PC 88-220r~i~f:'~'x~,i~ib'?i'''$ ~;;ip,k;k;t i_..~:~•~~ , - 1S ~, ~ ~. .,.. ~. ., .. . ~..~lP~+ ~e ~'t;'.rt r't,<i~~,r:i rt:.~' ~~~„ !`r_ ~. < 1~~~ ~ vl,~~~C~~}\~~ i~~a ~µ~{~t~k'RHY~~,/~ '~. . . . . .. ~. . ~ . . 1;,~~ ~~~+~ . J~r°'S~y ';! , RGSOLUTTON Nd. PCAA_~~ ~ '` ` A REuOLUTION OF THE ANAHETM CITY PLA.N27ING COMMISSIQII ' TI~1~T P~TITION FOIt CONAITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3095 BE GRANTED WHERCAS, the Anaheirn City Plan:~ing Conun.ission did reaeiv~; ~- verificd •;`~ Petition £or Condits.onal Use Per.mit from SITYNG JIANN LIN' And SIiOE YA LIN, '=' 1137.U Sauth S~reet, Cerritos, CA 90701, owners, and ~, ~~L 2~fELLOTT, 1035 '~" Armando Street, Suite S, Anaheim, CA 92806, agenk, for ce-tain rea7, property situated in the City of AnahPim, Coun~y of Orange, State of California, desnribed as: TFiE WEST 150 FE~T dF' LOT 7 TN 6LOCK 1~ OF ~L SUBDTVISIf~N Or ? THE SQUTH HALF OF SECTIUN 21, xOWNSH':P 4 SOUTH, RAT7GB 10 WEST, SAN HERNARDI2J0 BASE A2In MEk2IDIAN AS SI~OWN ON A bfAp ~ RECORDED IiV BOOK 1, PAGE 33 OF DiYSCE~.LANEOUS MApS, IN T8~ ; OFFIC~ OF TFiE COUNTY ~tECORDER aF SAID CQUNTY, AND AS ALSO SHOWN IN BOOK 29, PAGE 38 OF FECORD OF SiIRVEy5, IN '~HE OrkI~E ~F THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID CUUNTY. EXCEPTING THEREFROM TH~ NORTH 300 E'ErT. FTHEREAS, the City Planning Commissio:~ did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on August 15, 1988, at 1:30 p,m., *+otice of said public hearing having been dul~• given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Mu.nicipal Code, ~hapter 18.03, to h~ar and consider evidencQ for and against said proposed cond3.tional tti~e permit and to investigate and make findings and. reconVnendations in cor,nection therewi~h; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after clue ~nspectiun, investigation an3 study made by itself and in its behalf, and afL•er due considerati.on of all evidencP and report~ offered at saici hearing, does fincl and determine tha fUllowing facts: 1. Tl.,it the proposed LISP, is proper.ly one for whicti a conditional use p~rmi~ is authorized by Anaheim Mun.icipal Cq(IP SectiUn ' tu wit: ~ermit an addition to an existing pr.eschool for a maximum of ].00 clxild: en. 2. That the proposs~ use will not adversely affect the adjoining land u~es and the growth and dUVe~opment o;E rhe zrea in whir,h it is prnposed to be located. 0439r PC88-220 r"' ._"~, ~ i 3. That the size and shape of the site proposed tar ~ho use a.s adequa~e to a11ow the full development oE the proposed use in ~ manner ~not ~ r~etrimental to the particular area ~,or to the peace, health, safety and gene.ral welfare of the Citizpns c:f the Ci~y of Anaheim. ~. That the qranting ot the Conditional Use Permit under the condit,ions irnposed, if any, wi11 not be detrimental to the p~ace, healkh, safety ana general welfare of. the Citizens of. the City of Anaheim. 5. That: the traffic generated by the proposed use wi11 not impose an L1I1l3UC burden upon the streets and highways designed ancl improv~d to car.ry ths traffic ii~ the ~xea. 6. That one (1) person indica~ed his presence at said public hearing in opposition; and lhat no correspondence was rer.eived in opposiFion to tlze subject petition. ~~,T,II'ORNIA F;NVIRQNMENTAL OUAL'!T'Y ACT FINDING: ThaY. the Anaheim City Planning C~mmission has review~d the proposal to permit an addition to an exis~ing preschool foz~ a maximwn of 100 r.hildren on a xectangularl~--shaped parcel of land cnnszsting of approxima~ely 1.07 acres, havi.ng a frontage of approximately 150 feet on the north side of Katella ~,venue, havzny a maximum depth uf apnroximaL•ely 319 feet, ~ei.ng located agproximately 1300 feet east of the centerYine of Eur.lid Street and further described as 1597 West Katella Avenue (Childlife Lpar:~ing Center); and does hereby app•rovc~ the Hegative Declaration upon finding L•hat it has considered the Neg~ative Declaratiou t~gether with any conunents rECeived during the gublic roview process and fnrther finding on the basi; of the initial study and any commenLs receivecl t:~at there is z~o substantial evic~ence that l-he pr.oject will have a siqnificant effect on the ~nviroiunent. NOW, THEREFORE, I~E IT RESOLVED that the An~heim City Planniaq Commission daes h~reby gra:~t subject Petitio~z £or Conditi~nal Use Permit, upon the Pollowiny conditian~ which are hereby found ta be a necessary prer~qui~ito to th~ proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safetiy and gen~;ral welfare of the Citizens of thc City o£ dnaheim: 1. Thar nriar to issuance of a build3.ng permit, the approp.ra.at.e traffic signal assessment fce sha11 k,e paid to the City a~ Anaheim in an amount as determined by Citx Council resolution. o. That all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim along Ka4:el,la Avenue, including Freparation oF improvement plans and xnstallation of al1 improvements such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, water facilitie~, street grading and pavement, sewer and drai.nago Facil~.ti~s, or other ap~urtienant work shall be compli.ed with as required by the City Enc,ineer and in accordan~e witri spacifications on file iri i:he Office of the Czty Enq.ineer; or tha~ security in the f.orm of a bond, corti~iaate of deposit, letter of credit, or ca•sh, in an 4.mount and form satisfac~ory to the City of Anaheim, sYia] ]. be posted with th2 Cz.ty to guaranteE thQ satisfactory completion oi said i:nprovements. Sa;.d security sha.ll be pastecl w~.th the City priur to issuance of a buildiny permit, prior ko occupancy. / `,~ •.~~t~ ti ~:, ,; '!`~ ;:; -Z~ 2C88-220 :' i~ t~l •.;~~~ i ' f ,a~ , i vSiSSC :.}i; ~A ~ti~ tl '. }~~, F~n, ~ 3• That the driveway shall be recons+~ructed witli ten ~10) foot radius Y curb returns as required by the Ca.~y ~ngineer. Ex? sting broken or cracl~ed driveways shall be remove~d an8 replaced as required by thQ City Engineer. ~• That; pr ior to commencement of strucCural framing, an on-site fire hydran~ sha11 be iz~stalled and charyed as required and approved by the C,ity rire Department. 5• That the on-sike vehicular turn-around area s2~aI1 be provided and posted "No Parking" as reviewed and approved by t:ze City Fire nepartment. ~• That thz loading and unloading area shall be revyewed and approv~~ci by the City Traffic Engineer. 7• That st reet lighting facilities alonq Katella Aver,.ue shall bo installed as requa.red by the Utiliti~s General Manager in acc:ordance wiCh specffications on f3~e in the Office ~f• UXilities General Manager; or that security in. the form a£ a boncl, certificate o~' derosit, letter of credit, or casr., ir. an amour,t and form satisfnctary to the City uf Anaheim, shall be ~osted with the Ci.ty to guarantee the satisfact~ry c~mpletion of the above•-mentioned improvemPnts. Said securiCy shall be posted with th~ City of Axiah~im pr~or to issuance qf a building pezmit. ~he ~bove-re~uired improvements sha11 be installed prior tu occupancy. 8• xhat a feo shail be paid to thQ CitX of Anaheim for Lree planting along Katella Avenue in an amount as determine~ by City Counci]. resolution, 9• That gates shal3 not b~ installed across the driveway ir. a mann~r whiah may adversely ~ffect vehicular tra£fic in the adjacent ~SUblic s~reet, :[ristallati~n of any gates shall conform to the Enginesring Division's Standard P1aii No~ 402 and sha11 be subject to the review and aFproval of the Ci~y Tra`~ic E:sgineer. x~ • xhat trash skorage areas shall be provided and mai.ntaix~ec3 in ~ location acceptable to the Street Maintenance and Sanitatien Divisior. and in accordance wi~h approved plans on file with said Division. 11. That a maximum ~f ~ne hundi•eil (100 ) children shall be on- ,ite aC any onQ time. ~•z• Thar. a'l1 air conditioning facilities and otiher. roof and ground mounted equipment ~ha71 be properl.y shielded from view, and the soun3 buffered from ~d~acent residential properties. a.3. That plans shail be submittpd ~to the Building Division showing complia;~ce with the minimwn standarcls of the City o~ Anaheim, i.ncluding the Uniform Bui7ding, Plumbing, Electri~al, t~fechanical and Fire Co~es as ad~pL•ed i~y the Caty of Anaheim. The apprnpri~te permitsr:hall be obtained For any necessary work. -3- PC88-22d v ~ ~ iir~3 G;, r~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ , 11~~. ~`~ l~l. That L•he proposal shall comply with a11 signing requirbments of the RS-10,000 2one, unless a varfance allowing s3gn waivers is ap~roved by tho City Council, Planning Gommission or 2oniny Adminl5trator. 15. '~hat a~ix (6)-foot hiyh mc-sonry bl~ck wall ~hall be construcrQd ancl/or reE:~irocl +~r.d naintiaineci along the north and we~t property linc~~. 16. That the on-si.te lanclscapang shall ro maintalned in corr.pliance w~th Citv standards. 17, That subjecc property shall be developQd substa:itially in gcc~rdance with pla::s and specificarions an file with the Citp of Anaheim marked ~xhibit Nos. 1 through ~S. lfi. That prior ~o is~uance of a buildi.ng permit, or. withi.l a p~riod of ono year from Che date of this resolut~ion, whic:ie~!er occurs first, Condi~ion tios. 1, 2, 5 t}ir.ough 9 and 13, abave-me~,tioneci, shall be complir.d wit:h. Extensi~ns Eor .furthpr t.ime tc cnmplote said condi.tions may be granted iri accor;iaiics with Section 18.03.090 of the AnaHeim Municzpal Code. 19. That prior to final bteil~3ing and zaning inspections, Condition Nos. 2, 3, 7, 10, 12, 15, and 17, above-menCicned, shall be corr.plied with. 20. That anproval of this cpplicati.an constitutes appraval of the pxoposed request only to che extent rk~at it complies with the Anahexm Municipal 'Loning Code anu any other appli.cable City regu2atio^s. l.pproval ctoes not i.nclude any actfon or. findings as to complianc~ ~r ap~?roval ot• the r~quest regarding any other applicable ordinat~ce, regulation ~r requirement. HF, 7T FURTHER RESOI,VED that the Anaheim City Planning Co:nmir35xon does he~~eby find anu determin~ that adogtion of this Resolution is oxpressly paedicated upon applir.ant's complia:ice with each a~~d aIl of the conditions here~nabove set forth. Should any such canditions, or any part thereof, be dec.lared invalid or unenfor~eablfi bx the final judgmGnt of any co:~rt of competent jurisdictfon, ihen r,his H.esalution, anct any approvals hereir~ contained, shall be deemed null r.,nd voia. THE FOR~GOIt7G RESOLUT:Oti is s;gt~ed :ind approveQ by me this 15th day of. August, 1988. , , . , - ~=.~~' .%~ - ~'~_'_! ,.. CHAIRMAN, ~ANIIHEIM CITY PLl-27NING ~O~SMISST017 ATTEST: ~~~1.r.~ -~i''~~/-~ ~~~'.~~~~ - EXE~UTIVE SECRETAFY, 1-NA.HEIM CITX PLI-J+tiING D~PARTMEt7T _q_ ;ar••~,.;.,.. ,._, . . , ~. .. .. _ _ . . }'~j ~~~ ,.'~]~+:fM'r' ~: < . - . . . . ~c ~s-Zao . .. ',=°}~~i~~S~ ~ . ~ ti ;i ! ~ ~>_ ~~J ~' ' ~ ~ ~~'`-L`~~ ~ .•~ /G'~-~~ ------- tixECUT2VE SECRETARY, ANAHGIM CiTY. PLANNIN~i DEPARTMENT ~r +i -5- ,.... STATE OF CALTFORNSA ) ~ ~ ~ ~~ +'r;~s,~~7~ ;,`;~; , ''`y ;1 r'YY COJN'TY Ol' ORAN3E ) s s. CITX OF ANAHETM ) I, Pamela Ii. StarnQS, F.xecuLive Seczetary of: the ~noheim Ciry P].anning Departm~nt, ~o hereY~y certify that the foreg~ing rosulution wa~ ~' passed and adopted at a meeting o£ the Anahuim City Plannirig Commissian held on Augus`t 15, 3.988, by the following vota o~ the members therc~of.s 'ti+ '~3 AY~S: COMMISSIOL~~:RS: BOUAS, BOYnSTUh, CATtUSILLO, FELDHAUS, FiERDST, MC BURNEY, MESSE NOES: CUMMISSIONERS: NONE ~' ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE :;i ;, IN WI:tNESS WHEREOF, T yavc hereuntu set my hand this 15th day of =: r: Auyust, 19(38. pC88-220 °a 't s~i ~