PC 88-218, , r;:~ la ..., ... ... , . .,.., . ,.. ,.. ._.., _, . _. . _ .. , . . _ . . . - ~ r,r~ ~:ii. ~ ~ ~M~M i'~j~ ~ i , ~~4~iT193?~`~4~. PC68-2 i8 A RESOLUTIbN OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CAMMISSION `'~I~ ~ THAT P~TITION FOR VARIANC~ NG. 3a31 BE GRANTED ; WHF.R~;AS, the Anah~im City Planning Commission did receive a verxfied ,~; Pet:itio;~ for Varianr.Q from FUJ21'A CORFORATION USA, A~TN: W.G. W~lls, ~:i; ].01 Wilshir~ Houlet•ard, Santa Mcnica, CA 9~406, owners, and SBABQARD ~ F;NGINEERTNG CO., 1100 S. Beverly Drive, No. 201, L,os Angeles, CA 90035, agent, ~1'' of certain real property situatod in th~; Cit~~ oE A~aheim, County o~ Orange ' ~ State of Calafornia described ac: , ' PARCEL~ 1!N C:tTY OP 1~27AHEIM, GOUllTY QF ORANGE, STATE qF CALIFORNZA, AS SfiOWN ON A MAP i'ILED IN ROOK 213, PAGES 11 AND 2 QF PARCEL MAYS, RECORDS OF' SAID COUNTX. WHGRL•"AS, tha C.ity Planning Commission d.id holci a public hearing at ~he Civic Center in the City of :~naheim on August 15, 1988, at 1;30 p,m., nntice of ;,aid public fipar;.ng liaviny been duly give:i as required by law and in accordar.ce with thQ provisions of the Anaheim N,unicipal Code, Chapter I8.03, to hear and cons~.der evidence for Hnd aqainst said propased vari~-nce and to investigate and make finciings and recommendations in connectian ther~with; and WHEREAS, said Cottiroission, after due 3.,.spection, investigation 3nci stuc3y made by itself ancl in ?ts behalf, and afL•er due consideration of all evidenco and rogorCs offered at said hearing, does find and determino the following facts: 1. That l•ha petitioner proposes waicars o'_ khe following to esf~ablish a 20-10~ (plus 1 comm~n 'lot) industrial subdivisiun: ; ~EC' I :T .~$z.21 LX.~ - P.equired_Lot Fr2LL'.~~. : (All lots required to abur_ ~ ~,.~~~~~~~ oi• alley; L~t Nos. Z~Y~211yiL~~...~.~1~Z .~h~4~9~.29 abutti,n~ a ~,~ivato str~g~) 2. That r_he abova-r~entioned waiver is hereby qranted on the basis ~ that thore is special circumstances spplics~ble to the Qrr~perty such as size, ~ s;hape, tapography, location and surroundings which do not app:y to other ~ idenL•icnll.y zaned properr.y in the same vici.nity; ~nd that strict app].icatiAn ,+ '' ~f tho Zoning Cude deprives the property of privileges onjoyed by other properties in the 3dentical zone and classificatSon izi the viciniky. A~ h 3. That there are oxceptiona2 or extraardinary circumstances or y conditions applicuble to the pro~erty involvzd or to the intended uae of tho ;~' property Chat do no~ apply gQnerally to the property or cla~a of us4 in ehR 3ame vicir.ity aud zon~. , 4. Thar. the reguasted varianco is ne~essary for tho pia~e~vatf~n ~ and enjayrt~tti~t of a substar.t.ial. property ri~ht possessecl by other property in ' the sarr~~ vicinfky and zone, and 4eni~d to the property in qu~stion. ;, 0437r PC88-218 r ~~ '~; >, :s~~~ ;~~ -- - cr:~.~ . ~ ~~~ 5. That the requested variance will not bo materially detritnental to the public welfare or injurious to th~ prop~rty or i~nprovements in such vicinity 3nd zone in which the kraperty i:a 1oca~ed. G. That no one indicatoc] their presenca at said public l~earing in oppositions and that no rorrespondence was x•ecQived i.n opposition to subject ~.eti.iion. ~ALIFQRNTA ENVIRONMENTAL UUAL~Y~.~~ F'7~1DI,~~; That the Anahoim City 1?l~nning Commission has reviewed the proposal ta e~stablish a 20-1ot (plus 3 common lot) i:9ustrial subdivision with waiver of xequired lot frontage on sn irregularly-sl.apr:a parcel of :land consist.ing o£ approximately 5.56 acres, having a f.rontage of anproxir~ateiy 395 fpec on the north side of Hunter Avenue, having a maximum depth of approximately 650 feet, being located approxzmately 30U fFet east of the c~nterlin9 of ~ellogg Drive and further descx9.bed zs 5155 E. Hunter Avenue; and does hereb,y a~prove the Negati.ve Decla:akian upoti finding tha~: it has considered the Negative Declaration `ogether with any c~mments :eceived during the public reviaw process and fucther £inding on the basis of the initial study ~nc~ any comments reeeivc~d that there i~ no substantial evidenr.e that tha project wi1Z havQ a significant efEeck or~ the enviroiiment. :~OW, ~FiEREFORE, B£ IT RESUI,VEG that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does r.oreby qrant subject Petition for Variance, upon the following conditions which are hereby found ta be a necessary prerequisitQ to the proposed u~e of th~ subject property in order to preserve the safety and gener~~ wElfare of 'the Citizens ~f the City of AnaYieim: l. That a parcel map shall be sub;~iitted '~.o and approved by thQ City cf Anaheim and then bo recorded in tY.: OfficQ of L•he Orange County Recorder. 2. That all lots within s~:bj~ct s~ibdivision sha11 be served k,y undergrour.d utiliti.es. 3. That prior to issuance of a buildi,sr~ permit, the apprapriate ic~es due for primary mains, shall be paid to the Water Utility Dfvisioa in accardance with Rule~ 15A and 20 of the Water Utility Rates, Rules anc'. Regulations. 4. That gates shall not be in~talZc~d across any driveway or priv~te street in a manner which may advorsely affect veiiieu:lar traffic in t.ho e-djacent public streets. Tnstallation of any g~stes shalt cqiiform to the Engineering Divzsion's Standarcl Plsn 210. 402 ancl sha1J. be ~ubjECt ta the reviaw and apLroval of the City Traf~ic Engineer. -2- PCBt3-218 ; 'i ', ~'. ,: , ~ r~ ~ 5• That prior to commencernent of structural framing, fire hydrants Nhall i bs installec~ and chnrged as required ancl approvQd lay the Ci~y F re Department. 6• That ith subj~ct property staall bo l clev~lopcd substantially in accordance w p ans and specificatians on ~ile with the City of Anaheim marke d k;xhibit Nos. 1 through 3. 7• That prior to issuance of a building perrn3.t, or within a period of one ~~ear from the date of this resolutinn whichever occurs first, Condition Nos. 1 and 3, zbove-mentioned, shall be complied with. Extensions tor f.urther time t~o complete said c:onditions may be granted in accor~~ance witri Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 8~ That prior to final building and zoning inspections, Cundition Nos. 2 and 6, above-mentionad, sha11 be complied with. 9• That approval oP this app7,ic3tien c~nstitutes approval of the pro~osed requESt only to the e~ctent that i~ complies with th~ Anahr~,im Municipal Zoni:~g Code and anp other applicable Cit_y regulations. Approval does not include any action or f.ir.dangs as to compliance or appro;~a1 r ~hn ;~ru~st regar~~ing any oth~r applicable ordinance, regulatio~i or r.equir.e~nent, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEn ttiat the Anaheim City Planning Commi.ssion dnes hereby find and dPtermine that 33~pCion of tnis Resolu'tion is expressly predicated upon apQlicant's compliance witYl each and all of the conditions h~reinab~ve set forth. Shuuld ar.; such conditions, or sny part thereo~, be declared iava.lid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of compet.ent; jurisdiction, then this Resolutaon, and any approvals herain contained, shall be deemed null and void. xHE FUR~GCING RESOLUTION is sagnQC; and approved by me this 15th da~ aE Augusk, 1988. , ~, _~..T~,n:'~/ =~:..t~:fi`~~-~r_<_ l'HA.IRMIIN NA.FtEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIUN I ~, AT'rEST : ~~ _ -------~.~L~-../~',JS.~'. ~~..~ EXECUTIVF. CRETAEY, AiJAHEIM CITY PL]~NtJING DEpA.RTM£NT ~ _ '',:a ~ ~~`~~;:; "_;; , .~,, '"'~- PC88-21F , .., r .; .': i • COD4•SISSIONERS: NOES: COMMTSSIONERS: A3SENT: COD4•fISSIUNERS: :[iJ WITNL•'SS WF~II August, 1988. ~ ~~~ . . ,•.~.: ~ ,'' iv ';y~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~'~ ,;', `'i ,t, ~' ~~ STATE 0~ CALIFOR,NIA ) ~ ~`~ ~'~~ ~~ COUN'.tX OF pFtANGG ) ss. ,,~ t CITY OF ANAHEYM ) . ; ' ,,:~. ' i -; I~ Pame].a H, Starnes, Executive Secretarp of the Anaheim City Plmnning Department~ do hereby certif: t~ t h , . ;T, passed and adopt4tl at y u a me~ring oF tha Auaheim t e foreqoing xesolution was City Plannin C ~ ; ;:: ~"1 on August 15, 19~8, by the following vote of. the g amm ysion held members thezeof: ,' p `'~ AYES• ^ r~3 ~ BOUAS~ BUYDSTUN, CARUSILLO, FEI~~HAUS, ~IERBST, MC BJP,NEY, MESCE NONE Nl1NE ~.TiEOF, x hav~ hereunt~ set my hand Chis 15th c?ay oE ~~~._._~J Q.~~Q,~'~~~ .. ~Y11 ,~n nr F~rr~~1- Li ~ ~m~ E}CFCUTIVE SECRETARY, 1~2lAH~IM CITY PLANNZNG D~PARTMEhT ~: ~; :,' ~: ,:,~. ~ `~ti~ ;~ ;';+7 ;;~: ?~, ti,, ~F i ~ '~~ • ~'i :. ]' ,4 ~f ~.f: f i^. rx ~ ~~ ~ N°s: ~/1 YM..:.f.~ .. . . ~ k tr~~. r~~l ~ r ~~ t `- ..~~~'1 i i . ~ ~' 3 ` `" i _' , . _+ ~~~ •' " '~ ' ~ + ' -4 - PCBti-218 J / I~ ~'~i ~4. , j+~ ' r ' il } .., ..~i:t