PC 88-313~ ro ~rs~~,~~,~4~,~~^it~', i t ~ - ~Tl ~ : jt ~f j ~ ,+ RE OL TION N0. PC88-31'~ A RESOLUTTON OF THE ANAHEIM ~ta'Y PLI~NNING COMMISSION ' THAT PETITION FOR CONDFTIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3p93 BE D~NIED I WFiEREA 5 , , the Anaheim Ci~y F~lanning Cornmission did reaezve a var.ified Petition for Conditional 'Use Permit.from HIGHLAND pIpETREE, 1010 East Chestnut 5treet, Santa Ana, CA 92%O1, owner, and MICH~IEL CHOI LEO, 715 Palamine, AnaY~aim, ~A g2gp; , aqent„ for nertain real property situ~s~ed rxi the City of Ar.ai:~im, County of Orange, State of CaliEornia, described as; '".~~~ FARC~L 1: I~ot 16 of ~'ract No. 25:;4, ~s per map rocordec] ir~ Book ~.15 pages 15 and 16 of Misce].J.aneous Maps, in the Office of the Coun~y RQCOrder of sairi County. E~ccept tihe north 130.Q0 Eeet thereof. Also except that ~o•rt.iion thereof lying south of a line that is para11e1 with and 200,00 feet northerly measured at right angles from the cer~terline of Ball Roacl as said centerline is sho~rn on said map. PARCT:L 2 ; The south 200.00 fee't of the we5t `00.00 feet, ;as measured from the centerlines of adjoining streets, of Lot 16 of Trac~ No. 2534, ~S p~r map xgcorded in Book 115 p~ges l~ and 16 of M3.sce1l~neous Maps, i.n the Of£ice ~f the ~uknty :ecor.der af r~id County. PARCEL 3: The south 200 feet of Lot 1(i of Tr~ct ~Io. 2534, as ahown on ~ map xecorded in 1Book 1'15, pages 15 ~ind 16 of Miscellaneous Maps, RQCOrds of Orange Coi~nty, Ct~'~iforn;ia. Excepti the west 200 fe~t thereErom, (s~id clis•Cances being measured from the eenterlinQ of s~reets adjoinir,g). WHEREAS, the City planning CAmmission did hpld a p Che Civic Conter in the City of Az~aheim an November 7, lgggblat Z~3p~~~~rna~ uotice of said pub,xic heari~lg having been duly gi•;en as requirad by 1aw a~nd in accordance with the provisions oE the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence fox• and against said ~ropased conditi~nal use perma.t an~ tu investigate and mak.e fa.ndinys 1nd recommendations in cannoction therewith; ar~d s ~ ~ ^ WHIEREAS, ~sid Commission, after due inspectlon, investigation an@ study made~ by itself a~~1t ~n i.ts beha2£, and atter due consideration oF al1 evi.denr.e and roports off•ered at said hearin~, does find antt detc~rmine the Eollowing facts: l. ThaC the propas~d use is prrperly one far which a conftitional use perr~it is authorixod by Anaheim Municipal Code Seckl.ons 1$.44.050.0'l~ and . Co wit: to pQrmit on-s~-le alcoholic beverages in cor.junetiou r•ith an euclosed restauran~/public 6anc~ hal'1 w~th waivar at the following undor authority c,f Code Section 18.OG.Q80: $E''TIONS 1~~SL,~.Q~~ - ~'~'.~~~~--41~~1k?ex of_8~.r-$.}-+15~Bac:es. 1$.06.Q50_.0?.~~ (~1_`~,SP~_~ requirod; 1.8°OG.4~4~2.~.'~ .~.~.~.Ps~~ proPoaed) an ' ~4_,9~~~4 t.4. ,, ;%'}-~' 2. Thut thc~ requestacl waiver is her~by danied c-n the basia r,hat it could cause an increase in trt~ffic conyestion in the i.mmediake v~cinity t~nd adversely affect any t~djoining land anes; and that the qrant~.riq of tk~o parking waiver will be detsimRn~a1 to thQ peace, t~ealth, snfety ar general welfare of the citizens of the City of AnAheim. 3. That• the granting of the Conditional Use Permit will bo ct~strimental to the peace, hoalth, sufety ~nd ganera]. weifare of the Citizens of tre City of AnaY,eim. 4. T.hat the tre.tfic gQnerated by the pro~osed use will impose nn undue burder- upon tho streots and hiyhways designe3 and improvsd to carry the tra£fic in the area. 5. 'thaL• six persons inrlicated their pre~ence at said public hoarinq ~.n opp~si.tion; and that na correspondence wa:t roceived in opposition ta the s~xk-ject petition. ~AL~~QR~1T~E_~~~~TA ~ AJ~I1'7t AS.~. F~DIN ,: That the Anaheim Ciry P]~a.nning Commisgion l~as revivwed the proposal to par-nit on-s~le alc:oholic Y,everages in conjunction Kith an enclossd restaurant/public dr~nca hall with waivor of minimum numbor of. parking spacos on a rectangularly-shaped parcvl of land con~istia~ of approximately 3.~8 acres located at the ncrtheast eorner of 13a11 Road and Euclfc2 Stree~, having appr.oximate Fruntagos o: 264 feet on the narth side of Ball Road and 623 Eeet on L-he east si~e of Euclid StreeC and turther describad as 916 South Euclid Streets aad Uoes tsereby dony Che Negs~tfve Declaration ~+~-on finding that it has considerRd the Negative Uecl~:r~tion together With any comments received during the public r~•,ri9w process and furthor findinq on the hasis of Lhe initial study and any comrne:s~s received that there is substankial evidence that the project Nill hav~ a aigniEicant effect on the onvironment. ~ w~. „2_ PC88-313 ~, ..x. 111,.~~, I,~.,'. ~ . . . . . . ~, . ~ .. I . ,... . 3 L ) ~~ !'~~~ift~~ 't A ~ ~~~ ~ •: j tV :, , NOW, THER~.MORE, BE IT 1tESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planuin.g `~ Commi.ssion doe,s P~c~reb,y deny sub ject Petit3on fa: Conditiunal Use Permit. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approvt~c~ by me thi~ 7th '~ ~ :' day of NovRmber, igg8. _. , ',~~' ~;-f~'~~,.!_., _ _._~.,. ~'~ CHAIFtWOMAN~ ANA}iEIM CITY PL~INNII~TG COI~fISSION ,~ .~~ s ATTEST: ' 1/ i ~``~ . ' ~ ,~~ ~ . ;r~; . .,. w""" ~ ~`~~"„__.__ SECR~TARY, A2TAHEIM CITY PLl1NNING COMD;ISSION '~~ i~; S'fATE OF CAL:[~'ORNIA ) ~ ' COUNTX OF pR1-NGE ) ss. ~~ CITY Or ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Sacretary of tho AnahRim City ~.Zanning Com.mi~sion, do bereby certi~y that the foxegoiriq resoluLion was passed and : adopted at a mePting of thQ Anaheim City Planning Commission hr~]d on November `' 7. X908, by the follow.ing vnte of the mernbors L-heroot: AYESs COt~SISSIONEBS: EOUAS, ~iOYDSTUN, CARUSILLO, FELDHAUS, HERBST, MC BURNF:Y, MESSE NOES: COI~SISSTON~RSt NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIpNE~tS: NONE ~.~: IN WIT~IGS5 WHEREOF, I have hereu+:Lc, set my hnnd this 7tla day of November, 1988. C:.:_. .'' ! ~% ~¢.~~~ ~.--__ ---~~~. _ S~CRETAI2Y, ANT.FiEIM CITY PLANNZNG`COMMfSSZON '3- PCAB-313 .+ ~~ f.~ ~ . ' ' ~-r a+~"e}~.~ i i ,'q ~ . .~~~ ~...}i~.': _ . _I.' I A1 ~y ; '~!rl ~ :~ .^ cy '.' 4 i(•'.2 ~',~v, : .. . . . ~ . .'~~~ . ~ . ~~'SryrrL,,.,t.... . .. - . . ...~- . .. . ~TI~',~.. :{d~~)~r~.~: