PC 88-237~ R~SOLUTTUN N0. PG_~$-237 ~7r? A RESOLilTION OF 7:HE ANAFi.EIM CITY PLANNTNG COMMISSION TH}~T Pc,TITION ~OR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 88-89-10 PE GRANT~D WHnRCAS, the Anaheim City Planning Cammission did receive a verified ' petition for Rsclassification from DARRFLL FAJ~LIPS, BARBA;3A x~HILLrPS, STEPIi~N ;~ D. SHIRLEY, Et al., 1591 W. '~edmar Ave:~ue, Anaheim, CA D2802~ owner, and ~~ DENNIS FLYNN, 48?1 A7.zano Plaza, Yorba Linda, CA 92686, agcnt, of c~r~ain ti~ real property situated in the City of Anah~im, County of Orange: StatQ of California, described as follows: a: ~ LOT 19A, OF TRACT 255, IN THE CITY OF A1~TAFiEIM, AS PER 2rL1P RECORDGD TN BOOK i4, PAGES 25 OE' MISC./MAPS, IN THk; OFFICE OF ~OUNTY RECORDF.12 QF ('RAN ~E COUNTY . r~ ~ lf~~k~j,r{ .ta : `, ; ;, JI L01 1@ OF TkACT N0. 255, EAST ANAI~ISIM SUHDIVISION, CITY OF AN1#HbIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFURNIA, AS FER MAP RECORBFD I11 300K 14, nA~E 25 0~' MISCELLANEOUS htAPS, RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY PP'.CEL 1: LOT 19 OF TRACT bTO, 255, IN THE EAS'3' ANAHETM SUIIDIVISION IN THE CITY OF 7~NAHCIM, CO'UNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PBR MAP REI:ORDED IN BOOK 14, PAG~ 25, MISCELLAI~EOIJS tdAPS, IN THE OFFICE; OF THE COY7NTY R~COFDER OF SAID COUNTY~ .~;, ~ .'.' r ~, , ~ ,-,;~ WHEREAS, the City Pl~nriirlg Conunission dic~ holcl a public hearing at L•he Civic CenY.er in tlie City of Anaheirn on August 2y 1908, at 7.:30 p,m„ nutice of said public neari~ng having been ~u'ly qiven as required by 1aw and .i.n accordance wit2i the provisions of the Anaheim Muni.cipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and conszder• evidence for and against said proposed reclassification and to investigate and make findings and recommendations i~ conn~ctian tnerewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, af ter due inspection, investic~ati.on and stu.dy rnade by itselt' and in its behalf, and af•ter due cflnside.r.stion of a1:L evidence and re~orts offered at said lnearing, does find and determine the Following facts: 1. Thal: the petitionor praposes reclassifica~ior~ of subject property irom RS-'1200 (ResidenL-ial, ~irigle-Famiiy} ~o the RI~l-3000 (Residential, Multiple-Family). 2. That tlie Anahpim Genoral P1an designates subj~ct prAperty for Low-Mec~ium DonsiY.y Resident;ial lanii uses, 0460r -7.- F'C88-23'1 .~ ~ ;; ;~a >,.~ ,-;j~i _ ... ;. r ~~' r'~'"~ i ~ 3. That tk~e proposed reclassification o~ subjeat property is necessary and/or desirabl~ ~or the orderly and proper development of tlie community. ~ r 4. That ~he proposed reclassification af subject property does praperly relato to the zdixes a2id their permitted usas loaalJ.y established 3.n ;~ aluse proximity to subject property and to the zones and L•heir permittecl usas ~+ generally established throughout the communi~y. .; ~, 5. That the proposed reclassif.icati,n of suh;jQCt property roquires the improvement of abutting str.eets in accordance with the Circu~ation Elemenl: of ~he General Plan, due to ~:sie anticipa~ed increase in traffic which will be , generaled by the intensificatio~a oF ].and use. 6. That no i~ne ind.+'.caCed their presence at said public hEaring in opposition; ~.nd that no correspondenc~ was received in opposition to subjpct petit-ion. `' CAI,IFORNI~ ~NVIRONMENTAL TALITY ACT. FZNDTNG: That Lhe Anaheim ~{ '4 City Planning Commission Yias revi.~wed the propo~al to reclassify subject y proper~.y from the R5-%200 (Residential, Single-Famil.y) Zone to the RM-3000 :~ (Residential, Mu].taple-Famil,y) Zone and t.o construct a 1-story and 2-story, ~~ ~.1-unit condomir.;iwn complex with waivers of minimum buildiz~g sitie width, mar.imum structural k~eight, permitted encroachment into required yards and maximum fence height on a rectangularly-shaned parcel o£ .land consist3.ng of approximately 0.8 acre, navinq an approximate frqntags of 171 feet on the ~~ n~rth side of Cypress Street, having a maximum depth o~ approximately 195 }" feei:, beixig Zocated approximaL-ely 70 fe~l•, west uf the centerline oi Coffman ~; Street and fuxtYser described as 1811, 1817 and Y821 East Cypress Street; and ;;: dnes hereby approve the Negative Declaratiion upon fznding that it has ;:: consider~d the Neg~itive Declarati~n together with any comments roceiv~d ',~s r~uring the public rbv:e~v process and furY.her Finding on i;he basis of the initiaY study and any r:~;~~nts received tnat thera is no substantial evidence L-hal the project wi.ll have a significant effect on the envi.ronment. NUW, Tit~fi~I'OR~., BE IT RESOLVED tY;at the Anaheim City Planning Commission d~es hereby grant subjzct Petit.iori for Reclassif.~cation and, by so doing, thal Tit1e 18-Z.oning of tt:e A:~aheim Mu:iicipai. l:oc~e be amended tc ~~~ccludP the abo~•e-de;,cribed ~.~roper~y from 1`.Y~e RS-72000 (Rosidentia]., Single-Family) 'Lotie ai~d to incorporate said descr.ibed prope•rty .into the rM-3000 (Residential, Mu.itip].e-Family) Zone ~:pon the following conditions whicit are hereby tound t.~ bo a nt~cessary pre.rEquis.ite t~ tlie proposed use of subje~t pr.opert~ in order ~o preserve the saf~~ty and general welfare o~ thQ Cztizens of the City of Annileim: -2- PCt38-237 , ~ ... .: `3~''u7t".~,A}{7:°~?i1 . _~~;, .:.1 ., 1 . :~'' -;-.•,. .::G•. ti; ~, t . .. ....~ ..• .,~. _ ~,.•i., ,~,..°f :.,i.;..~ „~.~~,.~~., ,,-,,~:. .~i..~~ ~ . , ~~L-~ ` ~;~' ,3;~:;~'~~e;~t~~ ~, ; . ~,r,~sc.71 , S~ •~ p^~:ii~;~ „ ?} . . ;, i `:'~ ~ 1. That streel: lightiilg facilities along Cypress Street shmll be instalted as required by the Uti.lities General Manaqer in accnrdanca '•~~' with specificatior~s on file in ~he Office of Utilitios General Manages:; or that ~ACUrity an the form of a bond, ce.rtificate oE deposit, letter of. cr.edit, oz• cash, in an amount and foxm satisfacL•ory to the City of Anaheim, sha11 be posted with the City to ~ guarantee the sa'tisfactory completion of the ~bove-mentioried ~~~ improvements. Said security shall be posted with tYie City of Anaheim ''~ pri.or to the introductian of an ordinance rezoning subjact pro ert ~'~ The above-~reqixired improvements sha11 be ii~slal].ed pr.iur to P x• .~'~ ~ccupancy. . 2. That the ownsr devc].oper shall make application (including payment oE' the appropr.iata fee) to the City of Anaheim for th.e abandonm~nt of ~ Cypscss Street from the intersection of Evelyn nrive L•o tk~e oas~ern ~ boundary of subject property, 3. That ~he legal owner of subjecL property :,hall acquir~ a recorded eovenant granting an access easement fcom the l~gal proparty awner inu-nediately sc~xth c~f subject praperty for ingress and egress purposes to subject pr~perty. Said oasement ;,hall bo design~d in u manner satisfactory to t:1e City Traffic EnginnP*- and said covonant shall be in a form sa~isEactory to the Ci~y Attorney, A copy of the recurded cov~nant shall be su:~mitted L-o tha Zoning Division. , 4. rhat a mociiFied cul-do-sac shall be provided at the terminus of Cypress Street as requzrQd by i:he City EnginQer. That security in the Eorm of a bond, c~rtificate af deposit, letter of credi~, or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to l:he City a~ 1~naYeezm, shal]. be posked ~vith the City to guarantee ~he satisfackory completion of said improvemeni:s. Saic! s~curity sha11 be posted with the C,ity pri~r to introductior~ of bn ordinance rezoning su~ject property, ~o guarantee the installation of thA abave-required :improvements prior to occupancv. : 5. That a public utili~y easemonL shall bo dedicated along thE west i property line and along uhe south side of_ Cypress StreeL•, where p! abandoned, for existing power goles and overhea~3 electrio lines, as .j requared by th~ City Electrical Engineering Divisian. l 'i 6. That a fee sk~all. be paid to the City of Anaheim Eor tree planting along ~ypress Str~et in an amouu~ a~ determined by City Counci.l resolution. 7. That the owner/develo~er shall rec~ns~ruc~ the mediazt 3sland at ~enter Stre~t and C~ffman S~reet ineluding possible modification~ reloca~ion and/or addition of street lighting facilities, as required by the City Traffic ~ngineer and the Util.itie~ General Manager; or that securzty in Che ~orm nF a bond, certificate of deiosf.L-, lei:CeY• of creclit, or cash, in an amount and f~rm satisfa~:tary to ~he City of . ' , ''~,';~ ~ ~~ Anaheim, sha11 be post.ed with the City to guarantee the satisfactory cornpletion oE said improvements. Said security sha~l bo postec~ with the city pr~ior to introduct3on of an ordinanco xezonir.g subject. proger~y to c~uararitoe t~,a installation of tt.a abovQ-requirad improvemer~ts prior to o~:cupancy. If requosto8 by tho develop~~c, a reimbursc~mer.L• district may be establishQd in connQCtion with sa;~ improvem~nt £or ~11 futur~ multiplo-fam.i]y zoned (RM-1200, RM-2~lQO nnd RM-30U0) ~evelopment on Coffman and Cypress Slreets. ^ ~•' &. That a bond or ather secvrity accapt ~b1e ta t;he City af Anahaim shali bQ posted ~o guarantee ~hat; an 8-foot higt~ block wa7.l sha11 be conskructed and maintained along rhe adjacent singlo-Eamily residential line:,, unless wrikten approval is abtainecl from affected p,.operty owners for less ~han an 8-foot heiglit. Said b~nd is to guarantee construc~ion oC s:~bject wa1: prior to issuanco oE a building permit. 9. That provisi~ns Cor maintei;ance of the 8-foot nic~.~ or lower (6••foot mini.mum) blo~k wal.l discusseci in Condition No. :l, hez~ein, alang thc~ narth, east, soutl~, and west pro~perty lines shall be inciudeci in the conditions, covenants, aiifl restrictions which will be raquired .in connection with approval of t.ha tentakive trsct map for subject condom5nium proposal. 10. Thzt the owcier/developer shal.l cottstruct an eight-inch san.i.tary sewer line in CoEfman and ~ypress StreeE:s fr~m the boundary of subject propert~y t:o Cent~r Stroc~t in a mann~r accepta,ble to the City ErnqinQer; or that soeurity in the form of a bond, certificate of deposit, let:te: of credi.t, or cash, in an amount 3atisfactory to the City of• Anahcim shall be posted With tt~o City to guarantee sal-i:~fact:ory completion of said improvomen~. Said security shall b~ posted with t2ie City prior to ir~troduction ~f an ord~nance rezoning subj~cr. property to guara»tca irlstal2ation of the ab~vo-required improvoment~ p•;ior to c-ccu~.uncy. If requNStad by the devoloper, a reimbursema~it district rt:ay be esCablishea in connection wiCh ~aid impravomerir for. ,till ~uturo mull:iplo-famil~ 7oned (RM-1200, RM-2900 ancl RM-3000) devolopmants wt~i.ch ~,rill uti.lize the s~aer in Coffman or Cypress StreeCs. 11. That prior to thQ intratluction of an o:dint-nca rez~ninq subject properr.y, Con3itxon N~s. 1 throuqb 10, above-;nentioned, shall be comple~ed. The provlsions or right;s granted by thls resolution sha21 bocome nul.l ~nd void l~y action of the Plannfnq Commissian unless said conditions nrQ compliod with wiChin ong year from thQ Hate of thfs reaolution, or such turther ticno as the Planning Coismfssion max gran~. 12. That: approval of khis application constitutes approvgl rf the pc~pased r.equ~st or.ly r.o ttic extent thaC it compl:es with tho Anahefm Municfpal Zoni»q Co~e anc3 .:ny other app1icabla City r~qalatfqns. Appr~val does not fncluJe any, action or finclinyrt as Lo compliance er approval of tho rog at;s~ re~a• <~',nq ~ny other dgp~ icahl~ ordinance, r~gulation or requiremenC. -4- PCCB-237 ~~ •'- ~~ ~~ ~ . ~ ~ '. 1 + Ir C 1 a ~J~ Y)~i ~ ~I B~ IT FURxHER RESOLVED that the Anahein Ci~y Planning Commission does rier~by f.ind and determinn that adopt3.on o.C ~his Resolution 33 expre~sly predicate~ upr~r. r~pnlicant's compliancQ with each and aZl o~ the concift3ons heroinabove set forth. Shou]d any siicb conditions, or any part LhereoE, be declared inva.l3d or unenfar.coable by tho final judgment of any court of compatent jurisdiction, ~hen this Resolu~iou, and aiiy approvals her~in contained, shall be deemod null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signod and approved by me this 29th day of A~igust, 1988, : ~~~ / ~ `~ ~1~ ~%Yil .~ .%~l~l~~,~.,..- C~JAYRWQMAN, ANAHF.TM CITY PLA2dNING COt~I.ISSION ,i ATTCST: /; -.`----c~~7~~~ ~~~ 1!_~.~s-d'' - SGCRETARY, ANAFIEIM CITY PLl-NNING COh4dt:5I0N STATS Or CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORIUIGG ) s g, CIxY OF ANI~HEIM ) I, Cditn I.. ~iairis, Secretary of the Anaheim C:i~y Planning Commission, do hereby r,ertify thut ~tho Eoregai.ng resoluCion was pa.sod ancl ado~ted at a meel•ing of thu Anaheim City Planni.ng Cor~uniss.ian held on Augusti 29th, 1988, by the following vote of t:-e members thereof: AYES; COMMISS:OtTEk5: BOUAS, EiOYDSTtJN, (:ARUSILLd, ~'~[.DFIAUS NQESs C~MMISSIUPIERS: NONE ABSENI': COh4~ISSIONERS: iiERBST, MCBUF~JEY, MESSE 7iJ WITNESS WHEREUF, I havQ hereunto ~Qt my tiand this 29th dal of Au~ust, 196C. __ f~ ~--=-~~ ~ ~'~$!~!1-~-~ `. SECRETARY, ANAH~Irl CITY PLI~NNTNG CChIIYtISSION -5- PCSb- 37 ,*~ ~.