731 ~ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION wr.\"rl~ OJi" CALIFORNIA) )ss. County of Oraug'e ) R1 chard F 1.s.chl.en... ..................--...............................-...... ~f ~aid c~~m~;':. being first duly sworn, says-that he is a ma.ll-' dtizen of the United States, and of the State of Ca.lI- fOl'nia, o\'er t.he age of eighte en years; that ~e has ';10 in: terNlt ill. nor is he a party to the matter herem mentioned, th:1.t. he is the .P.I:'_incip.al.....c.l.e.rk.... ._.. ............ .............................. ot the An.shei.m.. .h.u.:.l-€-t.1n... ..... ...u... . ....- ...----..- ............................ a.--db.11-"-n...... neW:'lpn.per printed, published and circulated in the sara. County of Ora.nge that said .Anaheim. ..B.ul.l.et.ln........ n.. .... ........ ..................................... is a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid ~uh~cl"ibers and is published for the dissemination (jf both i()(~:~l and r,;'eneral news and i ntellig;ence of a general char- acter' that it is not devoted to the Interests or published for the' entertainment of a part; cular class, profession, trade, calling 'race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it' ha~ been printed and publishe~ In the City of Ana- heim. County of Or.ange, State of CalIfornia for more than one ~'eur next prf!cedlng the first day of the publication hereto attn.~hed: that the . Or.dlnance.. ...A-....Q-.. -. ..7.1.1....... ...... .. ...... ......................u............. of which the annexed is a. printed copy, was published in . d n wspaper at least 0 n e i.S.B.US.......................... Sill e . J -..................... ..... commenclnA' on the....2S.t.h.day of Aug.u.s.t............_....... u _~~ and ending on the................day of .....-.........-...-....-.... ~ as'" P;I ~ n~ h ~~a ~::,a ~ ge ...folio~&~.~~y~:......._......._.. ........................ ...' ~ ~~.f ~. ~.~. .. ..?r}.,.....~.9.Y:~................. ...-..... ...u......... ...................... ... ~ ....... ........ . .... ............ ... ....... ......... .......... ......................... ...................... l ..~2d;~~2:~:::::z:.~~~;:~::::::::::~:::: Subscribed and sworn to before me thi8.:.~.......~~....4ay of ...... . _....... _:':'.:. .:.~:.~.t..~u~.:.r...~~.....,..,-:;~.,....;~.._ ..-. ...... .......... .....~ ....... ..~.;.~~....... .....~.~~.::=-~oti;~.pubi"ic:........ . LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ORDINA.NCE NO. 7'31 . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CLTY' iti' ASAH1'11l\oI AM. END IN G ORDI- NANCE NO. 719 OF THE . ANAHEIM, BEING AN ORDI- NANCE GRANTING TO T . ISON, TOPEKA AWl> SANTA FE. RAILW~ COi\.iPANY, A .RAT' () TS SU<.l1l8SS0RS AND ASSI<:lN~'Tf.1.~ RIGHT TO, RTl'. IN5A.. ". D OPER.lo.... ATE~ ALI..WAY SPUn. K '." . PORTION OF CO 'CIAL STREE . HE. trlf A . 1M, CALI.. FORNI ,', , - ...."''''' '. . '.:.t. ;'. ..... .TH'-.n.~' d'SpUNCIL OP' .' .....': ..' .'. ":" JM, .,.. ORDAIN AS fs?-l#/.~S-:f: .' . ',. 'J'.'.'~":1 '~.~!~r!, '. ~"":it!'~ That Section 1 of Ordinance N' . ~1 .:t . . :l".~_,lnli' as paM~. .1d by the City Council of the City of IlnaIJeim on th~ 10th day of .Sep. tember, 1947. be, a.nd t.he ~ame hereby, i-H, amended to read as followtil: That the right, privilege and franchise be and t.h(; same Is hE'l"chy gl'~l1ted to The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe RailwA~' Compal1;1-', a Corporation its successors and assigns, to construct, maintal.n B.nd oper- ate for a period of 25 3-ears their standard gaug.e railroad traeks in. up- on a.nd long Commercial Street in the City of Anaheim. California. at the 100&' n and along the route described a8 follows: -9. ning at a point in the. center line of the Railway Com.. pan' .j r a c k No. 31, dista.nt thereon 579.f.:~ ft. we.t of the cen 'Ine on Patt St.; t.hence westerly 'i5.3 it. on a tanlit'ent cury ~ncave to the north having a Nldius of tiOS.~ft;; it; t,henc:p. llortli. '.st.erl~' 22.5 ft. on t.a.nge.n t to said curve: t.IHm('(> nort It west~ . y 122.30 ft. on a",.t.angent cun'e, concave to t.lh>. northeaAt, having a radius of. 478.339 ft. to & poi,nt in the north line of Commercial Street, distant thereon i74.9i n. west. of the V\.-e3l Une of Patt Street. The point or switch of proposed track is 07.3 ft. w.est of the pOint of beginll1ng. SECTION 2: The Cit:r COl.lncil of thc City of Anaheim dopl" herl?hy -d(>I~tRre th~t the forecoing Ame.ndment is. ft.n emergency me1.t~ure and shall take ef- fect 0 . the date of its final passage. T.his lI!aid Ordinance 'r e I ate 8 tn street . provement p'roceedings, an '4. the facts constituting the 'emer- geneit.:. eo as fonows: That circumata'nees ha\'e requlrerl the ehange of loca . the said spur track. a d:hP.\ance ot "pproximfl tely fifty .ft.t~t fro. ,ocaUon heretofore provid~.fol' in Sea:'tion 1 of Or4Jnance ~r). 719;. aaid :::!pur tracli is loc:ated Ip'and upon Commercial Street In t.ne said'.. o.f Anaheim; that .contracts! ha.ve been let and work is -tbout tft comm ." 'for the surfacing of J'latd~ C01l1m~rcia.1 Stl'eet; .."t it is (1)1" the p '.. j>eneftt th~t !.he ezaid re-surfacing of Commf"tiilljl:~8\.i'eet Fl1a.1l not be ed t1~at It IS t1ec'e8l5:-tr~' tha.t' thp. in5tallatlo1a.tt.~ .the spur trac~E~ p:~Vlded for 8:hall be l":omple~e~. a5 soon 8S. "';~1>I.. All 0 .~.. e provisIons of Ordi.nancp Nr)., 71".,: ~';'rept thO.'" dlre('tl~" i" contrast -t . he provisions conta1ned in t.bts Amendment., shall ~emain in full. force- ~ d effect. . _ .' :'",.' SECTION 4: . ..~. That the .City <?lerk of the City of' ..\.nahiim' shatt rE"l.tif~' Lit-to th't passage of tl)ls. OrdlDa.n<:e b~' ~ tw~- t.hirds "ote"off'all t lie memhen 'Of the .City CounCil of the said City :~. AnalH?tm and shall rauj:;(' the lIIame t~. be pu'blished ?nce in the ~na,hp.l!f' Rul1etln. R. .ttewspa pel" of ~"'ner:1.1 cIrculation publIshed .and pr1l1ted In the Cit\' of Anaheim. aw1. thl~ sai.d, .Ordinance shall. becom~ effective o~ tlH~ (I'at'a of tt!!! f1na.1 l'a.!ll~age. The foregomg ordinance was Signed s,i1d appro.ve-d by me this 24 da~' of August. 1948. . RA Y' VAN "-.\GO~En Attest: CHARl.ES E. GRIFFITH MAYOn. CITY OF .\NAHEIM City Clerk. Cit~. of Ana heilll Pro 'Tem STAT~ OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY 0.11' OHANGE ):5s. CITY. OF ANA.HJ4JIM ) :, I.~ ~LES E. GRIFl"ITJ:!, Cit~, ~lerk of t l1A Cit~. (t& :A.1i.airetm. ill) bet:e,liI~~. "t1f~. tha.t t.h~ for~[{oll1g Ol'dilJe WR.i'i int."oduce~~.t 4.teglllJlr me4rtf . f the" Clt)' C?lIncll of the C of AnaheIm,.. .;~.on tbp. 10th day,. us~... 1948, .8..1~ that tlle s~. :-'WaF: ]lRllll;:t"d . _ .,.... o~ fit :"t ]'eg.u . :.~f saId City COuncil h : 911 the 2-1 daY~::'",:,_,,-,_ u~ ,1918, by .' . ,ote of the roembe1"~ t ~.r~nf: ". .., " .' .....:.';of '. . '. CILMEN: . Pa('e, HeYln'.. BonC?~'- Yai". 'on<<: ir~ . CILMEN: None. .~. '. I." ....4 ~ ....A.B. .,. :. CILMEN.: Pearson.' ...~~.~..~~ . .t'(,t further certif)r tn~t the. M:I~"or!iWo t.f~m of tJN.~rty o..t...ATlA- helm ~I_ed and approved s~ld Ordinanl'e o:n..the 21 day ~gust. 194R. . IN 1VITN~SS WHEREOI', I hay e her~ul'lto ~f.'t my l1~and affixed the seal of saId City of Anaheim this 2.i, rla.v {,r AII~Ullll, 1m- SEAL CHARLES I'}, . f1RJ "'FITH City Clerk, City of Anaheim Pub, Aug. .28. 1918. . 9 10 11 12 13 14: 1(; 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 23 24 ae 26 27 88 29 SO 31 32 1 2 :s 4 ORDIHANOE BO. 7J I , 5 AN CRDI!! DE or THE CITY OF 111HEIK AMEIDIBG CRDIHABOI: Fa. 719 OF THE OITY OF ANABlIJl, BJ:IHG AN QRDIlf.l , B GRAJfTIBG TO THE .A.TCHISOB, TOPEKA A1m SARTA FE RAILWA.Y OOKPAHY, A OORPORATIOB, ITS SUCCESSOR , AND ASSIGNS, TBJ: RIGH! TO CONSTRUOT, J4AIIJ'1'A.IN OPERATE A RAILROAD SPUR TRAOK tlPO!l AND ALONG A PORTION OJ' OOlDlD.mIAL STREET IN THE ITY or ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA. 'I 'I THE OITY OOUl~IL OF THE OITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS ! FOLLOWS: 1 I i SECTION 1: j I That sec~ion 1 of Ordinance. No. 719 of the Oity of ADaheim, as passed br the Oity Counoil of the Oi ty of Anaheim on the lOth day of S~ptember, 1947, be, and the same hereby is, I ! amended to read as fr110WS: That thel right, privilege and franohise be and the i same is hereby grant~d to The Atohison, Topeka and ~anta Fe Railway 8 7 8 j Oompany, a Oorporati~n, its suocessors and assigns, to oonstruot, maintain and operate! for a period of 25 years their standard sauge railroad traoks in, ~pon and along Commeroia1 Street in the Oity of Anaheim, Oa.lifor~a, at the location and along the route described as follOW~: i . Beg~' ning at a point in the oenter line of the ilway Oompany's tra~k No. 31, distant thereo 579.63 ft. west of the center line on Patt at:.,; thenoe westerly 75.3 ft. on a tangent curve, ~oncave to the north having a radius of 603.80~ ftj thence northwesterly 22.5 ft. on tangentl to said aurve; thenoe northwesterly 122.30 ~t. on a tangent ourve, concave to the no,rthe~8t, having a ra.dlu8 of 478.339 ft. to a point i~ the north line of Commercial Street, distant] thereon '174.97 ft. west of the West line o~ Patt Street. The ~o1nt of switch of proposed traok 1s 07.3 f~. west of the point of beginning. SECTIOH 2: The C1t~ Council of the City of Anaheim does 'hereby i deolare that the fore~oing Amendment is an emergency measure and shall take effeot on ~'he date, of its final passage. This said i -1- _.....~_......- ._.._,-_....-...~- 1 2 3 4: i t Ordinanoe relates to rtreet improvement prooeedings, and the faots oonsti tuting the emer~enoy are as follows: That oircumstanoes j have required the oh~e of looation of the said spur traok, a distance of approxtmare1Y fifty feet from the looation heretofore provided for in sectipn 1 of Ordinanoe No. 719; that said spur track is located in ~ upon Oommeroial Street in the said Oity of Anaheim; that oontr~ts have been let and work 1s about to oommenoe for the surfjacing of said Commer4lli:a1 Street; that it is . for the public benefi~ that the said re-surfaoing of Oommeroial Street shall not be d~layed; that it is neoessary that the installa tion of the spur trao~ herein provided for shall be oomp1eted as soon as possible. 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 15 SEOTION 3: ; I All of t~ provisions of Ordinance 10. 719, exoept ! those direotly in con~.rast to t be prov1s1oIB contained in thi8 Amendment, shall rema~n in full force and effeot. SECTION 4: That the] City Clerk of the City of Anabe1m shall oertlf B..S to the passage of ith1s Ordinanoe by a two-thirds vote of all the members of the Oity C~unc11 of the said City of Anaheim and shall cause the same to be ~ublished once in the Anaheim Bulletin, a news- paper of general olro~lat1on published and printed in the City of Anaheim J B.nd this sai4l Ordinanoe sha.ll beoome effeot1 ve on the date of 1 ts "final passage.; The forego1ng!Ordlnance was signed and approved by me this 18 17 18 19 20 81 82 13 S4 26 26 .2!1= day of August, 1~48. 27 28 ~)~(FO~ABEIK PRO 29 30 31 32 . . ,. . I)4 -2- ----.:- 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 11 a IS ~ 815 26 27 28 89 30 31 32 1 2 3 STAT:&: OF CALIFORllIA. ~ eoUlTY OF ORAlfGE . ss. CITY OF AI'4BIIM . I, OHARLES E. GRIFFITH, Oity Olerk of the Oity of Anaheim, 4 do hereby certify t t the foregoing Ordinance was 1ntroduoed at 6 a . regular eeting of the City Oouncil of the Oity of 6 ,_ahelm, held on th 10th day of August, 1948, and that the same was passed and ~oPted at a regular meeting of said City Oounoil h"~d on the .2!.- Day of J.u.pa1: , 1948, by the following vot~ of the members thereof: Ans: COU}lOI~: Pace, He"ing, Bone", Tp Wago..r NOD: 00Uli01' Bo.. 7 8 ABSERT: COUllOI 'eUSOJl And I further certify that the Kayor of the C1ty of Anaheim i JIJICI ~ signed and approved ~a1d Ordinance on the U day Of4(!::"4"~ , 1948. ~ ~ IN WITlESS ~or, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Oit, of Anaheim this~ day of ,194 . -3- ....L