PC 88-288~ ~ B~.~QS~J~~? ~?~L P~$~~$~ ~ A RESOLUTIOti OE ~HE ANAFIEIM CITX PLANNING CO:~fMISS:[ON TFIAT PETiTION FOR CONDITIONAL US~ PERMIT N0. 3070 BE GRATTTED i~Hi:RI~.AS, l.he Anahoim City Planning Cor.ur~ission did recaive r~ veriEied Pot:iL•iur~ ~:or Condztxonal Usa Permit from CRESCENT AS~OCIATES AND MILTOt7 G07'TLIGB, c/o Bob Carr, L. A. Cellular Tal. Co., 6045 Slauson Avenue, C~rtunc~rce, CA 900~30, owner ancl JEk20ME IIUCKMBLTER ASSOCYATES, 23534 Aetna ~treet, Wacdlanct Hi1:ls, CA 91369, agonk f.or cerCain raal prapc~rty situaLRd in the City of Anahoim, Counl-y cf Oranqe, S:ate of California, ciescribed ass PARCEL 3, IN TFiE CTTY OF ANAFiEItd, COUNTX OF ORANGE, STATG O1F CA ~II'ORN'IA, AS SHOWti Oti A?ARCEL MAP FILED I11 BOOK 10 PAGE 35 OF QARCLL MAPS, IN THE OFFIC~ OF THE COL1NTY RECORDET2 0'r SAID CUUNTY ~` p 4'. ~ r iJ WHFREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a~ublic hearing at the Civic Centar in the City of Anaheim on Octobar 10, 198E~ at 1:3~ p.m., n~tice of said ntiblic h~~nring having baen duly given as required by law and in accorciance with the provisions of tha Anahoim btunicipal Code, CrapY,er 18.03, to haar and consider e~vfdence for and c~gainst said propo3ec3 conditional use permit and to investigaLt~ and make findinqs and recommendations in connoction therewf th; ancl WHER~AS, said Commission, aftar clue inspection, invostigation and study made by itself. and iu it3 bohalf, and after dua consideration of all evidenc.e and reportis oEfered at said hearing, dods find and determine the following fact~s 1. Th~~t tne progosed use is proper.ly one for which a conditiona3 use permit is author3zod by Anaheim M~.r~.icipa'1 Code Section and 18.ti]..U50.460 to wiC: r.o permit ~t ce21tx1Ar phone tran~mission sl:atfon with a 200-foot }iigli microwave tawux•. 2. Tha~ the propos~cl use will noC aclversoly affect the adjoining lancl uses an1 tha gzow~h and dovolopment of thA area in whic~i it .fs proposed to be located. 3. That the size and sht~pe of t.hQ s:tc~ propose~9 for the use i~ adequate to rsllo:r ~he fu11 davelopment of tho proposc~d usr~ in a manrier no~ ~ietrfmontal to the partic~alpr a~rea nvr to the peace, health, safe~y and general welfare of tho Citize~ns ni thg City oE An~sheim. 4. 7hat the granting of L•h~ Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imponed, if ~-:~y, +~3.21 not be detri~moi~tal Co the peace, health, sdfoty and qoneral wQlf~re of t:he Cfti~zeus of tha City of Anaheim. 0521r -1- PC 88-288 ~l~~'~1 r~N~ tti.~ 7!~wi°~ ~ t ~j ~~ , ~ ?-Uli 5. :Chat kho tral•fic generated bx thn propose~! usc~ will not impose An undue burdon upon the streats and highways designed and improved tn carry the tratEic in tho area. fi. That no one indicRted Cheir prosence rat said pub~ic hearing ia opposiLioiit and tha+t no corresg~ndence was rQCaivgd in opposition ta the subject petition. C~~,TFORtt~ FNVI N~fF..~T~~~I~Y ~~,,.T _ F,~,N~INS: That the Anaheim City Planning Cammission has rev~.eweCi the proposal tn permi.t a aellular phone tr.an~mission stati~n with a 200-•footi h3qh microw~ve tower on a recCanyularl,y- shaped parcel oi lanc~ consistinq ~f approximately 1.3 acres, having a frontage of- approxi.mately 160 f~:et on the west• sidc~ af Crescent Way, having a maximum depth of approximately 351 foet ~nd being locatecl approximately 95 £eet north of the centerline af Penhail Way and furi:hor doscribod as ~O1 N. Crescer.t Way; and daes 2:ereby appr~ve the Negative Declarai:ion upon .fi:~da.ng that it has considerecl the Negative Declaration togethe: with any cortimont5 received durfng tha puhlfc review prccess and furt.her finding on the basis ~f tha initial s~udy and any comments rQCeivc~d thak there is no substantial evidence that the praject will h~ve a significant oEfect on the environmen~. NOW, 'PHEP.EI'ORE, F3E TT RESOLVEB that ~he Anaheim City Plar~ning ~o-nrnission doe3 hereby grant subjoct Petition for Conditional Use Pez•mit, upon the following condi~:ion5 which are hereby founa to bo a necessary prer~quisite to thc~ propo:ed use of the cubject propert.y in order t~ preserve the safQty and general welfare of the Citi.zens of the City of Ar_ahe.im: l. That ms reguirect by the City Truffic ~nginoer, tho gato controllinq access an Croscetit Way shall bQ ~~an duxi.3 "rc~gular business hours". 2. That the legal owner ai• c;ubjecic property shall irrevocably offHr L•o dedicate to ~h~ CiL•y ~f nnaheim a s~r.fp of land thirty two (32) feet in widtt~ from the centQrline of the strec~t along CrQSr,ant Way for street widening ~urpas~s. 3. That the vehic~.~l~r accoss rigb.ts t~ the public ~lley shall be 3edicated to the City of Anah~im. 4. That sidewd.lks sk~all bQ inst~ll~d alonq Crascent Viay as required by the C.ity Engineer ~snd in accordar.ce with star.dard plana antl apecific.ations on file in the Offir.s o~ thct City Enqir.~~r. 5. That prior to 3.ssuance of a bu3.lding nermit the apgropriate fees du~ for primt,ry mains, sha1~, bp paid to the Wator UtiliL•y~ Divfsion. in accor~iance ~ith Rules 15A z~nd 20 of tho Water Utility Ratns, ~2ulas and R~gulations. 6. That the "No Paxking Zo~e" adjacont Co t.ho tower shall be signed, marked aad maintain~d as a"No Pa~.'.:inq Zone" to the satis~action of the City Fir~ Depurtment. -2- PC 88-288 t;~ . ~...-: ~f. ~ ..~sy ~ 1~r~~t.j~ .. ...~ ~,~~. , l~t~ '..'•.'i 7. That street lighting facilitias along CrQSCent Way shall be installad as rec~ufrecl by the Uti].itaes Genaral Manager in accordance with speci~icntions on filo in tho Cffice of utiiir.3.e~s Goneral ManagerJ ar th~t securiCy in the form of a bond, cer~rifs.care of deposi~, letter of credit, or czsl~, in an amouxi~ and £orm sa~isfactory to tho City of Anaheim, shall be postecl with th~ Ci~p to guarantoe the satisfactory complet:ion of tY.a above-mentioned im~xovoment,. Said socurity sha11 be postQd wi~h the Ciry of Anaheim priar to issuanco of a building permi~. The above-r~equired improvements shall ~e installed prfor to occupancy. 3. That tra~h storage arQas shazl be provided anr3 maintained in a location accQntable to tr~e Stx•ee~ Maxntenuncr, anci Sanitation D3vasion and in accordance with approved plans on filo w:ith said Uiv~si.on, Unless ott:erwisa approved by the ~trQet Maintenanco and Sanit2tiion Dxvzsion, said trash skorago area sha11 be lo~;ated ~djacent to and accessed from the public alley. 9. Tha~ the ~xigtinq gate use3 for alley access shal~. be removc~d and replacecl with a stationery fenc:e. 10. That the ~rop~sa'_ sha11 comply with all signi.ncr T~~quiromer~tE ~f the ML "Industrial Limited" "ono, ~:nless a varianc.e allowing sign waivers is approved by the Citx Council, P1~nning Cnmm.ission or Zoning Adminitstrator. 11. Thak any proposecl parkir~g area lighting ~ixtures aaja~ent to ~he residential nroperty to the west shali be down-~lighted with a maximtui height of twRlve (12) feot. Said lighting fixtures shall be directed away from adjacent residential prop~rty linQS to protect thQ resilential integrzty of t,le area. 12. 'Phat ~ch~ on-site Iandscaping nhall bo refurbfshed anct maintained in com~lianco with Ca.ty sta:zuards. 13. T.hat subject property sha11 be develuped substan~ially .i.n accordance witli p.lans and specifications on file with tho Ci.Cy of Anaheir~ marked Exhibi~ No. ].; provided, however, tha~, a blinking 1ighC sha11 be inatalled and maintained at the top of the tower L•o.r aircrafL- safety purpo9es. 14. That prior to commencement of the ncr.ivity authorized by th.is resoliiticn, or prior tn issuance o~ a bui:ld~nq permit, or wittiin a period o~ onc~ year f.rom the date o~ this xesolu~ion , whichever ~~ccuxs first, Conditian Nos. 2, 3, 5 and 7, abovo-mentioned, shall be compliad with. F,xtensio:s for further time to complete said conditions may be granted in accordanco wiCh Saction 18.p3.090 ~f the Anaheim Municipal Code. 15. That pri~r to rhe co-nmencemont of tho acti.vity authorizec] by thi~ resolut~nn, or finnl buildinc~ and aonina ir-spections whichever occurs f:rst, CondiL•ion rros. 4, 4, 7, 3, g, 11, 7.2 a,nd 13, above-menkioned, shall b~ complied with. -3- PC a8-288 r,: :: . , . , . . - .., . r_ _._:~ . : ... iP ~~ -_- _ _ _ -- _ _ . ~ . ,.. ~.iv .; . _ , . ~ ~ .. . . . . . . ., ., .,.. , _ ... _ ,.. r , ,,. ; ,.,, •. , .. . . .. . . . . .. . . ~ r . ~ . . ~ ~ ~., i , '1.~..I.i _ ~ ~ y ;,; . . . . .,.., 1~:~~~ ~ ~ 1' ~ i ~ ~ 16. Tht~t approval of thi3 appl3cation constitutes npproval of thQ request only to tha Zoning Code d propased oxtent tha~ it complies with the Anahefm Mun3cipal an any include a.ny action other applicable City regulation4. or findin Tpproval does not , roquest regt~rding gs as to compliance or any other applicable ordinance approval of the : j requix•Rment. , regulation or r ` ) 'r BE IT FiJkTHER 22ESOLVED that the Auaixeim City P].annin~ Commis3ion d~es herc~'b,y find and determine ~hat adoption ~f this Resolution is expressly predzcated upon applicar~t's r.~mpla,ancc~ with eaah and all oF the conditions hereinabove set, forth. Should any such conditions, or any part ~hereof, be declared invali.d or unenforceable by the final judgment oE any court of ~ompet~nt jurisdiction, than thig Resolution, and any approval~ herein cantained, sha11 be deemod null and void. TF~E rOREGOING R~SOI.UTION is sign~d and ap~,rovc~d by nte this lOth day o:E October, 19p8. --~ _____ ~ --~~ ,:t., -- : _ ; ~r %~ ~~~.~~.., (;HAIRP~OMAN, ~SIAFIESM CITY PLA.NNING CqhII~TSSTON ~~ ATTEST: ~/ _ ° - _r~'i2. I ~~ "a~~ - SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CTTY PLANNIN~~ISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITX OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L, Harris, Secxetary of the Ar,aheim ~;.ity Plar.n.iag Commissi~n, do hereby cortify tbat th~ forogoing resolution was passed and adopted ~t a meeting of, the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Octuber lOth, 1988, Ly tlie following vote of the mc~mbers thereoL•; AYES: COMMISSIUNERSs BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, CARUuILLO, FELDFiAU5, HERBST, MC BURNEY, M~SSE NOES: CQI~fISSIONER~: NONE AHS~NT; COIr4YfISSIOtJERS: NOt7E IN 'AITP7E5S WHEREO~', I have herc~unto set ml hand this lOrh da~- of October, 1988. _ _ ~~ ` '~ . ~~ ~ SECRE':'ARY, ANAHEIM CI'PY PLA.*INING ~Qtr4~fISSION -4- ~C $t3-288 ~ ~ ~ ~~~. ,~'~„-~'f{ f,: s` .. . ,.~~:.'~~ ;~ ; ,; ;`t .,. ~:~:~J