PC 88-292~ . . . ' ~l?'` `~H(rL,~`}~~ R~or,v2`ION NO ~ _2 2 : ~ A RESOLUTIQN OF THE ANAHE~M CTTY PLi~A(NING COMMTSSION THAT E~ETJTION FOR COPIAITIONAL LJSE PERMTT N0. 3074 BE GRANTED ,; WIiERE.A5, the Anah~im City PJ.annin~x Commission dfd receive a veri#ied ~: Perition for Conditional Use Pernit from ANAHETM H7LI,S PROMTNADE PAT~TNERSHIP, y ATTN; DAVID E. SIGMONA, Z2 Starligtit, Irvine, CA 92715, owner and JTTDY p~ REXNOLAS, 6511 E. Serrano Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92807, agent for certaan real property situatad in the City of Anaheim, County oL l1range, Si:ate ~g Cal.ifornia, describod as: THAT ~p1~TIpN OF S~~TIONS 7 AND 18, TOWNSHIP 4 SAUTFI~ RANGE 8 WEST I2v THE RANCHO SANTIAGO DE SANTA ANA, Iti T~IE C'!Tt OI' ANAHEtM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CAL.IFORNIF~, BEING ALSO A POk2T:I0N OF TFiE T,AND AI,LOTTED TO PAUI,A PERAL'TA DE DOMINGUEZ, AS DESCRIHED IN THE F7NAL nECREE OF PARTiTiON OF SAin RANCFin, WHiCH WAS ENTERED SEPTE:dfiFR 12, 1868 iN BOOK "B" Ax PAGE 4~0 OF JUDGMENTS C~'e' THE UISTRICT CGURT OF THE 17TH ~NATCIAI, DISTRICT IN AND FOR LOS ANGELE~ COUNTY, CALIFORNIA LESCRIHED AS FOLLOWS: BECiTNNING AT THE MOST WESTERLY CORN~R OF' TF1~ LAND LIESCRI.BED IN THE DEED TO HALLCRAFT HUMES, RECURDEJ OCTOBER 31, 1972 IN BOpK 1a403 PA~h' 909, OFF.ICI.~,L RECORDS; THENCE ALONG THE NORTIiERLX LINES OF THE L.1ND OF EiAT.LCRAFT, NORTH 58~ 44' 00" EAST 157.7I FBET TO A TANGENT CURVE CONCAV~; SUUTFiEASTEBL'1 I~ND HAVING A RADIUS OF 1000.00 FEET; TFIENCF NORTHEASTERLY ALON'G SAi~7 CUkVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 17~ 39' 40", I~N ARC DISTANCE OF 308, 25 FEET; THENCE TANGE2~T NORTH ~bb 23' ~0" EAST 49.04 FEET TQ AN ,ANGLE P~INT IrI TFIE LANU DESCRI$ED TN THE llEED TO 'nT00D8INE CORPORATION, RGC012D~D OCT.OBER 27, 1g72 IN ROOK ].039? PAGE 868, OFFICIAL RECORDS; TH~NCE .ALONG TFIE LIATE QF TH~ LI~Nn Og WOODBII~F NORTIi 13~ 36' 'lU" WEST 280.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 76~ 23' 40" WEST 297.9p FF.GT; THENCE SOCJTH 58~ A4' 00" WEST 277.92 ~EE1' ~0 A.N A~TGLE pOIHT IN SAID L:~NI~ JF w00DIIINE; THE2ICE CONTINiJIIJG SAUTH 58~ 44' 00" W~ST 31.00 F'EET TO A LINE WHICH BEARS NORTIi 31° 16' Q~" WSST FROM THk. PnINT OF BEGINi7IpTG; TfiENCE SOUTH ~1~ 16° 00" EAST 295.17 FE~T TO THE PO~I~TT OF IIEGIIvNING G5U5r -1- PCaB-292 , ., .'r:'~~1 ,,v, ~ ^ '~.'~~ ~~ 1 1 ~r.\J ,. , ~l ~; ~'x: ;,`I WHEIdLAS, ~h~ Cit~ Planning Cummiss3on r~id hold a public hearinq at the Civic Gentar in the City of Anaheim un OctobPr 10, 1988 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been du]y given as required by 1aw and in accordance wxth the provisaons oE the Anaheim Municipal Codo, Chapter 18.a3, to hc~ar and concidor evidence fQr and against said proposed conditional use permit and to investigato and makQ finc?ings and recommAndations in connection thorewith; and WH~REAS, said Commissipn, after due inspection, investigaL~on and study made by itself and in its beh~lf~ and aftor c~uE co~xgideration of all evidence ~ntl r~norts otfered at said hearing, does find and determine the followiiig facts; ? 1. That the propased use is pro~,erlg ane for which a conditiona7. t'' use pern~it is au"tharized, bg Anaheim Municipal Cnde 5eai:ion ~8. a9.030 to wit: r Co permih. physi.cal theranx(massage) in an existing aor.o:~ics stuclia. , (A) ~CTI,QN 1f3.89~0~0.,02~A¢13 and 18 Q2 0. 30•~2C~~ B -~Qrmittipo l~~~ion of an_ "_A~u~r Ex~~r~i.nment Business,,,_ CJse pruhibitecl within 4QG f~ of. residential zone ancl 1~000 feet of church or educational f.acility; us~ ~r~posad ~ £eeti from residential lots to thc~ north, 145 feet from uesidential lats to the east, 214 f~et from residenY.ia1 lots to the south acr.oss S~rzana, and use proposzd on ,~,~me lot as church and educaticnal fa~ility, Z. xhat the requestc~d wai.ver is he~reby g.rantsd on the basis that there are spacial circumstances app7.icable tr~ Ci~e prop9rty sunh as si:~e, shapc~, topography, location and surrounc~in~s which do nat app'ly to othez i~enti4ally zr~ned property in the same vicinity; and that stric~:. ap,pl3catlon of the 'Loninv Coae dsprives the proporty of privileges enj~yed by of~her propertias in thQ iclentical zone and classificaL-ion in the vicir,ity. 3. 7~2iat *.lie proposed use is subject to tiie prr,•visions of Chapter 4.29 uf. the Anahezm Municinal Code. ~. That ~here sha11 be na interior or exter~or s~.ructural char.ges. 5. That ane licensed massaqo tecY-nician shall be amployed to provide roassage theiapy ~o clients with spo.rts-related injuries and general t;ierapy (i.Q, back strain, m3.grair.e, and stress). 5. That the praposQd use will not adversely affect the acijoining x~nd usQS and the gruwth and developmenk ot the area in which it is proposec~ to be located. -2- PC88-292 ;;;;,};,~ ..~ Sb,+l:. _.,i.N~3^' .a~.. _.y. ti . .. . . . .. ~ . `;:r a!'~i~.,4 I..~~st , ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~';, ~ i l;%,~11 tv4 k ~ ° )'3 r (,r~ q~j~~i {,.r,~ ~i ~ ~ ,~ ,~~ ;,. . ,. , , 4. Tha~ the size and shap~ of the site pruposect for ~he use is adequatQ tu allow ~he fu11 doveloPment of the proposecl use irz a manner not detrimenta:l to the particular ar~a nor to the peace, hea~~h, safety and general welfare of. t~ie Citizens of the City ot Anaheim. ~ 5. Tha~ th~ granting of the Conuitiona]. Use Permit under ~h~ '" aonditioris imposQd, if any, wi11 not be detximental ko the peace, health, safety and general welfarQ of ~he Citzzens of the City of Anak~eim. ~ ,, 6. That ~he traffic generated by ttie praposad use will not impose I an undue burden upon ~he streets ~3nd hiqhways designed and impruved +o carry khe traffic in tY-e area. 7. That no one indicated their prQSence at said f oppositiori; and that no correspondence was received ~n o ublic hearing 3n :,, , subject petition. pposition to the ~; CALIFORNIA EPIVIR~NMENTAL OUALITY A T rTDTDIN~: That thc~ Anaheim City ~ Planninq Commxssion has revierred the propoaal ~o (massage) in an existing aexobi~s studio on a irreguJ.arly-shaSedal therap~, land r.ansisting ~f approximately 3~acres 1~caterl at the northeas~ parcel o~ Serrano Avenue and Nohl P.Anch :2oad, and further described as 6511 E.~ Serrana (Aqua Duks Swim School and Physical Fitness Center the Negative Declaration upon finding that it has~ consideredh the YNegativQ lleclaratiun t~gether with any~ comments rer.eived during the public r.oview ~ process and fur~hez~ findi.ny or. the ~zsin o.£ i;hQ initial study and any ramroents ; received that there i~ no substantial evidonce that the p.roject will have a ; signif•icar.t effect on the anvironma»t, NOh', THEREFORC, BE TT RESOLVLD that the Anaheim City ?laz~n3ng Comn~ission doo~ horeby grar~t subject Petition £or Conditional Use Permit, upon the following condz~tions which are hereby foi~nd to be a riecossary prerequisite to the proposed us~ uf rha subject property in nrder to presorve ~he safety and general welEare of the Citize~is of the City of Anahaim: 1. 'rhat th.e use appruved by this res5lution shall be subject to the provisinns of Chapter 4.29 of the AnaY.eim Municipal Code pertaining t~ ma~sage ~acilit:ies. 2. Thal the proporal shal]. conply witY~ all signixig requ5.rements of. the CL-HS (Commercial, I,imitecl - Hillsi~~) zone, unless a variance all~~wi.ng sigu waivc~rs is approved by th~ Ci ~y Council, Planning Cnrruni~sian or Zoninq Administra~or. 3. That subject prnperty shall be developed substantially in ~ccordance with Plaus aud speci~icati.ons on Eile with tne City o£ Anaheim marked E:chibit 23os. 1 and 2. 4. mhat thS.s use is apprc~ed specific.~lly in conjunction with the ~ui.stir.g aerobic3 stuc:io and that only one masseuse sha12 be employed at these premises unless a written request for more than one massouse is made to and ap~roveix by tY:e City Planning Com~iission. ~3 E'C88-292 ~~5x~ 5. ~ That approval of this a~plicatian constitutes apprnval oE ~he proposod requast only tn the extent that it complies with the AnPil:eim Municipal Zoning Coae and ~ny other applicahle City regulatipns. Approva~ does not includP any ac~ion or findings a~ to compliaiice or approval of ~he xequest regardi,~~~ any other applicable ordinance, reyulation or ::equirement. BE IT FC':THER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City P~anning Commis~ion does herQby E'ind and 3etermine that adoption oE this Resolution is expressly predicated upon ap~licant's con~p2iance with eack~ and a11 af ihe condit3ons hereinabove set f.ort:h. Sk~oulci any such condition~, or a•~y part thereof, be declared invatid or unonforceak~le by tx~e final judgcnent oF ariy caurt ~f competent juri;~di:ti~n, then this Resolution, and a:~y approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and vo:id. THE FnREGOING R~SOLUTYON is signed and app.roved by me this lOth day o£ October, 19Ei8. . , , •~ ' ~= !~' '` ~ ':~:.%":c' -C;; ~ CHAI?MAN, ~NAHEIM C~TY PLANP?.iNG CGMMISSTON ~ ATTEST.: ~ G ` ^ ~. _ / ..,~~~E~-~- SECRETARY, ANAHEIhf Cr'~Y i~L.ANNING COMMISSION STATE OI' t^.ALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANt;~ ) sy. ~iTY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Tiarris, Secretary of th~ AnahPim City Planning Commission, do hereby ceitify that the foregoing r.•esoluE.ion was passed and adopted at a meetinq cf the anahaim City Planning Commission helc3 on Qc~ober 1Q, 1B8g, by the fo].lawiz~g vote of the members thereof: AYES: CUMMIBSIONEFtS: BOI7A~, BOYllSTUN, CARUSILL.O, FELUHAiJS, HERBS'T, MC BURNEY, bfES5~ NO~S: COt~41ISSI0NGRS: NONE AJ3Sk:NP: COMhfISSION~RS: NUNE IPT WITNLSS WHEREOF, I Y~ave hereuntio set my hand thi.s Uctober dax o~ lOth, 1988. ~-~ ~ ~_- ~ .~~~._.__~~~~~____ SECRk:TARY, ~,NAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMidIS5YON _q_ PC88-292 fi