PC 88-234~ 1 • ..~~` r ^ 'i ' ' `'J~r;~,,. . . . ~.. ..,',ke ~~ ,!~ I ~ Rk~S L T~T ION NQ~ PCDB-23~ v~ ~~~'1 A~:ESOLUTION OF THE; 1'~N3~EIM ~TTY PLANN7NG COMMISSIQN' THAT Pb~TITION I'OR VARTANCE N0. 3823 BE GRAIrTED WHRRE'AS, l.ho An~heirn City Planning Commission tli.d receive a verifieii Petition for V'ariance Eram ANAHEIM VILLAGE THREE QWN~RS ~SSOCIATION, 2082 N,ickzeJ son, t~212, Irvine, CA, owner, and BRENT NERGUIZIAN, 200Z Miahelson, ~212, Irvine, CA 92715, agent, of certaan rea~ proparty situated in tl:e City of Anah~im, County af Orange, State of CaliEornia clescri,bed as: LOTS 1 a1~D ?, OF TRACT ~5495, IN TIiE CITY OF ANAHETM, C~UNTY OE' ORANGE, AS PER MAP RECOP.DED IN k300K 205~ PAGES 24 TO 29 INCI~USIVE OI' MISCELLANEOUS MIaP. S, I21 THE OFFICE OF THF COUNTY RECORllER OI' ~AIA COUNTY. WI3EREAS, the City Planning Commissi~n clid hold a publa.c hearing at the Civic Center in tihe City of Anaheim on August l, 1988, at 1:30 p.rn., notice of said publi.c hoaring having been duly given as required by law a:~c7 in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Cod~, Chapter I0.03, to }iear and consider evidence far and against sz3d proposed vari~n.ce and to investiga~e and cnake iinlings and rec:ommendations ~.n connection therewith; and that subject petiti~n was continuod to the meeL•itic~ of August 29, 1988; and WHEREAS, sai.d Commission, after due inspaction, investigation and study made by i~self and in its behalf, and aFter due consideration oE a11 evidance and reports ofiered at said hearing, does find and cletermine t2ae following f~cts: l. That the petitionEr pro~~oses waivers af tkte fdllowing to constru~:t a 3-story, 47-unit apartment complex: (A) SECTIQNS 1.Q~4,~_06?..912 - Maximurn ^~tr~Yural heicth~. and I$ • 34. Q6? . Q13 (I'srrnittecl: l~~orv within 150 feet of a single-family residenL•ial zone an~ 2 gtori~s orherwise; Proposed: 3~~Q.r1P,S proposed 50-93 feet from RS-7200 Zone) (B) SF~T~NS :19.Q4~43•122 - MaxSmum f:enr~ h~iqh~J ~nd 18.~A~0~4.070 (k f .~e.r Perrnitted: $__f'_~et proposc~d) 0~59r PCf18-234 "~;; ;~r ~a ry K~i , ~, r~;~,r f . _.. .~.~:':,,, ~, . : .. ~ .~, 1~ ;,,, ~~~ . - : , ~;~; • ' ~ ~ saX;u~ ~ Z. That the above-mentionod waivers are hezeb~r granted on tYie , basis that ~here are special circumstances appl.icable to t:he property such as size, shape, topography, location and surroundings which do not apply to ather identically zoned property :in the same viainity; and that strict applica~i~n oF the 7aning C~de deprives ~he property of priv,tlege~ enjoyed by other prr~perti,as in tha identical zone and classificatiorx in the vicinity, ,~M ,, `'' 3• That there are except.ional. or extraordinary cii•cvmstances or canciitions applicable ta ~he property involved or to tho it~tended use of thP property that do not apply g~;n~rally ta the ~roper.ty or class of use in thc same vi.cinity and zone. i ~' 4• That the requested variance is necessary~ ~~~ ~ preserva~:ion and enjoyment of a su~staritial property ri ht toT t:he ~ g possessecl by ather . pzogerty in the same vfcinity and zone, and denied ~o the property S.n que;stion. ~• Ttiat the requested ~•aziance w.i.ll not be materially detrimRn~a2 to the public welfare or injurious ro the property or xmproveme.nts i': in such vicin.ity and zone in which tho property is located. ti ~• That 21 people indicated their presencs at said public hearing in oppositi.ori; and thaL• no corre5ppz~dence was received in opposition to :,ubject petition. ~,ALIFQI2NIA ~1~VIR NMEN'PA'L UALITY ACT F'INDING: That f~he Anaheim City Pltr~nx~q Cqmmission has zeviewed the 47-unit ~partment c~rriplex with waivers of ~maximum ~~ ~onstruct a 3-story, ; maximum fence height orA an irregularly-~ha Q~ structural height and approxim~L•ely 1,6% acres havin p Parcel oF land cansisting og west side ~l a frontage of approxim;,;Ql~, gg Eeet on tYle of Gr~enleat Avenue, havinq a maximum deprh of approximate2y 650 ~eQ~~ 3ri~ further described as 2Q50 W. apprave thQ Negahivo Declar.ation upon f ndi~ng ~that Vetu hasa ~Qn,siderecl rthe NeqaL•ive DQC~aration togQther with 3ny cocnmonts reaeived during ~,he ublic r~~xoW Process and further finding ox~ the bas.is of thc~ initial study and any comments recoiv~d t-.klat there is no substantial evidence that the project wi11 have a significant effect on the enviranment. !~ 1. That prior ko issuance of a ; signal assessment fz~ shall }~~ buildirig permit, the ap~ropria~e traffi~ paid to the City of Anahezm in an amount as dekermined by City Council resolutcion. 2. That tFze ~xisting drrveway on Greenleaf Avenue sha11 b3 remnved and replaced wiCh a standard cur.b anci gutter, sidetvalk and landscaping. 3. That prior ~a issuUnce of a building permit, evidex~ce sha11 be presentecl satzsEact~ry t~ the Building Division hhat the ~roposed projQCk is in conformance wit.h Council Po1ic Number 5~12 Etesidr.ttt,l~~ Yro~~~~s" and with P oisc~ Insulat•ion „Standards ~specif3ecl i.n the California Administrative Code, Titl~ 25, PC88-T.34 ~ ..` ~~~. ' . . . ~, r~'~i: ~~ . ~ 4. Thzt gares shall not be insta].led ar.ross the driveway in a mannex which may adverseZy affect vehicular trat•fic in tho adjacen+,: public streets. Instal7.atian of any gates shall cor,f.orm Y.o the Er.gineering Division's Standard Plan Na. 902 and sha11 be subject to the rev3.ew and approval of the City Traf£ic Engineer. 5. That a parking plan indicating compliance with City parking design stand~rds sYiaZl be subrnitterl to and approvc~d by the City Traffic Engineer. 6. Thati prior to cammencement of structura'1 Er~ning, two (2) on-sitQ fir~ ' hydrants shall be installed and charged as required and appraved by ~he City Fa.re Department. 7. Th~:~ the Fire UPpartment/Sanitation Divis.ion "hammerhead turn~around" sha11 be kept clear atc all times. 8. That subject praperty shall be served by underground utilities. 9. 'rhat a hydraulic neL-work analysis shall k~e pr.e~~ared and subsequen~ly reviewed and approved by t~he Water Fngineering Division. The findings of the ana'lysisr including any oif-site watar system impx•ovements sha11 be implemented to t'.ie sa~isFaction of the W.ater Eng.ineerincy Division. 10. That prior to issuance of a building permit, appropriate park anr~ recreation in-.lieu fees shall be pail to the City oi Anahoim in an amount ~zs dekerminect by the City Courlcil. 11. That drainage of subject prc~perty sha11 be disposed of in a manner sa~isf.actory to the City Engirieer. ~~~~ 12. That ii required by the Fire and Po]ice Aepartment, all lockable podestrian and vehicular access gates sha].1 be equipped with a"kno~c box" de~vice to the satisfaction of the C:ity I'ire DQpartm~nt, and the ~ity Police Department. 13. ~hat traskx sL•orage ar~as sha11 ae providQd and maintained in s~ location ''1 acce~table to *he S~r~st Maintenance and Sanit~tiun Dxvision and in ~•,~'. acc~rdanae with appxoved plaiis on file with said Division. t,'' 1~1. That all air con~itioning facilities and other rouf. and ground mounL-ed equipment sha11 be properly shielded fro.n view, and the soun~l bufPered from ~8jacent residential propertias. r.: . ;t: ~'; :;~ : gk.' , 4~ -3- PC88-?.34 _.L t ;;i ~;',fi.i M ~ ~ ~ .-~. .ti;j' 15, That an eight (8) f~ot hi.gh masonry b1~ck wa11 st~all bo conshructed and , maintained along tihe north and southwest (adjacent to fre e~aay) proparty l~nes excepting the front setback where the wall height shall not exceed three (3) feet. 16. 7.'hat the on-sita landscaping sha11 be maintainec3 in r.ompliance with City standards. ~r ~a s ~ 17. That prior to issuance of a building permit, the leqal p roport~ owner shall prepare and record an unsubordinated covenant limiting occupancy of oach apartment unit to no mo~e than Cwo (2) persans (other ~han children under th~ aqe of two (2) year~) per bedroc~m. Said ~imitation shall la~ included in each lease/rental agreement, A copy uf the covenant shal]. be submiti:ed to and approved by the Citv Attorney prior to rseordation. A copy of the recorded covenant shall be furnished to the Zoni ng Division, 18. Tha't the owner of subject prop~~rty snall sLibmit a letter reques~ing terminatiion of Conditi~nal Use Yermit 2do. 2415 to the Zbn•ing Division. 19. That a fee sha11 be paid to the City of Anaheim for street lighting along Greenleaf Avenixe in an amc~unl: as deterrt;inecl by City Council resolution. ZQ• ~h~t subjec~ pr•operty shall bc~ develope~ substan~ially in accordance with plans and specificaY.ions on fi].e wa.th the ~ity of Anaheim marked Revisi~n No. 1 of ~xhil~ir Nos. 1, 2 and 3; pruvided, however, thaz the maximwn builc3ing height shall be twenty-sev~n (27) feet as measured f•rom finished grade to rooF peak, 21. That prior to :issuance uf a building pt.rmit, or witl-in a pQriod uf onp year from the date o~ this re~olution., whichQ~~er occurs first, Conc~ition Nos. 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 17, 18 ana 19, above-mQntione~, sYaal 1 bs compliod with. Extensior.s for f.urther L•ime i:o com~lete sai~~ conditions may be gr~ntFd in accordan.ce with Section 18.03.q9U of the Anaheim rtunicipal Cor~o . 22. That prior tn final build:r.g and zoziing inspections, Canditicn Nos. 2, 8, 17. thruugh 15, and 20, above-mentioned, sriall ba c:ompliod wi.th, 23. That approval of t]•iis arg~lication constitutes ~pproval of the proposea request only t~ th~ extent that it complies with t~e Anaheim Muraicipal Zoninq Cod~ and any ot2~er app].icable City regulations. Apprc~val daes not include any ar,tion or findings as to compliance or app rovaa of the rPquest regarding any other applir.ablQ ordinance, regu?ation or requiroment. _ '; ~ -4 - PC88-234 ;~ ;,,A ~~ , ~ , f I i~ F~r~ t"~M~ ~ ~ 1+)S~v ~ ~6 f~ ' , i ~ ~ ~ ..i.ft ~ . ~ .~.1;:'~~n i•.U . . , (','t:''_ 1 IY" • 1~ BE Ix FURTHE~t RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission dues `r~i hereby £irld and determine that adop~ion of t`tlis Resolution is expro~sly ?_;;~ predicat~~ u~ion applicant's ~ompliance with eacl-. and all af the aanditzons "= hereinahr~ve sat forth. Should any such conditions, or any part the.raof, bo '!:7 ~eclarec~ znvalid or unenforceable by the final judgmexi~ of any court o£ '-`~~ .... ,, .;.1 co,npPtant juri.sdiction, then this P.QSalution, and ~ny apgro~rals herein '`~~ ;;~. contained, shall be deemed nu11 and void. „ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by~ me this 29th da}r ot• August, 198$. '', -, ~' ,7 ~~;; :: ~ i; . %~ ,-/ :" l ~ ~~_~e',~c./ CHAI RW02~5A '~ AN FIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ ATT.EST: / ~.~ a,~,ti.~.~, SECRETARY, A23AHEIM CITY' PI. NING CQ~fTSSTON STATE OF CALIFOI2NIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY aF ANAPIEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secre~ary of the Anaheim Cifi.y E~l~nr~ing Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoinc~ resolution was ~assed and adopted at a meetiing of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on August 29, :1988, by the following vote of the members ther~of: AXES: COMMISSIONE.RS: BOUAS, CARUSII,I,O, FELDHAUS ~l'QES: COMMISSIONERS: HERBST, ~OYDSTUI3 ABSENT: CODSMISSIONEF:S: MC BUFtNEY, MESS~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my han3 this 29~.h day oE Augusk, 1988. __ ~~.~~. ~ ~. - ~ SECRET.AR'Y, ANAHEIM CZTY PLAI~I~IING COMMI: aTOt7 -5- PC88-239