PC 88-240L~l RE$~~~T~~N N~.'~$$~2~4 ~ A RESOLUTTON QF THE ANAHEZM CIT1' FLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETIT.ION FQR CONDITiONAL USi; PGitMIT N0. 3055 BE GttAIJTF.D WHF:REAS, ~}ie Anaheim City P1~nning Commission did. recefve a verifiad Petition for Conditional Uso Permit from Fre3 W. Morgent•ha.ler, 29541 Saturna Drive, MisszAn Vi4jo, CA 92691, ow•nor and Ali R, Sajjadi and Nematollah Sajjadi, 12152 E. Chapman N9, Gardon Grove, Ci~ 92640, agAnt for cert;ain real property sit:uated in the City uf Anaheim, County oL Orang~, SL•ate of California, descrihed as: PAkGEL N0. 2 AS SI•i0W1d ON A MAP FIL~ED IN }300I~ 123, YAGES 49 AND 45 OF PARCEL MI~PS, REC012LS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNTA. WFTEREAS, tho Czty P13nninq Commissian did 1» ld a public bearing a't rhe Civi<: Center in the ~ity of Anahoim ori August 'l9, 1988 at 1:30 p.m., notice af sairl p~xbl.? c hearing havir~q b~en d+i1y given as requirod by law anc] in accordance with the provisi.ons of t;he Anaheim Municipal C~de, Chaprer 18.03, to hear. and consider Avidence £or and aaainst saxd proposod conditional use permit an~l to inv~stig~te and ;nake £zndings and recommendatinns in cor.nection therewith; pnd WHEREAS, said (;ornmission, aftor due inspection, investigatioa and stud~• made by i.tself and in its betitilf, and .sf.ter due cansid3ration of all evidence and reports offc~red at suid hearing, doss find and determinQ the following facts: 1. Thal-. the propased use ia properly one for ~hicki a conditional ~+se pFrmit: is a~il-.horiaed by Anatieim Municipal Code Section 18.45.05U.195 t~ construct a i.946-squnro foo~ r.ouvenienr_e market 3nd with waiver of the fallow.ing undc+r ar.thor:t~~ of C~de Section 1$.06.080 to wit: SE:~;T14N,~_ 1~:SZ6~9sQtQ~Z - M.~i'?-D.~nL.~1II~4_r~_f _P~.r~.~.~.P_~.8~~ 1.$~_Q~41Q2~1 (,~14 required; l ].2 exisCing} and 1~t~.~!~.~~4. 2. That the requested uaiver is hereby gr~nted on the basis that Che pai•king variancp will :,or causo an increase i.n traEtic: congestion in tye immediato vicinity nor adv~rsoly affoct any ~djcininc, la:id user) and under the conditions imposed, if uny, will nat bo dotriment•a1 to the peace, health, ~~~fFCy or gc~nQra1 welfaro of the citizens of l•he ~itx of Anahei-n. 3. That the gropose.~ usa will not adversely aff~r.t the adjoinin~ 1~-nd uses and thR g::owth and dovQlopmonC of thc aresa in k~hich i~ is propo~or~ to be locatad. 0469r -1• PC38--290 ;% .. i 7~.Tj1":3;^.in~~ ~ :;t~,~, r.^ ~ :. ~,.. .:_..., . . .. ~ ~ , ,, ' ' a:;~ ' ~;,>~ 1~~ 4. That the size and shapa oP tho site proposad for kha use is acleguate to allow tho full dovelopment of the proposed uso in a manner not dr~trimenta] to tho partz~ular area nor to the peace, health; salo~y and gs~neT-f~l walEmi~~ ~~f the Cit•izens of tho City o£ Ana}-eim. 5. That the granting of the Conditional Usa Pormit. undor the conditiols imposod, if any, wi11 not bo detrimental ho the paace, health, safoty and gener~'1 welfare ot• ths Ci~i.z~ns of t.h~ City of Anahaim. 6. That the traiL•ic gen~rated by tho ~,roposQd use wi11 not imposo an undue burden upon thF: stzeets anr.i highways desie~ned and improvQd to carry Y,he txaffic in the area, 7. ThaL• one (1) person indicatrsd tlt~ir presence at saicl public hearing in opposition; an~ that one lotler was received in opposition to the subject oatir_i.on. _ LIFQRNtA ENVIRQ~~SI;NTAL QUA.LITY_~CT FxND'[NG: That the Anaheim City Planning Cortunission has :eviewed the proposal to construct ~a 1,946 square fo~t conve:nience market with waiver of mininum nw~iber oF p+~rking space , nri a r~ctangularly-s:~aped paresl of ;.and consisting of apprcximately 1.7 acres, having a frontKge uf approximat~tly 372 L•eet on t;he norkh side of. Chapman Avenue, i~aving a maximum d~apth of a~~proxitnately 2U0 fQe~, being located approximately 290 F.eot east of the ~~entQrlino oF Hurbor 3oulevard and fuzther describod as 5].3 W. Chapman Avenu~; and does hereby approve the N~gative Declaration upon xinding ~hat it has consid3red the tdega~iv~ Doclaration togR~hc~r wath ~ny comments xeceived duri.ng t-.he public review procc~ss and Curthar findinq on the ba~is of the in=tial study and any camments received that there is no substantial evicjence tlzat the projoct wiZl have a signiEicant etfeck on the ecivironmant. NOW, TFiEREFORE, BE IT RESGLVEU tha~ ~hr~ Anaheim CiL-y Plannin~r Commission c~oes hereby grant siibjoct Pet.itian for Conditional Js~ Psrmit, upon the following c~nditions which aro hereby fr~und to be a i~ecessary pr~requisite ta the proposed use oE thQ subjecL prop~rt•y i.n order tco preservo the safety and qer.eral wel£are of the Citizens ot the Citp ot Anaheim: 1. That sidawalk.s shall be rQpairod along Chapm~n Avenue as requir~d by the Cir.y cn~inesr and in accordnnc:e with stand~rd plt+ns and specifications on Eile :in the Otf~ce ot the City Engineer. 2. Thak all drivewaps sha11 bo rQCOns¢ructed ~o accummodaL•e teii (10) footc radius curb returns. Existi.ng broken or cr,:~ked dr.iveway;, sY-all be remaved and rop:laced as rec~uired by tho City Engineer. 3. Thak trash storage ~~reas shall be providHd and maii:tain~d in a location acceptable to l•he Straet Mairitenance and Sanitation DivisS.on and in dccordance wit}i approv~.ci plans on ffle with said Division. This sha11 include but may not be limited to insLall~tion af inetal doors on existing trash storage a:eas a:id the3 addition of a new Crash storage area to t:,e north uf thQ convenienca mlrket. -?- i - PC$8-240 ~ ~':~ , ~~~ .~ ;x~~c~ A. Tkaat no East-food service FacilitiQS shal'1 bo permitted in this convenience markot un.less a variance for parking i~ approved by thQ City Council, Plauning Commission or Zoning Aclministrator or sufficient co~le parkinc~ is pravided. 5. Thal: the proposal sha11 comply with all signinc~ raquiremgnts of Lhe GG "Commercial, General" Zone, uriless a varianco ~l].owing sign waiv~rs is approved by t:ie City Council, Planning Commission or ZoniYi,q Administratox. 6. That the •~n-siY.e l~ndscaping stiall be maantained i.n r.ompliance with Citt standards. 7. That subject propertx sha11 be deaelope~ substantially in accordance with plans and specific;ation~ ~n L•ile with the City of An~heim marksd ExY~ibit Nos. ]. and 2; provided, however, thAt no takQ-out food service sYia17. be provided including no microwave .~von shall be installQd, or okhor types of hoati.nq deviees shall be used for heating propared f~ods. 8. That prior t~ the com,~iencement of the activity au~huri.zed by th~s resolution or final bui]ding and zoriing inspQCtions whichever occurs first, Con~9ition Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 7, auove-ment:i.oned, shall be compJ.ie~ with. 9. That the hours o£ upor.ation sha~l bo r~stricted to 6:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., sev~n days a weF:k. 10. That approval of this application constitutes approval of tYze proposed requgst osily to l•.he extent that it complias witl- the Anaheim Municipal 'Loning Code and any other applicable City regulstions. Approval does not include any action or findings as :.o co:,~plia:ice or approval of the roguest roqarding any oL•her applicabl~ ordinanc~, regulation or requirement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLV3U thai: the Anaheim Citj P2anuing Commission do~s hereby Pind and determine th~t adoption of this Resolution is Qxpresaly pz•edicatocl upou apglicanh's r,ompliance with c~ach and all af i:he conditions herain~bove ~et for~h. Should any sach conditions, ~r any part thexeoF, be cleclatod inval3d or unenforceable by the final judgment oE any court of competen~ jurisdictioti, then t}iis Resolur.ion, and any approvals heroin c~ntained, sha11 be d~Qmed nu11 anci voi3. THE FOR~GOING RESOLUZ'IUN i;~, signc~d and approved by me L•his 29th day of Au,c-,uat, 1~J88. ~-r ~ _~'~°.~ 1 ..;~;-";. r-'---' ~ .~_____.. .~_.,:.--._! ' CFiAIRWOMAy,,•~-NI-FIE:CM CTTY PLANNING COMMISSIJN ATTEST: ~, _ , > ~ ~~, }' ,~/. _ _ _~~~ _~_ -~~ SBCnF.TARY, ANAHGIM CITY PLANN2NG CUMMISSION -3- PC88-240 u~ -'s~~ ~ ' : ~~ s,~~ STATE OP' CALIFpRNIA ..•w-,, ~e~ ~' :~7 ~ ~ , ~ ,,,;,r ~~,,~~i~" ~ R~ : -:;~ ,;;;< ',,ti ~;; ; ,,..:; ;,;: COUNTY OF pRANG~ ) sN. '~` CITY OF ANAHEIM ) T, Edith L. Harris, Secretary oE tho An3hgim City Planning C~mma,ssion, do ~~'~-i hereby certify that the for~gozag resalution was passed and adoptc~d at a `' meeting of ~he Anaheim City Planning Commis3ion held on August 29, 19~8, by '~~' t.he L•ollowing vote of thP membors thereof: 'I~'iy AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOJAS, BOYDSTUN, CARUSTLLU, FELDHAUS :' NO~S: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ''>' ?`.;' ABu13NT: COMMISSIUNFRS: HERBST, MC HURNEY, MESSE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have heraunto set my hand 1:his 29th day of. r;' August, 198E. ~J ' • _ .~ ~~ ~.~~~. ,~, SECRETARY, ANAHETM rI~rY PLANNiNG C02yII•fISSION ,`~., j: ;~ ; ~, 7 1 i: ,.! :.~ ~' .+ b~ r. ;i i: ; Ij ~ 4 ,f ~,~~t~ "`~- PC88-240 `;k X' ~~ . . _ ... . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . ~'~~ .~ ., ., , •r