PC 88-221~~ , II~.~2~UT z oN _~Q~~~:?,.~, ; _ ; A R~SOLUTION OF THF ANI~:~E~M CITY PLA.NNING COMMIS:ION TH~,T P~TI1`ION FOR CONUITIONAL UiE PERMIT N0. 3046 HE GRAN'PED ' i WHE.RGAS, th~ Anah~im City Planning Commiasion did rece~vo a verified Petition Eor Conditional Uge Permi.t from CIiARLES A. BREWER ancl MARTLXN C. B12EW~:R, 3630 Miraloma Av~nue, Anaheim, CA 92aq6, owners, and RIC~iA12D DOUGLAS , ROTH~ 14901 Ch~:stnut Street, Westminater, CA 92f~83, agont for cortain roal '' property situ~teu 3.n the Citx of Anaheim, CounCy of prange, State of Cali.f.ornia. describe~ as: PARCFL '1, AS SHOVrN ON A MAP RECORDEA IN BOOK 53, PAGE 6 OF PAI2CEL MAPS, IN TH~ OFFTCE OF 1'FiE COUNTY RECORDER OF SATD ORANG~ COUPITY. WHEt2EAS, the City Planning Commission did hn2d a public hearir.g at khp Civic Center in the City of Anahpim on AugusL 15, ].988 at ].:30 p.m., notxce of said public hearin~ having beQn duly given as required by law and in accardance witli the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, C:~apter 1'.Q3, to hear and consider evidQnce for and against naid proposed conditianal use permit aud to .inve~tigate and make findings nnd recommendations in connection therewith; ~nd WHEREAS, said Cortur~ission, after due inspection, invest'gation and ~ si.udy made by itself ~nd in its beha.lf~ and after due considerati~n o~ all evidence and reports offerec7 aL• said tiearinc,, does find and determiua i:he followiny facts: l. Th~t the propused use is prope.rly one for which a conditional uso pormit is autharizad by Anaheim M~.n.icipal CodQ Section 18.61.05C.601 to witr permit an automotive repair facility. 2. That the proposed use which includos auto body work an8 painting, will not adversaly af~ec.t tlie adjoiniaq land uses and the growth an3 deve~opment of L•ho ar~a in uhich it is pr~posec~ to bR locateQ. 3. That the size and shape of the site propose~i for the use is adequat~ to allow the full develu~menL• of the proposecl uRQ in a manner not dQt=imental to the particular area nor to the peaco, health, safaty and general welfarQ oE the Citia.ens of the City of Anaheim, 0•f40r PC88-221 ~, ;~4~ :~, i ,r'F".~ 4. T.hat L•he granting of the Conditinnal i~se Permi~ under the • conditions imposed, if any, vri11 not be detrimental to the peace, heulth, ~af~ty and general we~fare c+f trie Citizens of the ~xty of Anahe3m. 5. That 'the traffic gonerated by th~+ praposed use will not impose an undue burdon upon ;,he streots and highways dasigned and improvod to carry L•he traific in the area. 6. That no one indicaked thezr prasence ak saa.d public hoaring in oppositlon; and that nn corresponc3ence was received in npposition to the subject petiCion. SA~,~9~tNIA ~~IV~RONt~k;NTAL Qj~TAT T,~TS~ 1~~T,~TNnzxc; That the Anahaim City f Planning ~ommiusion h~s reviewed the proposal to p~rmit an automotive repair facil~ty on un irregularly-shaped parcol of land consisting oE appraximately ~' 1 acre located at the southoast corner of Miraloma Ave,i~ue and Tustin Avenuo, ~ and havinq approximate frontn,qes of 250 feet on thR south side o~ Miralom~ f Avenue, ].80 feet on the east side of Tcst:in Avenue and furthQr described as " 3620 Miraloma Avanue; and does hereby approve thQ hegatxve Declara~ian upon finding that zt ha, ~onsidered the Negat~ve neclaration Cogether with any y comments ~eceiv~d durfng the ~ublic reviEw process aad £urther £inding on thc~ basi~ of r_he initia? study and any c:omrr~ents r.eceived that t~zer~ is no substant.ial evidence tnat the projoct will have a signifxcant effect an the onvironrnenr., t7047, TIiEREFORE, BE I'P I2F.SOLVFD that the Anaheim City P2auni~g Commissios does heraby grant svbject T~etition f~r Condi~fonal t3se Perr.iit, upon the following conditior.s wY~ich are hereby found 'to be a necessary p~.~rer~uisita ; to the proposed use of tne subject properky i.n order tc p•reserve thQ safety tsr,d general welf:xe of the Citizens of the City of Anahpim: ~ l. Tha~L• a:l ~irivoways sha).1 be rocon~tructed to accommadate ten (10) t fonr_ radius curb returns. Eaisting broken or cracked driveways shall bg remeve:d and :eplacPlfl Rs roquirQC1 by the City Fngineor. 2• Tl:at a traffic siqnal assessment fee equalfng th~ difference I~etween ' the industrfa7, snd cummercial ass~~vm~nt fees shall be paid to the ~ City of Ar,a:~~im zn an amount as determined by City C~uncil ~ resoli~tion. ,: 3. T}ia~t a pr~rkix~g plan inclicating corrplisnce with City parking lot ' aesign s;tandar~s shall ba submit.f.ed to and approvod by tha City Traf~ic Enyine~r. 4• That gatas shala nat bo .installed across any drivew~-y in a rnanner wHSci~ ma~• a~vaacs~ly af~oct vohicu]ar tra£fic in the ad~acent public streots. 'lnstallation af any yatos stiall conform to r,he Enqineerinq Division' n Stan~l?rd Plan No. 402 and sha11 be :,ub3ect to the reviow an8 approval ~;:he City Traffic EngxnQOr. -2- PC98-221 ,~ ', ; ~ . ~ 5. Tha~ krash storage areas shall b~ provided and maintained in a " locat.io,: acceptable to the 5traet Maintenance zsr~d Saaitntion Divxsion ~nd in accordance ~with approved plans on f;1e wi~h said , Division. 6. That al'1 air. r.ondita.oning facilit3es and oL•her roo~ and gruund mounted equipment shall be properly shielded £rom view. ~;~, 7. That tho propasal shal'1 cflmply with all signinq requirements af tho MI, "Industrial Limxted" Zotie, unle;;s 2 variaz~ce allowiaq 63gn waivers is approved by the City Ccuncit, Planning Commission or Zoning Administrator. 8. That no outdoor storaae of, display of, or work ~n veh3cles or vehicular parts shall be ~ermitted. 9. Thzt thP on-site landccaping sha11 be refurbished anc~ maintained ia compliance with City standards. 1G. Thar subject property sha7.1 be developed suk,stantially in $ccordance wfth plans and sp~cificat:ions on fils with t2~e City of A.naheim inarr.Ed Exhibit Nos. 1 an~3 2. 11. That prior to co:nmenae:nerit of tho activi~y authorized by this :•esalution, or priux ta issuazice ~f ~s building pormit, or withirl a period of one year. from the date of this resolution whxche~er occurs first, Coiic7ition Nos. 2, 3, and 5, above-m~ntioned, sha11 be comp:lied with. Factensions for further time Co completcs said cond3.tions may be granted in accordance with 5ection 2~.03.090 oE the Anr~heim Municipal Cod~. 12. Th~at prior to the commencement af the activity authorized by this resolution or tinal buildinr~ and zoning in;pections whichav3r occ.:rs first, Condition Nos. 1, 6, 9, and 10, ~abava-mentioned, shall be complied with. 13. 'That approval of this applicatian constitutos approval of the ~ropc~sed request only to the oxtQnt that it camplSes rr3.Ch the ; 1~naheim Municipal ~oning Codo and any akher applicable Cit,y ' regulations. Approval does not include any ackion or findinqs t+R tc ,>, compliance or approval of the rgquest regard.ing ariy ~ther epplicable ordinanGe, regulation qr requirement. -~ ~ B~ IT FUF2THER RESOLVED tYiaL the AnahQi.m Cfty Planni.ng Co;nmission does heroby find and determine thak adaption o.f thi.s Resoluti~n 3s Qxpressly predicat~sd upon npplicant's camplianco wath each and all of. the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such co:z3.itions, or aay p~irt thereof, bo dec].ared inva~.id or unonforceable by the final judgmenC oF a~y ~ourt of comr~tent jurisdxetion, h.Y~~n this Resolution, and any approvals hsrein ccntafncsd, sh~ll be clecmed nu11 and void. ~3' PC88-22i : ;;~;~ „ ~;~;i; ;s; . ,,; , ;, ' -~ ,'x ; :~r. xll l . wy~J . .. . . . ' . ~ ~ ' ' . . . . . . . . ,, . . ~•~ Y .!'\ 1 JI 13~~'.~y 1 ., ~1 , j ~ t,.`. , ' ') ' ~ ... . . . . . . ~ ,S, . ~ .. ,J i- j ` TH~ FOREGOING RESOLCJTION it; signed and approved by me this 15th of August, 1988. day ' ' ~/; t ~ f! . ~i ~:,1~,!.a,~ f ----__-- - CHAiP.M ,~ AH~IM CITY PLI~,NNING CUMMI5SION • ATTEST: ~~ ~~j -- / <Grf?~~~~ ~/.tfi ~ ~ «r~: " Y~ -., EXECUTIVE S^cCRETARY. ANAHEIM IZ1G DEPARTMENT ,',,'k ;.`_p t ~~ uTATE OF CaLIFORNIA ) ''~; I- COUNTX OF ORANGE ) ss. ` i. ; ~ L'ITY OF ~IAHEIM ) ,~'~ ~' i I. Pamela H. Starnes, Executive Secretary of the Anaheim ~lanning Aepartment, do hereb certif 1 '; y ~ that t:he foregoxng resolutxon wr,s passod adopted at a meeting of the Anah i an8 , , ~ ~ e m City ~lanning Commission held August. ~.5, 14K8, by ~he f~lYowing vote of the memb on %I i ~ ers thereo~: . ~' '' ~ AYES: COMMISSIOIQERS: BOUAS, B~XD.~,TUN, CARTI52LL0, FEI,DHAUS, HERHST . ~~~ MC BURNEY ~'i; ;;~ NOES: COMMI&SIONERS; MESSE : AFiSRNT: COt~iI55ICNGRS: NON~ ''~'' ; , ~ ? t~~ ~N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand Chis ].5th day August, 1988. of ,;, ,, :. '~ ~ ~ ~~1'~ ~C-~(1~ , ~j~•~¢'.t/ , ., ;;,;. ~' i;.. ~F •' EXECi1TIVE SECRETARY, ANAHE72d PLANNING DEPARTMENT , ~