PC 88-283~
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RE50r'ITION NQ,__ p~ g_~ ~
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WHEP,EAS, on Apra.l 2g, 19fi6, the City Council of the City Council of t~he
City of Ananeim adopted Ordinance N~. 4709 tv establiski unifprm pracedixes ~Eor
the adoption and implementation of Speci~~.c ~lan~ for t~xe coordination of
futuro ~]evelopment with.i.n the City, and "Zoninq axid ~ec~Elopment Stan3ards"
whe~:e the Specific Plan iricludes zor~ing requlations and dr~ve].upment sta.ndax•ds
to be substit,uted for existing zoning under the ;,oning code which shall ~e
adopted b~• ordinance independent of the rest of the Speci.fic Plan; and
WfIEREAS, tt.e An3hiem City Planniizg Comm_ssion did receive a request
£rom Th~ Baldwin Building Company, a Gen~~x•a1 Partnership, Attention: Diana
Hoard, 16811 Hale A~~enue, Irvine, CA 92714, for approval of Specific Plan No.
38-2, (including a Public racilities Plan anQ Zor~ing and Develogn~ent
Standards), a Fiscal Impact Arlalysis, and amended and re~ta~ed Develo~ment.
ryreement No. SR-03, to protricle for up to 2,117 residentiaJ. units, a 5-acre
r,ommercial site, a 10-acre school site, a Z2-acre park site, aLd 169.:1 acree,
o£ open space. The property is located approxim~teJ.y l.l 7i1es Soixtheast o£
Weir Canyon Road ana the Riverside Freeway inters.:ction, and is bouncled on the
north by Sycamore Canyon ~~scific P'lau devslopment, on `he west by xhe
FIighlands at Anaheim Hills Specific Ylan development, :,;zd ~n thc~ south and
east bp Irvine ^ompany property, ana further desc:rir,ed as The Summit of
~~nalieim Hills Planned Conununi.t;y~ (p(;)1;5C), The 1ega1 descri.ption oE subject
proper~y is contained :in Planning C,mmission Resolution No. PC88-282,
recommending C3~.y Cour~cal approval ~~f Specitic Paan No, t~8-02, incluc7ing
condi~itins; and
WHEREAS, the Plsnning U~partrn~rit deemed it appropriace, pursuant to the
proviainns of the Califorszia Envi~^anmentsl Quality 2~ct, ~u prepare a
supplement to Envirnomental Impact ReZ~art No. 2f31 (~IR 230. 281 was previously
certified by L-he Cit~ Counc:il on ~7une 30, 1987', in conne~ tio.n with the Oak
Hi11s Ranch General P1an Amendment No. 223 and Planr~ed Community Zone
Reclassification No. 86--87_l0) fo;c Specific Plan No. 88-2 in cunnaction wi~h
General Plan Arnendment No, 244 and arnon.ded and rest~tt;ecl Deuelopment Agreemer_t
Nn. 8a-03 for the proposed c:evelopment cf th3 propertx referrec~ to as :I'he
Summit of Anaheim =iills; Gnd the Plannin.g Commission recommended Ci~y Counril
cert5.fication of Supplemeni: to Envxronmental Impact i2eport No. 2~1 ax~d
Statement of qverriding Considerations izi their recommendation for approval of
said petitions (Planning Carrunission Resolutiou Nos. ?Cgg-2'33~ pCpO_2g2 and
PC88-2~.4): and
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WHERcA5, the Ci-:y ~lanning Commission ~9id ho].d x~ public hearing at the
Civic Cont.e: a.n the C~ ty of An~heim on Sri~,temboti 26, 19Et8, at 1:3Q p.m. ,
notlce of 3aid puk~l~c heaxinq having bec~n duly given as rQquireii by 1nw and in
accordance with th~ pravisi~ns ot thn Ana}ieim Mur~~.tipal C~de, Chapter i8.03,
to hear and cr~nsider. evidence for and ag3fnst said propo3ed Spec.ific Plan
(inc:lur]3.ng zoning anc3 development standards and a publlc facilitiss plan), a
Fiscal Impact Analysi,s, and amended and rustated Devel~~pment i.qroement No.
88-03 and to investigate and make finclings ar.d recommendations in connection
thQrUwith; and said petition3 having contir.uad to the moetinq of Octob9r 10,
19f3F3, and
WHEREAS, said Commission, aftor due inspect.ian, invQStigatio.n and ~tudy
made }~y itself and in its bc~half, and af.ter dus considerarion of all evidence
anc~ reports offorod at said hearing, DOES HE:EBY FINU:
].. Tkiat as au`.horaza~3 in C!aapter '18.93 of. TS.tle 18 of the Anaheim
blunicpal Codt~, a apecific ?lan may providd f~r a differont set of zoning and
dQVelopment stan~iards as parL of tho Specific Plan tc~xt in lieu of existing
zoning and development sL•andards. These standaxds shA11 be patterned after
the aone districts found in ChapLer 18 oE the City of Anaheim Zonir.g Codc~ and
contain the same categories o;E standards and regu'lations as the zone distric~s
either by incorporation by rc~ference of exiati.ng sections, or by who].e text.
Unless otherwi~e providcsd in the Specific Flan, a Spec:fic Plan 2ono sha11 be
subject to existing overlay zones. The Specific P]an Zoning and Developmont
Standards sha11, upon adop~ian by ordinance, supercede *he zoiiing previously
astablished for ~hat nrea ancl violations of thnse stanciard~ sha'l1 carry the
~ame penalties and shall oe enfarceable in the same manner as otiner violations
of the Zoning C.ode.
2. Th2t the petitioiier has providefi zoning and devolopmenC standards
(id:+ntifiecl in the speci~ic plaii 3ocument (Exhibi.t A of SPRS-2~ as Section SV)
to a~t L-acth minimum standards an1 procedures for the clevelopment of
resldencial, commercia.l,and opeu ~pacQ uses within the Specific Plan ar.ea.
Any land use proposnl no4-. speci£ically covered by tl.e provisions contained
theretn shall be subjocL- to L•he regulations of ~he City af Anahefm 'Lon.inq Cocle
for the underlyinq 2ona. A cnmpa:ison by Zone of th~ proposed Spocifir, Plan
Developr~.ent Staniiards and the sr~nc:~rcis cur.rently iclentifi.ed in Title 18 of
the h:-ahe3m MunicipAl Coda is provided in thQ st~Cf report tc: tho Planning
Comm.i3sion da~L•ed October 10, 1988.
3. '~haC the mcixlmum number of dweliing uuits propased by xhe Summit
~pecific Plan is 2,117. The numaer of dwelling units withiri each development
area is established on The Surnmit Uevelopmei~t Pl.an Map (Exhibit 10 of thr~
Sp~cific P~au). The dansity, number and product type o~ unita, aa specified
in tho Sp~cific Plan, may bQ transFerred from one developm4nt area to another
subject to Planning Director or Plani~iiiy C.~mmission ~pprova2 a:~ followa:
~ PC813-283
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A• A5'~rr~~,n,,t,~trativ~_...P.~nsitv 'Prans 'er
~ Raquast to the Planninq Directcr to trans£•er units from one
Residential Development A
r~a~ to ano~her. Residantial Development
Rrea where thA numbEr of units beir~
, ~
ered d~ea not excoerl 10
psrcent o.f either dovelopment area, where said
~.: ~ransfer woul3 be
cons~s~~nt with thQ General p:tan, and wher
h ~ e product t
similiar. The aggregate oF ~11 density transfer
s may not
i0 percer~t of The Summit's L•otai number of units (2,117).
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equest to thQ Planning Commission:City Council to trans£er units
product t
~~ ,
s and/or developmeni: ,Candards from oiie Res3.dr~ntial
~~velonrient Aroa to
`, another Rc~siclential DevelopmenL• Area within
the same Goneral P1ar
;i . ca
:a oz.
5 y(for example; Hillside Medium
~ensity to Hillside Medium nensit
,_ y
ere said transfer does noc
~xc:eed the Goneral Plsn den3ity, ~nd whe
: re tY-e number of units
being transfered doe~ not excesd .10 garcent of eithor devel~
' .
e ~
ggreyate of all dansity txaiz3fozs on the property may
not exceeci 10
° p
cent of The Stunmit's total number of uniCs
C• ~39_pmen Ar~ L~an I~tJse Aes;ana =~~~n~
C~ianges in land use designztions (a:~ shown on The Summit
Development Plan (Exhibit 10) and the General Plan) for a
development urea will require Y,he prop~rty owner/developer to
process a Snec:ific Plan Amendmc~nt and a Ganeral Plan Amendmen~,
Said reque~t Will be considQrRd by the planninr Commission and the
Cit-y Council.
4• That the Specitic Plan includes a set of des~gn yuide:lines which
are intendEd to provide compreY.ensive plann.ing and desirn statomeni:~ khat Will
dir.ect the dovelopm~nt of neighb~rhoo~~s withi;i The Sinnmit. The guidolines
express "intent" rather thun "absolutas" in order ~o allow flexibility in
fu.lEillinq the Specific. Plnn~s objectives. Ttie guidelinas are intendec7 tp
assist in achievinq a high quality o£ appoarance to assuro QroducL•
compatibili4y; to dirsct ae~thetic characCe~~c ~nd formj anc3, to enhance the
commuaxty's overall long-term value,
5• itiat the SpQCific P1an wi11 be implemented t;hrough proceasir.g of
sita plaiis in con;unction .~ith ~ract maps and parcel maps. Te»tati,e tract
m~p~ ancl sfte plan~ for dev~lopment withfn the Spt~c.ific p:laii 8xe8 8re ~p bg
submitt~d to ~he P?anninq Departm~nt for Planning Commfssion review and
processlnq in the ~ame timQ and manner as specified fn Tit1e 18 of the Anaheim
Muni~ip~l Code. Tent-ativo parcel m;sps are to be subrnittod to the Lny3neerinq
Der.ar.tment for roview and processing fn tho same time an11 manner as specified
in Title 7.7 of Che Anah~im Municipa?. Code. T}ie tanr,ative maps and site plans
w;~ll be reviewed by tha City ~or conssistency wfth th~ Specific Plan includfng
tho Development Plan Map and Zoning and Development Standards aA set forth in
~he Specific Plan.
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6. That tho boundaries of indrvidual dovelopment aroas and acrea~~s
shown an the Devc~l~pment Plan (Ex_hibit 10 oP the Spc~cif:ic Plan docurnent) are
appraximate ~nd not Pracise as precision is limited by the scals a* which the
Davelopment Flan Map is drawn. Minor boundary and acreago var.iati~nr~ not to
exceed 15 percQnt will bQ perma~ted in conjunction wit•h thc~ subrnittal and
raviecv c~f subdivision anci site plans.
7. That t:he d~v~loper's justification ~~ kho reqtiest for a~loptiou o£
Specific Plan zoning and dovelopment standards, which as included in the staEf
rap~rt t~ the Planning Commissi.on datc~d Uctobar 10, 1988 as Attachment C, will
be incorporated wit'hin the Specif.ic Plt~n documex-t subseqiient to Ci~y Council
acti~n on l•,he Specifir. p~.a~ (SP88-2). Severa~ standards ~roposed for. adopCion
are similzr ta Highlands and Sycamore Canyon stand.ards specifically with
regard ~o a rc~ducta.on in s;ingle-family dQtached lot sizes Erom 5000 to 4500
squarp feet (Highlands ar,d Sycamore Clnyon have orovisions f~r ;ninimum
3500-~1000 square foat lotn) and corresponding r8ductions in minimur.: lot width
and an increASe in maximum allawable coveragRt provision for "op~n decorat3ve
typa wall" £encing de~ignod to allow and preserve v5.eto opportun3.l:iQS for
hillsidA dQVelopments, temporary e,igns on r,or.structi~n si~es, community entry
rnonumer~tation ~o estrablish a hierarchy of sutrance s~.gnags throughout The
Siimmit development, ancl future aeveloprnen~ signage to identifx future
commercial or resi/.(entiu.l project sites. Utk~er modifications to existing
zoniny standards f~ir The Summit include variations in lot sizes and widths,
covoraqo, and height standarde.. Hurther, as noted within thQ Zoniny and
DevelopmenC Sr.an3ard Section of tho Specific Plan, many of the propoeeci
standards xre r~~flective of requests for waivers of site development sl:andards
~reviou;~Iy pror,ess~d a~id approved for tentat.ivQ tracts within tha aestern
portion of• Thri 3ummi+,; (specific~lly with.i.n Development ~,reas 101, 102, I.03,
104, and 1U5) per Variance Nos. 3748, 37gg, 37gg, and 3814. The property
owner has con~istQntly r~spresenkQd that all development implementfng such
standards wi.11 display a high level of auality in design and construction.
~. That ~~rior to fina'1 adoption of T~~e SummiL• o~ Axiaheim Hills
Specifxc 1Plan (br88-2)~ amendmen~.s to the Spacif.ic Plari documez~t m~y be
necess3r~~ to reflect the aondi~ions of a~~pr~val whxch are vltimately approved.
9. 'rhat unless otherwise provided, adnption of ~ Sgecific Plan shall
have r.o efL~ct ~ipun othor requirements under State larr or kho Municipal c:odo
for. ~.~evelopment approval including, but not ].imited to, ~ubdivision maps,
grading, an8 dosign, anginoering an3 location of public impr~vem~nts. Any
provisions For location or design of iitiliL•ies, sewer or storr~ drains in the
Spfscific Plan sha11 bs npproved by, the City Cnginoer and tno Puhlic Utitities
GenerAl Manager or the designated reprQSentaL•i.ves.
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NO4i', THCREFO~t~, BE IT R~SOLV~O, that the Anaheim City Planning
Cnmmissiue~ do~s horeby f.ind that pursuant t~ C~QA Guidolin~s Soction 15063,
after car-s3doring ~hQ Dr~ft Supp3omrent to EIR No. 2t31 for the praposod
Specific Plan No, Fi8-2 (including uc~ning and developmont standards and a
public f~ciliCia~ p],an), G~neral Plrin Amendment No. 244 anci amended and
xe~tatod DeveloQmerzl• tlgreoment No. 88-3 for Tha 5ummit ~f Anaheim Tii11s ~nd
reviowing the evidonce, both wxitten anc~ orzl, the P.lanning Commission finds
a) Su~plement i:o EIR No. 281 is in r~mpliance with the CaJ.iEornia
Environmental Quality Act ani~i t:he State and City Guidolines;
~? Suppl~ment to EIR Nq. 281 xdentifies the follow3.ng impacts whi.ch are
considered to bQ botk~ unavoidable and adverso in nature and not fully
mitiqatea to a].~ve1 of insign3ficance:
o DevelopmenC will remove signiEicant biological habitat including
areas of hic~h, moderate ax~d low ecological sensitivity.
o V~:hicular trips anci energy c;onsumption gener.ated by uses on-site
wi11 produco air pollutant em.issidns and wi11 be cumu~atively
significaizt in combination with other simi7.ar dAVelopment in the
3ir basin.
o nevr.lapmer~r wi11 alter approxxmately 90'b o.f the natur.al topograph~
and will poter.tially impact viows from of.f-site including Fleir
Canyon, upen ~pacas on tho Irvf.ne Com~any property ta thn souL•li
and the Highlands propErty to the west.
.: o Praposed land uses wi'l1 consumo ~igniEicant umounts oF energy when
cansift~red in combina~ion with other. davolopments in tho xegior..
Howaver, the P.lanning Conunission do4s yereby doterminQ th~t the benefits cf.
L•ha projeck outweigh the un~voidahle adverse envirunmental impacka, and that
a~ta~ement oE Overriding Con3idoratious shoul(1 be sdop~ad, and x•ecommonds
, that the toilowing b~~ considered:
~~ That th~ benefit;: oL the project have been bnlanced against ~he
~ unavo,iclable envfronmontal impacts and, pursuant to thQ provisions qf
r Secl-ion 15093 of the Srate CE~A Guidelines, the occurrencs of tho
; significant environmontal Pffects idgntifiod in Supplement to EIR No.
,; 281 as set forth abov9, may bQ pormitted without further m.itigation due
to th4 Lollowing overridi.ng considerations:
(1) Gconom.ic, aocial and phynical consi.dQrations malro it infaa33b].e to
eliminata all ~f the sfgnificant envirozimental impac~a o~ the
! project which hav~ boen identiPied in EIR No. 28Z anc] the
~ Supplement;
(2) 5u~h Qn•/ironmantal impacts wi11 be reducQd by cnmpliance with City
codes and approved Specf£zc Plan policie~s and procedurest
~ PC88-283
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(3) Ttxe project will bring substantial benefits to the citizens of
Anaheim by pr~viding ernployment ancl permitting i:he de~~elopment of
a variety of residenti~l densiti~s and unit types to assist in
meeCir.g demands f.or housingt anc2
(4) Mitigation measures have boon incorporated in~o the project to
reduce the majority o~ AnvironmAntal impacts to an ac;ceptablo
Therefor~, thA planninq Commission recommends tYzat the City Council certify
SupplemenL• to FIR No. 281 for The Swnmi~ of l~naheim H311s ~pecific P1an No.
8f3-•2, General rian l~nendment No. 244 and amendod and resl,ated Devel~pment
Agreement No. 88-3, and aliopt the Statoment of Qverridi.ng Cc~nsi~era~ions.
BE IT FURTHER R~SOLVwD ~hat tht~ Anaheim City Flanning Carrunissiar does
herPby rer.ommend th«t the City~ Council~ by ~rdinance; adog~ the 7or.ing and
DevelopmenC S~anclards in connection with SFc~cifxc P1an No. 88-2 sub;je.cY to
correctioras and adc:itioizs contain~d in Addendum A attachedt the deletYOr~ of
"cult~.~ral facil~ti~s" from the permitted commercial uses within Develapment
Area 208; prnvision for a toL•al of t:lree major community ~ntry monuments (one
at the Wgir C~nyon F2oad entrance, and one at each of tY~e two Serrano Avenue
entrances to ThQ Summit) ~s clarified by L•tie apl~licarit; tlie requirem~ant tbat
residential unft sg~:~re footaqe be in conPoxmanca with the Anaheim ;Kuniripal
Code; tho height of all structures being calculated from the highe~~ por:;ion
of the st_•ucCure to the c~rouncl Eloor elevation c~irectly b~e'low that point; the
maximwn height fox sinqle-family detaahed residenkaal develo~ment areas nein
permit~ted up to 26 Peet, and ~ubjoct to ttie canditions recommended as part of
Yl~.nning Commi~sion R~solution No. PC88-Z62.
THE FOREGOING R~SOLUTIOA' .:s sirnsc? and approved by rne ~'r-~.q 10th d~y o~
Oc~ober, 198Q.
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I, Edith L. Harris, 5ecrotary oL the Anaheim City Planning Cornmission, ~!. ,'~
do hereby certify tha~ tho foregoing resolution was passed and ~dopted at a ';
meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commi~sion hold on OctobFr 10, 1988, by •~
Lhe foll~wiY~g vote of tY:e member~ thereof :
IN WITt~ESS w'HERROF, I have her.eunto set my hand this lOt~ day of
Octobex, 1.988. ~ ~
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PC88-203 ',~`~
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