PC 88-217:r+W'm. ( , RESOLUTTON N0. PC;B -217 A RESOLU~ION OF THE ANAHEIM ~ITY FLANNING COMMTSSIO:d THAT PI;TTTTON FOR VARIANCE PiO. 3829 BE GRANTED + ~:fi ~-i': W'EiER~AS, thc~ Anaheim City ?lanniny Commission did receive a verified Petition for Variance from AHMAD SHQJAF~UDINI, 121.6 E. La Falma, No. &, Ar~ahRim, CA ~32A05, owner, and R0t7ALD CROWLE:Y, 1700 .taintr~e Road, Fullerton, CA 92G35, agent, of certain real property situated in the Ci~y oE Anahexm, County oi Orange, State ~f California described as: PARCEL A: THAT PORTIOt7 OF THE EAST HAL.F QF I,OT 9 OF HELEN A2~ID LYNCH' S A,DDITIOI~ TO ANAHEIM, IN THE CITY OF ANAI-IEIM, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 442, PAGE 15£3 OF DEEDS, ! RECORDS OF LOS ANGEI.FS COUNTX, CALIFORNTA, DESCRIBEA AS ; FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT TIiE NQRTHEAST CORNER OF ~AID LQT 9; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 54'42" WEST 239.06 FEET ALONG THE TiORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 9 TO TH~ TRUG P~JINT OF DEGINNING; THENCE SOi7T}T G DEGREES 10' 08" EAST 142 .41 E'EET ALONG A LINE PARALLEL TO THE EAST LTN~ OF SAIU ~,QT 9; THENCE NORTH $8 DEGR~ES 54'42" EAST 7~.63 FEEi; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES ~0'0~" E;AST 9Z.61 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAV~ SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADTUS OF 45.00 F~ET; THENCE SOUTHIGASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE FROM A TANGENT B~ARING SOUTY. 7Q DEGREES 10' 11" ~AST, AN ARC DISTAPICE Or 81..33 FEET TO A REVERSE CURVF:, HAVING b RADIUS (1F 45.00 FEET, A RAD2AL FROM THIS PrJ.TNT HAVJNG A BEARING UF NORTH 56 DEGREES 36'42" WEST; ThENr_E SOUTHERLY AN ARC DISTI~NCE OF 10.27 rEET ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 13 DEGREES 04'12"; TH~NCG TiORTH 89 DEGREES 02''l~" ~AST 11$~24 FEET ~'0 THE WEST LIPIE OF ^iHE EAST 31.00 FEET OF SAIll LOT 9; TIiF11CE ALOP7G SATD WEST LIPd~ NQRTFI 0 DEGREr~S 10' Ot3" WEST 310. 84 FEET TO THF PIORTH LINE OF SAID L~OT 9; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, ~SOU'.TH 88 D~GREES 54'42" ~~'ES?' 209.06 FEE'P TO THE 'PRUn FOTNT l7F BEGINNING. PARCEL $: LGT A OE' TRACT 9201, IN THE CITY OF ANI~HEIM, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 380, PAGES 23, 2~3, 25 and 2G UF MI,riCELLANE0U5 MAPS, h'L"CORAS OF SA7D URANGE COUNTY, CALIFOFtt•lTA. WFIEREAS, the City Planning Conmi.s ,ion did hald a gublic hearirig a~ the Civic Center in th~: City of Anaheim an August lr, 19A6, ~L 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hc~ar5.ng having been duly given as requyrer3 by law and in ac:cordanco witr, the provisions oi ttie AnahFim Municipal Code, Cha~ter 18.03, to heat anc~ consider evidence for ~and agaznst ~aid proposeii variance anr3 to irivestigate and make f~.ndzngs and recommendations in connection therewith; and a, 0436r PC88-217 r . ~ 1 1 ~5.~.jj / r y~'~ ~ !'~..°~~S~IJ='13t'~n~ ~~;i'i c drt~.~•.: ~' . ~ ~ , ` ~ra ~ ~~~ a ,;. `;, WHEREAS, said Commission, aPter due xnspection, irivestigation and study rnade by i.tself and in its behalr, anci aftor due considerat3on of all ~ evidence and reports offered at said hearii~g, does find and determine the followiny f3cts: 1. That the petitioner prop~ses waivers of ttte followiny to con,truct a 2-stary 15 unit condominiwn project: (A) SF.CTION 1A.31.063•Q7.1, - Minimum struGtural and o r inq setback adj.a~gnt ta ~n art rial hiqhway. (2Q feet ~veraqg wath 15 feet minim~,zm required; ,~ t~ 13 feet prop~sed). (B) SECTI~N lf'~.31.063.024 ~- Minim,~m land5c:a~ed setback a~ c2n~~tQ sinQle-fami.ly residential develo~ment. 20 fee~required; 2• 5 to 1~ f.e~L pr~posed, adjacent to RS-•5000 :~oning). (C) SECTI NS 1F}~Q4.043.101 - M~ximum fen~e hei ~ adia en t~ and 1A.31.06~.0'IO lacal strAet. (,1 feet parmitted; 6 f.eet existing and prop~sed) 2. That the above-men~ioned waivers are hereby granted on the basis that there are special circumstances applicable ~.o the property such as size, shape, togograpny, loc:ation and surroundings which do not apply to other identicala.y zoned property iii the same vicinity; and that strict applicati~n of the Zoning Code deprives tha property of pravileges enjoyed by other proper~ies in the identical zone and classification in the vicinity. 3. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circ;unstances or conditior.s appliaable to the propert~~ involved or to the int~nded use of the property that do not apply generally to the property or clas~ of use in the same vicinity and zone. 4. TYiat the requested t~ariance is necessary fur t'he ~reservation and enjoyrnent of a substantial property right possc~ss~d by other pr~perty in thP same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in questic~n, 5. That the requested variance will nat be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious ~o ~Yie property or improvements in such vicinity and zone iri which tt-ie propert,y is lacaLed. fi. That seven (7) pers~ns ir.dicated their ~resence at said public hearir~g ir opposition; and th~.t no corr~:sp~nder.ce was received zn appc+sition to sub~ect petition. 1~ ~ ;~:: ~14 l~ 1 ,! ~+f; ~~ _ . _ _ ~..!~ -2- PC88-217 e t << ~~ 5 ~~.~'~. ~ ~ i!?~'+~ . . . .~ :~11:~~'~.:::4..{ ~„~,;• i'r ~ALIFORNIA ENVTRONMENTAL OUALY'TY ACT FINDING: That the Anaheam Cit,y ~ Planning Commissian has reviewed the proposal to reclassify subject property from the RS-5,000~(Residential~ Single-Family) zone to RM-3,000 (Residential, Multiple-Familyl (Portion A) and RS-A-43,000 (Reszdential, Agricultur~l} (Portion B} znne to the RM-3,000 (R~sidential Multiple) zone and to aoas~ruct a 7-story, 15-t~nit residential condominiiun c~mplex with waiver~ oE minimum strizctural sekback, minimum landscaped setbar,k and maximum fence heiqht, on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consis~inq of approximately 1.,1 acres having a frontage of apuroxamatel~ 210 feet on the south side of Broadway having a maximum depth of approxi.maLely 266 feek, being located approximately 250 feet east of the cenkerline of ~ilmar Street and further desaribed as 7.500 West IIroadwa,y; ar~d doPS herEby apprc~ve tho Negative nPClaration upon £znc3ing that it has considered the Negative Declara~ion tegether with. any cornments reaeived during the public review process and further finding on the basis of the inikial study and any comments received that there is r_o substantial evidexice that the project will have a sic~nificant e~Fect on the env.iro:zment. NOW, TFiEI2E:ORE, B~ IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plar.nir,g Commissi.~n daes h~reby grant subject Petition for Variance, upon the following con~'itian.; which are hereby tuund L•~~ be a necessary prerequisite to the pzG~?OSP.C1 use of the subject property in order to preserve the saEety and general welfare of t2ie Citizens of L•he City ot• Anaheim: 1. That prior to issuance o£ a building perr~it, the aPprupriate traffzc signal assessment fee shall b~ paid to the City oE Anaheim i:i an amount as determined by City Council resolution. 2. That szdeNal?cs shall be installea along Broadway as requi:ed by the City Engineez• and in accordar,cz with staizdard plans and specifications on file in the Office of the Ci~y Engfneer. 3. That the Exist.ing drivew~y depressiozi on Broadway sha~l be remaved ana replaced wi;:h standard curb and gutter. ~. That; gates sha11 not be installed across the driveway. Installa~.ion of any 3ates shall confor~m to the Engineering Div9sion's 5t~.ndard Plan No. ~102 and shal] bo subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer. 5. That the driveway shall be constructed with ten (lU) foot raclius curb reLurr~s as required by t!~e City Engineer~ Existinq brokPn or cracked drivewa1•s ~hall be rcmoved and replaced as required by the City Erigineer.. 6. That ~a tract map t~ record the divisian of 5ubjecL property shall b~ submitted tU and approved ?~y the Gity of Anaheim and then be recorded in the Office of Y.he Orange Count~ Recorder. 7~ That this Variance is granted ~ubject tn the adoption of the Zoning Ordinanc~: in cunneetion with Recl~ssification No. 88-69-08, now pending, I~i -3- PCB~-.217 F~?~,14Ye~w7«~IST l `tt. `J,:. ~ ~ .. :. .... . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , ~ . . . ... . t, irY ~ ~.,~ .,.. .i ... . .~11~.~. .. . , . i\'~1_,'. ~,W.`li 4.1~ I~~~~/A~I fll~~~~ ~ , ~iRt.., P ~tiM~~'~~ ~i~ a if~ *^., ~ "a . . , ' far"a* i , r <t 1~ h ; S i~(~ . , ~- ' . . ~r ~ , 1 ~ 8. , , ~ lhat a parkin i c s; ? ; ~ ? design standards shall lt Y parking 10~ be submitt d~ n ~h w '~~; r ~ e to and a Traff.ic Engineer. PP ed by the Cit~r '~~ ' 9 • rhat £i r<; ~p b 11ed as required b Department for B ilding tos Y the Ci t Fi ] ~ ;~ y . 2 re and ,_ I~• Thah a double-bin i h % ma ntaineQ in a location P~'ovided and ar.cepLable ,to the hStre Sanik.~tion Di ~~ ~ e vision and in accordance with appravedMplan e and V%xth said 7ivision n ~ ' . s on file ? 11, xha.*. subjeci: prorertiy shall be served b Y underground 1~ • utilit•zes. That prior ~ o S , .ssua~i~e of a buzldin For primary maixis, and .firQ ppro r.iate .fPes du r o Q e p e otect n ~Frvice shal], be v~ater UL-ility Diva.sion in paid to th e Water Utility r~ates, Rules and R gu].atinn~h Ru1.es 15A and 20 pt ~he ~ 13 • That all private stree~s skaall be develope3 in ~c Engineerin Di ~~ g cordance ~with the vision's Standard Detail No. including in t 122 for 1 ~ s private streets, allation oE street n streat li htin ~e si ns. ~ Plans far 4 g h } t , as required b e private ~ubrnitted to the Building Divisio~ fior standard detail, shall be ~: ,~ the building p:cans prior tn the issu a ~1uded wil;h (Priv QV b i .'' ance Of l ate streets ~~re those which provide ~ p~rmits. ~irculati i ~t, on within ths project). Pr mary acc~ss and/~r `3~'~ ;:i 14. That prior to any occu anc insi.a~].ed if P y, tempor~ry street name si n perman t ~` ~( en s street narr,e signs have npt been i l be + ' ' 1 ~ . nstal ed, 7Chat drainage of subject . ' f, ~'" progert y shall be dis osed satzsfacL-ory to the City En ~ Qf in a mann in ~~'~ ~ y 'CG. g er eer. 1'ha*_ if r~ quire3 ry the gire : s; :~','' #y or Police Depaxtment pedestrian and vahicu~ar access gates shall ' a11 lockable ~~X" ~'~ ~ t,,e e ui clevice t;o q pped with a tk.e satisfacti.an of tye C. knox Fire Departm~nt 1~Y' Polic ~' 4': 4 ' ~ . e DEpartment and ~ ; ~" I7. That a11 air cotidit5.oxiing facilities m ,~ ;t ~: ~ 1 ounted ~ ana other xaof and ground Quipment sha11 be prop~rl sound buffered f s ±~,,, "`'" ~m ~leW~ and th~ rom adjacent residential C'~t• ' 7.8. P o~e ~ies That the i.: c ,,,,,.. ~~=J, ~ parkwa y along Gilbuck Drive shall be landscaped ar irrigated and said landscaPin d h ~'~~:, 1: -;~ . q s a1l. be maintained : t~,,,,, 19. That ~ubject property sha11 be developPd s with l ~ ';~ ~ j p ubstantiall ans and specifications on x in ~cCOrdance file wikh th marked Exhibit ~~"'~' ~~ ;~`: e Cit Nos. 1 througti q. y o~ Anaheim ; j'`,; 20. That prior to issuance of a buildin on~ 1 : '~~ year trom the date of this resolut on, twhiche 1~ ~ p~riod of Condition Nos ~'`'` '~ ver , X occurs first, . 4, 4, 7, 8, 12 and I3, above_ ~ compliod with. Extensio m-ntio7ed sh 11 ' {~"~' ' , a }~e ns f.or f.urCher co:~ditions may be gz•anted in accordanc th t o l a ~ r ~ " ~ wi tr Se Cion e A.naheim Municipal Code, 1g p3 e090 of ~ ~ ; ~: ~ i,; ; a•~ , ~ ~;~ ' '~ ` ,, ' ~~ ~ •.tr, ' -4 - ~ ~ ~x . ;~YR7u,ti~~;c+.arar-,,~~-•~..,. ~ r, _ PC88-21~ `~i , :'.' i= ~ ~~~"'; ~*.. ~;~ ~K ~ , . • 21. T2aat prior tc~ final builctiny anci zoninc~ inspec~tqns, Condition Nos. ' 2, 3, 5, 9, 1G, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18 ~nd 19, avuve-mentionod, shall bo complied wit.h. 22. Thak approval of th.is Appllcation constitutes approval o£ the propased reque;+t only tr~ the ox*ont that it compaf~s w~th thc~ Anahaim btunici~~al Zcnina• Cade and any other opplicablo City regulatiuns. Approval doe3 not include any action or findinys a5 to ~~. " aomplianr.e or approval of r.he rEquect rec~arding any other applirable " ' ;~ ordinance, rogulation or requ~remE~nt, BG IT FURTHER R~SO;VED that tzie .Anaheim City P2anning CommissiCn does hec•eby find and detormine that adoption of this Resolution is expressl}~ predicaL•ed uQon Tpplicant's complit~nce with each and ~11 af the conditions 2ierQinabove set furth. Shoiil~~ any such co~di~ion~, or any parC thereo:E, be ~, declared invalid or unenforcQab!e ny tlie i°inal ju~gment of any court ~f ~~, compotent jurisdictian, thai- this ~tesolution,• an9 any approvals herein ,, cant-ained, shall be deemed m 11 anci void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTI~~N is signed and approve~3 by mc: tni~ 15th day of A.uqust, 1988. . ~- ~__~__'' : ~l-<' ~ %%C ~.'-•=c'-a_ _ ~.GY__~~._._ CHAIRA4ra:l~E7M CITY P:,ANtdINI; CUt~'SZSSION y , ATTEST: V ~ ~. .~~ ~ ~i~..~ --- EX~CUTIV SECRETARY, P).11Nt7ING D~PARTMENT STATE U~ Cai,IFORl3IA ) COU2ITY OF OR1~2IGE ) ss. CITY OF A2IAHBIM } I, Pameia Ft. Starnes, Fxecutive Secretary ~f tl~e Anaheim Pl~nning Departm ent, do hereby certify that the furegoing :eso]ution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anah~im City Planning Cammissi~n i~eld August 15, 1988, by the following vote of on ti:e mtmher~ thereof: , ~ AXES: COT~SISSIGN~RS: BOUAS, BOYnSTUt1, CAFcUSILLO, FELUNAUS, FIER$ST, r MC HUkNF:Y, ML5SE NOES: CU,"~4~tISSIOtJER5: PJONE ABSENT: C0;~4fISSIOtiERS: NQl:E IN WITN6S5 WHEREOF, I have h~reunto set my hanci this 15t;h Aay of Auqust, 1988. -5- PC88-21~ ;:~ ,';. ,, ,~ ,a ~ c.nc.~.V11vG >G~.KGIAKY~ ANAliEiM CITY I~LAIvNING DEPA'!{TMENT