727 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )S8. Count~. of Orange ) . Ri. QA~~~m'1.8.~hl.I....._...... ..__.... _ ........ ..u__.............................. of ~aid county, being first duly sworn, says-that he is a lI1ah~ citizen of the United States, and of the State of CalI- fornia, over the age of eighte en years; that he has no In- tcn'st in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; th.at he is the ..f:r.lnQ.lp.al..mcl.e*.... .._m......_..._.__..........m_..__....__.. of the ..lnahe.la.- .Ba.ll.et.ln...... -... ..-.. -.. .... ..__..............m.................. a..d&_lly....____ neW8paper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said Anahe 1. Bull.st.ln.__ u__..__..... _ ...__00..................................... .i-~..~..~e.;~.pap~.~ ~t general cir culatlon with a list of paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence of a general char- acter. that" it Is not devoted to the interests or published for the ~ntertalnment ot a part1 cular class, profession, trade. cal1tllg, race or denomination, or. ot any number thereof; that it ha~ been printed and publIshed in the City of Ana- heim. County of Orange, Stat e of California for more than one year next prp.eeding the first day of the publication hereto attached: that the . . ... Ordlnanc.e... .10.....12.1....... .-.. ..--....................................... of which the annexed Is a printed copy. was published In said newspaper at least...........Qns.__.1s.s.u.s.......__u.................. commenctng on the....l.2."t.Q...day of ........J.11D.8...................... 19 .4.$ and ending on the.__... ..........day of ................_........__.... 19 m... and that said .......Qr.c1.1.na.n.ce..u............................... was published on the following days: ... _.~ ~ ~_. _ .~. ?J.....~ .2~.~. ..... ........ .......... ---.................................-........ .....::=.::~:~::;~~z:::~~z~~:::::: /1'7' Subscribed and.. sworn to before me thI8..,r....~.......u..day of . ORDIN AN('~}J NO. ':2T AN ORDIN..\.l\'CE AMENDJ.NG tl'ECTION :I-a OF ORDI:N~":XCE :sO. 838 . OF THE (~lrrV OF AN"AHEUr ., .. THE CITY COU~CII. OF THE CITl"" OF .ANAHEIM DOES ORD.Al~ .-\.S FOLLOWS: f O' ,. .-.. f tl (....1t'. ....r SECTION 1. Th:l.t Sec:l ion 2-;.1. 0 . rdI1Hl.JH'e. ,~o. .ti.!.~ n T" ."(' .~ . ...., Anahei'Dl. adopted Ma.y 26. t9~2, an.d eJ]t.lt)e~, '..A~ .l!nl!]~L~~Ch. ~F.," T1:-n. CITY' OF ANAHT~Il\t l:\fPOfolT:\G A~ A:'\7'H.lA I.. TAlCENSF. o~' DO(.S _,~ ITJ:1 ~ IN THE CITY OF A!'AHEl1\:l. PROVTDING Jt'OR THE.T.~Iy.?~NI.'~.~G. ..~~)~ ! DISPOSITION OF I)OGS, A:'ITD LlE"iliL.\Tl~G ~rH.F. K"f.E.I. lNG uF [J()GS I I WITHIN' SAID CITY,.. be and the same ]8 herehy amended to read as follows: . SECTION 2-T...ieense Fee~. (a) There lll! hereb:y le\-"ip.d an annual 'Ih'ellse of ~l.on upon E'YP.l.~' male dog. over thp, age of three months, $U.HI upon e,-.ery spay~r:l femHle dog over t.he age. of thrpE! rnol1th~" and $2.00 upon ~ypr~. U1Hq~aY~d fe- male dog OVP1" t.he age of. three month~. owned or h~rhOl"('d ~....1t.hm. t~1~ I City of .AnA.helm. .ft;vf.>.ry )"IPl'SOn O'Vl1lll~ 0" h<=t l.bolln E; an~ dOl;" ('\ (>.1 the age of threp- Dl'ontltl=O within t.he Cit~. of ..\naltr.lm :::hall pay ~11.r:1l license fep. The said lie"'ll~fl Tcp. shaH h~ (hip. ;!l1d p::l~.R[lle 011 t.he first day of J'uly of p.very Yl";-I.l.' h('reaftE>I'. coml'Hm~'tn~ "'11 J'uly 1, 1948. Any person who faHA (11" 'It?-glp.c1"s 10 pay .the ~ald }1"(,.l1SI? fee 011 or before the fir)1t. (lay of ..\l1g"U:<it. of. f'aeh ~'eal' ~8 ~;lHt 11.~en8p. fe.e. be.. coOmes due. :;:hall bp deemed delinquent. llnl1e1' thp fcre.:::;nl11J:' f11"O\""~IO)UI R.nd shall PAY II, 100% penalty in an(litioll to t.llE'. pn~l""~Tib~~ IH:p.ll:::e fee for s;:.t.id lieenF;€,. _\ny pel.~on who comE':=; Int.o ownerlllhlfo of or r.ommence~ t.o harhof' ~ do~ o,'e,. thp R.~'p of tlll"ep. J'110nt.hA withIn thp. City of Anahf'111l after t.he firlSl <lay of ,.In1y of eHch ~'P~I. Fhall~ within thirty days Rfh~r ~tlr.h time. ohtai11 a lict~l1~P. liS hen'ln pro'.l~ed f?r t.he. remA.inder of tlH: license ~'CHr in the full a.mOllnt. H~ pl.o,-,d(.l'I Jll thiR sedion. .\n~' pr.:'I'::i'OTI whn faillli (lr neglepts to nbla.in ::I. lir.en::le witbln tl,~ sR.id 111irt~r daYt=. shall be subject. to the sa me penalty as hel'el'l1bef01" proYided. . , Slc'1CTJON 3. The Cit~. Cl~1"I~ (If th~ r.it~. or ,.\.l13.heim ~IHt~1 "'e1"tl!~. to I the passagp. uf this Ordinance :Hld I~au~e t.he lI'ame 1':" be. Pllhh~~f"d in the Anah~irn Bullf'tin, SI dail~" npWlllpHpel. of gen...l";~l cl1"('nlatl011" printed, puhli ~her1 and 4'11'(:111a t N1 ill ll, "'- f'U:r or A 11;:1 h,..j m, rl1"l') t h irt~' (30) daYIll fl'om and a.fter its fin81 passage tt shall t ~ ke effect. and II be in: full fone. . The fm.pg-oing Ordinance is sigJ14:"!d and Rppro\"ed hy me t.hi~ 8th I day of June. 19.18. I CH.\:':. .\. 1"1-;,\H80:'\ I 1\1a,\"(lr (If lhf! (~it.\. or .\naheim I I I I A.TTEST: ~HARLES E. (;.RI'P"Fr"l'H City Clerk of the City of Anaheim (SEAl.. ) STATE OF CAT.lIF"OBNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAXG'E ') ~.. CITY OF ANAHEDI ) J, Charles E. Oriffith. City Clerk of the (!:1t~. ,..f Anahpim. do hereb)' ! certify that the foregoing Ordin8.1H~p. WA.S tnt.rorlu(:f>.c:1 ~f. R.n ~dj0111'np.d 'I regular meeting of the City Oounl""il of the City of .\na.h~im, hp.ld on the :?5th day of :\[a~'" 19H:. and that. t hp. ~;:I.1l1p. w;~~ f1H:=;~p.'l 311'1 ~dop.t~.4...~t #0,.1 regular me.eUn~ of ~aid City Council held ('111 th~ 8th ,.l::l.~' of June, l~~. 'J::t:-. I thp. followinll: 'ntE'!j:l. . .1. , .A.Y~S: COU~CTL~TE~.:_.PE'.~rs(ln, Yan "'agune)", HeYing and. ~: I NOES . r.OUNCILMEA:". ~onl:'. .f..-t"4. ABSENT: COl:XCILMEN: BOllf~Y. .~.~~ And I further eerttfy t.hA.t thp. Mayor:'tof the C1t~. .(\f .\nahehu.,IJ:_d I and approved ~aid 01.dinan('"~ on thl' 8th day of .June. 19-18. :.l1-..;f.... IN WJTl';'EAS '''VI-I~lR1<~Of' T h... ,.p hl"'rl"'unto :old my hfllld and .afflad the seal ot said City of Anahl:>im f his. 8th it::!). of .JHn~. 1 !I.~~, . f"H .\ n r . T';~ ~:. ..: r: T 1."F fTl-r Cil~' Clerk of the City of Anaheim . (SEAL) Pub. June 12. l!:'U. ") .Il .., I' - ',/' 1 ORDINANCE NO. 727 2 AN ORDINAN~E _~ENDING SECTION 2-9. OF ORDINANOE NO. 853 OF THE ; CITY OF ANAHEIM 3 4 ".~HE CITY ::10tJNCIL qF THE CITY OF ANAHEIJ.!i DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOtfS: 6 SECTICN 1. T~st Section 2-a of Ordinance No. 653 of the City 8 of Aneheim, adnptEid M~.~"r ?6 J 1942 J end enti tIed, "AN OR1:'INANOE CF 7 i-HE CITY (>F ANAHE~M IMPCSI1;G AN !\t\TNUAL LICE~rSE OF DOGS vlITHIN 'l'HE 8 CITY~? ATIAP~IH, PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOUNDING AND DISPOSITION OF 9 DOGS, _~.ND REGuLATING THE KE:1PING OF DOGS ~':ITHIN SAID CITY", be 10 a.nd the sr:~e i.s hEtreby amended to read as follows: 11 SECTION 2 - L~oen8e Fees. 12 ( \ \ 6.. i There is hereby levied. ~n a.nnlJ.al license of il.OO upon 13 every mele dog Jver the age of three months, ~l.OO upon ~4 every spayed female dog over the age of three months, and 15 :~?00 upon every unspayed feTale dog over the 8.ge of three 18 months, ol,qned or ha.rbcred ~'~"1 thi.n the 01 ty of .A.naheim. Every 17 uerscn OW~l~~ .or harboring ~ny dog over the age of three 18 months ~ithin the City of Anaheim shnll ~ay such license fee. 19 The said license fee shell be due and payable on the f1rst 20 dr1'T:," of t-Tul y t:')f every yea.r ~lere~fter, ci1mmencing on July 1,1948 21 Any perEan l1ho f3ils cr nef:'lect8 to rysy the said llcense fee 22 on or before the first dav of A.u~~ust of ea.ch yea..r ~s said 23 li:-enre fee becornes due, shall be d.eemed delinquent under 24 the fi)regoin~~' provisions and shRll pay B 100~ penal ty 25 in ea.dition to the ~)rescribed license fee for 88.1d license. 26 Any perEon who comes into ownership.of or commences to harbor 27 a ciog' aver the age of three !Cionths wi thin the 01 ty of Anaheim 28 ~fter t~e ~iret dsy of July ~f eAch year shall, within thirty 29 d.ays ~.fteT suc~h time, obtEiin a. license a.s herein provided 30 for tria ra/tlainder of the license ;Tear in the full amount, as 31 provided. in thiic section. Any ~erson ~1'ho feils or neglects 32 to '1btr;: in 3 J. ioense ,\.i th:ln the se.id thi rty d.ays, shall be f'ub,ject to the !::;eme oenslty es hereinbefore provided. , -..L- -......... ",#<I. ~.. ..,'.~............ ;._ ~~I........'IIL""'.".. ............~ .,_.... . .......-.. . .~..........; .....__:-.-..~IW...............~~_........... 1 SECTION 2. T~e City Cler~ of the Oity of Anaheim shall 2 certify tc th~ pasFege of this Ordinanoe 2nd cause the ~ame to 3 be ~ublisbed ~n the Anaheim Bulletin, a. da,ily newspaper of 4 ~.:::ener-:.:l c1rcll11atlcn, ;)rinted, lJublished and circulated in the 8 9 10 11 12 13 . 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 6 Jity of Anaheilm, ~.nd trJirty (3C) CtEYS from c,nd a.fter its 8 final pfssage ~it 8hall take effect and be in full force. 7 The fcre[~din!~: Ordin~'Lnce is signed and a})proved by me thie 8th dp.y of ,June , 1948. ~~~~1m ~ .. . . . . - ~ . ~. . v rk~n~m ~ -~'- ................,......:. I............... .~. ~................ .~...""*'_ . .~.-:...... ~_......",.,....~ _.__......._........~..._... __1 9 10 11 12 1 2 STATE CF CALIFORNI~ COUNTY OF ORANGE i OITY OF AlTAHEll( SSe \ I ) ) 3 I, Charles E. Griffith, Oity Olerk of the City of Anaheim, 4: do hereby certify !that the foregoing Ordinance was introduoed B.t e an adjourned regu~ar ~eeting of the 01ty Council of the City of e 118.,. , 1948 , r:;nd that Anaheim, held on tlhe 2'5th dey of 7 the ss.me "r~F': -.)ssseld ~~nd ~dopted '3t e. regula,r meeting of said 01 ty 8 Counci 1.. held on the 8th day of J1II18 194~, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ~OTJNCIL~_!T: Pear_on, Van Wagoner, Be71ng and pao.. "'C\T~N"IL"tt:'N · '. I . 'J .1V1p:1. Rone. ~(' tTNO It ,.}Or : Boney. 13 And. I further :oertify that the l{a.yor of the 01 ty of Anaheim 14 signed ;3nd a.})proved s~id Ordinance on the 8th da'y of JUDe 15 le48 . 18 In ~.:.'rITNESS WHj$EOF I have herev.nto set my hand and affixed 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 the ser-l of said C.1 ty of Ana.heim tt.is 8thday of JUDe , 1948 -~f~~ m "' -.:;J- .. .~.. ~..~...-.... .,:11. .:I....... ,........-..- . ..""..... r ~.. ~: ,,-,,-.. _r... ...................--.:... ....,.............:"O~..!....._,.,........._t."-~...,.~I~.II'!!!~............""'. .lor...~..e.;. ......~........................_ 1-