728 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION HT.\ orE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. Count~. of Ora.nge ) _. _ R1.cha.rd...Fls..ch1.e..._... m ........_ ,...uuu__..........__..._................ of said county, being first duly sworn, says-that he 18 a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, o\'er the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- tel'pst in. nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that lle is the n.~~_!~~_~.P.~~..u.~!.~~.~... __....,.......................:.............. of th~ _. . ~.~~.'.l~... ~u.l.l.~~.11l.__.. ........._ _m........................................ a".._4".~1.Y..._.. newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said .,. ~~.@_~.~.~_.. .~_~.1. !.~.~.1D_. _ m.. ....... .m.... ..................._..............._. is a newspaper of gE'neral cir culation with a Ust of paid ~uh~cl'ibers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and g-eneral news and intelligence of a general char- acter' that it is not devoted to the Interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class, profession. trade. cal ling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it hal'1 been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim. Count~Y of Orange, State of California for more than one yea.1' next prp.('eding the first day of the publication hereto attached: that the ..O.f d l~.no.... .HQ......12.8........... ............................................. of which the annexed is a printed copy. was publlshed In one issue sa I d news paper at least.....__....... ......u..............u.................................. 12"h June com mene I n g on th e,. .................. day of u........._................_..._........ 1!\ 48 and ending on the................day of ._.._........._........._... 19 ....., and that said .m..QrQ.1.D.anC.e............._...................... was published on the following days: .. .~~~.~ . _. _~ ,? J.. _m~ 9!:t.~... _._ _ n.. ...m. ........ __.._..............._... .......m........... ...........::~~.::~:~::::::~:~~:::~ ,~., L9-'~ Subscribed ~d sworn to before me this.... ...~..........4aJ' of ---.........-..........,~';~'::~~~:'...~~:.....~. :: ~"'... t \ _' ..~ ~ ...,..... ~/ . ~ ...-......... .. ......... ...... ... Notar.y..P.ubi"ic:m..... O"R.DIX.\.XCE NO. 128 :AN O'RDIN:\NC.'F. OF 'rifE (:IT\' OF .\~.\.HETM ,\,]I'F:NDING . SECTTON :&3 OF ORDIX ,\ XCF: XO. 701. OF TH'E CTTV 0 F AN.\.REJ'M. RETXf... .\X ORD1X.\XCr'1 OF" THF: CI'I'\' OF .\XA- HIU:'tl rll,O"nnNCy FOR TH~~ 1,J(~I"-:XS',;\"C. OF (''F,J1I',\ ,,- Rl.TSIl\"R.SS"F.~. 1'R.\.DES. PROFESSIONS ..\ ND O{~(TP.'TtOX"~. FIXTl\-G TUF.: n.,\'1'E 01'" I.IC'F.~SE THI~-:R~FORt PRO"JDT1\-G 'FO.R... 'rHF.: (.O(.l.....~(~TIOX THl-;R'F.OF. ,\ 'ND FIXING PEN,\.L- TIES ~OR Tfff~ '"JO'(..\TfON" 'rlfF:R....:OF. THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF" ANAH ~L\I .DOES ORDAIN AS FOLW1VS: . ..' SECTION] : ~~~.(:tiOll 23 01 Ordi nance So 701. of th.,~~ity of Anaheim ilS hereby amended to read as fono~'s: . . Every person cond.uc~ing. rnana.t;'fllg. or ~A.rrYing' on a.n~' cJr("l"is. ('A.r- nJva1.. tent show, or Sm1l1~1" bU~inl?f!ls entm'prip.(., pxcept those' hereaft(.'l' ,:"ent~!,ned in ~Hragrapll I e) of thi:o; Section. ~ha.ll lNlliP. a:ppli('ation to the CIty CounCIl. of the Ch' ?f .\naheim fOl" permif:sion to conduct Buell ; husiness ~nterprH;e. and a hcen"p. to eonduct said bUl':-iness enter'Pri~e ! jl{hall be lss'!led only aftel' the approyal of the said eit,. Council has i. been ~ran ted. ': . ~YerY p.erson cOl1'ductin~, manag'illJ:' 01' (:al'l').ing: on R cal'nh"al 01' i luml1tar bus1De~_~ shall pay the f?lloWin~ da.ily license fees: .. I (a) F'or eidi '::f~el'ris 'Vheel. Seenie n.::tilway, )~.el'.r:v-G..,.~otinrl, SvriJ1,g' I or similar devlc~, 'helo.ng:i~K t.u s~id clIl'ni\"al 01' ~m1l1ar busmess. the 11- II cense fees requlrd by SedlOn :;4. nel't;of. (b) For each tent sho\'I. with ;;I, seatin~' ("a\vl.dty if It'-It more than 1,000 pers'ons be)ong'ing t,o said carnival 01' ~imilar bUSiness, the ..~um 'of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.1JO) for each day. (c) For ea<:h tent sho',," with a seating; c.:apad1~" of rr1C?re tb",.!l 1,000 l' persons' and n.ot more than 4.000 persons, helonging' to sal~ eRI'1l1'\'al 01' ~imilar busi.ness. Onp. HundJ'ed DoIIH1'S ($] QO.OO) 1"1:'1' the fIrst da~' and I Fifty Dollars ($50.00) fot" eadl sl1f:f~eediJlg' conseeut1\'e da,\', .! (d) Jt'or ea.eh tP,ll sho~\" with a. 8ell.tin~; ('a.paf"il:~: ..,1' JIlI-'rP. th:-tl1 .1.1.1(1(1 Ii perso'ns 'belong'lng' to jl:aid f"H.l'lI h'a 1 01' ~imi18.l" bll~inf~f:;;:, Two Hund rf?rt D'"l1. ;a.re ($200.00) f01" thr~ fil'1'.t d:I~' and On~ Hundred Dollars ($101),00) for ea.ch 8ucr.eeding consec1Itive da.~', . (e) For cHeh ll('r:-:on ~:,:'lI i II:':' n;:t;:'::o, hal1llerllll, 1"1;:\ 110(11111. "~.n(.'~, horn~,', nQi~p. mak~ng iJl.81.t"llll1e~1t.lll, bRdg-.',,;,: ~nll\'f'n!p.1"S and other n0\"~.~t.iel;. in ;-r.on. nectioon WIth, said C""i'i~'11IY:~1 or ~1!1I11~1' 1'~!~Sl1H~~~. 1.."It.hcl' !.han tlom ~, stand. I ~'a.gon 01' t.ent. ,'l n;ul:," he~nf:l': t~p of F 1\"03 1)0 II a.n:; f~i."'OO). . (f) ]'or eflr'h M.;;! nd, c.~onl~I~l"'~'i(lll, ~hn'\, l~xhihitil)11 or t~lll0.rpn:::~ .)t.h~r ! thllJl 'those sT'ecifie:~lIy mf'l1ti0n~d herein. bplonging t,!:' ~a irf Carll1,"a] ftr I simila.r businep.8 a dail~" Heen:::€': fee 'Of Tell Dollars ($1(1.0(1'l per dB)-., I . SECTION ~4. Thp, City Clerk 'J( th~ City of .AIul.heim shall r:"erhfy . to t.he pa.Sf:lage of thi& OrdinR.n"'~ hy ;t 1 w~)-thirdf:; ,."tl!! of :J11 member;; i of the City 001ln("11 of thA 1'i~id r'it~. and ~lv111 "~allS~. th~ f.inl1H~ t.~., b.,. Pl,1t-. i lishEid once in th~ ,\nahf:>im Bulletin.'R n~wfl.paT'~r 0f J.tellf.'ral r.lr("nlatli)M ; printed and pub.li:i;hed in the ('it Y ('If' Al1l'-lheim., and. ~h;:-,.11 hp"ome effective '1' thirt~. (30) da:,:.i'i frn111 and ;lftPl" thp. dAte of 1tS fm"'l paa~age, The fore~oin~ Ordinance was a.pprm"ed and signed by me this' 8th I day of June, 194~, I ~HARLR~ A, rEARSO~, I )layor. Cit~ of .Allaheim I . , A TTF~ST: CHARLES 'P;. (j.RtFFITH City Clerk, City of Anaheim (SEAL) STATE OF CAT~lFOnSTA ) COUNTY.OF OH.\NGf<: ) III CITY OF A:\AHEIl\I ) I. CHARLF~S f.~. GRIFFI.TH. City Clerk .,f. thtt, City ot ~h.im. do certify that the f01'egoing Ordinance was introduced ;It a r~gu,~~.meeting ot the City Coundl of the City of Analleim hp.ld. on th"'.')5.t)l"~'~ r :\Iay, 1948, and tb8:.t thp to;Rme wall> pa:'isp.rl anf'l. ~.dnpted Rt ;!I, Tt:' .', . 19' nf the City Cou'l1eil held on the 8th day of June. 1948, b)Ytf . '"" ,"ote of the memberR th'p.rr.of: ' ',j,...", AYES:' COUNCn..l\Il1~N: PeH.rson. Van 'V;tgoner and' '. ,- NOES: COUNCTT.J1\-f"F.N None. "., :;:';" 0;., .' .r ...\BSENT: COUXCn.~MEN: Boney. ..;........ ~:...., :Ijt And. I further ('E'!rtify that the :\IR,yor .of the City.'. 0 ...... . ,-m signed and approved lilRfd Ordlnanf'p Oil t11e 8th'dRT"~f JUll~f .,: .'.;..~,' . IN 'VITNESS '"\"HEnKOF" T havp he~te:8P.t nly:'h~.n('f an" ilfflli:ed the seal ot the City of Anaheim this 8th .,.' of ,111ne, ] ~:f.8 . f'H.\R1..I"';S I':. (;r:TF.'V'!TH City Clerk of t hp. CiL~' of ,Anahe'im . (SEAL)' . Pub. June ] !.. 1!q It. ~ .1 ? 1 2 3 4 f5 ORDINANCE NO. 728 AI: ORDINA1IOE CF THE CITY OF ANAHElli AMENDING SEOTIO!1 23 'OF CRDIIJANOE NO. 701 OF THE CITY OF AKAHEIM_ BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF A1IAHEI~ PROVIDING FOR .HE LIOENSING OF CERTAIN BUSINESSES, TRADE8, PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, ?,"IXll\jQ THE RAT.Ii, OF LIOE:NSii. THiREFOR, PROVIDING ~lCR IHE CO~LECTICl\T TBER~OF, A}ID FIXING PENA.LTIES lOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. 8 7 TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS 8 SE~TICN 1: Section ~3 of Ordinance No. 701 of the City of 9 Anaheirrl. if;~ hereby amended to read. c. 6 follows: 10 Every person Qonducting, ma,na,ging J or carrying o~ a.ny circus, 11 c2rnlv~lJ tent show, or siml1Er business enterprise, except those 12 hereafter mentioned in Psragraph (e) of t~iB Section, shall make 13 applicetion to the Glty Council of the City of Anaheim for per- 14 miSE.lor; to conduct such businegs enterprise, f!nd a. lioense to 15 c0nduct said business enterprise shall be issued only after the 1e appl'oval of the ~'~aici "J1 ty c:tJUDOS1 he-s been gr~.nted. 17 .~v~ry person conducting, ma.nag1ng or carrying on 18 a carnival or siiili1ar business s.~1all pay the following da.11y 19 license fees: 20 (e.) For ea.ch Ferris ~'Iheel, Scenic Railway, Merry-Go-Round, 21 Swing ,~r aim.ilar devi~e, belonging to s&.id ca.rn1va.l or similar 22 business, tIle l.icense fees required b:J' Section 24 hereof. 23 (b) ior e;:4c'n tent ar-lOW with a see.ting caps.city of not more 24 than 1,COO pe'csons belon.;illt;' to said carnival or similar bus1nees, 25 the su~ of Twenty-Five Dollars (~25.00) for each day. 28 (c~ ?"r ef:ct. tent show with a. seating capacity of mer: e than 27 1,000 per~ons hd not more than 4,000 persons, belonging to said 28 c8rnivr~1 or similar business, One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for 29 the first ~l~:v ~lncl Fifty Dollcors (.~:;50.00) for each succeeding 30 conseoutive day. 31 (d) For erch tent sbo,~r with a. seating ca.pac1ty of more than 32 4,OCC persons ce10ngi~g to ~aid carnivAl or similar business, -1- .... ..-.....:. .._.. . ~.._.. . ....- I "......... .~....... ....""".... .............. .,;' _.. ........:10 .... ..::. ..~.. ," ........ ........n~_...~..... ...-.. ....................;...~_ ._.........."............ ....~..-..._....... 1 Tt"ro Hundred Dollf~,r8 (:iP200.0u) for the first d.s.y and One Hundred 2 Dol ~..ars (~,l:':C. ;)C j for eacL'J. eucceediIlf; consecutive da.y. 3 (f: ) .~or e LlC r.: person se 11 iI4-il f1 Bt;s t of:nners J balloons, oanes, 4 j:i.orns, noise n:aki~g i~8trumentE, badges, souveniers and other 5 :lovc.l ties, in connecti::>I~ v'!lth said cC.I.rnive.l or similar business, S" othe.r thE. n fro:!! c;: st?nd, v"agon ,)T ~en t, (;. de.ily lioense fee of 7 ?iv€ ~cl1pr8 (15.00). 8 (f) For e:~c}l str.-nd, concession, snOl~.rJ exhibition or 9 e~t€rpriFe other tbpn thoFe specificelly rrentloned herein, belong- 10 ine.;: to sFj.d c~.r~i"el or E'.im11ar business e daily license fee of 11 12 ~ ~ 11 (.~10 on' ',l'en ',If) .fz.l"'S ."..1,~. ." / )er .~~. ay , SEOTIr..~N ".: The 01 ty Olerk of the 01 ty of A.naheim she.ll 13 certify t..:~ t he ::'~sBfge of tn.is Crel ina.nce ty a. t'tJO -tl:1irds vote of 14 211 mei,;::ber~ of the Jity 'JouDcil f)f the s~.i(t City ;:nd sha.ll oeuse 15 the SE:.'(ie to be pu.blished' nl1ce tn th.e Anaheim Bulletin, a. news- l8 paper ~')f ener;-:.l c1rculCt.tt.on ~~)I'inted. and ".;::ublished in the ':Ji ty of 17 ~n[~hei.'~., >~:'.n( ~::..hci:11 't~ecome e"ffective thirty (30) dsys from find 18 {,-: fter the de te of i t t3 i'int...l pa~:6a~;e. 19 The foregoin~: Ordinance ~~s 3pproved and signed by me this 20 21 22 8~ "dE; V 0 f ,.-' 1948. J'Wle 23 f MAYOR, CITY OF A A ~--- 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ".., .-. ~" - ....1. .._...~-. ,.-,~... -.... ~-...._~ ..-...... ............ ~.r...-,...,...1Ifiw:. Y I_V. . ..~~ '"'.;".~: ......_._...__...----+.__-...----..~_.."'-_ ........~.. _... .....--...-..... .....~~. 10 11 ' 12 1 1 a STA~~ :F JALIFORNIA ' COLTliTY OF QRAN()I ) E?:S. OITY OF ANAHEiM ) 3 I, OHARLES E. GRIF~ITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, 4 aQ certify th?t the foregoing Ordinance was introduced 15 [~t a regular meeting of the City a01.:J,ncl1 of the City of Anaheim s held on the 2f5thda.y of _..)JaY _.__, 1948, and tha.t the same 7 '!n:~e "1assed ~;nc1 fdopted 1~t a regular meeting of the 01 ty Council 8 beld en the 8th day of .June , 1948, by the following vote 9 of the me~bers thereof: A Y~:S: CC:T}rCXL!'f~l!: Pearson, 'fan Wagoner, Re71Dg ar1d Pace. 1\Tr, ~~ . ... ~-' ........... . CCT.!!!OIL-r-'TEN: Hone_ A?SENT: .~CTn~CILl1E~T: BoneT_ 14 13 And I f\lrther certify that t he 11~yor of the 01 ty of Anaheim sigr~ed ~lrtl.l r.i.l'yr)roved SAid ('-!;din~~nce on the 8th da.y of "... 15 1948. lS Ir 'i.[ITN~SS ~lH.8:R~Ol, I have nereto set 111Y hand snd 8..ffixed 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 the s~c..l of ttle Ji ty of Anahein~ t;:Jis 8th day of J1IIl8 --, 194Ei. ~- - . ~~ --. ty erk t Ci y naheirrl -3- I."... .1-........ ~_. 0100"'. ~.'. :. :.......; ........... I .- .......... . ..._...4. _ ................... .............~. ..__..... "'W.\":'I'""":" ",~I...k. ..".J ",....:1 .. ......:.... _............ ......_.... . . . ..... "..: .,..""'.................-....-....-... _ .