735 1 2 3 4 O*DINA~TCE NO. 735 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVINq THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEl!ii OF THE TERRITORY KNOWlI AS KENliEDY 4NNEXATION. 5 THE CITY COUNCIl!, OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLO\ft/S : 8 7 SEC~PION 1: The City Council of the City of Anaheim did on 8 the 26th dny of Cctotier, 1948, receive a written petition asking 9 10 that certai1'l ne\I,.'" ter~1tory descrlbed in said petition be annexed to the City of Anahe~m. That said terr:J.tory proposed to be annexed to said' City of Anaheim, is' situated in the County of Orange, state of Cal1.fo:rnia. and is contiguous to tl"lo CitJi. of Anaheim, and is uninhabited territory, and that said petition contained a descript~on of said territory in words and figures as hereinafter in this Ordinance 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 described; and The City Council did find that said petition was signed by the ownel'S of not less than one-fourth of the a,rea and not less than one-fourtb of the assessed valuation of said land in such territory 20 21 12 23 24 86 26 27 88 29 30 31 32 proposed to be annexe,d, according to the last preceding equalized assessm~nt roll, and that saj.d territory does not form a part of any municipal corporation and did f5_rHi t'hat said territory ,is contiguous to the City of Anabeim and is unlihabited territory; and" 'rhat on the 23rd. (~.ay of November, 1?~8, Resolution #1641 was duly passed and adopted fixing the 14th day .~f December, 1948 at the hour of 8 0' clock P. f_il. J at the Ci. ty Council Chanibe.:rs in the Ci ty Hall in the C1 t.y of Anaheim, as the day, hour and pla.ce when and where any person owning real property within .uch territory so. proposed to be annexed and ha.ving any objections to .the proposed annexation might appear before the City Council of the City of Ana- helm and show cause wh~. such territory should not be so annexed, and notifying all persons having such objections to such proposed ...-,....'...L ............. ... .......~.. .:1..-, ~..;.f4/III. =~.. ."-'.". ......._~....._.:....-._..~...-...F... ._._........-,;,,;.~..... -.:.....nr.."^"......~......._: :=-~... ___.. -.A._~....... _ ._ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14: 15 18 17 IS. 19 20 21 81 23 24 86 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 annexation. to appea~ at said day ,at said hour and place to show 2 cause, if any they h~d, why such territory should not be annexed, :5 B.nd directing the Ci~y Clerk to publish, or cause a copy ot said 4 Resolution. to be pup1ished at least once a week for two successive 6 weeks prior to Decem~er 14, 1948 in the Anaheim Bulletin, a news- paper of general circulation/published in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California; that said Resolution was 8 published by said City Clerk as directed in said Anaheim Bulletin; and That on the hour, day and at the place specified in said Resolution No. 1641, the City Council of the City of Anaheim did proceed to hea.r and ~ass on all protests agains'~ the annexation of said territory; tbat such protests were not made by the owner or owners of one-halt of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed according to the last preceding equalized assessment roll. SECTION 2: That the annexation of the territory included within the boundaries of the Kennedy Annexation and more particular- ly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the corner of the present city limits. ot the City of Anaheim on the north line of 'West LaPalma Avenue, 404.53 feet east of the southwest corner of Lot 11, Miles Rancho, as shown on a map recorded in Book 4, page 7, Mi.cellaneous Maps, Recorda of Orange County, Californla1thence North along the present city limit line of said City of Anaheim to a point on the North lin.e of Romneya Drive; thence West along said North line of Romneya.Drive to a point which is 186.6 feet east of the extended west line of said lot 11, Miles Rancho,thence South along a line parallel with and uniformly 186.6 feet east of said extended west line and said west line of said lot 11 to a point on the north line of said West La Palma Avenue; thence East along said no~th line of West La Palma Avenue and along .the pre.sent c1 ty limit line of.' said Ci ty of Anaheim, a distance of 217.93 feet to the point ot be- ginning, is hereby approved, and said territory is hereby annexed to and incorporated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of , . -2- ...............-..-...... -=~...'.~~..: . ............;.."l..~~.~...olIwi:.~:.:.._~~..... ...:~"N!~~oiI:........-... 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 California, and h.reby designated as the Kennedy Annexation to ; 2 the City of Anahetm. 3 SECTION 3: 4 That from and after the effective date of this 5 Ordinance and the:rillng of a certified copy thereof with the 8 Secretary of stet~ of the State of California, the annexation of the territory her~in described shall be deemed to be and shall be complete and thenceforth such annexed territory shall be, to all intents and PltrPoses, a part of the 01 ty of Anaheim,' and from 7 and after the eff~ctlve date of such annexation, all property therein shall be subject to taxation equally with the property within the City of Anaheim and shall be taxed to pay its proportionate share of the existing indebtedness and liability of said City of Anaheim contracted prior to or existing at the time of such annexation pursuant to the written consent of the owners of property in said annexed territory filed with the Cle~k of the City of Anaheim prior to the adoption of this Ordinance. SECTION 4: The. City Clerk shall certify to the passage of thIs Ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the 23 24 25 Anaheim Bulletin, a dai1'Y. newspaper printed, published and circulated in the City of Anahei~, County of Orange, state of California, and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage it shall be in full force and effect. . . The foregoing Ordinance was approved and signed by me this 26 -~ day of December, 1948. ~ ." 27 28 29 30 31 32 ATTEST: M. 21:J. . ...~ ..... ...~ r-.H." . .o~'.'_". .......01 .....----.... I~..~....~.......__...-...~ ...................::-............,~., 1 2 3 I I 4 I I 5 II 8 I 7 8 II 9 II 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 17 18 19 1 J 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 STATE OF CALIFORN!.A) COUNTY OF ORANG ) CITY OF ANAHEI ) 88 I, CHARLES E~ GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim# do hereby certify:that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a I I I i I j i i __ ._-+.-___regular meeting of the Ci ty . Council of the City of Anaheim, ~elrl on the 14~ day of December~ 1948, and that the same ~was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 28'h day of December, 1948, by. the following vote of the members thereot: AYES: COUNCILMEN: pear.oD, TaD. lfagoJJ.er, 10218" &114 Ke7iBc. COUNCILMEN: Bo... NOES: ABSENT: COuNCILMEN: Pace. And I further. certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed and approve~ said Ordinance on the 28~ day ot Decem- .ber, 1948. IN WITNESS WH8REOF, I have hereto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 28th d~ of December, 1948. IM I .-.;,.,....... '"'~L......._. -_.... .___*__.---.., ._._~ _ ____..... . - 4... I I .-.-L. LEGAL NOTICE .';.?;~~.;:.;:~.~::=g~~f~~:~::::::::::::::~::::.: .-7~ Subscribed and sworn to before me tbls...:J.............day ot ...............-~.~l~..............]J; ~-:t '\ . 1 ......-..~._. . < ... ..................:.~:.~:~:;:;::.. .'~~N~Y"pubi:ie:"'." . OR.DIXANCE XO. 735 .\.~ OR.DIX.\ ~CF; OF 1.'UE CITY 0'"" AX..\UJ4.:nl .\.PPRO'.I~(. THI<; AS... XI"~X."'rIO:\ 1.'0 THE (~IT1' 0.... AX A.HEIM OF TH.E TERRITORY KNO"'N AS KENNEDY AXN"EXA.- TION. TSE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF A~.\HEIM DOES ORDAlX AR .FOLLO\YS: SJo;CTIOS 1: The City Council of tIle City of Anaheim did on the 26th da.y of 'Oc;tob(>l\ 1948, recei.ve a. writ- ten petition a~king that certain new territor~ d.E'.scJ'ibed in said petition be annexed Lo the City of Anaheim. That l'1aid t.errit.ory proposed to be A n.n",xed t.o l';l:I..id Cit~' of Anaheim. is 8itnat.ed j n tht'~ ('olin t.)- of Or8.nge. State of California and is contiguOUB to th e Ci t.~. of Ana hei tn. a.nd is un- tnI13 bUr..:i t~l'J.it(l":"'. Tiond tha.r 8&.id pett.tion l'onllitned i~. rJ-:-seript.ioll of sa.t d t erri tory ill worrJ s an r) figures as heJ'l~inaft.r:~l' in t.his Ordin111c-e de.. s~I'ibp.a: a.nd The Cit:r C;olll'll.:-il .ilrl find that ~ :;:atd lletitiQlI wa~ ~ig"nt;'tl b~' tlH: i OWl1~l'.K of nl)l le~~ thAn olle.t'ourt.h of the iJJ'ea and Iwt. I(~~s thi.ln one- fourth ...1' the a$l'IP~l'ieri Y8.lttHtioll of said la.nd In 8u('~h t(~rrit.on' proposed to be 8nJ1P-x(.d. H('(:ording to t.he la.Flt. preceding eqna lit"~d al'lSPS'lSnH~l1t roll. a.nd th'lt sa.id tl?rriton.' does not. form R. JiI~.rt of a.ny. municipal cor- poratiort B.nd did find that said ter- ritory js contiguous to the City of Anaheim and is llninha.bited terri- tory; and Tha.t o.n the. 23rd day of Nov.ember, 1!'48. Resolution No. 1641 was duh' l)assed and adoPte(j fixing t.he 14th day of December. 1~"'8 at the 110ur of · 8 o.clocli P. M.. at the Citoy COlln('il Chambers in the City Hall in th.:- City of Ana.heim. as the .1H,y. hour: and place wh.en and where any per- I sO.n owning real pl'op.::rty witbin such territory so p.1'0po3ad to be I annexed and having any ~bje~ttons to the proposed aJtnexatlon rr.ight appear before the Cit)~ Council of I the Cit~. of Anaheim and shew cf.luse 'why such territor). 15110uld not be 80 annexed, and notifYing fill 'f-(-l'sO.nS having su,.'.1'\ objections to foue:h pro- posed. a.nn.exation to appear at Baid da.y a:t said hour and pla~e to IIIhow eause, if a.ny they ha!. why sl1ch tE!rritor~. should not 1:-e annexed. and directing the City Clerk t.) publish. Qr C8.Use a. copy of said Resolution to be published at Jeawt once 8. 'V'e~k for two success weeks pri('lr to December 14, 1. ~he A.n3.hehn Bulletin. a. n . . .ot S;"cr.eral circulation p'Q. . e City of Ana.helm. Co ""e. . State of California;.:. ...,. ~t~)ution was publishe .QPrk as directed Ln .. . 'leUn; and ~. That on t . place . specl No. 1641. ths'. of Al'iahehn pails on all .neza.tlon. of sat protests were not ~r or own ers ot one-halt of t.he valu.e of the territory. proposed to be annexed according to the last pre- ceding equa.llzed ..seesment rOil SECTION 2: That the annexatlo.n ot the terri. tor7 In eluded within the bounds.rles ot the Kennedy Annexation and more particularlY described as fol- lows. .to-wit: . .. . .. .egtDnln... ak. the corner of the present c4 y. limit. of the CI.ty of Anahe OIl the nor-tb . _. . of .w:..t I4&P&lma Avenue. . .".18 .- t.eet ealft.. :ot t.he south- ".t corn.r o( Lot 11, 1\111.s . _ilcho. ~I!I. sNo,.-n ~ a l'Jap ".orde~ In lJo.ok 4. p~l.Jte .7. Ktscella.neous "'ps~ RecQrds of . 0 r 8. n If e . .Co.aty. Caltforn-la . thence N ol't.b ,-"on8' th~ present city llmlt . line' ef' said Clt.y r.t ~abelm to a.. point on. tbe "orth Une ot ':Romneya Dl'h7e. .".nce West aUons 8aid North l'lie. ot Rom'utya' ~ Drivfo to a. aolllt wblc~ is ).8'~ t.et ea..t of .~e,_ exte~d ".e.,t Uno. of said Lot . 11.. I HUes ~. Rancho ~ .thence IIoUth along a ILne. Darallltl wJth .~. UDjfQrmly~' :'86.S . teet efast fit ....Id extend,d. w.el'lt .Une aDd II&ld west line 'hI. s8.l4 Lot. 11 to .. pOint 011 the ilol"tIi. line of paid West ~ Palm.... 4.~"'enu.e: thence ~ast along said. north line nf . West La PaUna Aven1:i~ aDd along the pres.nt eit., limit liDe of's..id City at Afuth....~lm.. a dip. tabce of 217.93.. f~et-tn the point , .ot., .beginnlng. . : I. here by approved. 1.11~d sai If t6rrl- ; tory,.is herebY annex~d to .and In.. ; corpOrated ..in the. City ot Anaheim. I C~~ty of Orange.. :.State of Calltor~ ! rata. .and hereby. desi...natecJ as the : XeJ1Dedy Annexation to the. City of I .Anabeim. . ::. : SECTION I: .. . I That from. and after. the 'fleetlv. ; da.te .ot this. Ordinance 8.nd. the tn- . tq of a cuttfle' copy.tbereof with .the .Secretary ot, .State. of the State. of. .Caltfot'bla. the annexation of the t...~tory herein descrlb,d shall be de.med to 'he ana shall be complete aDd thenceforth. sQ.ch a.nnexed ter- ritory shall be. to all. Int~ts and P~P9ses. a'. part,...ot the. City of AD8;heim. and from .and after the effective date ot" sQ.eb a,nnexatton. all property tbereLn :shall be Bub- ject, to taxation equally wJth the prop~rty within. the City of Ana- helm. and, shall be taxed to pay its pr-oportionate Rhare of the existing in4ebtedn~ss and liabUity of said C~ty ot .Anahe~m .contracted prIor to or .existt.ng at the time of suc.h an. nexation pursuant to the written ." consent of th.e owners at property In s8.1d ~n.nex.ed t~rrltory fUed with the Clerk of the eit}' of Ana.heim :prlo.r to the adoption of this Ordi. nance, SECTION 4: The City Clerk sbaiJ ('\?rUty to the paBsaa-e of tlils Ordln'lDce and ; cause the same to.be p~bllsbed once i 11.'l the .A.na.hf'im Bulletin. a daily ,neWFll"Rnpr l'rintp(f Hllh.lI!:1hpc'l "I""~ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION STATE OF CALIFOHNIA ) )ss. County of Orange ) .8.1 c 11ard E.1.6.clJ.~e......................................................._m.... '~f s~id"'~o~.nt;. being first duly sworn. says-that be i8 a male citizen of the United States. and of the State of Cali- fornia over the age of eighte en years: that be has no in- terest · in, nor is be a party to the matter here in mentioned: that he is the Prine 1 Dnl cl elk of tha -... ......... ........... ...--...... .:.. ................ -..... ...... -..... ......... ... .................... ......... .. -..- ..-. ........ ......... -..... ...-.. ,.~. ~ .~. ~.~. ~.~.~.... ~.~ ~. ~.~..~.!..~.................... .... ... ...... ............... ........... .. a...~gJ.l.Y_...... newspaper printed. published and circulated in the said Coun,ty of Orange that said .~.r~~. ~}.~..~.~ ....~.~ 1.!.~..~.~.n... ......... ..... ............................................ is a newspaper of general cir culation with a list of paid subscribers and Is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence of a gener,al char- acter' that it is not devoted to the interests or publIshed tor the entertainment of a parti cular class. profession. trade. calling, race or denomination. or of any number thereof: that it has been li:'"inted and published in the City of Ana- heim County of Or-ange, State of California for more than one year n..~t prflceding the first day of the publication hereto attaclled: that the ..Q ;cQ..1 D. f.1.nQ.~.....H.o.........7.35.... ......... ................................. __m...... of which the annexed '8 a printed copy. was published In one issue said newspaper at least. _ ._.. ._. .__....._.... .............. ...... ........ n......... commencing on the.....!:+.~h.... day of .J.~.M.~~y.................. 1 & 4:9. and ending on the................day of .................................. r~otlce 19 ..n_. and that said .............._...............n......................................... was published on the tollowing days: January 4, 1949 -- -..o......... _....... - .... .................. ....... ..... ... ... ............ .... ..... .... .......... ....._.. ......................................................_... l~..'~.. ~.~;;~~~~'e.;.'.~'f."~;~;';~l"~i;'~.~i~ii'~.~' ";'i.i'h"';."ii"~'i"'~f"'~~ld subscribers and is published tor the dissemination or both local and general news and Intelligence of a general char- acter' that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof: that it has been J>:",inted and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of Orange, State of California for mor~ than one year Jlflxt prp.ceding the first day of the pubhcatlon hereto attacned: that the said land in slteh territory proposed to be annexed. according to the la.At preceding equalized aSl!les.sment Toll. a.nd tha,t S8.td territor)" does flot form a part of Rny municipal cor- poration a.nd did find that said ter- ritory is contiguous to the Cit~9 of Anaheim and 1. uninhabited terri- tory;. and . That o.n the 231"4 day ot Nov~mbel", 1948, Resolution. No. 1641 wa. dUly . passed and adopted fixing t.he 14t.h day ot December. 1948 at the houl" of ' 8 o'clock P. .1\1,. -at the Clt1: COllncll Chambers ln the City Ha.1l in the; City of Ana.heim. as the .1ltY. hour' and place when and where any per- .o.n. own~ng re.al proporty ~(1tbin such territory 'so p1'opmJad to be annexed and having any obje~tions to the proposed adnexa-tlon rr.ight apPear bet9re the- City Councj) of the City of Anaheim a,nd she w C& use wby .uch territory SQl.luld not be 10 annexed. and notifYing I'll !,(lll'SOnS bavlpg. sucb. objections to &uch pro- posedl.a.nnexatlon to appear at Bald day a~ saUl' hour and pla~e to ahow ~ause.. If. any they ha 1. why such terrl.tory should not 1'e annexed. and direQtlng the City Clerk to publl.h. . or cau.e a copy of said Resolution to be pubU.hed at lea.llt onee a '''eck for t1.VO sucees 'ff,eek. pri('r tb Decembe.... 14. .. e .A~s.heim Bul~etln. &. n of c'cr.era1 circulation plJ . City of 4n.a.belm, Co.. .. e. . Stete of California oluttoD W8..8 publlshe rk as dlr.ectec1" L1l. . leUn; and. - That on ))lace .. .,c No. 1641~ t.h '. of Anabehn.. pa.. on -all ' llezattOlt.. of sa t .ucb protests . were Dot <<e by the own- I!r or. oWllers ot one..half of the "alae of the' tenltor,.. propo..d to be. . &J1DeX~ according. to the li.st pre. 1 oe4~1: eqUall~ed .....ament. 1'611. . ~TIO}f I. . - . . Ttii.t the annaatlo.n of the terri- torJ': Included 'withln the bounda"es .ot . the KennedY. Annexation and m~. P~.I.c~l~lJ' d:uct1bed. as f~l;. . low.. .to-..,tt. .. .. .. : . S8cI.Dnlng at the corner of the pr~8ent cU)fto limits of the CitY' of Anaheim on the north .. -line. of .West LaP&lma Avenue... . 404.1i~ . feet ..ast ..of the south- w...t Corner of Lot 11, 1\Ule. RAncho-. ..... ebown on a ",ap.. record~ In Book 4, pSA"e '1'- UJsceU&ueoUS Map&: Recordll of Ora n " e COWlty, California . theDce North. alon.g tboa present city limit line .f aid Clt.y , t ~aheim to a point on. the North line of Romlleya Dth'e. thence Wellt alone said North llne of Romneya' Drivfo to a: point which Is 186.6 feet eal!lt of.. the extend.ed w.est Une nf said Loj 11.... Mile, . Rancho~.. thence South along a tine parallel wJt'h and unifOrmly' 186.6 . feet era.t of said. extended west Une and said west line 'of s&14 LQt 11 to.. a point on the north line of paid West 1,4. Palma. 4..'euue~ !'hence East along Bald. north Une of . West La Palma ..Avenlid aDd along tbe present clti' limit 1I1i. of 88.ld City of Anab,)hn.. a dl.. tance of 217~9~ feet'tn the poJnt ~:f, .beglnning, . I. hereby approved, 'l1~.d sail) ~6rrl- tory .is he~e.PY annexed to 'and 'In- cor:porated In the . City of Anaheim, County. of Orange. .State of Callfor- . Dla. . a.nd hereby delllg;uated as the XennedY'Annexatlon to the. Cit,. 'of Anaheim. . ..J SECTION 8:... . That from and after- the effectiVe d&t.e.' of this Ordinance &u4: the. tn- , Inc of a certified coPy th~reof ~~h . tbe .,Secretary pf State. of .:the Slate. of.. California, the. annexatlOD of "the terifltory her.elD. 'descrlbed- sba1.l ,. be de.med to. be. anel..allan. be. compkte and thenceforth such a.nnexed: ter. rltory shaJI be. to all. InttJltl ~d pu,rp9ses,.. . a. part". of .. the. Ci t1' .. of AD..heim,. and ftom .and after .the effectl ve .date of: sucb annexation. all. property.. tbereln :6hal~ be ..Ub- je~t. to taxation equally. wJth the prop~rty. within the City. of Aaa- helm. and' shall be taxed to pay: Its P~QPort.tC)nate share of the exlitlng inJJ.~~te4.dss and. 'lIabUity. of, .ald ctt;v .of .Anahe'.in '~c.ntractea. prJor 'to or' exlsttng at--:the::. time of BUch all- nexatJon pursuan.t .to the ""l1tteli consent of th,e ownerif ot. property · in said an.nexed territory ftled wltb tbe Clerk of ~he .CJ.ty.. ot' AnaJ1~.lm prio'r to the adoption of this oral- nance. ; . : BECTJ.ON 4: i... . i The' City... Clerk;_ shall certify . to : the. PlU8~e of. t~ls QrdinfJ.nce aDd i cau.e tbe. same. to b6 DlJ.bllsbed ODce ,i~ the .A.tla.b~jm Bulletln.' a dally ~ n~~IP~~~~ ..1.);.. .te,)Cd... ..J1.~u~.. .e~...!. d. i C.li"OU'" .( _:. .:' ot'". ftlMf iI I Couaty.' of ~... 'e.~. t.... Calt c,.... 'nl;.. . a~ . th{rt: ,..: (... ~: _' y..~ olb.. ~d atter Its ff.nf.:. pU-". It~ ahall .. be I In full force', and. ., et~t. . The ~toregoi"Qg. .OI':dJiiance was' ~p- , proved. and iltfn-e4: ,br me. !..his.. 28th day of December~ 1948. . CRAB.. A. nARSON . J4ay'or~' .CStJ' of Aaaholm' . ATTEST: . .CSeal) . . . CHARJ.lES E. GRIFFITH City. Clerk; Clty.\ o.f Anah~im, STATE .. OF; CAl<<IB!ORNIA) . . COUNTY OJ' ORANGE)s. . CITY 01' ':A.NAll"lUI"M) . \'L .'CSARLJD8 .]g. -GaTFFI~rH.. .00ty C1~,k' of the.. .d1lt" ~f Ana he!..", 40 here1:>>,.,,,.certl~ '.tlui.t- .the foretroJng Or01naace ....' .fn"6-od uced at ... replar..m.ee~: ~t.\~'Ci~y ~lien of ,.the Olty. ~.::.t:-A. "Un, b"el.d o.;~h-8 1.. th . tta. . ....:;,.' " ~ber '. ...1941 - ,......~ .. y...,....... ...' ~ .~t. .,the. ~....' .-~u. lt~II~. :......4 adopted at... .""l"~. meetIng .~t .the Cltv COUDcn~b~.:~OD::tb..:" 38t.b:_ ot~ Decemb&r~.'.I.,18~. ~~ tlle:.follOWJia vote .~t. the .....lIlem1ierB .;th.reof: :." .: ~ :. . AYES: Coqn:elliJ;le.n: P.e&r'S 3D, .'V. WJi..oner. . ...,.. :&Ild .. Beyln&,. ... i[~" .' '. 'NO,JDS: . CouDcl1lQ'eD:. None. . .:',. I .A.BS~.: .Collqct1~en: .1.~It.,.....'. .: t .; And. ..1 t\1rtll.w~ certify.' that.:>ttae. .. Matol". of the. atty of '.A.nlinel~:."".;.. ed .and. .~:piWove4'. .....1 .or4Inanl" .... the . 18th : ~.~.~~f . J)ecetu... 1. . ,:',... . ..IN .'\Vrr~.~*ltS~J'. .I..: ...... her.to~' nt . ."-iba.aa: u4 .~lt~.... . . ....1 ot)the>C1W. of. . Anal'e'. .' Is 18th 'di.,.. of ]).c.m~er. 1'.18. ..;:... . . .f(" 'C:aA.llI;..ES E.. '. nRIF:rI'l~. . . .Clty:.(:nerk. City of Aftah~Il!l. Publi.h :.Jan." .. .1941. ..q .rg.JJJ.J~l.n~.~.~...Jiou.....u7.35.... ......, ..... ...........................-... .........' of which the annexed fa a printed copy. was published in one issue said newspaper at least. ---' ._.. .... ..__.......... ............................ ........... commencing on the....J+'~h....dU.Y of .J.ID..Y..~_:r.Y...........u..._. 19 4:9. and ending on the........u......day of ........................u.._.... l~otlce 19 ...u, and that sa id ..........u......u..........................uu......u......_.....u. was published on the following days: J an 11 ar y 4, 19 49 .u.. .................. .. ... .......... -. ........ ..... ...-. . ....... ........... ....... ......................... -.-.... ...... .......--....-..... .. .... .............e~:~;{~~=;g:~~1;:~::::::::::::::::::::~ -71 S~bscr'ed and sworn to before me thl....~........uu.day ot _........:c.. ~:='~~.;.~..4...................._. NotarY' Publle.