer.
5. That tr~sh s~orage a~eas shall be providnd and maintained in a
locah.ion accQptablc to the Street hfaintonance ~nd Sanitatio,l
i~ivisian an: :.n accozaance ~~ith approved plans oix file with said
Ui.vi.sion. Tlie ramp serviiig said trash sloraye area shzll not exceed
fiv~a (5) feet i.n width.
6. That ~he curbing along Bruce Strpet actj~cent: to subject property
shall be paint~d red to facilitate on-s~reet trash pick-up.
'7. Tbat prior to commencement of stractaral fxaming, ~n-~ite firo
hydrants s~ia1J. bt installed and charged as rPqutred and approved by
the Cir.y *'ire Department.
8. That as required bA~ the City Fir~ Department, a v~hicular "crash
gate" and "turf-block" shall bp installe~3 adjaceri~ to t}ie driveway
at Hruce Street to f~cilitate emergenr.y access to sub~ect property.
Said access shall be for en~ergency purposes onl;~,
9. That s~reet lighting iacilit.ies alon~ Bruce Street an3 Gi.lhert
Str~;et st~all be iiistalled as requirecl by the Utili.ti•~s GenFral
Manaqc:r in accorciar::e with ;;pecifications on L•ile in the Offiae Af
Uti.lities Genera? ~danager; or Y.haL- secu:.i.ty in the form of a bond,
cerr.i£iczte of deposit, 1ett~;r of cr.edi.t, ar cash, in an amoun~ and
form Sc1Ci5~act~ry to the City of Anahe.irn, sh~7.1 brs posted with the
Cir_y to guarantee tlie suti sfactory completioti of thP above-mentioned
improvernents. Said security shall bE~ pos~ed witn the City of
Ane.neim prior t~ issuance oC a buildinq permit. 'rhe above-reqLir~d
imprnverr,ents shall be installed prior t~~ occupar.cy.
10. That subject property shall be served by undei•qround ~~t.ilities.
11. Ttiat a fee sliall be paid ':.o tt~e City of. Anaheim for treP Flantinu
aloriq Gilberr_ Street and IIruce S~reet in an amounc as determined b
City Council resalution. ~
12, T2iat priur Co issuance uf a buildir.g permiL, sppropriate park and
recreakion in-? i.ou fees ~;>>all be paid to the City of Anaheim in axi
amount t-:s d~termined by the City Cou~ic.il,
23. T}iat the vehicular acce ,s riyhts to Fsruce S~reet sh~.ll br~ ci~ iica~ed
to t}~e CSty of Anzheim,
-3- PC88-213
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;~ 1~• That gates shall nar b~ insta7.led across the drive~ay in a manner
w}~i.ch may adversely affect vehicular traffic in the adjacent public
streets. Iri;,rallatzon ~f any gates sh~.11 confnrm to the Engineering
Divisiun's Standarc3 Flan No, 902 ~nd ~hall br~ subject to the review
aiad ~pprot~al ~f the City Traffic Engineer,
15. ThaL• drainage of subject pxoperty ~hal.l be disposed of in a manner
satisfactory to t:he City Engineer.
16. That if required by t:he Fire and or, Po:lice Department, a11 lockable
peclestz•ian or, vehicular access gates shal]. be ~q~li~pped wit}~ a"kr,ox
box" devicc t.o the satisfaction of Che CAty Fol.ica or Fire
'•7• T2iaY. all ai.r conditinniiig facilities anci other roof and grpund
moun~ad equi~ment shal]. be proper].y shielded ~rom view, anc~ the
~ sound buffered from adjacen~ residential ~ropertxes.
~~• That ~rior to issuance of a building p~rmit, eviclence sh~ll be
presanted satis[ac~ory to the Building D,ivision that the proposed
nroject is in conformance wi~h Cotiincil Policy Number 542 "Sound
AtL•enu~atzon in Residentir~l ProjecY.s" and with Noise Insul~~tion
Stand~rds sp~ci[iecl in the California Administrative Code, Title 25.
~4 • That an eight ! 8) foot higli masoriry bloc;k wall shall be construcked
and rertia.ined along the north property line anr,i a six (61-foot hig2i
masonry block wall shall be coastructed and maintained along the
snuth property line exceptin~~ the setbacks alnnq the public streets
where the tirall heiyhts s}ia11 not exceed ~hrFe (3) f.eet.
?~• Ttiar, bui].ding plans shall show that any proposed parking area
lighting fir.tures adjacent ,.o any residenkial property sha.ll be
c3own-li.gtited wikh a maximum I•~eiqht of t:welve (12) feet. Said
J.iyhtinq f?xtures shall be directed away frnm adjaceat rc~sidentia.l
prc,p~rty line;: ro pr~;;~~G t2~e reS~aential intec~riY.y of the area.
21• T~»~ a landscape pl~n far suhjr,ct property shall be subnzitted to t:he
Zonitzg Pivzsion £or revie~a and approvaa. Any decision made by the
2oninr~ Division regarding sa.id plan may be appealed to th~ P~~nniny
Comrois,^ion and/or City Coiinci.l.
i2~ Tliat grior to issuance cf a bt~ildisig ~ermit, the I~ga}. pro ert
owner shall enter into a recerded agreernent with the Czty of Anahein
pursuant to ~overnment Cade Section 65915 to prov.ide that ten
Percent (1Q~} ~~f thc ~e~~n'~t~Q~ number of residential unit;; sha21 be
rented as ver.y Iow income housing as defined in GnvESnment Code
~4 PC$ki-213
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Secrion G5915 and witli appropriate rFnta.l cantrols as apprc~ved by
tre City oF Anaheim for a period ot not less khar~ twenty (~p) yc~ars
f:rom the date of issuance of occupancj~ permits. Tn adflition, the
1ega1 owner shall alsa includa in the agreemenh a provision that
tweiity-five pErcent (25~) of tlze toY.al number of ~rQ,~Q~p~i SPnior
citizens' apartment un.i*_s shall be ~•ented as lower income k~ousing
(as ~escribed in Zoning CodQ Section 18.y~1,q40) wiL-h app:opriat~
renL•al controls as ;~pproved by t}~e City of Anaheim for a perioc9 of
nat less than thirr.y (30) years from the daL•e oE issuance oF
oc~upancy permits. .
23. Tha~ not. n~ore thaii two (2) persons, at least ane (1) of whom must be
a senior citizen, shall reside iri, or be permitr~:d to reside in any
bachelor uniY. or. one (1) bedr,~om unit; and that not more th~n three
(3) persons, at least one (1) of whom must be a senior citizen,
sha11 reside in, or be permx~tr_d to reside in any two {2) bedroom
unit; aiid that all occupants anr3 residents cf any dwelling unit who
are not :,enior ci.tlzens other than the spouse or cohabitant of, or a
person wha resides witr, and provides primary physical or econ~mic
aupport r.o, the resident: senior citizen, sha11 he at lezst 45 years
of age except that temporary residericy by a person le~s tha.r. 45
years of age for a cumulative period uF sixtv (6l1) days in an,y
calendzr year shall be permitted; and that a covenant shal.l be
recoz•c~ied by the aegal owiier cf the ~ropert~~ in a form appraved by
~he ~ity Attorney so limiCing such occup~ncy. A cupy ~f said
cover,ant s2-.all then be submitted to the Zoniny Division.
29. Tna.t elc~vators snall ~e provicied for subject senior citizeii's
apartment projeat so that eacYi apar.tmer~t er~trance is 1o~ated no more
th.an one hund.red fi£ty (150j teet from an elevator. Each elevator
shall compl~ with the State of Cdlifornia F.ire L•ife Safety
'l5. That the ownez of subjFCt property shall submit a 1ett.er requsstinc~
i:ermination of Variance No. 620 ~o the Z~ning Divi.;ion.
26, That subjecC property 5113I.1 be develaped sub~:tantially xn accorda:~ce
wikh plans and speci£icatiuns an file wi~h L•h2 City of Anbheim
m~rked Ftevision No. 1 of Extii}~~t P7o. 1.
z7 • T2~at prior to issuance af ~ builc3ing permit~ r.r w.ithin a period of
one year frorn the ~.iate of this rPSOlution , whichever occu=s first,
Conaition Nos. 1, 2, ~, 11 ttiro:igh 14, 16, ancl 18 throu~h 25,
above-mentionec~, sh~+].1 be complie~i with. Extensions fo: further
time to cc~mplete sr,id cenditions may bE yranted in ac!:o:dance with
SecCzon 18.U3.090 of the Anaheim Munic.ipal Code.
28• Tl~at ~irior to fiit;~J b~:ilding ar.~i zoning .inspections, Cundi~ion Nns.
a~ 4. 5~ 6. f3, 9. 10, 15, 17, 2~; ~nd 7.6 aba~~e-mentioned, sha11 be
compliod with.
-5` PC~B-27.3
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29, xhat ~pproval of this application constitutes approv~l of the
propasad request only to t;he extent that it complies with the
Anaheim Municipal 2uning ~ode and any other applicable CiCy
' regulat.i~ns. Appz•oval d~es n~~t ir~clude any action nr Findings as to
compliance or appx'oval of thE: z•equ~st regarding any othor applicable
ordinance, regul.ution or requirement.
FiE IT FURTHE!2 RESOLVED that t2ie Anaheirn Gity Planning Commission
does k~ereby finfl ar.d determine that adoption o£ this Re~olution is expressly
pred.icatr•d upon applicant's campliancQ with eacYi and a11 oE the conditions
hereinabove set forth. Should any such conc~itions, or any part thereof, be
declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of
cornpeL•Ent jurisdiction, ~hen this Ftesolution, and any approvals herein
contained, shall be deemed null ancl void.
THE FOREGUTt1G RF•.SOI,UTIOcI i.s signed and appYOVed by me this 15~.h day
of August, 1988. ,
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ATTES'1: ~ . ~ _
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I, Pamela Fi. Star:ies, ExecuLi~, ~ Secretar,y of the Anaheim Planning
Department, do hereby certi[y that the foreyo~ng resolution ~vas passeci and
adoptecl at a mecting of the Ariaheim City Planning Comrnissi~n held on Auqust
15, ~988, by the tul?owing vute of the members thereof:
Tt1 WITN~~S WHF.REOf', I have hereunt~ set my hand this 15th day o:
August, 1988.
~ .. _ ~~--P~e-~a I~I. St~rnes
_~_ PC88-213