PC 88-289~ R LU:CTON id0. PC$8-289 ~~ A RESOLUTTON OF THE ANAHBIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION TEiAT P~;'.CITION F0~2 CONDITIQNAL USE PERMIT N0. 3071 BE GRANTGD f;, WFiER~AS,. the Anaheim City Planning Commiasion did receive a verified i Yetition for Condi~zonaa iJse P~rmit from DONALD LEROY L,YNCH, Attn; DWYER J. ; IIEESLEY, 300 N. Tustiri Avenue, 11201, Santa Ar,a, CA 92705, ownar and DWYER J. ; BEESLEY, ~OU 21. Tustin Avenue, #201, S~nta Ana, C1~ 92705, agent Eor cer~ain real prop~rty situat$ci 3.n the City nf Anaheim, County o~ Orangc~, S~ate o~ California, described as: LOTS 1 AND 2 OF TRACT 1633, IN THE ~ITY UF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE 4F CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 47, FAGE 50, OI' MISCELLAN~OU5 MA,PS, RECORnS OF ORANGE COUN~Y, CALIFORNIA. EXCEPT TFiERP.FROM THE SOUTH 40 I'EET UP SAID LOT 1 UNDIVIDED 1/4 INTEREST TN AND TQ: LATS ]. AND 2 OF TRACT N0. 1633, IN THE CITY OF ANAHETM, CdUNTX OF ORANGE, STATF OF CALIFURNIA, AS ~ SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDEL~ IN F300K 4'7 PAGE 50 OF ~ MISCELLALIEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF OFtANGE COU*ITY, CALIFORNIA. EXCEPTING TFiER~FROM THE u0UTF1 40 I'EET OF SAID LO:f :~. T~IE [.AND REFERRF~ TQ Iu SITUATED IN THE STATE OI' CALIFORNIA, COUNTX U~' ORANGB, AND IS DESCRIIIEU AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL A ON A MAP FIX,ED TN BOOK 61, PAGF 44 0: PARCEL MAPS, I27 THE OF'FICE U1 THE COUNTY REC~LtDER t~E ORI-NGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. '~' WHEREAS, the CiCy Planniiig Commission ~id lnola a public heazing at -; ,~; the Civic Center i.n, the City of Anul~eim cn Octabor 10th, 1968 at 1:30 p.m., ''~ noticg of safd public hoaring having !~een duly given a~ required by law and in accorclancQ with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code~, Chapt~r 18.U3, ,~~ to roar and considQr evidence for ar.d against said rroposed condi.tional use permit and to investigate and mako findisgs and rocommendations in cannoction therecrith; and I4Fi~REAS, said Commi:;sion, aftc~r ~3ue inspeation, investi.gation and ~ .~tudy made by itsolf an3 ].n its behal~, anii after due consid~ration of all ~:~ evidence and re~~rts offertld at saicl hearin«, d~Qa find and determine the "~ followincy £actr : 1{0509r -1- PC 8F,-20g ~~~~ ~~ Y •M :Srli~ ~. . . , , ..~ , . . .,~... .......~~~~~:f~ ~~ ~ ~~; ;; l. That the proposed ust~ is properly one ior which a condi~ional use permit as autharizod. by Anaheim ~2unicipa'1 Cnde Sections 1A.21.050.~25 and 1a.94.020 ancl California Government Code Section Na. 66915 to wit: ro construct a 2-stoxy, 11.-unik "a£fordable" serior citizen's apartmenh complex with waiv~er o~ ~he following: fA1 SECTIONS 1~.34.Q61.0.0 - Minimum building site area ner ~nd ],8. 9~,~f 's1.020 ~welling unit. (~200 Sq~rc~ feer raquired; 4,~ ~quarQ fe~t proposPd) . (R) ~SE~~TIQ~7 18.9~ .032. Q1~ -- M~ximum stxuctu;. al he.iat~t • (4 Eee~ permi~tad 8 feet from RS--7200 7.oue; 1~ fP ~ proposed) . (C) ~F_.CTIQN.S :L8.34.062.Q20 - ~taximum lot c ragg. and '18•~4.032~Q~~. (,~~~, permi.tted; ,~ propoaecl) 2. 'PhaC the proposea use is hereby granted pursuznt L•o Californi.a Government Code Section 65915. 3. That evidence has been provic~ed as ro the site's locata.or~ in relation to proximity anri accessibility to necessary ~erv3ces including grocery stores, transit stops, mFdical facilites and banks, ~' 4. That the requescQd waiver(s) are hereby granted on the basis that ` ~here are specizl circumstances applica.ble to the praperty such ~s siae, . sh~pe, topography, iocation and siirroundings which do not apply to other zclentic~lly zonod property in Y.h~ ~am~ vic.inity; and that 3~rict applic;ation .;` of t2xe Zoning Code de~rives t.he property of privileges enj~yed hy other pr~pertxes in the idQntical zone and classification in the vici~aity. 5. That the propas~sd use wi.Il not advorsely affect the adjoining land use~ and the growth and develupment ~f the area in wh~ct, it is propo~ed to be locaked. q; 5. That ~he sizc~ ar.d shape of the site proposed For the use 3s adequate ~ ta allow the fu].1. development of tho propo3ed us~ in a mann9r not dotriroental ;:~ to tho particular ~r~ja nnr to the pe~ce, hsalth, safety and general welfare of the ~iLizans of the City of Anah~im. ? 7. That the granting ~E tho Conditional Use Permit under the cnndition;~ imposed, if any, wi.ll not bo detrimental to the peace, hea.lth, saf~ty and genPral welfnro of the Citizens of tbe City of AnaY~eim. 8. That th~ traffic generated by the propo~ed use will xiot impose an undue buzden upon the str~Qts and highways dosigned and improved to carry the trafFic in thc~ area. r: , 9. Thnt City Council Folicy No. 543 is herdt~y grant:ecl for a total o: .~~, Eour (4) unit (36~b oE the toCal number of units) to be desigx~a~ed as ~:,; "affordable" L•o lower income senior citizens. ~'; :~ ~. -2- PC SE3-2El9 ,; ; .:~; ;-;ti ,;~ ;i ~A P `~?~~ ., ,~ . . . . .. . . . . . -- ., ~: i; ^, t - "x i X~' ~~l7+~%, ~ 'G, ~ . ,~'--`,~: 7• xhat no one indi.cated thoir presence aC said public hc~aring in opposition; and th~t ].~t~~zs wero presented by t,he petitioner Erom n~igk~bors ~1 suppar~ing subject request. ," ,. ~~ Lrr~tlA ENVTRONMFNTar nrrrr ~Ty ~T FTNDI,I m ;::'f' ~i~y' ~lann.zng Commissi.on has reviewed ~he propo~` a]. o~~ongt u~ttla ~~tor~,m ;"~~ 11- unit "a£Eordable" senior citizen's apartment complex wi~h waivor of m:inimum building site area per dwellxng unit, maximum struclural height and maximum lot coverag~ on a rectangular-shapecl parcel of land consisting af ,'.`~ approximately 0.23 acre, having a frontage of approxima~ely 100 foet on the I' west side of Kathryn Drive, beinq located approximately 150 feet north of the ;%~ centerline of Lincoln AVenue, and furChar described as 121 N. Kathryn Drive; and does hereby approve t:he Nega~ive Doclaration upo~a fiuding that it has considered the Negative Declaration t:agc~ther with any cor.~menLs recnived during ;;he publ,ic review process and further finding on the basis of the initial study an~~ any com~~sen~s roceived that ther~: is nA substantial evidencc~ :.;., that the pro~ect will laave a significant effect on the environment. NOW, TKEREFOP.E, BE IT RESOLtiED that the Anaheim City Plannxnq Commission does horeby grar.t subjECt Petzti~n for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following cr~ndit3ons whzch are hereb~~ faund L-o be a neceasary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject proQerty in ordar to proserve the safoty and qeneral. welFare of the Citixe:ls of the City of Anaheim: 1. That prior to issu.ance of a buildin signal assossment. fee sha.ll be paid to he Citv ofe Anahe~mrintar~r~vnount 1,I as determined by City Council resolution. J 2. Tliat szdewalks sha11 be ansralled on Kat.hxyn Drive 23 roquirod by t.:~e City cngin~er mnd in accordance with standard plans and specifS,cations o~ , fzle in tha Office oE the Ci~y Enginaer. 3. Tha~ in the even~ a parcal map is not recorded combining th~ two (2) axisting lots, i:ho lega], ProParL•y owner shall L•urnaNh tha Zon.ing I)xvision with a copy of a record,ed r.or~Qnan~ and agreemen.t in ~t form a the City Attorney agreeing to ho~,d sub'ect ppx~~'sa by ] property as on~ parce].. 4. That a fee shall be paid to the Caty oF A:~aheim for C.reo planting along ~athryn Driv~ in an. amount as dQterminQd by City Council resolu~aon. 5. That trash storage areas shall be provided and maintained in a location a~cep~ablQ to the Stsget Maintenance anc~ Sanitati~n D,ivision arld i.n accordance wihh anproved plan~ on fiie with said Division. 6. Th~t a parkinq plan indicating complianre with Cit standards shail be submittefl to and ~pproved by the CityyTrafficnEng~neern _3_ PC 88-z89 `-~ ,,; ; ,,.. ~.. ,. - , ~~ ~ft~ .~~, . .. .. , i tU'ri't4.X.'~^~ ' ~f ' ~ ;k ~ .. :~ ~~: ~• ~hat stree~ lighting farilities along Kathryn Arive shall h xequired by the Utilitie e installed ~ as s General Mana er in spocifica~ions on fale in the Oftica oi U th t r ~ ~t~ ~ I a ti~ities General Mana security ~.n the forrn ot a bond, certifa er W . or ~ credit cat o ,{ ~ , . e of d~ ~s; z c~sh in ~ an amount and f~rm sa~;isf ~ r• letter ~t Anaheim, shall be actor t ' '~ p o the Cxty og po~ted with I:he Ci.t ~o c~mpletion ot the abave._mentioned i uarantee ~he satisfac~or ' 1 p mpro ements. posted with y Safd security ,sha11 be the Cit o£ Anaheim prior t i ~'t1 ! o ssuance o~ a buildin,q permit. Q above-requirel improvements shall be insL-all d e prior to occupancy. $• That sabjnct proposal au~horized by thg5 resolutaon sha11 ba und~rground uti.iities . served b Y ~ 9• 'f.hat a five (5) foot widQ public utility easement sha],1 be pruvided alarz L~`° wESt property line l-.o the satisfaction oE the Electrical Engineerfng Div:,sior~. g 10. Tt:at prio.r to issuance cf a buildin zecreaLion in-J.ieu fees shalZ be paid to ghe C tY ~of ~Anaheimain an ramp~nt as deter.mined by the Cic,;~ Council. lX. That ~~rainage of sr1bject property sha11 be dis~osad of .in a sakisfactory t~ tihg ~l~y gn~~neer, manner YZ. xhat prior ta cor~mencement of ~7:.rucL•ural framin installed and charged as rec~uirad 2rid a g' fxre h~•~3ranta ~ha11 be I~ePartmenC. pproved by the Ci~y Fire 13. 7ChaC if L•E,uired b~ .~ t2ie Fire and Police DeparLment, all lockable ~edestrian and vohicu]ar access ga'tes sha11 be e ui ~, devicc~ to ~he sati: faction of tha City Fire ep~pt ent t an~,~ theX Cit11 Folico Depar~inent. .~ 14. That all ~ir conditinn~.r,g facilities 3nd othe~r rowf and gr~une~ mounted equipment s1~a11 be properly shielded fr~~m viaw, ~and the sound buffered from adjacent resiclential ~,raperties, 15. That prior to issu«nce of a buil~.illg p~rmit, evidQilce sha1T be presented sati~f.actory to Cho Building Aivisidn confnrmance with Counr.~i p~~,7,i~y ~W~~ert 5~z n=oPosvd project .is in Residential Pi•ojects" and with 13oise Ias~xZation S~andardst sp ci~ xed ~n ~he California Admittistrata.•,e Coeie, Title 25. 16. T:hat a six (6) foot high mASOnr maintaine~ a].nxig the nort}l, souCh andl w stW3 ~o ~Ttll 1b~QS ooxceutxn~ and fro.nt setback where L•ht~ wall hei.ht sh~11 notpexceed threR 3 p g the ~ 17. That th~ on-~i~~ l8n~SC~ping sl»11 be m:~intained in com liC .) ~~at. standards, p ancc~ with City -4- 'y.; 4 ~~ _i~ .. , ,.., .,.... ,,. . . , . . P~ 8~-289 ..~, ;,4 ~, .. ._. ~ s' Y,'; ,I ~.iij,; . ... .... i+'»fe~ , ~ ~~,. ~ , ~ f~;~ • i~. , 2~ ; .. ~ , . '~J~~, `.': 18. That prior to issuance oE a bui?ding normit, the le a7. sha11 enter into a recordod agreement with th.e Citx of An~liepmr pursuAnt to Governmenk Cocle Sec~ion 55yx5 to provide that tsn percent (10'~) oE ~he g rmi g~f+ number of residential ux~ir_s shall be rented as very low 3ncame }iousing as dPfined in Goverrment C~3e Sectzon 65915 and witk~ appropriate xen~al cont,rals as ap,proved by the City of An~kieim fr~r a period of not less than ~.wonty (2p) year5 from the date of issuance of occupancy permits. In addition, the legal owner sha11 also inalude in the agxeement a provzsion that twenty-five p~rcent (25~) oE the total numbQr oE pTOposea sanior citizens' apartment units shall be renL•ed as lower ` income housing (as described in Zoning Code Section ~.8.9~.040} wi~h appropriate rantal contro].s as approvE3 by th~ ~ity of Anahr:im Lor a period of not ].ess than t}iirt,y {30) years from the date of i.ssuance oL- ocr;;pancy pErmits. 19. Th~.t not more than two (2) persons, at le~st one (1) of wham must be ~ senlor citizerz, aged sixty-Lwo (62) or over shall reside in, or bp permatted to re~ide in any bachelor uni~ or one (1) bedroom unit; and that not more thari thre~ {3} p~rsons, at Zoast ane (1) of whom must bo a senior citizen, shal]. resida in, or be permit~e: to reside iiz any two (2) bedroom u.nit; and that all occupants and residen~:s of any dwelliny nnit who are not senior ciL•.izens otYier L•han thQ spouse or cohahitant of, or a persor~ who residt~s with and provides primary physical ar aconomic support to, the resident senior citizen, shall be at least ~45 years of age ~xcept that temporary residency b,y a persan less than 45 years of ago for a cumulative pexiod ot sixty (60) d~ys in any calendaz~ y~ar shal'1 be pe:mitted; and khat n covPnan~, sha11 ~e recordec3 by the legal owner of the property in a form appravea by tho City Attcrnef- so limiting such occupancx, A copy of said covenant shall tlien be submit~ad to the Zoning Aivision. That subject property sha11 be Qeveloped substdntir~lly in nccordarace with plans and specifications on file with the City oE Anahea.m marked Exhibit Nos, 1 and 2; including xnstallation oE an elevator ~o sPrve the second flonr apartments. That prior t~ issuance oE a building permit, ar within m period of one year from t'~e date of this resolution, whachever ocr.urs firs~, Con~ition etAS. 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 15, 18 and 19, ~bove-mantionecl, sha11 be complied with. Extensa.ons £or further time to complete saic~ cond3t.ions may bQ granted in accord~nce with Section 18.03.090 af the Anaheim Municipal Codea That prior to f.i.na:! building and zoning in:~pections, Conditaon Nas. 2, 5, ~, a, 11, 13, 14, 16 and 20, zbove-men~ioned, shall he complietl with. xhat approval of. khis applicataon ronstitu.tes approval of tha proposecl roquost only to the extsnt ~hat it cumplies wzth tY~e Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City rogulataons. Appxovt~l does not include any acL~on ur findinqs as to compliancs or approval of the roquQSt regardzng any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requiroment. ~ ,. .. . . ~ 1 l ~C7 i1~4y~n ~ : a ~rS7;4~T~ ~ ` l ~C~t i. ~ stiY ~ t"t :Y~ . ~'i , . ~`.~_~ii, . . : : ~ ~ ~,;: {; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that tihe Anaheim City Planni.ng Commission ~.; does hQreby find and determine that ~doption of this Resolution is expressly l" predicated upon apQlinant's compliance with each and all of tk~e conditions ' hereina}~ov~ set forth. Should any such conditi.ons, or an~- part thoreoE, be :';r~ declared invulid ar u f ~~, nan orceabla by the fxnal judgment of any court oL• comgetent juri•wdiction, then this Reso~ution, and any approvals her,ein cantained, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOTNG RE50LUTION is signed and approved by me this lQ~h ~ay oi October~ 1988. ,;f•, ~i ;!~ ; i< ; r' . ~. ~ .~ ., (;HAIRWOMAN, A~M CITY pLANNING COMMISSION i/ ATTES~r; -- ` . ~~'(.~~.ti-r..'~ SECRE~ARX, ANAHEIM CT~Y P ANNTNG COMMISSION STAT.E dF CALiFORNIA ) COUNT~Y OF aRANGE ) ss, CITY ~F ANI~FIRIM ) z. Edith ~. Haxris, S~;croY.ary of the Anaheim City Planning Commisszon, do herFb~- certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meetiizq of the Anaheim City Plan~iinc~ Commis~ion held on October lOth, 198A, by the fullowing vote of the members thereof: AY~S: COMMISSIOZ7ERS: BO~UAS, BOYDSTU23', CARUSTLLO, FELDHAYJS, HERBST, MC HURN'EY, MESSE NOES: CONMI55IONERS: NONE AF3SENT: COMMISSIONERS; NONE TN WITNESS WHEREO~, T hava hereunto set my hand this lOtla ilay o:E OctobQr, 198g. , ~' ,~g,,~ ~_ u ~ -----G?~~ SECRETARY, ,~1rTAT~EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSI023 -6- ~ .,~;~,:, ~ . . ~` ~_' . PC 88-289 '; :~ r::7 , ;:, , 4~ ,, ~~ -~ I . >~;,< ;~°' ~:~' ; ,; ~i h .'Irr~ d~t~~'i