PC 88-311~~ ~~OLUT~N N0. P~$.$~~11 ~ A RE~OLUTTON OF TF3S ANAHEIM CIxX PLANNZNG C~t~lISSION THA~ PETITION FOR CONDTTIONAL USE PF,RMIT N0. 3086 $E GEtANTEA WIiERf~AS, the Anc~heim City Planniny Comm3s:ion did rac~ive a verified Petition f.er Co:.ditional 'Use Permit from JAMES PERUbiEAN, 218f~2 Vaca~Cion Lane, FIuntington B~acki, CA 92646, o~~rner, and JOHN HARGRAV~, 1440 I~. Daly Street, ;,nahim, CA 928U6, agent, E~r certain real property situated in the City of Anahe9.m, CounFy of Orange, State of California, describad as: PARCEL 2, I~J THE CITY OF ANIUIEIM, COUN~Y OF ORANrE, STATh OF CALYFORNIA, AS PI;R MAP FIL~D TN BOOK 91., 1'AGES 33 AtiD 34 OF PARCGL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTX RECQRDEB QF SAID COUNTY. WHER~;AS, the Cit,y Planning Comrnisszon did hold a public hearing at the Civic Conter in the City of Anaheim an November 7, 1988 at 1:30 p.m., notace of said public hearing having been duly givan as requirod by 1aw anfl in accorclance with the provi3iona ot the Anaheim Muniaipal Cor~~, ChaptQr 18.03, tu 2~ear and consider Qvidence for and against said proposed conditiona]. us~ permit dnd to investigate and make fin8ings and xecommendations in. connoction thPrewith; and WHEREAS, ~aid Commission, after due inspoction, investi.gation and stuc~y n.aJe hy its~].L• and in its bohalf~ and after due consideration of all evidencc, an~ reports c~ffered At said heaxing, does find and determi,ne the f~llowing facts: 1. Tha~ the proposad use is properly ~ne for which a conc~i~ional use permit is authorized by AnahAim Municipal Code ooction to wit~ to pormit a truck bod~ manufacturii~g, painting and installation facility with waiver of the fo1l~w:inq: SFCTIANS 1~,504•Q~Q~.0212 - Mxn~m~n-r~um~kgc Qf p,~rking~piZcea. 1~L O.O~Q222_ (;~7 rsquired; ~'2 existing) 1s4~~4~2-~~: ?~ n6s.Q0~ and 1~61 ~Q¢~ ~ 5Q 2. That tho roquesrec~ waiver is hereby granted on the basis ~?~~t the parki-ig waiver will not causo an 3ncr~ase in traffic conqestion in l•he immadiate vicinity nor udversely affect ~ny adjoining land use~s and granting ~f the parkinq waiver under t:~e canditions imposefl, if any, wi11 not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and ger.e.ral welfare of thb citizens of the ^_ity of Anahoim. 3. That the proposed use wilJ. not- adversely affec~ the adjoini:ig land usas an8 ~he growth anc3 development of the area in which i~t ic proposed ta be located. q05~9r PC 88-3].t . ~y., .•..s~ ~~.~ ~ 4. Tha~ the aize and shapo of. the sire nroposed for the use is adequate to allow the ful~ devolopmen~ of tY-e proposQd use in a mt~nner not detrimental to the particuagr area nor tn tlze peace, health, yafety and g~neral welfare of the Citixens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That the granting of the ConditiUnal Use Permit under the canditi~ns imposgd, if any, will noC be rletrimental to ~he pea~~, heal~h, saf.ety antl yeneral welface of the Citizens of the Cxty of Anahaim. 6. Th~r_ thA trstfic gener.ated by the pruposad ixse~ will nok imgose an undus burden upon the stroQtrc and hiyhways designed and improve~A to caxr~- the traf£ic in the area. ~. That no one izidicatad tlioir pre~ence at s~id puhlic hearinq i.n opposition; and that no curresponderice was r~-~eived in opposicion to t}_~ subject petition. _G_~7FQRh1~ ENVIR NMENTAL QUAGITY A T FLZiDIN,: ThaL the Anaheim City Planning Cornmissic+n tsas reviQw9d the p•rc,posal to permit a i:ruck buay~ manu£acturing, p~inting and installation facili.ty with waiver of minimtun num;oer oF parlcia~ space~ on an irrogularly-s:naperl parcel of land consisting ~~ approximately 0.69 acro, havinc~ a frantage of appr~ximately 157 feek oa tlie north side of Da'?y Street, beinc~ ~ocated approximatt~ly G70 feet southeaat of the center'_ine oF Via IIurton Streot and furthe.r describod as 1440 Daly ~treet: and ~oes liexeby •~oprove the Negative Ueclaration upon findinq that it r~as considered *he ;t~gative Declaration together with any c~mmer.L~ received during the pub~ic reviow pror.ess ar~fl further finding on the basis of the initial studX a~c~ ar.y cormr.erits recPived thut t2~.ere is no substr~ntial evidPnce that. the pro:iert ~ail~ have a signif.icant eff'ect on the environment. NOW, THER3FORE, B~ IT RG~OLVEU t2iat thQ Attaheim City Planning Cumnis~ion does he'reLy,grant subject Pehition for C.oncliticnal Use Permit, upon the following cond.itions which are hereby fQUxi~ fco be a necess~ry prer~-quxsitp to thQ proposPd use of. the suhject property in orderr to preserve the saf.ety and genera]. wel~are oP thg Citizens af the City of Ana2ieim: 1, That a traffic signal as:sessment fee o~ualing the dit'ference beCween the i.ndustrial and cor:n~.rcial assessment fees shall be paid to Che City ~f Anaheim in an eurount as d~3tArmzned by Cit} Council resolution. ;. ThAt tbe paint sprhy boc~th shall be protected with a fir~ extinguishing system approvec~ by the City Fire Depar.tment. 3, Tt~at trash storago az~eag shall be prr,vided and mainL-ainad in a locatfon accoptable to ',:he Street Mai.ntemm~ce and Sanitatior. Divfsic-n anQ f.n acco:dance witi: approved alans on fi..le with said Divfsicn. 4. ~hah a].l aic con~itioning facil.ikies and othoL roof and grouad mounted Qquipment shall bo propc~rly sh.iolded from v~ew and the ~ound bu#'fer~sd from adjacent propertiss. _2_ PC 88-3:.I 1'." ~ ~ ~.~';: ,~ ', ~:, i~~; , a~''~:`~ ~ `''"~'~Jlb~~,3 ~ ~~~;: . . ,. ~ ''~~.i:r, 5. That the ~ropasal sha11 comply with all~ signing requirementa oE tha 1~L "I:ndustr.ia.l, LimiLed" Zone, unless a variance allowinc~ sign waivers is approved by the City Council, Planninq Comr.iission r~r Zoning Administrator. 6. That no outcioor stor.;~ge oP, dis~~lay cP, or work on vehicles ur ve2iicular. par~s sha21 br~ permitted. 7. That the on-sxte landscaping siiall be main~ained in comr,liance with City standards. 3. '~hat sub~iect property shall b~ developea sub~tanta.ally in acaordanae with plana and specifications on file with the City oi` Anahe,im marked Exhibit Nos. I and 2. 9. That pxior to commencement ot the activi.ty a~.~.~kiorized by this reaolution, prior to issuance of a buil~:ing pE~rmit, or within a perind of one year from the daCe oi this regolution, whichevar ~ccurs Eirst, Condition No. 1, abovQ-mentioried, sha11 be co,nplied with. F,xtensions fur Lurther time to cumplete said conds.tions may be granred fn accor.dance wi~h Sec:tion i8.03.090 oL the Anaheim Municipal Cod~. 70. That prior to the commencarnent; of the act.ivity authorizecl by this resolution, or fina.l. building an~ zo:iing inspeckions h~hichever occurs first, Condition Nos, 2, 3, 9 and 8, abovr~-manL-ioned,. shall be cnmpli,ed with. 11. Z'hat appraval of tl request ~nly ~o rho Ton:ing Code and any include any action req~•est regarding req~iirement. zis application cons'citu~es approval of the ~roposed extent that it r.ornplies ~rith the Anaheim Municipal other appli.cablg City regulation~. Approval does n~t or fan~3ix~gs as to compliance or approval of the any other appli,cakslQ o:dinance, regulation or BE IT FiJRTHER R~SULVED that th~; ~~heim CiL•y Planning Commisaion doas hereby find and d~stermino ~ha1. ado~~~,on ot khi3 Resolution is expres~ly pradicated upan applicanr's compliaxica with each and a7.I of the cc~nditions here ' nab~ve set for~h. Should any s~ach co~a~.r.ion9, or any p~,rC thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by th~ final judgment of any r,ourL• Af comZ.:tenL• jurisdicti~n, then t;his Kesolutiun, and any approvals iiarein aontained, shall b~ dQemeci null and void. TH5 FOREGOtNG RESOL.U'CION is signeci and ap~rovec4 by mQ this 7th d~,y of N~vembez, 1ggg, , ~ _ "~ ~ ~ ~, . .._....._.._,(~,L_~"-,r ...~ / ,f;i.~ /' i ~. ,f+'-,r - CHAIRWOMAN, AHETM CiTY pLANNING COI~9~lIS5xON AT'TEST: . `~ ~,- J ~_ __. c~.C.(L L, ~_.__~~,~,u~, _ SECRETARY, ANAHEZM CTTX PL•ANNI27G COI~JISSIQN -3- PC 86-311 , ~ , - ,, ~ ;:, ' ~'~ 1~^ N , STATE aF CALIFORI~TIA ) ~ COUNTX OF ORANGE } ss. ^ CITY OF ANAHEYDS ) ~ I, Edith L. Harris, Secrotaxy of the Anaheim City Planning Commiss~.on, do ~ Yxexeby c~rti€y that the foregoing resolution was passdd and adopted at a I~ meetang oF the Anaheim City Planning Commissiax~ held on Novomber 7, 1988, b~ the foXlowing vot~ nf the members L-hereof: '.1,~ AYF.S: CObIMI5SI0NER~: BOUAS, BOYDSTL7N, CARUSILLO, FELDHAUS, HERAST, .,;:,~ MC BURNEY, MESS~ NOESs CONII~iTSSIONERu: NOt3E AB5ENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE 7N WITN~SS WHEREOF', I have k~ereuritio set my hand this 7th day of November, 1988. c.~ ~ ~- , L~_.~-~. ~.- SECRETARY, ANAH~IM CITX PL.~.NNING COMMISSION i s ~~ , ~c ;; ' ,.~ >:~ 'i~ ?; ;~~ ~ :+i :~f -~ :~; ,,~.~ ~ : i'.~f :!? ,; ~: .''~!~ ~ '~% }~ ~ ~~ re , y i i~', ' r~[; Ir ' ,:rl~. ; c _~_. PC 88-311 ,.a; ,I;''; .yr ~ti'~ _ ~ . . _. ,r tr~. .. . ,, .~ii.,.~ .... !i .J„1J, ,. > ,x.;a~ ~s.fP.CSIWtiI~~