PC 88-309~ C ~. ~ R~ Lu~zQN No•_ PCSH-3Q~ ~ A RESOLUTTCIN GF THE ANAHEIM CITY I~LANPiINIi COMMISS'LON ^1HAT PETITIQN FQR RECLASSIFICATI023 N0. 88-89-20 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Co;nmissiun did receive a verified pei-a.tion For keclassification from JAY EiURROWS AND TiELEN IILJRROitiE, 1949 Ninth Street, Analie3.m, CA, owner~, and CATI3CRINE LIN AND WILLIAM LIN, 193 W. Viking Avenue, 5rea, CA 92621 agents, of certain real ~r.operty situated in the Ci.ty of Anabeim, County ot Orange, State nf California, doscribed as follows: TfIE SOUTFi 284.OU FEF.T OF THE NORTH 449.00 FE~T OF LOT 8 OF TOWNSEND'S SUBDI4'IcION" AS PER MAP RECORD~D IN BOOK 5, PAGE 4(1, MISCELLl~NEOUS rSAPS, IN xH~ OFFICE OF T.EiE (:OUNTY RECORDER OF SRIb ~OUNTY., WHFREAS, the Ci~y Plan~~inq Commission did hold a public haaring at tk~e Civic Cenker in the City oi Anaheim on Novem.ber 7, 1988, at 1:30 p~m., notice of said ~ublic hearing having been duly given as required by Yaw a.nd in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code. Chaptez 18.03, to hear and cunsider ev~dence for and against sai.d proposed reclassification and to invest.igt~te and nake Eindings and recomm~ndations in connection therQwith; and WHFREAS, saxd Commisszon, ~ftQr due ins~ection, investiga4:iqn and study made by ftself and i.n its behalf, an~i after due cor.sideration of all evidence and reports okfered at said heari.nq, does find ~nd dekQrmine tk~e following ~r~cts: 1. That the petitionor proposes r$classification of si.~bject ~,roperty from th~ RS-A-43,000 (Resid~nCial/Agricu].turg.l) Zor,e L•o the FcS-7,2~0 (Residential, Single-Family) 7.one. 2. That the Anaheirn General Plan designatos subject property ~or low-density residential land uses. 3~ 1'hat the ~roposec, xec1as51ficatiun of siib~vct property is ne;:essary and/or desirable for the orderly and pr~p~r development oE the cammunity. 4. That the proposed reclassiPication of svbject pr~perty does pranerly relato ta the zonas and their permitted uses locally estahlished in closa proMimity to subjeck properr.y and to khe zUnes and their permi~ted uses generally established t:hroughout thc c~mmuniky. ~0547r PC 88-309 ^~ ';:~'!.4~ ,,~ . ,'; ~; ~'µ~t ~ 5. That the proposed recla~sification of subject property requiras the dedicat?on and impr.ovement of abuttinc~ streQts in accerdanco with r_he Cirr.ulation Element flf th~ Gerzeral n1an, due to the anticipated increase in trafi'ic whi.ch wi11 be gener.ated bx the intensificatian of land use. 6. '.Chat l-.hree (3) persuns indir.atied their presence ~t said public hearin~7 in opposition~ and tha* no corre:,pondence was receiveti in opposition to ~ubject petition. ~,ALII' RNIA ENVIRONMENTAL UAi.ITY A T FINDxNG: That tho Anareim City Plannzng Commission has revi~+wed the~ proposal to reclasszfy subjec~ property from ttie RS-•A-43,000 ('_2esideni:ial/Aqricultural) zone to the RS-7,2P0 (Qesidential, Single-Family) zone and Y.o establish a 7-Iot SingZe-Fami].y subdivision, with waivers o~ required lot frontage and minimum lo~ widkh on a rectangularl~•--shapecl parcel of land con~isting of approximataly 1.4 acres locate2i at tho southwest carner of Walcefield ~venue and Ninth Stxee~, anci further described as 1949 5outh Ninth Street; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration upon finding that it has considEred the N~:qative Declaration together with any corrments received during ~he p~lic review procQSS and £urthex findiny on t~he basis of. the initial stu~y and any c~mments received that there is no subsL•antial evidence that. the project will have a significant ef£ect on the environmeiit. N04~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVFD that the Anaheim City Planning Commission. does her$by~ grant subjact Petitxon for Reclassificatiou and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoninq aP the A~za.heim Municipal Cocle be amended to excludo the above-doscribed property from ~he RS-A-43,OQ0 zone and to incorporate said do~cribed pr~perty into the RS-7200 Zoz~e upor; the following conditions whick~ are iiereby ~ound to be a necessary prerequisite t~ the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the s~fety and yeneral welf~.re n£ the Citizeizs uf the Cit;y of Anahoi,m: 1. That the ].ega1 ow:i~r o£ subjoct n>,-a~e~ty ~ha11 dedicate to the City of Anaheim a ~tr3.p of lana for*.y-fi+re (a5) feet i.n width from the centerline of the strQe:. al~ng N.int.h Street for street• widening purpose~. 2. Tha~ a~.l ena.ineerinq requiremtir~ts of the City of Anaheim along Ninth Street, including preparation of improvement plaiis an3 installation nf all improvements such as curbs and guttQrs, ~idewalk~, ~vator faailities, streew gradi.ny and pavement, ~ewer and drain2:ge fac:ilitie4, or other appurtonant work sha11 be complied with as requirQd by the City ~nginoer and .in accordanc~~+ wiCh specifications on file in the Office of t:ie Ca.ty Enginepr; or thaC s~curity in tho form of a bond, certificate o£ cleposit, letter o~ aredit, or cash, iu an amount and furm satisfactory Co the City of Anaheim, sha11 be posted with the City to guare~ntee the ~a~isfactory completion of said improvemen'•.s. Said security sha11 be postad wiCh the City prior to iiitrodaction af an ordinance rezoninq subject propercy, to guaran±:u~ the installati.oii of the above-roquirod improvements prior to accupancy. 3. Tha~ a fee shall be paicl to the City o: Anaheim for. street lightix~g alorig Wakef.iel;i Aver~ue in an amount as determinc~d by City Council resr~lLCien. - 2 - PC84-309 .: ,_~ ,.,.: ~,~ , .,~tj ' ;~;~~ z ~?„ '~ ~ 4, xhat street lightinq fIIC1i1V~°S along Nir~th StreQt shall be installed as required by the Utiilities General Manager in ~GCOrdance with spocifications on file in thQ OfPice of Uti7.ities GonQral Manag~r; or that security in tha iorm oi a bond, certxficate of deposit, letter of credit, or cas}i, iii an amount an~ ~orm satisEacto.ry to the City af An2ho,im, shall be pos~ed with the City to guarantee the satisfactory c~mpletion of the above-men~:ioned improvements. Saia s~curity sha11 be ~osted with the City of Anaheim priar ~o the introductaon of an ordinance rc~zoning subject propsrty. The ab~ve•-required impr~vements shall be .installAd ~rior to ocaupancy. 5. That a fee shall be paid to rhe City o~ Anaheim £or tree pianting along Ninth Street and Wakefiald Aven.ue in an amounr as detarmined by City Council resolution. 7. That prior to the intr.oduction of an ordinance rszoning subject property, Condition Nus. z thruugh 5, above-mentioned, sha11 be completed. The provisions ar riqhts c~ranted by ~his resalutior~ shall becomo nu12 and void by acti~n oi the Planning C~mmission unless sai.c! conditions are complisd with within one yeaz from th~ dute af this resolvtion, or sur,h further time as the Planning Conunissiori may grant. 6. Tbat approval of tl rc~quest only ta th~s Zuning Code and any include any action •r.equest re~~arding requirement. tis ~pplication constitutes approval of the proposed exi:ea~t that it compli~s wzth the An.~.heim Municipal other appl:icable CiL•y regulations. A~~proval d~es not or findi.ngs as ~o compliance or approv~al of tYle any other applicable ordinance, regulation or BE IT FURTFIE~2 RESOLVED ~hat the Anaheim City Planning Cummission dne~ hereby £ind and determine thaE. adoption o£ this P,esalution is expressly predicated upon applic~nc'r compl~ance with each and a21 of the conditions hereinabave set fort_h. Should any such conditions, or any part th.er,sof, be declared inva~id or unenforceable by the fi.nal juc~gmPnh of any court of com~etent jur,isdicti.on, then Chi~ Resolu~cion, and any a~provals herein con.tainEd, snall be deemed null and vozd. TF.IE I'OREGOING RCSOLU'PIUN is ~ignad and approved by me this 7th clay of Novemtser, 1988. „ ~ f~ - .~~ ~ ;• j, _.~r.~,~~ ,'i ~ '' _,~ - CHAIRWOMAN, ANniz~I!d l• .fY PLANNIN'G COMMISSION % ~ 1 ,. ATTEST: . ~ /i ~ , ,Orr~ ~fi' _ ~,~~,U~~, Sr~CRETARY, ANAHEZDi CITY PLANNING COMMISSTON _ ,S _ PCF3b-309 • ;~ ;;i .. . ~`3;p;`~t)o "!~:~_;:~i't , . . .,_ ~ . . ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ' ~ . .. - .. . ~~ : .. . . . ..'; n w~ ~ r S'1'AT~ OI' CALTF'~RNIA ) , '`r ` ~ ~ :'~' ' , , `, ~~P':~~rr~:~ _ , f ,3~ ~ ~ , ~~~: „ ,~, COUNTY OF URANGE ) ss. CITY Or ANAH.EIM ) I, Eclith :,. Harris, Secratary of thA Anahaim Cit~r Planning Commiasion, do 2:ereby c~rtify that the £or~gaing resolution was passed and adopted at a mQt~ting of the Anaheim Cxty Planning Commission he~.d on November 7, 1988, by Lhe following vote of ~:he membors thPr~o£: AYES: CO2«tMISSIONEFS: BOUA~, BOYDSTUN, CARUSILLU, F~LDFiAUS, HERBST, ;. MC BURNEY, MES5E NOES: COMMISSIO*IERS: NONE AHSENT: ~OMMISSIONERS: NONE ? '~ IN WITNES5 WHERFOF, I have hereunto set rr.y hand this 7th day of Novembar, 1988. ~~~ _ .~ r/~ / ~.~'LC[~-- ~ -.~JI it , _ ~l SE~RE~ARY, ANAHEIM CI'SY ~PLAZINING COIM~SISS~ON ~«~,• ~'~w; .. - 4 - PC80-309 ~