PC 88-223~ ~ - • fY . t. '~y~4 ~. ~ t 1 `~ 4 ki R~~, TI N_N~f • P~8$--~23 A RE50LUTION OF TFIE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMTSSIOv ~` TfiAT FETITTON FQR CQNDTTTONAL USE PERM7T TTO~ 3050 BE GRANTEll WFi~REAS, the I~n~hexm City P~.anning Commission did .receive a verified 't'etiLi~n for Conditiona~. iJse Permit frAm LEDERER-I~NAiiEIM, L~TD., i99r WesCwood Bou].o~~ard, :ird Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90025, ow~er, and VIN~YARD CHRISTIAN ,;~ FELY.OWSHIP, ATTN: ~tever_ %arit, 3:•:3 E. Cerritos, Anaheim, CA 92812-7019~ ~. agent, far certain real propei~ .y situatec~ in the C'ity of Ariaheim, Covnty of Orange, State o~ California, c3es~~ribed as ~ TFIAT PORTI~rT OF THE S~~UTHWEST QUAPTEK 0}' THE NORTHWEST ~tYARTER OF S~CZ'ION 23, '~`OATNSFiIP 9 SOUTH, RAN~~ 10 WEST, IN TFIE RAD?CHO SAN .TTT~N CA.10Pt DE SANTA ANA, AS SFIOWN ON :. MAD ;? KECORIiED IN BOOK 51, PA.i;~,' ~0 OF .MISCEI:,LANEOLTS MA.PS, IN THE '~ OFFICE pF TH~ WTINTY RrCOR,~ER OF SAID COITNTY, DESCRIHED AS ~? FUI~LQWS : BEGT2'vNZNG AT THE INTFR3~;CTION OF THE ~TORTHEASTER£~Y RIG~iT Or WAY LI1~E OF A 6•D ~OOT STATE HIGHWAY, F S DESCRIB~U IZF l~ DEED REC~RD~D JULY ~.U, 1914 TIv' BOOR 258, PAGE 6b Or DEEDS~ WI'xH THE NORTHGRLY RIGIiT OF 1VAX .LINE OF GETtRITOS A,~'ENUE 4U.00 FE~T IN WIDTH, SAID POTI~TT BEING ON A CURVE IN SAID ~ NOFtTHEASTERL`.f R~GHT Or WAX LINE CONCI~.V~ SOfJTHWES'rERL`r I f~A~JING A RADIUS OF 630. Q0 FEE~, ~- RADIAL LIi1E THROUGH SAIL~ '~,~' k'UIYiT BEA14S NGRTH 82 DEGR~~S 5~1 MINUTFS 41 SECANDS RAST; THEI`CE NORTFiERLX A;:~ONG SAtD Ci1RVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGL^c ~r OlF' 4 ~iEGREES 37 DIINUT~S 14 SECON~S .A DTSTI~NCE OF 50.G'1 ! FEET; TfIFNCE NORTIi 6 DEGFtEES 55 D(INUTES OL~ ~ECONDS WEST ~ `s ALONG 1HE EASTERL,Y LTNE QF LAND DESC.CtIBED IN A DEEA TQ THF' . STATE OH' GALIFORNIA RFCaRDED ~'~~'k2TL 13, 1929 IN BOOK 257, ~ PAGE A62 OF OFFICIAL RECOEtDS ~0 THE wOUTHWEST CORN~R Ur TRACT 3313 AS SHQWN ON :A MAP Rr^,CORD~'D It~ Bf)~F.; 1Q7, PAG~S 34 TO 37 INCLUSIVE OF MZSCELLANSOU:i MAPS, R~:CORDS AF " ORANG~ COUNT'Y, CALIFQR1iIA; TFiEt1C~ NORTFI 89 DFGREFS 56 !~;~ MTNU~'R5 ~1 S~C~tiDS EAST 1161.93. FEET ALOLIG TTiE SOUTH~FLY LINE OF SAID 7'RACT N0. 3313 TO THE WE^:CERLX LIN.E OF '.~F~E SOUTHERN PACIFTC RAILROAD RI~HT OF WAX, AS DESCRIBED IN A " ~~ED .RErORLED AUGUS~ 28, 1899 TN BOOK 44, P.AGE 22~ OF DEEDS; THE23CE ~OUTFI 15 DEGREES 25 MlNU'.~ES 43 SECONDS EAST . 78. ~35 FEET AI~ONG Sk.ID WF,STERLY LTNE TO TH~ ~1~STERL.: ~INE ~ OF THE SOUT~IWES~ QCJARTER OI' THE NOIZTHWEaT QUATtTER flF SAID SECTION 7,~; 7:HENCE SOUTH 0 DEGHEES 10 MINUTEu lEl SEGOND5 EAST C40.48 Fi;~T ALONG SAID EASTERLX LINE TO 'PHE 50UTHERLI ~:{ I,ItdE pF THE t'ORTHWEST QilARTF~t TO SAIn SF.CTION 23; THENCF ;,; WEST I~LOi1G SAID SOUTF3ERLY LT.NE TO THE NORTHE;A~TERL7C &IGEiT `'~? . QF WAY' L•INE OF SATD 50. QO FOOT STATE HTGH~4Ai'; THENC~ ~ NORTHERLY 11LUNG SAID NORTHEASTERLX L"!NE TO THE POINT OI' ~''~ I3EGIN~IING. ,. O~k42r PC84-223 ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c j+ .~F~~ t }.r~4.~._ -_-__-_- . . . . . ~_ ~ ~XCEPT TJiEREFROM THE EAST 144.51 FGET OF SAI~ LA2dD. I~.LSO EXC~pT 7.'FIEREFROM ALL THAT PORTION OF SAID LAND DESCRIREI) AS FULLOWSs BEGINNING AT ~HE INTERSECTION OF A LINE WHICH IS F'ARALLEL WITH THE S4UTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SEC7'SON 23 "CENTER LiNF. OF CERRTTOS STREET" AND DISTANx NORTFi 22U.Q0 FE~T, MEASUR~D A7 RIGHT AIiGLF,S I'ROM SAID SOUTHER~,X LINE, AtdD 'PIiE EASTERLY LIVE OF THE L~AND D'r:SCI2IHED IN A DEED TO THE STATE UF CAI,I^ORNSA RECORAEA APRIL 13, 1929 TN BUOK Z57, P.AGE 462 nF OFFICIAL~ RECORDS "GASTERLY LINE OF' LOS ANC+~;GE.~'+ STREET" i TAENCE S~UTH 6 AF.GREES 55 MINUTES 00 SRCONDS EAST ALONG SA7D EASTERLY LINC A DISTANCE OF 150.99 F~ET TU A POItIT OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLX, HAVIN`v' A RI~LIIUS OF 630.00 FEET, SAID POINZ' BEING IN TH~ NORTHEASTERLY R'tGHT QF WAY LIt7E 0'r' A 60.00 FOOT STATE HIGHWAY, AS DESGRTBED IN A 7EED RECORDED JULX 10, 1914 IN DOOK 256, PAGE 66 OF DEEUS, A RADIAL LIN~ THROUGH SAIn PO:INT BEARS NORTH 7$ DEGREE5 17 MINi1TES 27 SECONDS EA5T; THENCE SAUTHEP.GX ALONG SA~D CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGC,E; OF 6 D~GREES 26 MINUTES Ei9 SECONDS AND AN ARC DISTI-P2C~ OF 70.92 FE~T TO A POINT IN TY.L SOi1THERLY LINE OF THE T'ORrHWEST QUARTEIt Ur SAIA SE~.:TIUN 7.3~ A RAT?iAL LINE THRUUGH SAID POI27T BF~ARS NORTA 84 DEGRE~;S 44 MINUTES 26 ~ECONDS t;AST; 'THENCE EAST ALOA'G SAID SOUTHF.RLY LINE A DIS:I'ANCE Or 22J..36 FEET; THENCx~ NORTH AN~ A1 R7CFiT A2vGLE5 TO $ATD SOUTHERLY LINE A DISTT,N^.E QF 220.OQ FEET; THENC~ WES'T A~1D PARALLEL WITH SAID SOUTHERLY LZNE A DISTANCE 0'r' 250.00 FEGT TO TYiE POIN'T QF BF.Gl'NNING. WH~REAS, the C.ity Planning Cornmission did Ylold a public heari.ng at the Civic Cei,ter in the rit~~ of. Anaheim on August 15, 1988 at 1:30 p.m., notica of said nup:ic hearfng having been duly given as r8c~uired by l~w and in ac:cordance with t}i~ provisiuns of the Anah~im Municipay Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear ar.d consider c+v~dence F~r and ngainst said proposed ~ondit~onal use p~rmit ~~nd to invQ;ctig~te and make findings and recommendatioi~~ in connsctxon thareswit.h; and WFIEI?EAS, said Commission, afL•er due inspec~ion, invFStigetio:~ Rnd study macle by St~elf and in its behalf, and after due ccnsideration of all Rv3.dence and reports offered at ~aid hearing, doec find and determine Che follow3ag f~ctss 1. That the proposed us~~ is pr.operly one for which a conditi~nal u:se p~^rmit is authorizPd by AnaliQim Munic~pal. Code Section i.E.61.(150.140 to retain a church (Vineyard Christian Center) w~th waiver of the followinq under author3ty ~f ~odo Section 38.06.080: SF~.~4~.~~2~i.050.022 - ~~.~9~.Q, 4.0244 19 ~06.O~Cs026~ and X.$s.~t~.~S1~L~~Q ini,L~~, i m1~.~.~'_s~3..~~'h.~.L~~.P.~G~.• ( ~~..9 raquired; ~., ~412 provSded) -%- P~BS-223 .. , ., ~; ~,;:~a " ~~ ~ ~ ,,~ra~ 2. That the pnrk3ng waiv~r will not cause an increase in tra~:fi.c congestion in thN imme~i3uta vicinity nor adversely affect Hny adjoining land utsQS. 3. That tha gr.~n~ing o~ Lhe p~rkiag wz~iver under the conditions imposec2, if any, will not be detrimental to the peece, heal~h, safety or g~eneral welfr~re of the citizens of the City of Anaheim. 4. Tkiat tlie proposed u3e will not adversely af.fect tr.a adjoining lan~i usos and the grow~h and developv~ent of the area 5.m which tt is propased to b~s lacateci. 5. That ~he ,;izQ and shape of the site proposetl for the use fs adRquate to a11~w the ful? de~v6lopmant of the proposad uso in a manner not detrimental to Che particiilar area nor to the pe~,cc, ho~elch, safety and general ~relfare uf the Citizens of ttie City of Ana.h~~n;. 6. That the yranting af ~he Conditional tJse Permit under the condi':ions imp~se~, xf any, wila not b~ detrimental L-a the peaco, health, s~fety and generzl welfara cf t1iE Citcizens of tho City oP Anaheim. 7. That the traf.Eic generated ~y the prop~sed use wi].1 not impose an undue burden upo;i ~ho street~ and highways rae~igned and inproved to car,•ry the traffic in the area. 8. ThaC no one indicated their ~zesance ~t said publi.c heariny fn og,position; an~~ t:na1: no correspondeuc~ was receivod in opposition to the subject petition. CALIFgRNIA F:NVI$ONMF.NTAL OUALI~~~`~~pING; 'rhat the An_~heim Cfty Planning Commis~:on has rQViewed the proposal to re~afn a church (Vineyard Christian Centsr) wiL•h ~+aivcr of, minxmum number of parking soaces on an irrogul~irly-shaped ,parcel of la~zd consistfnq of approx3nately 12 acras locatPd north and east of t:he northaast cornpr ~f Cerritas Avenue and Anaheim Dculevsrd, having agproximate frantages of 725 feQt on the nor~h aid~ ~f CQrri~os Avenus and 500 feet on the ~ast side of Anaheim Boulevt~rd ~nd further described as 333 East Cerritos AvenuQF ar~d does hereby aQprove the Negative Declaration upon fintiiny that iL• has consfdered the tlQg~itive Declaration tugether With any comment;s received durin~; the ~ubl.ir. review pzocoss aizd further fir.dieja pn the basxs oF the ir~a~fal ~tudy and xny comments received that there i~ no su,~.r.tantial evidence that the project wil.l hnve a siqnificant e£foct on t~;~ environrnenC. '3- PC88-?23 ~.~ ` • . ...... . , _, .~ .~ ...... _.. . . .. .. _.._ +`-:'S!.~ .~ t F... .. . .. . ~~ .. .. .. . . . ~%l ~'( - ~ . . ;,1,`~ NOW, TIiERSE'OF;F, BE IT ~ESOLV~D ~hat th~ Anaheirn City Plann3ng C~mmission does heroby grant subject Petition for Canclitional U~e Permit, upon t.lxe f.ollowinq conditiions whzch are hereby found to be ~ necessary prerequis3te to the pxoposQd use of the subject property in order to preserve the ~afeCy and qanaral ~rc~lfare oF the Citizens of the City o~' ~Anaheim: 1. T;zat trash storage areas sliall be pravided and maintained in a l~c~t,ion acceptable to thA StreQt Maintenance and Sanitation Divis:lon and in accordance with approveQ plans an tile wa.~h said Divisa.o~:. 2. Tha,t all aIr conciitioning facilitias and other ro4f and ground mounted equipmsnt shall be properly ~hiplde~i from view. 3. That the proposal shall comply wih.h a11 signing requirements a£ the ML (Industrial, La.m3.ted) Zone, unlc~ss a variance allowing sign waivers iS approv~d by the Ci~y Counczl, Planning Commission or 2oning Administrator. ~. That within a period of sixty (60) da1s from the date of this resoluti4n, the lega]. owner{s) o£ subject propezty shall executa an~ :ECOrd a covenant in a form approvgd by tha Ci~.y Attorney's OEfice wherein such owaer(s) agree not ~o contest t2its formatfon of any as~~ssment district(s) whi~:: may k:eroafter be formed pursuant to ~hA provisions of Developmont Agreement No. 83-01 betw~en the Citp o~ Anaheir~i ar~d Anaheim 5tadium Associa~es, which district(s) coulcl include such leqal property owr.er's property. 5. That the on-site landscaping shall be refurbi~hed and maint~iin~d iu c~mglian~o with City stattdards. . 6. That subject property shall be developed substantially fn accordance with plans and specifications on filo with the City of Aaaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 3. 7. That Condition ~Ios. 1, 2, 4, 5 abc,vo-mentioned, shall bs completed ~ithin a period uf sixty (60) days from the date of this resr~lution. -4- PC88-223 +~; ,,. 1~ , . } i 8. Tt~at approval of thi.s application constitutFS approval of thA prorosod raquest ~nly to the extenr_ that it camplies with the ~ A~.aheim Municipal ~oning Code 3nc1 any othPr c+pplicable City ~ regulsations. Approval does not include any action or ffnda.ngs as t~ ~ comp~ianco or approval oE rho requast roqarding any o~her ~ppliaablo , ordinance, rsgulatian or requirernent. BE Ix FURTHER RESOLVGA that khe Anaheim City Planning Commission daes hereby f.ind and determine thz~t adoption oE this Resolution is ~xpressly predicat.ed upon applicant's comp:iance with each and all of the condition+~ herexnabove se~ Eorth. Should any sac2~ condi.tfons, ar ~ny part thereof, b~ dec~.ared invalid or unenforceable by t;he £~~nal judgment of aay court of competent jurisdiction, than this Resolution, and any approvals herpin contained, shall be deemed null and void, THE FOItEGOING RES~LUTION is signed and ~+ppro~~od by me this 15th day of Au~7ust, 1988. ,;~,~ ,, ~ ~lf ~u .-t~~-.~.1 ~ CHAZRMANi ANAHEZM CYT`1 PLANNING COMMISSTON A,TTEST: ~ ~~/~hl~/" ~~ - - ~'~2-~-~..~i,L~ EXECUTIVE SECRETA~'l, APrAHEIM PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAiE OF CI~i:IFORNIA ) COUNTX OF ORI~TGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ~; ,• y ( I, P~unela Fi. S~arnes, Exacutive Secre~ary of ~,he Ariaheim Planning i U~p~rtmeut Commis~ion, do hereby certify that the foregoi.ng resol.ution was posspd and adoptecl at a meeting of the Anaheim City PlaTining Gommission held on August 15, 1988, by the following vote o£ the members thereof: `;; AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOi7AS, BOYDSTUN, CARUSILLO, FFLDHAUS, HERHST, M~SSE ~IOES: COMMISSYONE;RS: NOIYE A':5ENS: f:OhA~SISSIONERS: MC BU~N~Y IN WITNESS WHERFOF, I have h~reunto set my hand this 15kh dap of August, 19a8. ~~,G' G~~~ ~'r~ ~~~/~~~..li.~./ EXECUTIVE SF.CRETARY, ANAfiGIM PLANNIIv'G R~PARTMENT ~.; _ ._::,,- r r.~:; . , ' ~ .a ~. YI r ,, ~~~ ::{,, -5- PC88-223 '~ r,,; ' ~~1.,7:. [~p'. . ~:~ . . ~::7~ ~ ~, ~;,;'~ 1 V.., r~ --- - - _- - ---- - , . `~j~